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Old 31-01-2010, 02:40 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

"....I've fallen in love with you....." sweet that would be.....

Standard protocol for SBF members:
Take out wallet from butt pocket....
flip it open...
insert thumb and index finger into notes compartment....
take condom out...
display it before her eyes....swing it alittle with an expression that says "shall we?"
(must smile, elevate your eyebrows and open your eyes wide wide...)
Why you up me?
Why you zap me also?
Why you so preoccupied with the points?
Why you so like dat?
Old 31-01-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Nice one...will be following this thread

Vauxhall Vectra
Old 31-01-2010, 03:45 AM
Saereht Saereht is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

I love your story.

but i hate the way you hang our neck around longing for more stories.


Faster come back and post more
It only because she was she, and I was I.

Let Everyone be the judge
Old 31-01-2010, 04:37 AM
proevoguy proevoguy is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

TS please continue fast...
Old 31-01-2010, 08:12 AM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

June: "I am afraid I might be too long-winded. You might find it boring. I..."

I think it is you, TS, that is wonder you are in love with her...i think you sex is long happy for you
“Sex is like snow, you never know how many inches you're going to get or how long it will last
Old 31-01-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Nice one TS...I am addicted to this thread.....
Faster come back and post more
Old 31-01-2010, 03:03 PM
NemoZai NemoZai is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

fcuking slow story.... i'm getting bored reading it.... but i am very sure if i was in the story it WILL not be boring.... oh how i miss these kinda falling in love feelings... and i am bloodly sure if TS makes love to June soon it will be super super legs weaken fcuking shoik... alamak... bbbj and raw sex... with feelings of love... then will feel stupid about FLs or Geylang for a while... wahahahaha....
Old 31-01-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Wait until zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
Old 31-01-2010, 04:28 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Bros, I urge your patience for my story. It's kinda inconvenience for me to type the story as my workspace is too near to the pantry. Whenever someone walked pass, I will have to switch the windows tab. Have to be tactical.

Paiseh for the long-winded story. Just wanna share the 95% content with you guys mah. If too much for you guys to read then I might just terminate the story.

Anyway really thanks for the support you guys have shown for the pass 2 weeks. Really appreciate.
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 31-01-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

u have somethin great goin on here so enjoy yourself n ignore the negative comments.
To bad i'm a newbie n i can up your points.
Old 31-01-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post
...It's kinda inconvenience for me to type the story as my workspace is too near to the pantry. Whenever someone walked pass, I will have to switch the windows tab. Have to be tactical...
Bro... Teach U a method which I've been using for years and people thought I'm working...

Open your email client and pretend that you are typing an email. Even if you minimise it, your colleagues will think that the email is confidential and won't probe further. When you have finished typing your story, cut and paste quickly in SBF and 'submit'... Tada...! Your work is published and other think that you are a hardworking chap...

But please please remember you thing... After you've submitted to SBF, please remember to delete and don't leave it in the draft box hor...
Old 31-01-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: Road Accident Encounter


June: "I...discovered that my husband has been cheating on me recently. I am totally disappointed."
Me: "Urr....sorry to hear that. How sure are you?"

June: "My close-friend told me about that. She saw him with a gal recently. Acting rather intimately. holding hands."
Me: "Maybe your friends saw the wrong fellow. Maybe you should not act so rashly."

June: "I trust my close-friend. She can't be wrong. We have known each other for more than 20 years. She knows my husband too."
Me: "hmmmm..beside listening to your friend's discovery, do you have any proof that he is cheating on you?"

June: "I have but I dare not conclude that he is seeing another gal behind me."
Me: "ok...well.....but what are you gonna do?"

June: "I don't know. I am totally lost. My mind is in a blank now....... I.... I am disappointed......I thought he would be nice to me after we got married but.....

(June added)

June: "I used to be a very party animal.....but I changed after knowing him. I stopped all the activity I used to enjoy. I devoted to my family. To him and our daughter. No doubt he can be quite hot -temper at times but he still treat us very well. But things started to change after he found a new job. After 3 months in the job, he started to stay late and many times not around at home. He told me that he has to fly around because of work requirement. I trusted his words...."

I saw tears well-in her eyes.

June: "Because of the frequent late nights, he started neglecting the family. He seldom brought us out for dinner,.. shopping, spending time in the country club, playing golf with me..... but most importantly he seldom talk to us, the two of us."
Me: "Maybe he is really busy at work? Have the 2 of you have a good talk regarding to this problem?"

June: "I have tried to......but he just won't bother. i want the save the relationship. I want our daughter to have a healthy family."

June: "If not for our daughter, I would have leave him without any emotional baggages........"

June weeped. I slanted my shoulder to let her rest on it. She didn't resist. My hands were still with me, supporting my weight behind me. I dare not embraced her until.....

June: "I need a hug.....can I borrowed for awhile?"

Me: "Huuuh?!" Oohhh..." (So I extended my right hand and hug around her right shoulder while she leans on my shoulder.)

June: "Thanks....... "( a soft compliment)

At that point, my body was almost stiff. I dare not make too much movement as I did want to touch any sensitive part of her body and at the same time I just want it that way for as long as possible.

I smell the scent of her womanly.....
Urging towards Higher points benchmark. Need bros and sis support. Will return favour every 24hr.....
Old 31-01-2010, 10:07 PM
fuckerful fuckerful is offline
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Re: Road Accident Encounter

More please....You are really good....
Old 01-02-2010, 01:35 AM
boboi83 boboi83 is offline
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Smile Re: Road Accident Encounter

Originally Posted by urger View Post

June: "I...discovered that my husband has been cheating on me recently. I am totally disappointed."
Me: "Urr....sorry to hear that. How sure are you?"

June: "My close-friend told me about that. She saw him with a gal recently. Acting rather intimately. holding hands."
Me: "Maybe your friends saw the wrong fellow. Maybe you should not act so rashly."

June: "I trust my close-friend. She can't be wrong. We have known each other for more than 20 years. She knows my husband too."
Me: "hmmmm..beside listening to your friend's discovery, do you have any proof that he is cheating on you?"

June: "I have but I dare not conclude that he is seeing another gal behind me."
Me: "ok...well.....but what are you gonna do?"

June: "I don't know. I am totally lost. My mind is in a blank now....... I.... I am disappointed......I thought he would be nice to me after we got married but.....

(June added)

June: "I used to be a very party animal.....but I changed after knowing him. I stopped all the activity I used to enjoy. I devoted to my family. To him and our daughter. No doubt he can be quite hot -temper at times but he still treat us very well. But things started to change after he found a new job. After 3 months in the job, he started to stay late and many times not around at home. He told me that he has to fly around because of work requirement. I trusted his words...."

I saw tears well-in her eyes.

June: "Because of the frequent late nights, he started neglecting the family. He seldom brought us out for dinner,.. shopping, spending time in the country club, playing golf with me..... but most importantly he seldom talk to us, the two of us."
Me: "Maybe he is really busy at work? Have the 2 of you have a good talk regarding to this problem?"

June: "I have tried to......but he just won't bother. i want the save the relationship. I want our daughter to have a healthy family."

June: "If not for our daughter, I would have leave him without any emotional baggages........"

June weeped. I slanted my shoulder to let her rest on it. She didn't resist. My hands were still with me, supporting my weight behind me. I dare not embraced her until.....

June: "I need a hug.....can I borrowed for awhile?"

Me: "Huuuh?!" Oohhh..." (So I extended my right hand and hug around her right shoulder while she leans on my shoulder.)

June: "Thanks....... "( a soft compliment)

At that point, my body was almost stiff. I dare not make too much movement as I did want to touch any sensitive part of her body and at the same time I just want it that way for as long as possible.

I smell the scent of her womanly.....
Bro,MORE PLS............. MORE MORE MORE...........
Old 01-02-2010, 04:15 AM
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Cool Re: Road Accident Encounter

Nice story bro....
...a LOVE story of 2 star-crossed lovers......
Eagerly waiting 4 the next chapter.....

P.S.95% true???...u 1 lucky bastard bro
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