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Old 05-11-2017, 06:45 PM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
They're there for work, to sell a fantasy. The good ones made you feel like sex god. Faked O, faked cries, faked compliments etc

Not saying all customers are bad at sex. Just make sure you know those are fantasies and when it comes to sex with real women, put in the efforts and do the work.
TS, at least the WL are out to please which is why men are willing to pay for. I could sense the failure of your intimate from the beginning and cause lousy mood when doing the ML. Your mood affect your mate too, dun you think so?
Old 06-11-2017, 09:13 AM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
I also agree that my perspective does not represent all women. Just like how I figured out that my initial question here was pointless because not all men are the same. Yes, it might be easier for men to remarry, especially wealthy ones. But to quote this guy from another thread, game is not over yet, who's to say who has won or lose? You might have a SYT on your arm right now but until you die, no one knows how that's going to work out for you.

I'm a little doubtful though that so many women do not want sex. Not saying all these stories are lies, just saying there might be a reason why so many women do not like sex. Maybe they do not want sex because they were never satisfied? Maybe their spouses are bad at sex. Or worse still, never care that their wives are enjoying it. When was the last time you go down on your wife? Make her O? Never? Is sex a 10 min pumping session?

FYI, it's very hard for a woman to climax from sex. Very very hard, except for a lucky few. This I can state with authority. If you doubt this, I will suggest you to recheck your sexual prowess. Your little hooker writhing on bed with excitement, that's an act, not orgasm. It's possible that she might actually O, but it's rare. Rare like unicorn. So some men thought they're sex god after going to prostitutes but it made them even worse at sex because what they thought was working was just an act.

Just saying, this might not apply to you. Women have needs too, just a question on how to meet it.
Cant disagree more. However men are men. I will never believe a men is not lustful. It takes great self control to dislodge oneself from this lustful world where visual pleasantness encapsulates all. Anyway my wife once said to me, she rather I go visit prostitute than to have a mistress, because the former has no love. And she rather I have very demanding standards for a lady so that it is not easy for me to stray. And why she said all these is because men are primarily and primitively men. When it comes to climax for a lady, you are right to some sense, but in my life there is only one ex gf who never climax. Most others did so and multiple times during a session, while I hope fhey were not acting.
Old 06-11-2017, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
I'm not saying women do not climax ever. It's just hard and requires "work" and getting there with just intercourse alone is very rare. I also don't have a problem with getting there but really, if you think what I said meant I have a physical problem, you should really reevaluate your view of sex. I also don't have a libido problem. It's just perpetually suggested by people who replied on this thread without even reading in the first place. I no longer reply to that because it's repetitive.

What I actually meant is that the faked fantasy sold by prostitutes caused men to be worse at sex. I guess my opinion is unpopular because no men likes to be told that they are not good in bed.

I noticed a particular disconnect between the experience of the customers vs prostitutes. It's common to see in reviews that men claimed the prostitute was very satisfied and has climax numerous times. However, if you look at the discussions among the prostitutes themselves, climax during sessions with customers is almost zero. They're not there to enjoy themselves, they're there to work. They think about things you think about at work, like what's to have for lunch or what bills they haven't paid. Or how to squeeze you for more money.

They're there for work, to sell a fantasy. The good ones made you feel like sex god. Faked O, faked cries, faked compliments etc

Not saying all customers are bad at sex. Just make sure you know those are fantasies and when it comes to sex with real women, put in the efforts and do the work.
I very rarely post stuff in sbf coz its rly none of my business and its a general waste of my time. But your comment (and previous comments in this thread) actually made me came out from my real life and make a stupid comment here.

Almost all of your comments smack of selfishness. There ive said it. You keep replying to other samsters here telling you what the issues are and more often than not provide reasons that its not your fault, its always very likely someone else''s fault. You put your replies in very political correct manner but that only smack of your inner insecurities. You may not even be aware of this or maybe i am wrong, but thats how you impress yourself on others here. Some samsters may buy it and some may be polite and dont want to dwelve in your insecurity issues since its not the main topic here, but im going to be very candid.. well more candid than i usually am.

You serioisly need some self reflection. Granted ur husband is guilty as hell as well but your are not without blame. Think! I won't elaborate or reply to this thread anymore so no need to reply me with your politically correct replies. Or you can rage about my comment being unfair. Either way if you did what i said you can do, then you will continue to have a bad mariagge.
Old 06-11-2017, 01:40 PM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
I also agree that my perspective does not represent all women. Just like how I figured out that my initial question here was pointless because not all men are the same. Yes, it might be easier for men to remarry, especially wealthy ones. But to quote this guy from another thread, game is not over yet, who's to say who has won or lose? You might have a SYT on your arm right now but until you die, no one knows how that's going to work out for you.

I'm a little doubtful though that so many women do not want sex. Not saying all these stories are lies, just saying there might be a reason why so many women do not like sex. Maybe they do not want sex because they were never satisfied? Maybe their spouses are bad at sex. Or worse still, never care that their wives are enjoying it. When was the last time you go down on your wife? Make her O? Never? Is sex a 10 min pumping session?

FYI, it's very hard for a woman to climax from sex. Very very hard, except for a lucky few. This I can state with authority. If you doubt this, I will suggest you to recheck your sexual prowess. Your little hooker writhing on bed with excitement, that's an act, not orgasm. It's possible that she might actually O, but it's rare. Rare like unicorn. So some men thought they're sex god after going to prostitutes but it made them even worse at sex because what they thought was working was just an act.

Just saying, this might not apply to you. Women have needs too, just a question on how to meet it.
Perhaps you like to look inwards instead of finding what wrong with you spouse.

Apparently you understand what prostitutes sells to men so why not adopt the same prostituting elements to visiting customers for your spouse just to try.

Ask your spouse what attracts him to prostitutes and do the same, if the hooker acts like a cheap slut then act like one. If he's in to golden shower then pee on him. If he likes the prostitute to call him daddy or whatever... do it in bed when you're with him.

Also ask him his choice of appearance and vibe of the prostitutes that he likes and attracts him. Go on a diet it you're overweight, buy some sexy undies he likes girls to wear stuffs like that.

Just be positive and try. never know until we try.

Save your marriage.
Old 06-11-2017, 01:47 PM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Originally Posted by Megatronzombie View Post

You serioisly need some self reflection. Granted ur husband is guilty as hell as well but your are not without blame. Think! .

Keep point at your spouse is not going to solve anything.

Choose a quiet spot, sit down, calm down, close your eyes, and reach within... have you ignore his needs.... think of the small details... have you gave him "that quickly fuck and get over" face during sex and made him feel you lack love and passion? When was the last time you ask him to fuck you? When was the last time you tease him and made him feel like ripping your panties off? Please do not response to all these here. It for your own self reflection.
Old 28-11-2017, 11:19 PM
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Re: I caught my hubby

How about this?

Women cheat as much as men if not more. So all this men are all pigs and cheaters, that's stale as yesterday toast.
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment
Old 29-11-2017, 07:14 AM
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Re: I caught my hubby

I thought I was just going to let the thread die off since it's not serving any purpose anymore but it seems I've struck on some nerve.

I've no idea why my views are considered PC, I hate PC in other areas of my life. Is it because I demand that my hubby does not use prostitute? To me, PC is when I guilt-trip him into staying and then prohibit him from playing. But all I said was you're free to leave but if you want to stay then you have to stop playing. That sounds fair to me.

Perhaps one day I'll change my mind and can accept him playing. That will be the day I go out to seek for fun myself. Maybe the Westerners are doing it right all along. Why bother having just one partner when you can have variety?

Am I selfish? Am I insecure? Sure, to a certain degree but who isn't. Never said I'm perfect. Just a little cruel though because he betrayed me. You can call me all that if I were the one sleeping around.

Why do I not act like a prostitute? Because a prostitute is to make sure you're satisfied and she gets nothing out of it, aside from cash. I want a lover who will satisfy me, not just to have sex to keep him satisfied. But of course, most cannot see my point because their hookers are already so satisfied with their performance right?

If you think your women are climaxing every time you have sex, I have a bridge I want to sell to you. That's equivalent to a woman saying her husband never watch porn. Yes, many women actually believe that but you and I both know that's not true.

Sure you can think that I have medical problems etc etc. Just my opinion, feel free to ignore it.

This is going to be my last post. I came here to seek for answers and the answer is everyone is different. I'm getting the feeling that many posters are imposing their life experience on mine hence the assumptions. Like I said, everyone is different. I'm also different from your woman.

This thread has gone too long with so many discussions that some of my answers are really just general opinions, not representing my complaints of my husband. My hubby and I are still together, happy together.

I also do not hate men. My complaint is on those who betrayed their spouses and that include women who sleep around too. I condemn them too.

Thanks for sharing your opinions!
Old 30-11-2017, 03:10 AM
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Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
This thread has gone too long with so many discussions that some of my answers are really just general opinions, not representing my complaints of my husband. My hubby and I are still together, happy together.
You have incredible clarity in thinking which is such a rare ability in today's world. Your husband is extremely lucky to have you as his partner.

Honestly I'm a bit turned on after reading your posts haha. Intelligence is sexy.

I'll be rooting for both you
Old 01-12-2017, 03:57 PM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Don't worry you be back. Even if you don't post, you want to read the comments of the guys here.

Its quite simple, you have come off as someone who is of a strong opinion and you cannot accept someone else's opinion, hence a need to defend and justify everything people say and things you do and say

Originally Posted by hiswife View Post
Long story short, I found out that my husband has been seeing prostitutes in the last 2.5 years and flipped out. He said he's sorry and will not do that again. He's willing to let me monitor all his finance and online/phone activities.
I'm pretty sure my husband is not the first men to have been caught. To those who have been caught, did you really change?
I want to know whether I can trust him that he will not do that again.
Here its quite clear you are a controlling person and you will give him hell for what he did. And you will make sure he is always aware of the lines in the sand and the whip to come down should he break the "rules" of engagement again. Finances and phone being monitored? That's like being in North Korea. Maturity speaks here that you are a young lady, and new to this relationship game called marriage. Why do I call it a game? Because it involves strategy to make it to the end. Its not just one side wins all, because at the end both sides lose. If you get him to be the man you want him to be by forcing him, and if he still feels you are not who he wants you to be, then you will end up at the same point, issues. So it sometimes looking for different ways to get the same thing.

And then you ask if people really change? And whether he can be trusted. Again maturity speaks here.
People don't break vows because its fun. MRTs don't break down because its new and without fault. Something has happened before the visit to the ladies and it needed to be addressed. And many people here tried to tell you perhaps find a way to see what went wrong instead of saying its all his fault.
Perhaps, could it be, you indeed married a low and dirty man who wants to screw around? But it seems you say now you are happily married so he's not so bad. So why did he go to prostitutes?

I hope you stay happy, but again, if there is a cause, the same symptoms will manifest. Unless like I said, you married some womanizer cad who was only looking for fun and being irresponsible etc...all the things women always accuse men of being
The Best Way to overcome heart break is in the arms of another. You focus on making money, you get girls, you focus on your body, you get sex, you focus on the girl, you get NOTHING but heartache and disappointment

Last edited by Shadow_warrior; 02-12-2017 at 01:46 AM.
Old 12-12-2017, 09:22 AM
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Re: I caught my hubby

Glad that Sis TS still together with hubby and happy.
Interestingly, this thread like never die.. still come to life now and then..
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