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Old 27-03-2012, 02:31 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by catch78 View Post
-i do not recomend being out in manila at night - only makati i think is safe.

ps - i was pleasantly surprised by the fact that i dnd't have much troble with taxi's - most new taxi's have meters and there are a lot of them around - so i one doesn't go, just let him go an get the next one - i insisted on meter and found it not to difficult to travel that way - but i htink key is daylight hours!
just my 2 cents
Travel in taxi in pasay , pasig , manila , malante area after midnight is pretty safe. i have tried that many times without encounting any problem.
Some taxis will try to reap you off by travelling with a longer route but that's about it. If possible, just as preventive measures, try to take a taxi from a 4 or 5 star Hotel. The bellboy will note down the taxi number.
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Old 27-03-2012, 07:58 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by darkknightrises View Post
Hi bros

On the topic of doing business, is a foreigner allowed to run a food store (cafe, eatery, etc) in the Philippines? I have done some research and it seems that it's not allowed as the commercial regulations are quite protectionist. If any bro knows the way to get around it or if I have been misinformed, please let me know.
Yes, there is restriction and as you have read, I have a phil asawa, so When I am there at the middle of the year, I will apply for the phil's spouse pass, to have longer stay, convert license to phil license and etc etc, that part, my cavit and asawa are doing research for me.

But the main restriction for foreigner to do business in phil, cannot own more than 40% of the share holding and I am sure that there is ways to get around it like in Malaysia, we uses ali baba. Same principle.

Will know what to do when I am there.
Old 27-03-2012, 11:30 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by darkknightrises View Post
Hi bros

On the topic of doing business, is a foreigner allowed to run a food store (cafe, eatery, etc) in the Philippines? I have done some research and it seems that it's not allowed as the commercial regulations are quite protectionist. If any bro knows the way to get around it or if I have been misinformed, please let me know.
Hmmmm.....I recalled during GMA term, there was a programme for foreigners to set up business in Philippines where if he employs more than 10 workers, he is entitled to long term stay permit in Philippines.....does this still apply today under the new government?

Also, how about all those resturants in AC that are owned by Koreans or white guys? How did they get their permit?
Old 28-03-2012, 09:23 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

You need to set up a company with filipino as your partner. You can have a lawyer do this for you. He can prepare the documentation such that this filipino will have no say and also no share in the profits.
Old 28-03-2012, 01:50 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Foreign company doing business in the Philippines

A foreign company may establish a branch office in the Philippines and, as such, may conduct business in the country pursuant to the Corporation Code. After registration in the Philippines, the foreign company shall file a bond with the SEC in the amount of at least One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000). However, R.A. 7042 does not distinguish between a foreign entity which seeks ownership in a Philippine company and a foreign entity which seeks to do business directly in the Philippines. The law covers “a non-Philippine national” who shall “do business . . . or invest in a domestic enterprise up to one hundred percent (100%) of its capital, unless participation of non-Philippine nationals in the enterprise is prohibited or limited to a smaller percentage by existing law and/or under the provisions of this Act.”


So I can set up a company here in Singapore and establish a branch office in the Philippines?

The thing about this is the laws are so unclear and after reading a few web sites, it also seems that the understanding of the laws is different. I just want to open a cafe, that's all!
Old 28-03-2012, 01:59 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by darkknightrises View Post
Hi bros

On the topic of doing business, is a foreigner allowed to run a food store (cafe, eatery, etc) in the Philippines? I have done some research and it seems that it's not allowed as the commercial regulations are quite protectionist. If any bro knows the way to get around it or if I have been misinformed, please let me know.
Most of the businesses in Fields ave / Perimeter / CDC are owned by foreigners...... how did they do it?
Old 28-03-2012, 02:00 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by blursam View Post
Hmmmm.....I recalled during GMA term, there was a programme for foreigners to set up business in Philippines where if he employs more than 10 workers, he is entitled to long term stay permit in Philippines.....does this still apply today under the new government?

Also, how about all those resturants in AC that are owned by Koreans or white guys? How did they get their permit?
AC is Macapagal stronghold........ they are the law there
Old 29-03-2012, 01:05 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

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Mongering on Burgos St Manila March 2012

Its been a while since I've written a report cause I've been out of the mongering scene for a while but finally got a chance to have 3 nights on my own in Manila on my latest trip to the PI. I'm sorry but I've got no naked pics.. I'm pretty useless when it come to remembering there is even such thing as a camera once i get back to my hotel room.. My dick does all the thinking for me.. So anyway here goes..

Day 1
Land in Manila at about 4pm after a flight from Cebu. Check into the Heritage Hotel on EDSA with the plan of going to the EDSA Complex for change. Met a filipina girl Jenny on Date in Asia (DIA) working in Pitstop who seemed liked crazy fun so planned popping in to see her and maybe take her out. She said she liked to have fun with other girls as well so my mind was going crazy about what we would get up to.

Arrive at the manila hotel to check in. Turns out the room i had booked is no longer available so they upgraded me an executive suit!! Score!! Room was huge and the bed was massive so i was pretty happy with this. Thinking how many i could fit in a big bed like that . So i settle in and then decide to txt Jenny from Pitstop and let her know i was in town. Turns out she wasn't working that night because she was sick from to much drinking the night before!! My guess is she was barfined for 2 nights..

So i was a little pissed off by this cause i was looking forward to seeing if she was all talk or if she was as dirty as she made herself out to be??!! Ah well not to worry as there is plenty of more fish. So with this I decide to just head down to Burgos St, the old tried and tested. Hop in a taxi and away i go to see what the night brings..

Head into Rogues Manila bar as this is always a good spot for some 8-10 filipina bargirls. As soon as I get in the door I'm hopped on by a few girls telling me to sit down and get a drink!! Was a bit surprised cause Rogues is normally easy going and they let you get settled but not worry, never worries me when i have lots of female attention. So I'm surround by 4 females all touching me and rubbing me and making feel like the king. Do the usual introductions with everyone of them which kind of gets annoying after you tell each of them your name and where you come from!! Buy a few drinks and get relaxed.. Asked a few times from the waitress if I'd like to buy the girls a drink but i hold off. Once I'm a little looser i tell them that I will buy them all a drink and after that i will pick my favorite and just buy her one after that. I had my eye on one in particular and she seemed very bubbly and a bit fun so after a while i tell the other girls to sling their hook and i just buy my favorite her drink.

Her name was Andrea i think and she was sexy as hell. She was about 5'6 in her heels which is still pretty tall for a filipina and she has a set of tits to die for. Looking back at it now i wish i had taken some pics of her cause she didn't have the average filipina body!! We had a few more drinks and i tell her to get her coat cause she has pulled BF is 1,600PHP which is cheap for Burgos. She goes off to get changed and as I'm sitting there i get a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and standing there is one of my old regulars. She greets with a big smile and hug and a kiss.. We have been meeting up for nearly 3 years now but lost contact after both of us had lost our phones. We have a quick chat and i tell her that i wish i had seen earlier but she said its Okay, go and have some fun hopefully we will see each other again.

So me and Andrea head out to get some food and drinks.. We decide to go into Moulin Rouge which is just across the street and check it out. Its the newest bar on Burgos St and had only opened 3 days before. It used to be called Flamingos and was pretty popular in its day. I was interested to see what it looked like so we tipped in for a drink. Ok this place has changed alright from its Flamingo days. For the people who are familiar with Flamingos it now has a new stage which is more like a catwalk style stage. It looks pretty good to be honest and there are plenty of girls up on the stage also. The girls are doing a choreograph dance which is pretty good to be honest and sexy!! Most of the girls are dressed in very sexy and matching lingerie. They all have stockings and i suppose what you would call a corset with the suspenders!! Total turn on to be honest and in white it just really popped in the dark!! Anyway enough about the cause i started to tip off in a dream there. We just had a drink there before we headed out. On the way out i asked what the Bf was and was told its a staggering 3,900PHP!!!! How can they charge that and only 10 meters away they are charging 1,600PHP?? Doesn't make sense!! We get some food and head to the hotel!!

Once we get back to the hotel it wasn't long before i was ripping this girls clothes of.. I had to see this body naked and i was not disappointed. Her tits were fucking great.. A little more than handful which in my mind is never to much!! We get a shower together and have a little play around before we go back to the room.. She starts by giving me a nice BBBJ. Nothing out of this world but i'll take it. After a bit of this i'm busting to get on top of her and get a hold of these tits in my mouth!! I play around them for a while before going further south for a little taste. Her hips are grinding a bit and then she begs me to fucker her!! Well what is a guy to do??!! I have to oblige of course.. Pop the rubber on and my cock slides in nice and slowly. She is well lubed up from her juices and although she is tight i have no problem getting in deep after a few thrusts.. I'm really turned on by this chick and she is also really up for it.. We are fucking for about 30 minutes in so many positions and she is not afraid to get a little vocal which i love.. One big fucking problem here!! I cant fucking cum!! As turned on as i am i just cant bust a nut and its starting to become a challenge to both of us!! Put her into my tried and tested doggie style and go at her pretty much like a dog, but to no avail.. She even tries to give me a sloppy BBBJ but that is getting us nowhere.. We collapse in a heap and just put it down to the drink!! Time to get some sleep i think cause its bright outside!!

Wake up the next morning in the spooning position to her grinding against my cock and it not long and I'm standing at full mast again and ready to go. Feeling a little groggy to be honest but its not long before i shake that off and we are going at it again. As were in the missionary position she is staring into my eyes and she she whispers "i'm not leaving here until you cum".. Well fuck me pink cause as the words come out of her mouth I'm already feeling like im about to burst!! We go at it for about 10 minutes in a few positions and then while she is on top of me i have her tits in mouth and i can feel it.. Its about to explode!! I tell her I'm about to cum and she starts to whisper in my ear "cum for me baby, cum for me".. HEAVEN has arrived.. The floodgates open and im finally there.. Thank fuck for that cause if i had go through another dose of blue balls i think i would have cried..

We lay there for a about 15 minutes as she plays with my cock giving me little kisses on the cheek and licking my ear.. As much as i want to go again i decide to get up and get a cold shower cause i have to head to Makati that afternoon to the Etihad office to fix my flights for going home.
So she heads home and I just lay there on the bed looking at the ceiling with a smile going over the what had just happened in the 12 hours!!

Old 02-04-2012, 03:12 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Going to stay Manila on 21 April to stay 1 night before going Boracay for a week. Any brother want to join up? I thinking of going Condo viewing if possible. hehe
Old 02-04-2012, 08:28 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

manilaboy: is that your first time in Boracay ?

Well, view Condos, but, be careful in committing
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Old 02-04-2012, 12:29 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Ya first time to Boracay. Will be bringing my gf as a birthday holiday for her.

I won't commit if I have no $$$ with me. There is a few project I like but I find the rate/sqm is freaking high. Some condo at BGC Taguig is even more expensive than the project in Tanjong Pagar!!!!!

I be looking at place like Sucat, Alabang where it is cheaper to buy to stay as long it is near my gf place in Taguig. Also must have no FLOOD if typhoon come =p

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
manilaboy: is that your first time in Boracay ?

Well, view Condos, but, be careful in committing
Old 03-04-2012, 08:56 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

manilaboy2007: No offense. I meant, there are a dozen agents hawking the same property and each claiming they are exclusive .. haha ..

Look at Mandaluyong also .. a lot of properties coming up .. wiht not many buyers ..
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Old 03-04-2012, 05:30 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
manilaboy2007: No offense. I meant, there are a dozen agents hawking the same property and each claiming they are exclusive .. haha ..

Look at Mandaluyong also .. a lot of properties coming up .. wiht not many buyers ..
That the problem man. There are so many website on the internet of the same condo I interested and I have no freaking idea who to go. I don't trust pinoy let alone a pretty pinoy agent. LOL!
Old 04-04-2012, 01:28 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
That the problem man. There are so many website on the internet of the same condo I interested and I have no freaking idea who to go. I don't trust pinoy let alone a pretty pinoy agent. LOL!
and it only makes it worse, when the property developers tend to engage multiple agents, and each of them have the logo of the developer in their name cards

Want a clue ? go for the one who's agents are happy to 'fulfil' you

Know one person, who got a unit at the Beacon, with a weekend getaway with the agent thrown in no, it wasnt me .. haha
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Old 04-04-2012, 08:23 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
and it only makes it worse, when the property developers tend to engage multiple agents, and each of them have the logo of the developer in their name cards

Want a clue ? go for the one who's agents are happy to 'fulfil' you

Know one person, who got a unit at the Beacon, with a weekend getaway with the agent thrown in no, it wasnt me .. haha
I just happen to know 2 young girls who work for a property company who are pretty but not sure if I will get extra if I get a unit from them or not. kekeke
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