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Old 02-09-2009, 10:13 PM
sgboy2010 sgboy2010 is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

your story is damn juicy and wait for the next espiode.
Dont let us wait so loooong
Old 02-09-2009, 10:36 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

thumb up! good story .. camping for more...
Old 03-09-2009, 02:24 PM
Hollow man Hollow man is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Originally Posted by bberry View Post
ignore fl saviour la, i bring the maid thhat im fxxking, at least 5/10...i ask her to suck you till you cum lor
Bro bberry, 5/10........ errrrrr.......... Ok lah better than nothing, can cum can liao, kumsia kumsia, wahahaha.

Bro jchboy, 1 shot on the way when can my next shot cum, kumsia kumsia huh, wahahaha.
Old 03-09-2009, 03:02 PM
Taihao Taihao is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Fascinating update. Thanks and please carry on soon.
Old 03-09-2009, 06:27 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

The weekend finally came. I was lounging in the living room reading the papers when Susan emerged from our bedroom. She was dressed simply in a white tanktop and a denim skirt. Simple but sexy. As I looked at her, I wondered how we could still be living together and sleeping together on the same bed after what happened, but that’s a story for another day. ‘Bye dear’ she mumbled, ‘going out with my sec school friends’. ‘Have fun’, I replied indifferently, but already bursting to find out where exactly she was going.

Once she left, I gave her a 20 min headstart before tracking her on the GPS. To my horror, she was heading west on the PIE, towards the industrial estate where the guards worked! I immediately got in my car and drove off as well, keeping as eye on the GPS. I was hoping that Susan was perhaps going somewhere else, but that hope died when her car exited at the expressway exit leading to the industrial area. There was absolutely no reason anyone would go there on a weekend, since there was no residential or commercial areas. As I drove down the expressway, I was forced to admit Susan was going back to the guards to get fucked repeatedly, but from the intercepted SMS I could detect no sign of blackmail. Was she going back on her own free will? I shuddered at the thought.

I finally arrived at the building. According to the GPS, Susan had already been here for 20 minutes. I got off the car and made my way to the guards room slowly, making sure that there was no one around. The place was totally silent, so silent that I could hear the rapid beating of my heart in anticipation of what I was going to see. As I approached the guards room, I could hear faint voices…

As I got closer, the voices became recognizable, it was Susan, and her words and the other sounds that were becoming audible left no doubt as to what was going on.

‘Oh…oh…yes…oh my god fuck me harder…ah….ah…’

‘your cheebye…as tight as ever…wah lan buay tahan liao…’

‘Come change position…let me be on top…’

‘wah lan girl don’t so fierce leh, we three old liao leh’

‘oh yes so good…much bigger then John’s…ohhh….fuck…’

All these words, I listened to with a heavy heart with the ‘piak piak’ sounds of fucking clearly audible. Still, curiosity got the better of me, and I crept around the building till I found it, a small grimy window that I accessed with the help of a stool I found that allowed me to peek into the room.
Old 03-09-2009, 09:13 PM
Doni123 Doni123 is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

I dun believe it Susan so horny.
Old 04-09-2009, 03:38 PM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

TS said before this is a fantasy story .... so it is up to TS to create a story and let the bros here enjoy.

TS, me camping here for more .....
Old 04-09-2009, 05:36 PM
lame-ah-pek lame-ah-pek is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

You are an incredible story teller.
Very addictive.
Old 05-09-2009, 09:31 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Through the grimy window, my sight was partly obscured but I could still see Alan sitting on the sofa with Susan bouncing up and down on him. Her back was facing him and his pudgy hands were cupping her buttocks guiding her every thrust. Vikram was standing on the sofa beside them, and his hands were clutching my wife’s hair as he guided her mouth on his long cock. Ganesh, the most voyeuristic of the three, was fiddling with a video camera set up on a tripod. Mustering up my courage, I wiped a little of the dirt off so that I could see better. What I saw shocked but aroused me, Susan was being fucked by Alan, but her pussy was gapingly empty! She was being sodomized and from the looks of things liking it!

I had always wanted to try anal with Susan, and tried many means of convincing her to do it, but she never gave in. But somehow these three men had their way with her. She might have been forced into it as first, but she was thoroughly enjoying it now.

‘Oh yeah uncle alan fuck my ass!’

‘your ka ching even tighter then your cheebye, uncle want to come liao’

‘Don’t come inside…oh…I want you to come all over my face and mouth…oh…’

‘oh my god…I’m such a slut for cocks…Ganesh you ok already?’

‘yup ok liao…your pussy ready anot?’

And, to my horror, Ganesh stepped between Susan’s wide spread legs and plunged his cock in one stroke into her wet pussy. My wife now had three cocks violating all her orifices simultaneously, and from the thrusts of her hips to the way she was greedily moaning and sucking on Vikram’s cock, I knew she was a willing participant.
Old 05-09-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

great posts TS!!

keep up e gd wk!
Old 05-09-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Bro jchboy, pcc half way want to cum again liao you stop, BTH liao leh, please cum fast fast huh, kumsia.
Old 05-09-2009, 11:52 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

How about throwing in some S & M too with you all tied and strung up and forced to watch the action unfolding.

My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 06-09-2009, 06:17 AM
jchboy jchboy is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

Over the next hour, I watched my sweet wife repeatedly fucked in all three holes by the security guards. I watched as she took cocks simultaneously in her vagina and ass like the most seasoned pornstar. I watched as she came repeatedly from the rough fucking she was taking, and came even as the guards dumped their creamy loads in deep in her fertile pussy and ass. Finally, I watched as the three guards sat in a row on the sofa, and my wife taking turns to satisfy each of them with her pussy, ass, or mouth. I left as Susan was gently licking Ganesh’s cock head after having such swallowed his second load, having already done so with Alan and Vikram. The image of her dainty hands, with the engagement and wedding ring sparkling on them as they lovingly caressed Ganesh’s big dark cock stayed in my mind for the rest of the journey home. When I got home, I masturbated, and waited, like an unsuspecting fool, for my wife to return from being fucked.
Old 06-09-2009, 06:18 AM
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

[Special update: Short interview with Ganesh, but pardon the English if it’s too good for a guard]

Hello. My name is Ganesh. I’m 45 this year, and I work as a security guard with Vikram and Alan. Vikram is 42, a distant cousin of mine, and Alan is 44, we grew up in the same kampong together. The three of us grew up together, went to school together, NS altogether, even lost our virginity at Geylang together. We’ve been working together at XXXXX building as security for the past ten years. When the building decided to upgrade its old security system, we kao bei kao bu to our boss. Say we already old, then need to learn how to use all the fancy recording equipment, how can? But of course our boss ignored us, and we had to learn how to operate all that high tech stuff. Little did we know what a pleasant surprise that would net us…

It all started one Sunday, when Alan told me, ‘eh bro, come see this’ On the screen, a couple was wandering around the premises. ‘want to go ask them what the fuck they are doing here?’ ‘wait awhile lah. Observe first’ We watched as the couple finally found what they were looking for, the handicapped toilet, and as the moans started Vikram exclaimed ‘wah lan they fucking inside ah?’ When they re-emerged later, there was no doubt. Both of them looked shagged out, and their clothes looked like they had been hastily worn.

I suppose I should describe the couple. The husband looked like a typical yuppie, late twenties early thirties, probably a high flier at a bank or something. Looking at him, I wouldn’t have suspected him to be the kind of guy who would be sexually adventurous, but Alan said the guy had the chiongster look. As far as I know Alan was right, he was surprising acute about such things.

The wife was, for lack of a better phrase, fucking hot. We all had our eyes glued on her. She was petite, the husband was only average height and she came up to only his shoulder. Slightly permed long hair, fair skin, and a sweet pretty face. We were surprised when we learned she was 27 later, at first we thought she was in her early twenties. Her figure was va va voom for such a petite girl. Curvy hips and fairly large breasts. It was a large B/small C, but because of her size it looked much bigger. Luckily, Vikram had pressed the record button so we could observe the girl more. ‘wah lan eh she is chio man…’ bro Alan said. ‘yah so what. You where got chance liao. Kuay also don’t want you haha’ Vikram laughed. As I watched them leave, I had a feeling they would return, and a plan began to form in my head…
Old 06-09-2009, 07:26 AM
lychee-martini lychee-martini is offline
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Re: My wife blackmailed and fucked by security guards

I am mentally scarred for life! The revolting vision has been etched in my mind. The fair and exquisite must never be tainted and defiled by the vile and depraved!

Men and their outrageous fantasies...... If the guards were just normal men, it'd be perfectly acceptable.

But anyways, really good writing- definitely one of the best. 20 years of English education do nothing whatsoever for most Singaporeans... but like myself, you break convention! Welcome to the club!


Cheers! Please continue.
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Through a
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