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Old 08-08-2016, 09:35 PM
chriskoo chriskoo is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by badboy View Post
Seems tt Sheikh loves his mind games.

He appeared in front of them as "assistant" to the Sheikh so as to observe his biz partners in their natural environment.

Later on he had Rasid, who no doubt took great pleasure, to put up a show to push them to their edge just to get into Belinda's pants.

He could have Belinda by force or maybe even drugs but he wanted Belinda to give herself willingly.

That was his aim.

The satisfaction of having someone's women willingly give themselves to him.

And the few months of abstinence is going to make the taking of Belinda oh so much more sweeter.

My guess is paying for beautiful women did not give him as much satisfaction.

What a twist bro ilock...

Downright wicked...

Good analysis bro
Old 08-08-2016, 11:19 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

I guess is james will try all means to help Belinda. Technically they are still husband n wife. And will not sacrifice sandy.
Old 09-08-2016, 02:51 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by skl8188 View Post
I guess is james will try all means to help Belinda. Technically they are still husband n wife. And will not sacrifice sandy.
I think so too as well
Old 09-08-2016, 11:27 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by skl8188 View Post
I guess is james will try all means to help Belinda. Technically they are still husband n wife. And will not sacrifice sandy.
You have Belinda and Sandy muddled up. 😜
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Old 09-08-2016, 12:09 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Wondering here TS will reward us with a national day edition special update?
Old 09-08-2016, 09:20 PM
bejull bejull is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Very good story!!
Old 09-08-2016, 10:31 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Camping for more!!
Old 10-08-2016, 01:15 AM
slyhypo slyhypo is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Faithfully camping for the next exhilarating update!
Old 10-08-2016, 02:36 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Excellent story!!
camping for more
Old 10-08-2016, 06:16 AM
edge07 edge07 is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Support. Another power story
Old 10-08-2016, 08:13 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Just checking for updates.
Old 10-08-2016, 09:01 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Belinda and I sat down to have our tea but neither of us said anything.

There was no need to.

It was as if we knew each other just wanted the quiet moment to bask in our own thoughts. I knew it was a matter of time before Terry came knocking on my door. It’s just a question of when.

Even if I wanted to have a conversation, what could I say to her ?

Are you ok ?

How does it feel ?

Are you angry ?

She’s probably getting a good mind fuck thinking about how easily Terry offered her up to Rasid.


James : We… order dinner in ?

Belinda nodded and I made the call for room service.

By 8.30pm, we were done with our meals and Belinda had made another pot of tea. We hardly spoke, it was as if there’s this sudden awkwardness that descended upon us. Yes we are husband and wife but it’s been a good few years since we are in the same room.

Not to mention that we would be spending the night together.

My room had a double bed but I honestly had no illusion of having some hot sex that night. Be realistic, after going through such an ordeal, who in the world would be in the mood to have sex ?


There was a buzz on the doorbell and I braced for the inevitable. I knew Terry would come.

It there is going to be an all-out brawl, I’m up for it.

I opened the door just a crack but it was not Terry. It was room service.

James : We did not order anything…

Hotel Staff : It’s from Sheikh Omar… he says it’s an apology for the unpleasant afternoon.

I opened the door as the staff wheeled in a bottle of Champange, chocolates and a large bunch of roses. That was not all. Tucked under the trolley, there was a small cake, some hotel spa vouchers and even some complementary tickets to the tourist attractions in Dubai.

I thanked the staff and closed the door as Belinda looked through the things sent to us.

Food and drinks aside, there was a small blue box that every girl would recognised. It came with a small hand written note and it’s for Belinda.

A small bracelet sat sparkling in the box. I don’t think it’s very expensive, probably less than a thousand but I was curious about what was written on the card.

Belinda passed it over to me after she was done reading it.

“ Dear Belinda ,

I apologise for the unpleasant afternoon. I would have been a more gracious host if not for the circumstances in which we met. I could give you the prettiest gems I have but I know you would not accept them. Please accept this as a token of my apology.

I look forward to work with you on the masterplan soon “


Belinda : I don’t want it… just leave it and send it out.

After draining the bottle of Champagne, we collapsed in the bed and slept through the night.

4th Jan 2012



I woke up first and pulled the blanket over Belinda before I went to the bathroom. She was up by the time I came out and we went down to the café for breakfast.


I scanned the café, keeping an eye out for Terry.

I was a little surprised that he did not show up the moment he reached the hotel to knock on my door. In fact I was looking forward to the confrontation. I cannot imagine the satisfaction I would get if I could throw a few good punch on this fucker.


Belinda and I were done with our breakfast and we went to the lobby to check if there are rooms available.

Belinda : WHAT ! … ermmm.. ok.. thanks…

James : Eh.. siao ah… 600 USD rack rates plus tax…. For 1 more night….and I don’t think you can claim for this one… don’t waste the money la…

Belinda : It’s a rip off…

James : It’s probably peanuts to the people here…

We walked back into the lift to head up to my room and I was surprised Belinda actually asked me whether I was ok with sharing my room with her.

Belinda : you…. Ok with sharing the room…. If not I could always go to another hotel…

I rolled my eyes and was about to say we’re husband and wife but I stopped myself.

I gave Belinda a look as we both crossed our arms in the lift.

James : I’m fine…why ?? Are you uncomfortable ??

The lift reached our floor and we stepped out.

Belinda : Haha… a little…. It’s…. I don’t know… it’s been a while…

James : I won’t rape you while you sleep if that’s what you are worried about…

Belinda jabbed me in my ribs with a frown and a crooked smile as we walked towards our room.

We slowed down our footsteps as we got closer as we noticed the same hotel staff standing outside our room with another trolley.

James : ERmm.. yes ??

Hotel Staff : I was instructed to ask why did Ms Belinda did not accept the gift. Is it because she does not like it ??

Belinda : What ! ? … ermm… no.. no.. it’s… I’m not comfortable with accepting it… please help me thank Omar for his gesture…

The staff gave a curt nod and a slight bow before saying he had some other stuff for us.

James : What ? Again ?

He just smiled and we opened the door for him.

There was a platter of cut fruits, neatly arranged and cling wrapped together with more chocolates and some sweets. Another bunch of flowers was presented and this time round, beside the initial Tiffany box, there is another one.

A polished red wood box sat beside the Tiffany.

James : You are shitting me right ?

The staff just smiled before leaving the room.

Belinda opened the box and it’s a fucking diamond ring. I don’t know how big, how many carats or what’s the clarity.

My proposal ring to Belinda I got it from a neighbourhood goldsmith shop. The diamond is so tiny you need to put it under 2 microscope to see it. What do you expect ? I was 23.

Even our wedding bands were just stainless steel rings we got from some cheezy trinket shop. It’s not the value of the rings. It’s the significance behind it that matters.

James : Fuck man… send this back too… I think he might give you a car after this…

Belinda dropped the box back onto the trolley, uninterested.

I was not surprised. Belinda was never impressed by wealth and anything flashy. She believed in working for what she wanted. If she didn’t earned it, she did not want it.

We settled down on the bed and I began to talk to her about Terry. I was curious how she ended up with him and she told me the story from the beginning. When she joined the firm, she was hired by Terry’s dad. It was still a small firm then but 3 months after she joined, it grew rapidly to the size it was today.

She met Terry after he came back from Australia after a failed attempt to set up shop there.

Belinda : He pursued me aggressively and at that point in time, I did not know he was related to Mr Lau. Nobody knew. Somehow he always got the good projects, those that I want for my portfolio…. So naturally I chose to work with him..

She revealed that it was only 3 months after they got together that she realised he was the boss’s son.

Belinda : I regretted, I knew people would talk about this…. But it’s too late.. He told me it’s fine and….sigh…

Terry : Did he treat you well ?

Belinda took a while longer to consider my question before replying. I could tell she was struggling to decide how much to tell me.

Belinda : It was just ok I guess….partly… I have only myself to blame

Belinda admitted that she remained in the relationship because she does have some feelings for him despite the huge age gap, but she also thought about her career in the office. She wanted her own team, her own projects and eventually, she wanted her own office.

Terry wanted to give her the money but she refused. What she wanted was the experience and the exposure, and of course, the contacts that came along the way.

She sighed deeply before she looked at me.

Belinda : I know what you are thinking…. That I’m selling my body to advance my career…

I shook my head and said I would have done the same thing.

James : but so far I cannot find any hot girls who is the bosses’ daughter that I want to sleep with.

Belinda laughed and threw a pillow a me.

There was another knock on the door and we looked at each other.

James : See… see… this time I fucking tell you is gold bars…. I think 1 kg… you pay GST alone you will steam…

I got up and went to the door.

I was surprised though, this time round was not a hotel staff. It was one of the assistant I saw beside Rasid the day before.

He had a large box in his hand, about A2 size wide, 20cm deep.

James : Ermm… yes ?

Man : A token from Rasid. He apologises for what happened yesterday.

I raised an eyebrow and thanked the man before closing the door.
Old 10-08-2016, 09:03 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

James : You huat liao la…

Belinda came over and help me set the box on the bed and we opened it together.

Inside the box was 2 smaller boxes. 1 labelled for each of us.

Belinda opened hers and resting on a bed of flower petals, is a silk scarf with a sparkling brooch. There’s also a hand written note by Rasid. Just a ‘ sorry’ followed by a smiley caricature of his round body.

I opened my box and I cursed out loud.

James : Knn….

Inside were just 2 files and a CD rom of some project information together with a list of people to CC to for future correspondence.

Belinda laughed and she too chugged the box aside.

I asked if she wanted to head out to check out some attractions or something but she said no.

Belinda : You…go ahead… I just want to stay in the room…

We ended up chatting for a while longer in the room before catching some movie that is showing on HBO in the hotel.

At 3pm , there was another knock on our door.

James : Lai liao lai liao…. We’re flying back on a private jet…

Belinda laughed but this time round it was not any hotel staff. I saw through the peep hole it was Terry.

James : It’s Terry.

Belinda got off my bed and stood by the side as I took a deep breathe.

I swung the door open and waited for Terry to make the first move.

He ignored me and just look straight at Belinda.

Terry : Can we talk ?

Belinda : There is nothing to talk about…

Terry : Come on… what do you expect me to do back there???? What would you do if you were in my shoes ??? HAR !!

Belinda : I would grow a spine….. and ask them to fuck off…

Terry : Fuck you… don’t forget you are my woman… you bitch… I’ll fucking rape you a hundred times over..!!

Belinda screamed at Terry but he went on. AS if taunting Belinda to react and hit him.

Terry :Why ? Har ? Afraid to let James hear is it ?? har ??

Terry turned to me and sneered like a cheap fucker.

Terry : I’ve fucked her till she’s loose already you know that ?? har ?? I fucked her so many times…she’s like my personal whore…. Everytime I need to release, I would call her….you like this type is it ?? HAr? Kena fucked before one…

Terry’s eyes stared at me wide apart, as if he deliberately forced himself to do it, his lips pressed together, the sides a little crooked as he tried to give me the most fuck up look he could muster.

Terry : You try la… go and try her chee bye…. KNN… I fuck until loose already… Everything you can think of…. We do it already.. what ? In office ? In car?? Har ??? Buay song is it ???

Belinda screamed and tried to kick and scratch Terry but I stood in the way, trying to hold her back. It was obvious he’s trying to rile her up.

Terry tried to step into the room but I held out a hand and stopped him with no expression on my face.

Terry : Get the fuck out of my way…

Terry pointed at Belinda, saying that he would gladly let every fucking men in Dubai rape Belinda if it means him getting the project.
Then he tried to charge into the room to grab at Belinda.

He shoved me first but I immediately bounced back and pushed Terry backwards, causing him to stagger out of the room.

He charged at me and I immediately threw a punch but missed and he bulldozed me onto the carpeted floor.

Belinda screamed for us to stop as she grabbed the 1st thing she could get her hands on and she started hitting Terry with the stainless steel cover for the treats Omar sent.

Belinda : STOP!!! GET OUT!!!

I tried to hit Terry but he ducked and got up, going straight for Belinda. With a lucky swing of the cover, Belinda hit Terry right on the bullseye and she caused him a 2 cm cut on his eyebrow. A small trickle of blood flowed down his cheeks as he touched the warm blood on his face.

That enraged him further and he slapped Belinda so hard across her face that she collapsed onto the bed.

I grabbed Terry by his hair and as he staggered back, I kicked him in his gut and he cursed at me, falling backwards towards the entrance.

I could have gone and help Belinda but instead I went for Terry, if I don’t get him out of the room, it won’t make a difference. Terry stood up, clutching his stomach and I bulldozed him all the way out of the room , letting his body hit the wall on the opposite side of the corridor.

I must have kicked him pretty hard in the stomach as he was still clutching his tummy, cursing at me in dialect and saying that I’m fired.

James : Fuck you…. Terry… fuck off…

I closed the door and ran to Belinda.

Her left cheek was red and swollen, the hit caused her lip cut itself against her own teeth and she was bleeding.

She sobbed, unable to hold back the tears due to the pain. I clutched her in my arms as she pressed herself against me.

James : Sorry… I should have stopped that before…

Right at that moment, the room phone rang.

I picked it up and the front desk said they have a call for Ms Belinda.

James : Who is it ?

Frontdesk : Please put Ms Belinda on the line Mr James..

I passed the phone to Belinda and shrugged my shoulders.

James : I don’t know… it’s for you.

Belinda sobbed as she answered the phone and she too, was put on hold for close to a minute.

Belinda : Hello ? ?

Her sobbing had calmed down a little actually, so from the way she speak you can hardly tell she was crying before.

This is the part that puzzled me.

Belinda : SObb.. sob… yes…

I looked at Belinda and mouthed “ Who is it ? “ but she did not reply me.

Belinda : Sobb… I’m… sob…. Sob… I’m… fine… sob… sob… no…

I was really puzzled as Belinda sobbed harder before she started crying over the phone.

You know the kind you would think she’s talking to her mother or someone that she could confide in, Belinda cried and sobbed, saying in bits and pieces over the phone that Terry had assaulted her.

Belinda : I’m…. I’m.. sob… sob… I’m… ok… sob… it’s…. Terry… sob… sob…. No…. no need… please… sobbb… sob… no please….

Then without warning, she hung up.

As if that was not enough, the moment she hung up, her sobbing stopped.
That was when Belinda’s eyes met mine.

That look.

I know that look.

I was the more dominant one in our marriage. Most of the things Belinda would just give way to me, but that look in her eyes.

It was the que to me that I should keep my mouth shut and apologise even though it was not my fault.

James : Ermm…

Without any hint of what she was about to do, Belinda pulled off her top.

I could not wrap my mind around what was happening and Belinda removed her pants too.

James : What… what are you doing ?? oei… what are you doing… ???

Belinda crawled towards me in her bra and panty and started taking off my pants. I don’t know what was happening but seeing Belinda doing that gave me an erection of course. I haven had sex in a while and what I’ve witness the day before increased the amount of semen I have in my balls, waiting to be released.

Belinda straddled me and we kissed.
Old 10-08-2016, 09:05 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

That kiss felt like the head of a match meeting the rough edges of the striking paper. A hot fuzz of emotions coursed through my body and all the feelings came back.

Belinda removed her bra with my help and I sucked onto her tits, feeling the warmth of her breast on my face.

James : ARghh ….hoorrrrr..

I don’t even know when my pants came off but I only remembered Belinda guiding my cock as she parted her panty, lowering herself onto me.

James ; ARghhhh …gh….

That tightness, that slippery warmth and comforting snug feeling of my wife’s wet love hole made me shook and shiver on the bed.

James : ARghhh….what… what are you doing ??

Belinda moaned as well as I fucked myself upwards into her , holding her hips down.

Her body shook, her breast bounced up and down as her hair cascaded down onto me.

Belinda : Fuck me James….. fuck me…a erghhh… ergnnh…

James : ARghhh.. arghh..

I’m confused… I really am.

I don’t know what is happening.

We switched position shortly into doggy as I cupped onto Belinda’s breast from behind, feeling the love pillows rub against my palms as I fucked Belinda from behind.

Honestly it was a really short session.

I’m not embarrassed to say it lasted less than 10 minutes. It was just so sudden and I was on the verge of my orgasm.

James : ARghh.. grghhh… i… I need to grab a condom… aeghhh… I’m cumming… arghhh…

Belinda pulled me out and gestured for me to stand up on her bed.

I did as I was told and she knelt down and sucked onto my throbbing cock.

James : ARghhhh… arghhh.. what… what are you doing ?? !! arghh…I… i….

Belinda never let me cum inside her mouth before, even if I did, it was with a condom.

So I was really unsure about what to do as I edged closer and closer to my big O.

James : Dear… dear.. stop… stop… I’m.. arghhh.. arghhhhh… arghh…

I could not hold it any longer when I felt Belinda’s tongue pressed down and rape my pee hole as she stroked my throbbing cock as I shot a huge squirt of semen into her mouth, not only that, I could feel several big squirts following closely behind.

Belinda was fast, after the 1st squirt, she pulled me out and continued stroking me. I was out of control.

I moaned as Belinda stroked and shot my cum all over her face, her breast before wiping my cock dry on her cheek.

James : Ohh my god… argh… what was that all about man….

Belinda immediately barked out her instructions and asked me to leave the room.

James : What ?

Belinda : Put on your clothes and leave … now !!!!

James : What??? WHYY ?? WHY ?

Belinda : DO IT!! ..

I was taken aback at the sudden outburst but I did as I was told. I grabbed my clothes and pulled them on. I checked the peephole and made sure Terry is no longer our there before I opened it.

I watched as Belinda swept all of Omar and Rasid’s gift all over the floor and a cold shiver ran up my spine.

She threw her clothes onto the floor as she got into the bed .

My god… she cannot be doing this…

I forced my legs to carry my body that was still recovering from the orgasm out the room.

I hit the lift button and got to the lobby, panting as I watch 2 cars pull up by the front entrance.

Several men and 2 woman alighted from the car and walked briskly towards the lifts.

James : Fuckk..

My heart slammed against my ribcage again and again as I stared at the indicator on the lift panel and saw the lift stop at the floor I was staying at.

James : Fuck… fuck… …

I immediately rushed back up and ran back to my room.

When I got to the entrance, I shouted to Belinda and she gestured to the men blocking the door to allow me to go through.

Before I could speak, Belinda cried out loud, burying herself against my body.

All the hairs on my neck and body stood on it’s ends as she just cried, sobbing and shouting into my body.

She refused help from the 2 ladies who said they were doctors.

The group spent 20 minutes persuading Belinda to go with them but she refused.

Belinda : I just want to stay here…. We’ll be flying off tomorrow.

The men made phone calls, spoke in hush tones before arrangements was made for us to switch rooms to another floor.

Belinda kept telling the 2 ladies that she did not want to pursue the matter and that she just wanted to rest and go home.

In the end they relented and left.

When we’re finally left alone, I stared at Belinda but I couldn’t speak.

I really could not speak.

Belinda : I know Terry James…. I know what kind of person he is…. I know what I’m doing..

I could not think of a way to answer that question.

Belinda : I’m sorry…. I bet you must be thinking what happened to me….

I did not reply her.

There was a knock on the door at 8.30pm that evening.

Another trolley was presented with the same gifts, arranged the same way with another hand written card from Omar. Placed at the side of it all was also the box with Rasid’s gift and my own box of documents.

Omar’s card to Belinda says that Terry has been escorted to the airport and will be boarding the next flight back to Singapore.


To be honest, I was still reeling in shock.

Belinda climbed into bed beside me and gave me a crestfallen look.

Belinda : Do I disgust you ??

James : I don’t know what to say…

There was a brief moment of silence before Belinda started sobbing again. Softly.

Belinda went on to say that she needs to make sure Terry stays as far as he can from her.

Belinda : I know Terry James…. I have seen what he does to his ex-gf. …. I will not sit still and do nothing…

James : You do know…. By doing this… things is going to get tough back in the office…. I meant…it’s already going to be tough after the incident yesterday but this…… this…. This will be.. . you…. Just fucked Terry up big time…

Belinda nodded, saying she understood the implication.

Belinda : Omar wants us on his project… we did all the work…he needs us… besides….. Terry’s father is doing some….. creative accounting for Omar’s company … money passes through us…

James : What do you mean ??

Belinda : Just leave it at that… Omar’s company uses a few local firms for his projects to keep everyone on his feet… aside from the financials is a little fudgy, the rest of the project is usually rock solid. These I heard from Terry some time back when he boasted about his father’s accomplishments.

5th Jan 2012



After some quick packing, I grabbed all the gifts given to Belinda and stuffed it into my luggage.

Belinda : What are you doing ??

James : It’s not nice to keep rejecting people’s gift… you never know if we need some favours or help from them in the future.

A car was waiting for us at the lobby to take us to the airport and I could see Rasid talking to 1 of his aide as he approached us to shake our hands.

Rasid : Wah ahhaha…. James…. Belinda… . have a good trip back ya….

He lowered his voice a little and asked me how was Belinda with a naughty look.

Rasid : Ehh…. Wah hahaha… nice… hahaha… very nice breast…. Hahaha..

He did a eyebrow wriggling look as I smile awkwardly.
Old 10-08-2016, 09:07 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Belinda did not really want to talk to Rasid and she quickly got into the car avoiding him completely. She was humiliated by Rasid after all.

Rasid just smirked and laughed at her before pulling me asisde.

Rasid : James…. i…. need to talk to you…

James : Yes ? I saw the project information you sent me… I will look through them when I get back…

Rasid : No… no.. hahah.. it’s not about the project….

He turned and casually looked around before turning back to me.

Rasid : Belinda… you know…. I like her… she is like chilli…. Pepper…. Hahah… I like spices…wah hahahaha….

I must have a really dumfounded look on my face as Rasid laughed and pat me on my back.

Rasid : Relax… I know… I know Omar wants Belinda too… but you see…. Omar…. He…. He is… collector… he likes to hold onto his possessions….. he will not let go…. Whereas for me…. Wahhh.. hahaha. Haha…. I like something fresh…. All the time… so… you get what I’m saying… ??

I nod slowly as I digested what he said.

James : But… but isn’t he your boss ??? i… I mean…

Rasid laughed…

Rasid : I know Omar…. He is a gentlemen…he won’t force Belinda if she says no…. but if….IF…. she says yes…. She must be prepared to stay for the long term… wah hahaha.. haha… no Belinda for you James … whahahaha…

He pointed to his big tummy and added.

Rasid : Me ?? … just 1 spicy treat…. Enough…. And…. I can let you…. Try my wife and her sister too !! good eh …. Good eh ?? Wah.. hahahaha…

I was totally shocked Rasid could say something like that as I smiled awkwardly.

He pat me on my back and pointed to the car as he chewed on some dates.

Rasid : I… see you in a few months James…

I got into the car and my shell shocked expression was too easy to read, especially for someone who is my wife.

Belinda : What did he want ?

I thought about it for a moment before saying we’ll talk later.

Once we were safely checked into the airport and settled down by a quiet café in the transit area, I told Belinda everything.

What Omar wanted, What Rasid wanted.

James : This is madness….how can these happen…I thought it’s usually money that changes hands under the table for this industry…

Belinda just kept quiet, staring blankly at the polished tiled floor.

James : Fuck this… we go back, we tender our resignation… and fuck this shit…. Get another job…there’s no lack of opportunities…

Belinda spoke after a while, saying that if we choose to run, we would forever be on the run.

Belinda : They will destroy us…. Our reputation… it’s a small industry…

James : Then what do you want to do ?? what can we do ??

She shook her head before burying her face in her palms.

10 minutes later Belinda said that if we were to hang on, having that project under our belt would open up a lot more doors.

Belinda : I don’t know… I really don’t know…

I just kept quiet and look at her.

We did not speak about this for the rest of the flight back to Singapore and we turned up for work as usual the next day.

6th Jan 2012



Sharon pulled me aside when I was at the pantry.

Sharon : James… james… come.. come… eh I tell you something…

James : What what ??

She looked around before saying to me that Belinda was caught cheating by Terry….and he broke up with her.

James : WHAT !?

Sharon : Yah… he hired PI… I think got photos…

James : But we were all overseas together… how?

Sharon : It’s been going on a while already I heard….

She lowered her voice significantly.

Sharon : I think… the people are saying Belinda very slut one…. She …. She likes… you know….

Sharon’s eyes narrowed into a sharp stare, almost as sharp as her venomous tongue.

Sharon : She like to play those gangbang and rape kind of thing…

James : WHAT ??

Sharon : I don’t know… I also hear from people one… ok.ok… go and work liao… don’t tell anyone I tell you ah….

I poured my coffee and watched in amazement as Sharon brought Mr Liew some files to sign in his office and began her low whispers as well.


Sandy : James…eh.. you heard or not… Belinda… likes to play those bondage sex thing…. Terry caught her or something…

I just nodded and pretend I was not very interested but Sandy continued.

Sandy : I’m sure it’s just bullshit, she probably dumped him and he started these rumours….


There was some commotion in the office but I was not sure what.

I saw Mr Lau walk into the office together with the IT guy Jacob hurriedly.

I saw a few staff whispering at their desk.

Then there was a email prompt.

I opened it and I immediately recognised the person in the photo.

Her face was not shown but her body, I knew every inch of that body by heart.

I had touched every inch, caressed every part.

I knew who it is even with the face cropped away.

Then there was more commotion. Internet access was cut off in the office.

We were all locked out of our computers and staff were told to pack up and go home.

Sandy :Eh eh.. eh… you saw the mail ?? is it her ??? Look like her leh… the figure… the hair…

James : You can tell meh ?? Also look like you what… you all about the same…

Sandy gave me an irritated poke.

Sandy : but…but… I know Terry…. This is his doing…

I eyed Sandy as her eyes met mine, and I could tell something was bothering her.

James : Terry did this to you too ? the photos…

She hesitated for a while before she nodded.

Sandy : He had… videos… pictures… everything…

I sighed and massaged my head.

My phone beeped and it was Belinda.

She had left the office and asked if I was free to meet her for dinner.

I heard Jacob stay announced something about cleaning up undesirable emails to the office and I could hear Mr Lau shouting for Terry from where I stood.


I met up with Belinda at Toa Payoh interchange.

We ate at a coffee shop we used to frequent.

James : What was that man… you let him do that to you ??

Belinda : I was blindfolded…. I didn’t know…until he showed them to me after…. I made him delete it !!!... there was more… but he insisted on keeping 1 or 2 for remembrance….

After dinner, we sat down at a bench in the middle of the town center and watch people walk by without a word.

15 minutes later I asked what was she thinking.

Belinda : Terry wants me to quit.... he's doing this to force me....but the more he wants me to leave, the more i want to stay.....

She sighed and added.

Belinda : Now it's just a matter of Whether to get fucked once by a old man or multiple times by young one…..
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