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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Well, I would love to have exclusivity too but since I don't have deep pockets nor want to spend that much time and money... that's the best arrangement I'd ever ask for. But if you know of any PRC syt/milf with good looks and a sexual beast in bed willing to be exclusive for $2 to $3K/mth, let me know ya! Haha, yes I'm a cheapskate but hey, I'm not as rich and established as Bro WB and many other contributors here you know. Got to play within my means. ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Haha, that's right! Fuck more often? Haha, cannot lah, lao liao! ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Please Bro WB, please please please take back your flatteries you have so generously showered upon me for I am but just an insignificant and unworthy little character in your presence. I just hope you are not offended by me hijacking your thread in your absence, haha. I would love to join you this coming Friday, after the last few unsuccessful attempts to meet up, but I'm down with a very nasty flu and have finally succumbed to taking amoxicillin just yesterday. Things are starting to clear up but I'm afraid the OC will have excuse to lock me up after work on Friday! Darn! My investments have taken a nasty beating as well but just like you, I'm also happy to buy in cheap should it go down further. I'll see what my bank(er) has say during tomorrow's FOC lunch talk. Would love to follow you and do business in China but like I said, I'm just a small fry unworthy of your time - if only I have 1-hundreth of your wealth and success... sigh... but I'm working on it ![]() I have read your post on your lucky charm TC and I've always wanted to post but have always forgotten - go for it bro! Superstition or not, there is no harm because I see in you total self-mastery and self-control. And also, what additional gifts/monies you shower on her is insignificant to you and would not dent your pocket. Afterall, you are the resident guru of this thread and you'd be the last person to lose his mind! Great sex between 2 persons is very hard to come by, especially if we are so picky when it comes to pussies. My gal has the nicest pussy I've seen so far - not offensive clitoris that looks like a mini penis (in fact very small and highly sensitive), no fishy smell, very small and neat libia majora like a baby, where to find right? |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
![]() Anyway I dun know any syts or milfs now. Retired liao...
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
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Ths so much for the info. You're a true "old CP hand," hehehe. Only 2 days at the most as I hv to spend a few days in HK n SZ. Cheers! Quote:
Not OK if the gal is 17, it's 18 for commercial sex. Quote:
Guru? I'm more like an armchair general, hehe. You still hv ur mojo! Pls continue to share ur wisdom w/ us. Quote:
Not cheapskate but a value cheongster. I hv come across a no of gals who r asking 3-6 K a month for exclusivity to their pussies, but they want to continue working...it's much harder to ensure their faithfulness. Quote:
C'mon, you're too much...ur compliments leave me speechless. Let's just say that we can learn from each other, ok. Take care of ur flu n rest a few more days. From ur description of ur gal's pussy, I would characterize hers as 极品 。We hv much in common, hehe. All the gals I BY must hv very pretty n high quality pussies...otherwise I'll drop them after a wk, hehehe. Fortunately, I hv very little KC for TC or for any other gals. Quote:
Your statement is what I call axiomatic truth. But getting a WL to fall in love w/ a patron is a tall order. Pls continue to share some of ur trade secrets. Cheers! .................................................. .................................................. ....... Good morning! Are u being "MONOPULATED" by ur GF/OC/mistress/er nai /lover/FB or the KTV gal/singer u just want to ST or a GL legal gal/FL w/ whom u desire more GFE, etc? A guru coins the word MONOPULATION in his recent newsletter. I'll quote him verbatim. Feeling compelled to give a woman what she wants without any regard at all as to whether your needs are being met or not? That's not a relationship, that's "monopulation". WHAT IS "MONOPULATION"? A couple of days ago Emily and I were on a live coaching call. Emily was making a pretty profound point when she busted out mid-sentence with the word "monopulated". She quickly paused to correct herself. Right then I asserted, "Hey wait a minute. Did you mean 'manipulated' or 'monopolized'? Either word would have worked equally well in that context. Indeed. As it turned out, Emily needed not correct herself at all. A new--and deadly accurate, if not exactly scientific--term was born. So what, then, IS "monopulation"? Well, picture this... Boy meets Girl. Boy is instantaneously smitten with Girl, having (once again) been "clouded by beauty-vision". Having pre-approved her on sight, basically, it was all he could do to gather his gonads in a bundle and "ask her out on a date". Half-heartedly, Girl agrees. After all...she might get a free dinner out of the deal, if nothing else. And wouldn't you know it? Once "date night" finally arrives after a couple sleepless nights the dude spent writhing in anticipation, Girl flakes out on him. Errr...I mean, um...he FINALLY gets in front of her. (Yeah, that's it...) Okay, so go figure...Girl actually finds Boy charming, in a nervous sort of way. And best of all (from both of their perspectives, for what it's worth), Boy pretty much plunked down his entire life savings to take Girl to some fancy-pants steakhouse that rhymes, ironically enough, with "Youth's Bliss". Obviously, Girl senses a solid opportunity to have a "nice friend". ...And one who gives her stuff, no less. All the better. And hey, Boy seems to be ALL ABOUT giving her whatever she wants of his own volition. No worries. So....just as sort of an "insurance policy", Girl is sure to turn on the "feminine wiles", presenting herself to be just about as sexy as humanly possible. And thus the cycle begins and continues for days, weeks or even months...depending on how long it takes Boy to finally get over the delusion that he might FINALLY get to kiss her someday. (What, you were expecting MORE? You've got to be kidding.) What happened here? Boy got MONOPULATED by Girl, that's what. Not only did Girl manipulate the boy into giving her exactly what SHE wanted, they had an "exclusive relationship". In this case, that means the "relationship" was "exclusively" about meeting HER needs. Her needs monopolized everyone's attention. Boy didn't get ANYTHING he wanted out of the deal, unless you can somehow include "getting to be seen with a hottie." (And If that qualifies as a balanced relationship where everyone is deserving what they want, then I strongly encourage you to call me for live 1-on-1 coaching RIGHT NOW.) Need another example, just to be sure? OK, here goes. This time, Boy meets Girl as before, but there's a different twist. Boy thinks Girl is "okay", but since he hasn't been seeing much "action" lately, he goes ahead and decides to hang out with her just for the heck of it. Meanwhile, Girl feels her "biological clock" ticking, and is on a mission to find a husband with a quickness. Girl finds Boy to be a "nice" guy. He appears to be good "husband material". And to her utter joy, she can't help but discern during their "first date" that he really isn't finding it so easy to get a girlfriend, for whatever reason. Following logically, Girl guesses that Boy must be pretty desperate for sex. This really couldn't be more to Girl's delight as it plays directly into her favor. Therefore, girl turns up the flirtation and hints just a bit (i.e. just enough) that she could be sexually interested. Boy gets hot under the collar. Girl makes it perfectly clear that she's looking for a "marriage minded" guy and isn't going to "give it up" until she's in a committed relationship. So, of course, guy declares a civil war on himself inside his own head. The battle rages between the "just have sex with her already" faction and the "but dude...she's not exactly what you're looking for, is she?" faction. But the last thing Boy thinks to do is walk away. A week later they're going steady. But five weeks later they're still NOT GOING all the way. Nevertheless, three months later he stumbles into a jewelry store that rhymes with "Jails" and buys a diamond ring...on a payment plan. They have sex. A week later they go ahead and buy a house together. Four more months later, the princess wedding of Girl's dreams happens...because that's how long it took to plan it. Boy wakes up on the second night of the honeymoon in a cold sweat. He wonders how this all happened so fast....or AT ALL, for that matter. She stops having sex with him, except when absolutely necessary. Is it because she senses he really doesn't want to be there? Who knows? But they still have mortgage payments together, and he's still making payments on the ring. You got it...monopulation. With that, there you now have two examples. Now, to be clear--and to obviate the need for some of the e-mails some of you are probably already typing--let me drop two quick notes on you. 1) Monopulation is NOT GENDER SPECIFIC We as guys can monopulate the heck out of women, if we're opportunistic Idiot/Jerks (aka I/Js) and they're as weak-willed and desperate as Boy is above. But this is a newsletter that's primarily written for men, so all of you ladies who are reading this anyway are going to have to keep that in mind for now. Suffice it to say, however, that any man who dangles "relationship" in front of a woman who sees him as Prince Charming just so he can add her to his Booty Call Harem (aka BCH) is a monopulator. And just as importantly... 2) ...all male/female relationships are NOT lousy with monopulation Come on, now. You're talking to a married dating coach here. Of course I believe that men and women can, and should, embark upon healthy relationships together. But solid relationships that last are usually built between two people who are both CHOOSERS, without a CHASER in sight. It's when you have a CHOOSER who has found a "live one" in the form of a CHASER that problems potentially arise. There's a severe risk in that scenario that the chooser may not be able to resist the urge to monopulate the chaser. The simple (but not always easy) solution to ending monopulation forever? Deserve what you want. That always involves being the kind of man who the woman you want is going to want in return. But it ALSO involves being able to SELECT the right kind of woman instead of the wrong one. So enough already about how we can completely starcross our interactions with women by painting ourselves into the monopulation corner, right? ..................................... Be Good, Mr. Guru |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
You are one of the most successful in BY-ing gals here. How can you be a armchair general? ![]() I've had no interest in KC-ing gals anymore since 8 years ago. Probably age has caught up with me and I no longer feel that it is worth the time and effort to go down this route. My view is that it is not much point to BY gals for 3-6K per month and yet allow them to continue working if you have no way of ensuring their faithfulness. In this type of commercial transaction, it is best to pay them less and allow them to work as they please. Getting WLs to fall in love with you is extremely tough to say the least. You need a lot of patience, time and energy in order to peel away their numerous layers of protection before you can get to their core. KTV gals and pub hostesses are easier targets since you can allow them to continue working as long as they are exclusive to you. FLs on the other hand is extremely tough as once they stop working, they lose all their income. People tend to have the mistaken idea that KC-ing WLs is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have to understand that these gals are not here to find bfs or fall in love, they are here specifically to make as much money as they can before returning home. Simply put, if you want them to fall in love with you, then you will have to offer them a proposition that they can't refuse. ![]()
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
![]() orrrrhhh..... i never know ![]() eh ,but then her visa is not for a fuck job right ,it is a student visa or whatever visa ,so cannot say that being paid for "commercial sex" anyway right????? must anyway say that she is letting you fuck her because she LUUUUUV you and you only buying her presents because you luv her too right? ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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I hv some experience in BY-ing, whereas I hv zero experience in KC-ing... Yes, I do get the pussies but it's all due to the fact that I'm not afraid to spend money. Ths for sharing some of ur insights on KC-ing. A proposition they can't refuse? Like promising to marry them? It could work for the younger bros here, hehe. Quote:
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .............. Good morning! Due to my tight schedule, I'll not be able to post for at least 1 wk. Pls continue to post n to share...this is not my thread, it's yours n it's every samster's. Ths n hv a great day! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
To protect the innocent, will pm you on the singer. Kudos to you!! BTW brudders, if u have a few bucks to spare n splash in the Chinatown vicinity for non-budget long, unhurried discreet non-H81 bangs, apart from Hotel Ft Canning, there is also RE! (just beside Landmark Tower - but v v high occupancy so better call ahead), Hotel Scarlet (v sexy/kinky setting n feel, w/ great open air bar/ Med restaurant if your gal / u smoke(s) - quiet and private) n Hotel 1929, New Majestic (v interesting decor), Club Hotel (modernistic feel - just beside the Ministry of ND). Recommend u call ahead as they are often heavily booked. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs - biology sidetrack
Have found that even age is no assurance no fishy or flabby love canal ... that's why I guess it's still better to keep in circulation till the perfect 10 shows up ... if ever ... |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Happy killing........
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Promising to marry them??? Definately a NO GO... ![]() ![]() If people were to ask me now, which is better? By-ing or KC-ing a WL/FL. I would say if you have the money, then BY-ing is a much better option. If you don't have the money or are unwilling to pay market rates for BY-ing a WL/FL, then find yourself a regular WL/FL. You will be able to get good service and probably gfe after a couple of times also. KC-ing WL/FL is not something I recommend doing because the consequences are very dire if you lose your rationality during the period when you are KC-ing the WL/FL or after you have successfully KC-ed the WL/FL.
Up my pts and pm me if you want to exchange pts My personal XXX videos thread in sbf: https://sbfsg.agency/showthread.php?t=1007350 |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs - biology sidetrack
And yes, I’m so used to my gal’s baby-like and odorless pussy that I find it repulsive when I see one with (even ever-so slightly) draping lips and/or protruding clitoris. There can never be a perfect 10, for fussy guys like us anyways – we have to weigh the pros and cons and seek a balance. I used to have a SG FB who is so horny who can be turn on at will (both mentally and getting wet down south), can fxxk at any time, any where (even blow me while I was driving her car), swallows every single drop every single time and does anal. She cum easily – during a morning sexxion, I made her cum 10 times (while I came 3 times). She was tall – 1.70+m and a head of department. Perfect right? The only problem was she has BO down there. She refuses to be painted down there but sometimes when I’m too horny and paint her, she will cum in a few seconds! |
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Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals" | warbird | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 990 | 20-01-2024 11:44 AM |
At wht age r gals most sexually attractive to u? | kurupa | Polls | 24 | 18-06-2006 04:54 PM |