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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-07-2012, 07:58 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

bro can share ctc?
Old 14-07-2012, 09:33 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

After she left the room, I dont feel fun at all because she was too willing to offer sex. I wanted more apprehensiveness and moral conflict within her mind- whether it is right to have sex with ''people of lower intellect''.

When she came back, she stripped too quickly( her sleeveless dress and panties off together, her bra was unhooked at faster speed..)

She stood before me who is lying on bed, her C-cup breasts with light brownish pink areola was appealing to me.

She hold my head, saying ''you want to drink milk, come...'' and she guided my face towards her C-cup breast and I lick , lick ,and suck her nipple..she said and she caressed my already harden cock..

She then gave me catbath, and later went southwards , capped my cock with cd and gave me BJ..Then she spread my legs wide and slurping my balls..

Then she gave me wild cowgal....her face was sluttish as if she enjoyed sex..

Till I cummed..

(I prefer reluctant cowgal as if she was blackmailed into sex..Such act must be slow as if she was in moral conflict, ..just like japanese teacher being forced to do cowgal with her blackmailer (a student.)

(First visit to this beauty boutique was better because Malaysian Chinese gal was full of reluctance, and moral conflict ensured till her desire to earn $$$ led to sex with reluctance- slow cowgal motion..)

Then she bathed and then wear clothes, and help me up, and led me to shower room.
When I came out, she dried me and help me wear clothing and she stood next to me , expecting me to give $$$. after I give $$$, she happily told me to look for her again..her name is _______y

Not so good experience...

Wat next ? another place of liar which is supposed to be 'aerobatic centre'...
Wait for my FR with 'aerobatic instructress''
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 15-07-2012, 09:24 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Off Topics:

Fantasy scenario:
I went to posh facial therapy centre located in southern part of Singapore.
It is not exactly a faical therapy centre but a classy spa with buffet spread (same as those in Johore..)

I walked clusmily as I entered the premise at 10.30 am. 3 pretty receptionists dressed in suit , look at me in this way.

One asked" may I help you?"

I show her my phone msg- I wanted a facial therapy. I would like Moon to serve me".
(she resembled 90 % Moon Lee, the HK action star.)

3 looked at each other, wondering whether they should accept my patronage.
They know that there is no such thing as facial but only massage and special service offered.

One decided to go to office behind , and lady boss came out, attending to me.
I showed her msg.

She looked at me, then took a pen and paper and wrote" it is your first time? how do you know about Moon?'
I wrote, '' Uncle Chaffeur is a regular here . he recommend to me''

Lady boss: '' oh? ur uncle chaffeur work for your family? how long do you want your facial therapy? 45 mins? 1 hour?"

I: 1 hour.

She: 1 hour = $90. you got money?

I produced numerous $50 notes out of pocket and handed two.

She took me $100 and asked one gal to process receipts and change.

Another two had reserved feelings about clusmily deaf lad, because they know that it was not right for such people to come here and get cheated..

Boss then took me to dressing rooms, and asked uncle to attend me ( he was bemused that disabled lad come here.. Wondering which gal would attend me..)

After I showered in room and sat in hot and cold pool. and relax ...(Much to amusement to that uncle.)

Moon arrived at her workplace, greeting receptionists. A receptionist told her someone had booked her and he was some kind of retarded. Then boss appeared , told her to come to her office.

Moon was bemused when she was told that she was to serve disabled lad from wealthy family. As a matter of principle, she was to serve anybody who had book her, regardless of nationalities, etc. Boss then told her to act according to circumstance.

When Moon was ready, the uncle was notified and he ushered me to Room 1, nearest to reception counter.

Moon looking perturbed and bemused.. as she entered room 1.
I was sitting in facial bed , dressed in kimono and short.
Moon gestured that I took a bath.

I typed msg on phone: I bath already at the shower lounge.

She then type msg on her phone amid bemushment: yes, you have to bath one more time before session began.

I then undressed , showing my large hardened cock.( why? I already know about sex service and dreamt of bonking MOON LEE lookalike..)

She then help me to shower room, and sat on chair , chatting on phone. She was updating her encounter to her boss.

She watching me washing my cock head with soap very thoroughly (the door is transparent glass..) (I expected BBBJ from her.)

Then she watched me washing my arse with soap and my hand grind thru the crack of the arse..3 times. (I expected AR from her.)

When I came out, she offered to dry my body with towel. Then she dried my cock as she kneeled .. Then she looked at my face. (my face look lustful)
She then flashed smile.. Then she help me lied down on my back.

And began massage , she was pounding my back softly as she was full of distactions. after a few minute massage, she asked me to sit up..

and type msg on her phone:how do you know about me?
Me typed back: Uncle chaffeur told me about you. saying you look like my auntie.

Moon bemused when she read my msg. And typed back" I look like your auntie? uncle chaffeur work for your family? what is your house look like?

I typed" yes, you look like my auntie , uncle chaffeur drive car for daddy to his work. My house is 2 sty bungalow."

Moon then see me as young master from wealthy family. She typed '' how old are you? how much did your daddy give you every month?

I reply: 17 . $2000.

Moon was disturbed that I was a minor. She was in deep distress whether she wanted to offer sex service to such pple??

Finally she wanted to earn money from customers. She was little envious that this boy was from wealthy family whereas her family was poor, she need to pay hospital fee for her ailing mother.

She typed ' want special?"

Me : special ? you mean facial?

I grinned and nodded like mentally retarded.
Her mind think and her eyes look at me like that.'' so, this boy was also of lower IQ. should she offer special?

Her mind was racing as she tried hard to come to decision.. Should she offer special? YES or NO?

Finally, she asked ''got money? how much you have in your pocket?"

I think in a bemusing manner ( similar to mentally disabled person.) then typed" $300 in my pocket."

She then asked for $150. I typed my money was in locker..

She typed then go and take money and passed to me.

She warped towel around my waist and led me out..
The receptionist and towkay neo saw that and assumed that Moon would not serve me. She went to counter feeling uneasy..
She told everything. and then asked for condom.
They were bemused that she wanted to have sex with rich but multiple-disabled youth who take her for his aunt.
Nevertheless, boss was impressed by her professionalism and handed her condom.

( continued later..I cannot help laughing and my cock hardened as the thought of MOON LEE.. Need to bath and go out , will continue tonight .. Pls feeback if you dont want such fantasy scenario between disabled boy and HC gal in a place of liar..I will know your feedback via my Iphone.Thanks.)
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 15-07-2012, 10:28 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Went to my regular favourite, a clinic after trying in vain to search for aerobic therapy centre which is supposedly given to me by one bro ,but I cannot find everywhere.

I went to the room after paying for 45 mins. I waited in nude after bathing..

Knock ,knock... A nurse came in.. Wow! she look young and got gold dyed hair and got tattoo on the arms. She look like Japanese ah lian to me.

She gave massage ( lousy and short one.) (her moive is to have sex for $100)

After short massage but no sensual massage, she asked me 'can we have sex for $100?' wow! so direct..

I : what about $50?

She: no...

I: ok...( feeling relieved that I get FJ from this slim ahlian despite my 'spascity'

She went out to take condom.

After that she returned, and stood close to me, staring at me as she tied her hair, I squeezed her breasts and she flash a smile.. and I then unzipped her nurse uniform and it reveal a black bra..I squeezed the cups with both hands..
Then she removed her uniform and reveal more tattoo..
One show her name engraved on her stomach..
Wow! yakuza ah lian..I really scared.

Then she removed her black see thru thong and began catbath.. I watch the mirror.. I saw naked delinquent gal dominating me..( I think of the lesbian movie where young school gal with gold dye hair dominating her stepmother..)

Then she move southwards, capping my cd and began BJ..

I watch the mirror again ,feeling hornily.After that she began cowgal without any misgiving, she dont care whether I am intellectual disabled or not..She want to do for $$$$

I cummed and she removed cd and put towel on my cock and went to bath..
After that she come out and signal me to go and bath..

After dressing , she went out and dispose cd and began to make new bed ,I dressed up, she was standing next to me , expecting me to give her fee.

After collecting fee, she told me her callsign is T____ , not same as her name engraved on her stomach.( C________)

Then I went for movie..

As for 2nd segment of "fantasy sex in a fictious place of liar''
will continue later as I am tired ..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 16-07-2012, 06:54 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Continued ... (fantasy sex in a high end facial joint..)

As I went to the locker room, that uncle look at me ,thinking the session ended early because gal was put off by my 'disability'. He saw me took out $150, and locked the locker and walked back to the room, he was bemused.

Moon was in the room waiting for me..I typed my phone" facial session ready?"

She gestured money first..
I paid her $150. She then typed msg amid her uneasiness saying ''l like to make love with you...'

She then removed my towel and stared at my cock ..hardened and ready for her..

Then she removed her white uniform and pants.. revealing her red bra and panties. My instinct was to fondle her cups and squeeze ,squeeze..
And then she removed her lingerie as she smiled at me..
She gestured to me, i lied on my back..and she perform sensual massage...then lift my bottom upwards, and my legs was in kneeling position..
she caressing my cock and she lick my buttocks.. And then she spreading my buttock wide and began to ass rim..

After a while, she asked me to turn around and wiping her mouth.. and look at my face. she later look abit reluctant because of my disablity , not of legal age, and the possiblity that I might rape my aunt.. Other side told her ''never mind, you have taken his $150 and must continue, look at him, is he capable of forcing himself on women?'

Then she gave me catbath ,slow and hestitant kind. and her hand reach my cock and play with it..
Then she looked at me smiled unwillingly and stared at my cock and push my foreskin back and lick my cockhead, then she look at me, ( my face look lustful,she was abit reluctant, because I took her as my aunt ..In reality, I was feeling happy that MOON LEE sucking my cock, reluctantly as if she was forced to suck cock..)

Then she shut her eyes and perform BBBJ...

After a while, she capped my cock with cd and want on top, bonking me cowgal.. she was slow in speed as she was abit reluctant.... Her facial expression was that of gulit and shame.. ( she was bonking disable minor who take her for a auntie...) her face keep swaying as she moan and shut her eyes , trying her best to perform , keeping her guilt feeling out ..
(Just like blackmailed teacher who was forced to have sex )

Then later, she decide I doggie her.. she turn around .... her face covered as I doggie her..

Then I cummed and she clean me up and went to bath..After bath she come out and asked me to bath..
She dressed up ..and I later came out and dried my body and dressed up..
She typed msg,saying'' thank for coming.'

I smiled and walked out of the room..

(I will later go to place of liar next time , asking receptionist for that particular gal to serve me...I wonder how will receptionist react when she saw mentally disabled who cannot speak, know the gal name ..)
Pls dont up my points anymore
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Old 16-07-2012, 01:19 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Wah bro ang076, your FRs really can induce hard-ons leh…damn steam sia. Always enjoyed reading your posts. Buay tahan!…I think I need to make another visit to a “place of liars” for some rubba rubba-cum-release soon.
Old 16-07-2012, 01:23 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Undertook another “liaison mission” at the “place of darkness” recently. My ninja girl very cheeky… hands still all over me as she accompanied me out of the room after our “sparring”. And then hor… something happened in the next two minutes that gave the term “place of darkness” a whole new meaning.

As we walk out along the corridor towards the exit, this abominable monstrosity loomed before me in the opposite direction…. casting a long shadow on the corridor path right in front of me. Even with my recce trooper eyes, I cannot confirm the gender at first glance. Damn farking sinister…

Then I saw the kimono outfit she’s wearing, so must be ML there. But she’s far from my sexually nimble & nubile ninja girl, this monstrosity machiam like a gangly & gargantuan gladiator deh!!! Her fats and flabs were like threatening to burst out of her outfit like an uncooked and disintegrating bak-chang (i.e. Chinese glutinous rice dumplings)! And worse, her arms are so muscular...look like she can kill an elephant with her bare hands sia! To cap it all, she resembles a HE!!! Just one look ah… my cock shrivelled and balls shrank liao.

After that monstrosity walked past us, I raised my eyebrows, gave my ninja girl the dreaded look and covered my mouth in horror. She knew what I was getting at…so she grabbed my balls, gave it a good squeeze and cheekily told me dun be mean to her colleague.

But my ninja girl was also trying very hard not to laugh at my reaction. I whispered to her…I cannot imagine what that monstrosity would do to me if I let her massage me. KNN, confirm break every bone in my body, maybe even take perverted pleasure in shoving some facial equipment up my delicate ass….must put ambulance on stand-by one. Even if I survive the ordeal, I would probably be banging the door screaming to be let out… and then go IMH for treatment after that.

My ninja girl buay tahan…laughed out loud after that. Then I put a finger to her lips (upper not the lower one) told her to squeeze my family jewels some more…begged her to give me a hard on to forget what I just saw. Hahaha! Thankfully she obliged….still kiss my face and neck while doing it. Me took the chance to squeeze her boobies & butt!

Then a few seconds later we realised we’re along the corridors, not in the room! Lucky no one walked past or saw us…I hope. But damn kinky and shiok! Then we pretended nothing happened and continued walking out, me with my hard on… and still sniggering away.

Anyway, I found out the abominable monstrosity’s callsign!! But please don’t get me wrong…I don’t have anything against her personally nor can I speak for her massage skills or service. Just that I do not wish to be assigned to her… and I thought I should give bros the alert.

Bros who already know this joint can PM me for her callsign if you’re keen to know….whether is it they wish to take on the “abominable monstrosity challenge” or just to take note and be safe. This is especially so for those bros who don’t make advance bookings and often depend on the recep to assign MLs. Anyway, I have also noticed that there’s a pretty wide variance in the quality of the girls at this joint, so I must always ensure that I book my preferred sparring partner before I head down.

Last edited by GR888; 16-07-2012 at 01:42 PM.
Old 16-07-2012, 10:19 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Maybe that hulk ninja was to serve angmoh?

When I first visit this ninja den, the gal who serve me was MILF looking called T___y.

Will try to ask for man eater ninja next time..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 17-07-2012, 01:22 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

You said it bro ang076… I was told that hulk ninja can do a lot of pattern one. Think she must have regulars who enjoy fetishes with big masculine looking women lor.

Anyway, my spine froze and images of my cheonging life flashed past me the moment she came into my line of sight. Damn, I’m still getting shivers at the thought of it!

I think I know the ML you got on your maiden trip to the “Place of Darkness”…that one is the oddball ninja. Quite off beat type and got some pimples on her face one. A couple of bros found her rather weird deh.

Sent you more info via PM liao!
Old 22-07-2012, 03:20 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Rather consumed fighting off an ML’s kum cheng (KC) trap on me in the last few days. See bey jialat…think I overplayed my hand & bitten off more than I could chew. Literally smeared shit on myself…no busy cleaning off.

Thought I’d post my experience here since the ML works in one the “place of liars” that I frequent. Got to know this ML recently and RTFed her twice now. Then she started getting close and clingy, calling me everyday and messaging me rather too often. I hate it when MLs try to upset the status quo and turn a mutually beneficial fark arrangement into a relationship premised on emotions.

Instead of writing in prose and paragraphs, my experience sharing will take a more poetic form this time. Unfortunately, a chao cheebye farker newbie copied chunks from one of my earlier FRs and passed off as his own when he started his own thread. So I thought perhaps poems might help mitigate more copying risks for now.

So here goes…. Hope the rhyming pattern flows. Me newbie in this…first attempt writing limericks….and literature was never my strong subject in school.

ML’s KC Trap to GR888...
(Farking emotional, aimed at cultivating sympathy and pulling heart strings…KNN, has all the features of a typical KC trap.)

I just want love between us
Yet you must kick a big fuss
That has left me feeling blue
Please please tell me what to do?

I fark the men, I dun feel happy
Just for the money I make it snappy
But with you it’s slow and easy
Give you all my love and GFE

You want AR, CIM and swallow
Which of these I didn’t follow?
You doggie me you feel damn shiok
I cum liao & give you the horny look

I know you are a serial cheongster
And I like you farking me like a monster
But when action over you just bohew
Dunno why you make it so obvious & real

I beg you take me out of this line
You know it’s always on my mind
You have the means to help me quit
But dunno why you won’t do it

You just want me for a fark deal
And sadly, this is how I feel
You turn away when I reach out my hand
Putting me on my wit’s end

Help me spread my wings and let me fly
I want to forget the days gone by
It’s painful working here to say the least
It’s a chapter in my life I will not miss

I really cannot let things be
what more can I do to make you see?
The days we have known each other may be few
But GR888…I really love you!

GR888’s #%!^@* Response….
(Heartless and cold, dismissive and bold…but only after much thinking….have to admit I almost fell into the trap at one stage, but eventually big head rule over small head….and I woke up blardy my idea. Heng ah!)

KNN you fark too much or are you just too free?
Why you keep coming to bother me?
We agree just to have sex & fun
But go separate ways in the setting sun.

ML ah ML, why you so like that?
I only want to fark and forget
Instead, you lay me this KC trap
See already I sure go mad!

Yes I like your face, body & booty
Your shapely boobies make me ever so horny
Play your wet pussy my bro will stand
If not how to call myself a man?

First time see you, you see bey chio
So fark already…RTF to beo
Of course I like you to give me head
But I always ensure you’re duly paid

Between us, there’s nothing beyond sex
However difficult it is you have to accept
Dun go temple and cast me gong tao
I know already can only say “wah lao”!

All said and done, I’m only GR888
Not worth your effort asking for a date
I have my life and I live it free
Please understand and let me be.

In a perfect world we could be man and wife
But I can never accept you into my life
To me, you are just a kang tao
Until the day you kena bao.

34-25-34 tall and sexy you may be
But I really have to say “very sorry”
‘Cause there’s someone else who loves me dearly
And she is right here waiting for me

Err.. don’t mind please don’t ask me for the ML’s contact. I have promised her to keep her identity confidential. Donch wanna risk getting her into trouble at the joint if word spreads. Paiseh ah…


Last edited by GR888; 22-07-2012 at 03:33 AM.
Old 22-07-2012, 09:03 AM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Poem leh...bradda, now go find ML must give code in poem?
Haha nicely done. Hope ur KC trapper have been dealt with properly...
And also which thread is the one that cut and paste from u?
I'll zap that mofo.

wanna get high?
Old 22-07-2012, 02:43 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Originally Posted by hierba View Post

And also which thread is the one that cut and paste from u?
I'll zap that mofo.

haha think it's this joker.
Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 22-07-2012, 02:49 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

hi bro can share ctc?? thx in adv!! cheers!
Old 22-07-2012, 10:16 PM
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Since last week, few bros asked about high class spa where Moon Lee lookalike worked.. I had stated that it is fantasy tale about high end joint where buffet was served..
I hope such joint existed in future. Thus I wrote this fantasy tale.

Anyway, very sorry about this...

To prevent misunderstanding by some horny bros, I had already create fantasy tale version of 'places of liar' at Adult Discussion about Sex section.

HC section is for true experience by me visiting these joints who say "no massage involved, just facial or something like that..."

BTW, I went to check out the building where one branch of ''Spa of Darkness'' was known to be there. but it was closed by AV sometimes ago.

Thus there is only one spa of darkness left. and lets protect those joints with care.
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 23-07-2012, 11:52 AM
yayayaya yayayaya is offline
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Re: Schoolboy true adventure in the ''place of liar''

Can share the contact? Thanks
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