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Old 07-01-2011, 03:58 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by joeylow78 View Post
Post something that i did in the bus today. I was taking a bus from my house to have my lunch. Got up the bus but very crowded, i move into the bus and then was standing in front of this SYT when she is sitting. Suddenly, somebody push me from the back and my didi was rubbing her knee, i saw her smiling at me, then i keep rubbing until i got down the bus with her. Turn and give me a wink. Song song.
nice story. btw, are you a midget by any chance?
Old 07-01-2011, 06:16 PM
korokay korokay is offline
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by g_rider View Post
nice story. btw, are you a midget by any chance?
LOL i dont think he is midget la. Maybe the SBS bus he sit on, the girl sitting at first level, the higher-up seats further back on the bus, then can ma, makes sense this way..

of course if the girl sitting at the lower seats nearer the door, then diff case lor.. oh well. just my 2 cents worth haha
Old 07-01-2011, 06:45 PM
rob_onny rob_onny is offline
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Arrow Re: most pervert things done?

Like that... rubbing on shoulder/cheek (& not leg) leow...
Originally Posted by korokay View Post
of course if the girl sitting at the lower seats nearer the door, then diff case lor.. oh well. just my 2 cents worth haha
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Old 07-01-2011, 06:59 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

I sniff and lick my uncles balls while he is sleeping....
Old 07-01-2011, 08:18 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by nemoman View Post
Went out with a ex-colleague last friday to celebrate new year countdown by gaining her pity and saying i've just broken up and needed some company. Met her at 11.30pm after her bf sent her home earlier , after countdown went to pub, put equivalent of 3 crushed dormicum pills into her beer, got her drunk, drove her to macritchie reservior, lifted up her skirt, inserted little bro head into her hole just enough to come outside (but not penetrate inside fully kos its too dry). After cleanup drove back to her hdb carpark and slept in the car until she woke up next morning with a splitting headache , without remembering anything after she had the second jug of beer. Sent her back home and told her not to tell her bf in case he misunderstands. She was grateful i stayed with her for the whole night in the cramped car.

hello bro, i think YOU have MISUNDERSTOOD the thread title

this thread is most PERVERT things done.....your post should be under most ILLEGAL things done
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Old 08-01-2011, 03:06 AM
joeylow78 joeylow78 is offline
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Re: most pervert things done?

she is sitting at those higher seats near the front door. Like those double deck bus. V shiok for my didi. Nice experience.
Old 08-01-2011, 04:20 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by analog View Post

You need to go for some counseling man. What you did is not so much perverted....its assault, pure and simple. Drugging someone? Are you out of your mind? What if she would have had an allergy reaction to that drug you dumb ass! She could have died.

Bro, you're a sick fuck. Get some help.


come on guys. given the chance, would you have touched or raped her without her knowing ? i know you would, if you knew you couldn't be caught.
Old 09-01-2011, 02:03 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by nemoman View Post
come on guys. given the chance, would you have touched or raped her without her knowing ? i know you would, if you knew you couldn't be caught.
up till now you think touching a ger or sex is all that matters ??

even until date rape is ok as long as u can have sex ??
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Old 09-01-2011, 10:08 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

recently got one rape case on? be careful!
Old 20-01-2011, 11:31 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Remind me an incident many year back when i worked at those night club or lup sup bar as waiter. A lot of Malaysian & Vietnamese girls to sit with guest and often handjob, blowjob or fuckjob on the spot with customer.

There is this regular, big boss style, arrogant and always scolded us waiters for no reason. But he always tip the girls well so all girls liked him.

One occasion, I think he was entertaining few friends from overseas and he ended very drunk. He also steady or drunk, paid the girls well to accompany his friends and they dumped him alone with 2 girls in the VIP room and left with those girls he paid.

As we were closed and everyone left except him, me and the 2 girls as I supposed to lock door everynight. He was drunk yet still awake and he suddenly paid me some money asking me to fuck one of the girl for him to watch.

Was reluctant at first but see money and he was making hell for me plus he is the big gangster type. Free sex why not and strip me and one of the girl naked and blowjob plus make love infront of him while he stripped the other girl nude and asked her to handjob him while he watched live show.

He dozes off while watching with his mouth wide opened and snorting halfway thru and I had this ideas suddenly, when I am almost done with the girl. Pull out my cap and walked to him and unloaded my cum into his mouth.

The 2 girls watched with their eyeballs almost popping out and best is he drank all my sperm and continued snoring. The girls laughed and dress up left me with him. I dress up too and waited for him to wake up.

The next morning he woke up, found himself sleeping in the bar and couldn't remembered a thing from yesterday. He still thanks me and tipped me again as he was apologeticto me unable to lock the bar.

One memorable incident to me as I let him drank my sperm and still get paid.
Old 20-01-2011, 01:10 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by newguy View Post

One memorable incident to me as I let him drank my sperm and still get paid.
Bro, if your story is real and the "gangster" reads SBF too, you are digging your own grave with this post. Due to the specifics of this case, it is not difficult for him to piece everything together and know it is him that you are writing about as well as guess who your real identity is. In which case you are putting your own safety in danger if he really a big-time gangster...

Good luck bro and remember to post follow-up FR if the gangster seeks revenge on you
Old 20-01-2011, 03:15 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by newguy View Post
Remind me an incident many year back when i worked at those night club or lup sup bar as waiter. A lot of Malaysian & Vietnamese girls to sit with guest and often handjob, blowjob or fuckjob on the spot with customer.

There is this regular, big boss style, arrogant and always scolded us waiters for no reason. But he always tip the girls well so all girls liked him.

One occasion, I think he was entertaining few friends from overseas and he ended very drunk. He also steady or drunk, paid the girls well to accompany his friends and they dumped him alone with 2 girls in the VIP room and left with those girls he paid.

As we were closed and everyone left except him, me and the 2 girls as I supposed to lock door everynight. He was drunk yet still awake and he suddenly paid me some money asking me to fuck one of the girl for him to watch.

Was reluctant at first but see money and he was making hell for me plus he is the big gangster type. Free sex why not and strip me and one of the girl naked and blowjob plus make love infront of him while he stripped the other girl nude and asked her to handjob him while he watched live show.

He dozes off while watching with his mouth wide opened and snorting halfway thru and I had this ideas suddenly, when I am almost done with the girl. Pull out my cap and walked to him and unloaded my cum into his mouth.

The 2 girls watched with their eyeballs almost popping out and best is he drank all my sperm and continued snoring. The girls laughed and dress up left me with him. I dress up too and waited for him to wake up.

The next morning he woke up, found himself sleeping in the bar and couldn't remembered a thing from yesterday. He still thanks me and tipped me again as he was apologeticto me unable to lock the bar.

One memorable incident to me as I let him drank my sperm and still get paid.
actually got free FJ not bad liao
dunno why still need to unload in his mouth

abit chek ark

my 2cents
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Old 20-01-2011, 05:35 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by freezetheDB View Post
actually got free FJ not bad liao
dunno why still need to unload in his mouth

abit chek ark
That's precisely the pervert part bro.
Just upped : oink oink
Old 20-01-2011, 05:43 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by tigerprawn View Post
Bro, if your story is real and the "gangster" reads SBF too, you are digging your own grave with this post. Due to the specifics of this case, it is not difficult for him to piece everything together and know it is him that you are writing about as well as guess who your real identity is. In which case you are putting your own safety in danger if he really a big-time gangster...

Good luck bro and remember to post follow-up FR if the gangster seeks revenge on you
He said many years ago mah ... maybe more than 10 years ago.
I'm Sour
Old 20-01-2011, 07:26 PM
wali-kota wali-kota is offline
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Re: most pervert things done?

he sure not working there anymore
but wat will happen if the ganster read
his post, and remember its him and one day
saw him on the street.. What pervert things will
the ganster do to him?
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