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Old 20-03-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Hi Bros,

I posted this in another thread but think this thread is more suitable since its about LOVE but from a PRC point of view, please dont mind my double posting here

A Letter from a PRC SYT Singer:

当我第一眼看到你的时候,我知道我已经爱上了你。也许你不信世间真的有一见钟情,但是我知道缘 分来了,逃也 逃不掉!

还记得,我们第一次见面的情形。你上身穿一件休闲的体恤衫,下身是一件浅蓝的牛仔裤,头发稍微 有点长,不过 发质很好,走起路来,一甩一甩的。见你的那一刻,我的心“咚咚”的跳个不停!你微笑着和其他的 客人打着招呼 ,就好像你已经熟悉了这里的每个人似的。

而我一个从北方走出来的姑娘,虽然性格开朗、活泼,但是刚来到这人生地不熟的地方,多少都会有 些胆怯。就在 我唱歌的时候,你看到了我,微笑的向我招了招手,我回了你一个同样的微笑!世间也许真的有“缘 ”这种东西。 我们成了同桌。,首先大家互相介绍自己,使我对你有了一个初步的认识。接下来的时间你便兴致勃 勃地和我说话 ,很快我就被你坦荡、幽默的语言感染了,也滔滔不绝的和你聊了起来,第一次见面,我们聊得很投 机。

一个缘字,曾让多少的痴情男女或喜或悲,或惆悵或欢欣。人本来就是比较脆弱的感情动物,缘便是 心底深处的那 份无奈。因为一个缘字,身不由己,我也不例外。

和你在一起的日子,大部分时间都是快乐的,偶尔也会闹点矛盾。这个时候,我采取的措施是不理你 。而每次都是 你沉不住气,陪着笑脸向我说声对不起,之后我们又成了无话不说的好朋友!在我的眼中,你是那样 优秀、完美的 一个男孩,而我是那样普通。我不敢把心底的感受告诉你,因為我怕因此而失去你这样一个朋友。

你和我说过”追求一个人的手法不需要太聪明,但离开的手法必须聪明绝顶!如果你不爱一个人,请放手,好让别 人有机会爱她。如果你爱的人放弃了你,请放开自己,好让自己有机会爱别人 。有的东西你再喜欢也不会属於你的,有的东西你再留恋也注定要放弃的,人生中有许多种爱,但别 让爱成为一种 伤害.有些缘分是注定要失去的,有些缘分是永远都不会有好结果的,爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥 有一个人就一 定要好好的去爱他”。我喜欢这句话。

爱你不是游戏。爱你是真心的。忘记你我做不到。不管我们的解决是否完美。什么是勇气?是哭着要 你爱我,还是 哭着让你离开.男人的自信来自一个女人对他的崇拜,女人的高傲来自一个男人对她的倾慕。也许一 个女子的寂寞 也就是这样的不堪一击。如果一个男人对我伸出手,如果他的手指是热的。他是谁对我其实已经并不 重要。对于男 人,更是如此,如果一个女人在他心里出现,只需要她的身体是炽热的。也许爱情只是因为寂寞,需 要找一个人来 爱,即使没有任何结局。伤口是别人给予的耻辱,自己坚持的幻觉。

像我这样的女人,总是以一个难题的形式出现在感情里。发现自己只能爱一个人在一瞬间。而且渐渐 变的自私。也 许爱情只是因为寂寞,需要找一个人来爱,即使很多人不需要再见,因为是路过而已。爱可以是一瞬 间的事情,也 可以是一辈子的事情。每个人都可以在不同的时间爱上不同的人。不是谁离开了谁就无法生活,遗忘 让我们坚强。 人这样的生物,仔细一看,原来是伤痕累累的。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。

Hope you enjoy reading it and cheers...
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Old 20-03-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Just found this thread and read through almost all the posts. It is really interesting to find cheongsters sharing their life's experiences. Honestly, IT-retard me only found this forums last year but my cheonging began slightly earlier. I also learnt through the hard way. If fellow forumers dont mind me sharing some pointers in preventing yourself to being KC-ed:

1) Never reveal your main contact to them. That being said, means go get a Hi Card or something. Spend abit on some crap phone that can sms and call which is good enough. Why? Come trouble too much for you to handle, cancel the line and all contacts cut. Free yourself instantly. This is of coz, add onto not revealing any address, name cards, etc.

2) Building on point 1, having that separate line means you can concentrate on whichever activties you want at hand. If you are with FL, leave your main phone in car, office. If your with family, the same applies to your spare phone. No danger, no risks. Unless of coz it slipped your mind, that cannot be help la. Fated.

3) Less means more, that is absolutely true, as some senior bros pointed out. Never hint to FL / WL about how rich you are. It means they will step up their KC efforts. Just paint yourself as an average Joe that is hardworking. Afterall, why do you think FL come here at all, its still about money. No matter how tragic their stories are, it is still about $$$$. No $$ no honey initial.

4) Time is money. Sometimes, spending peanuts sum and more time will indirect score points with them. Not to good to say too much but I usually manage to get "freebies" from girls after their working hours, if you get what I mean. Its not as hard as you think so long as you are willing to spend time. Then again, family first, dont harm your family by neglecting them. There are many FLs but only 1 family.

5) Draw a fat bold line around your heart. Almost asking you to be heartless, having some harmless bonk is ok, but if FL's stories starts to trouble you day and night, it is time to go back point 1, cut the line and start afresh.

Simple stuff that gets me going til date. I hope this will not offend anyone. Cheers ^_^
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Old 20-03-2009, 07:27 PM
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Talking Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by Panamera View Post
...A Letter from a PRC SYT Singer:...当我第一眼看到你的时候,我知道我已经爱上了你。也许你不信世间真的有一见钟情,但是 我知道缘分来了,逃也 逃不掉!...遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。...
Wow, simple yet powerful stuff - from a PRC SYT? Very insightful leh...

If you are into music, 王力宏 recently released an album, 心跳, which contains the song, 脚本. Bros out there who are under a KC trap now, may find the lyrics, as someone puts it, 不可思议。。。


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Old 21-03-2009, 12:26 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post
Rule #3: If you find yourself RTF-ing to the extend that it doesn't seems like a commercial bonk anymore...STOP the RTF immediately!
This is by far the best advice so far to avoid falling into KC trap. The more you RTF her, the more you convince yourself she is the right one for you. Kudos to you!
Old 21-03-2009, 12:16 PM
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Talking Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by nomada View Post
This is by far the best advice so far to avoid falling into KC trap. The more you RTF her, the more you convince yourself she is the right one for you. Kudos to you!
That situation has not happened to me yet...

After some time, the bonks become SOP, just like bonking with my CO... that's why we married samsters ended up looking for FLs in the 1st place... Otherwise why look for FLs?!?!?!? Bwahahahahahhahahaha!!!

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Old 24-03-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

U mean u take your CO as a prostitute?
Hey! Dickhead jchongking!! Dont know how to read properly, is it?

Why you often insult people? You have a sad and abusive childhood, is it?
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Old 24-03-2009, 09:32 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by groo View Post
Bro AZ76, until you've decided whether to spend the rest of your life with her or at least during the whole period she's here in Sillypore, I guess "...never dared to ask" is the best place to be...
No point getting into unnecessary messy "situations"...

Yupz.. totally agree.

Now, before people start to wonder. The person is not Li Wei.. she is my 师妹 so no messy issues here with me and her.
如果你不爱一个人,请放手,好让别 人有机会爱她。如果你爱的人放弃了你,请放开自己,好让自己有机会爱别人 。有的东西你再喜欢也不会属於你的,有的东西你再留恋也注定要放弃的,人生中有许多种爱,但别 让爱成为一种 伤害.有些缘分是注定要失去的,有些缘分是永远都不会有好结果的,爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥 有一个人就一 定要好好的去爱他”。我喜欢这句话。

I like this statement. After that msg from XP, it reminded me that though we have not met for one year, we are still concerned about each other and it makes me very happy to know that she is busy at home with her family leaving a normal life that she enjoys

So for the girl who has caused me to waver, I wish the same for her and just hope that we could just remain part of each others life when things allows.
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Old 24-03-2009, 09:56 AM
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Thumbs down Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

U mean u take your CO as a prostitute?
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Old 24-03-2009, 10:18 AM
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Talking Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by aczeta76 View Post
...before people start to wonder. The person is not Li Wei.. she is my 师妹 so no messy issues here with me and her....
She complained you are always so busy, no time for her... so how to be messy?!?!?! Bwahahahahahaha!!!
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Old 24-03-2009, 05:13 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by groo View Post
She complained you are always so busy, no time for her... so how to be messy?!?!?! Bwahahahahahaha!!!
ya ya ya... paisey lah... hengz got loyal LW supporters like you guys to accompany her loh

Juz had this tot when I was damn worried about someone... Since I cannot give her anything, best not to KC her at all...

No point "conquering" her then having to let go and hurting her...爱有时候要放手
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Old 09-05-2009, 10:05 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Hi bro Harvest,

I appreciate that u r sharing some of ur strategies n hope that u would continue.

I realize that ur topic "How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her" is very controversial n a very risky endeavor n may not sit well w/ some senior bros here. However, this being a forum n in the spirit of sharing, u should consider continuing ur instalments...n let's debate the various issues later.
Hi bro Warbird and all, I'm back!

Firstly, many thanks to all bros whom have shown appreciation to my sharing in the past. Yes, this is indeed a very controversial topic that despite my many disclaimers and kind intentions spelt out, my sharings have received its fair share of strong negative feedbacks.

To bros whom have raised your unhappiness that I'm a "bad teacher", and causing "more harm than good" etc thru my sharings... I hear you and I respect your views. This is a public forum everyone is welcome to add their 2 cents' worth. I'm not sure if I've started this thread on the right footing but I'm sure that my intention is not to tempt newbies into this dangerous KC game. I regret if some bros here might have taken offense and thought otherwise.

Anyway, I'm glad that many other bros have also shared their wealth of experiences during my absence while I was busy with work (and KC-ing too...)

Old 10-05-2009, 01:13 PM
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Smile Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by Harvest View Post
Hi bro Warbird and all, I'm back!

................This is a public forum everyone is welcome to add their 2 cents' worth. I'm not sure if I've started this thread on the right footing but I'm sure that my intention is not to tempt newbies into this dangerous KC game. I regret if some bros here might have taken offense and thought otherwise.

Anyway, I'm glad that many other bros have also shared their wealth of experiences during my absence while I was busy with work (and KC-ing too...

Hi bro Harvest,

Welcome back!

I think some bros here may argue that a more fitting title for the thread would hv been "How not to get KC-ed by a WL/FL."

I think very few bros intentionally try to KC a WL/FL bcos it's like playing w/ fire. But many of them do try to KC us to tempt us to RTF more often. Once we kena KC-ed they will use false pretenses to take us to the cleaners. Sometimes we do need to level the playing field.

I look forward to ur further contributions n thoughts on the subject. I hope u n other bros could also share ur experiences n "case studies."

Old 10-05-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

This Title "How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her" got all bros eyes but it only cover the lower half. Disappointed by a good post...what the hell i'm thinking...

Anyway, bros who trying to KC WL/FL, there are some preparations steps here,

1. How is your EQ? The way you control your emotion...If you get high easily...just play and pay then off to another girl cos you will be killed by their GFE.

2. How is your IQ? Take any IQ test you can find online...If your below 140 (max 150)...just play and pay then off to another girl cos average PRC FL IQ above 130, just with your own mind cannot outplay a group of 130s dun u.

3. Always remember...dun KC more than 1.5 months. When you're used to having her by your side, only you can save yourself cos Buddha also cannot save you liao not to mention your friends.
Old 10-05-2009, 11:02 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by ManInCheong View Post
This Title "How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her" got all bros eyes but it only cover the lower half. Disappointed by a good post...what the hell i'm thinking...

Anyway, bros who trying to KC WL/FL, there are some preparations steps here,
1. How is your EQ? The way you control your emotion...If you get high easily...just play and pay then off to another girl cos you will be killed by their GFE.

Bro, as a guide, a person with low EQ gets attracted to FL cos they can't control themselves. Fighting this urge is fight nature.

2. How is your IQ? Take any IQ test you can find online...If your below 140 (max 150)...just play and pay then off to another girl cos average PRC FL IQ above 130, just with your own mind cannot outplay a group of 130s dun u.

This is not an IQ game bro. You're dealing with professionals. You can't ask for their IQ score, hell if they even know it. In the first place, nobody will say like, Ok I got low EQ/IQ so I am not going to KC anybody to get GFE. Low EQ/IQ is precisely the reason why anybody need to have GFE.

3. Always remember...dun KC more than 1.5 months. When you're used to having her by your side, only you can save yourself cos Buddha also cannot save you liao not to mention your friends.

This one fully agree. The KC game is like a fortress under bombardment. Sooner or later you get fucked in the brains. Somemore you'll get fucked so much that you believe you're the one in control and KC-ing her.
Old 11-05-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

lol as i said many time there is no teacher here. whether old bird new bird all same wanna kanna will kanna...

what EQ IQ dont get QQ by ger can liao it does not matter ur EQ / IQ high mean u dont get KC or ur EQ / IQ low meaning u will get Q by the gers...

all voice down one thing. Can afford to get kc or play go ahead n play the game. if u cant then better to fark n f o then slaughter by the gers
Hee Man
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