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Old 25-01-2024, 10:11 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood thursday!

How's everybody ?


gog: OW!

A(licia): MMMM Sorry!

Alicia held my finger and looked all over it, trying to show some concern. Then it was anti-climax. *RING*.

Sigh. Milt called again, asking if we were done and he can swing by to pick up Alicia. Alicia was quick to say yes and arrange to meet Milt at the pick up point of Vivo. I wonder if she regretted not asking me to send her back that day. We might have gotten more and didn't have to wait for along while before starting our adultery.

gog: Done? Let's go.

Gone are the good old days where you leave your trays behind and walk off... Reached the drop off point at Lv2 and waited. Nothing eventful, there were people around and I wasn't sure if I should pat her bum. My hand was screaming out loud to touch her, I was thinking of 1001 ways of how to approach her bum.

I was a pervert, a sick one. I should see a psychiatrist some day.

Caught sight of the familiar Honda Civic coming up the ramp, SJ plate, yap, it's Milt. Suddenly *SMACK*. I turned to look at Alicia.

A: Whole night hitting me very shiok hor... this is in return.

She cheekily smiled and laughed as she gave a hard smack to my butt. I was too stunned to move, Milt stopped the car and she ran towards it waving bye. My bud waved bye from inside the car after giving Alicia a kiss. I weakly waved bye and happy thoughts filled my mind.

This was the boiling point for me, and opportunity soon presented itself again, some how, it just falls into place. This was the first time that ...

Alicia had a wedding invitation given to her by a colleague. Who in the right mind places an engagement celebration in a dance club? Alicia is not too fond of loud places and noisy music. She believes such places are places where 'things' happen and she wants no part of it. However, it is a wedding invitation.

A: Sigh...

Alicia gave out a loud sigh while doing up my car interior on a Saturday morning. I was grossly engaged watching her tits swinging as her tank top fall forward exposing it to me.

gog: Why the loud sigh? What's wrong?

A: I got this wedding invitation to XYZ club, engagement party, it's tonight, Milt doesn't want to go and I also don't want to, but it's a colleague, if don't go, will be awkward.

M: Aiyah... I don't like loud places and clubs, very messy and dark, I rather stay home watch TV munch chips.

Yep... you get the life of Christians, very much mundane, boring and TV.

gog: You should go bud, protect Alicia, how can make her go alone.

Alicia's reply was something I DID NOT expect.

A: If not... you go with me la?


My mouth was left open, Milton 'hurried' to his car to clean while Alicia stood there with big bunny eyes and an evil smile. I couldn't even say or reject anything.

A: It's a DATE then! Wear nicely hor, don't wear like this.

I was still standing there wondering what happened. This escalated quickly.

A: Pick me up at 6.

Didn't say anything, just quietly got back to cleaning the car and fantasizing a lot of things. Something happened of course, else, how would this story begin? Right? Hehe.
Old 25-01-2024, 11:56 AM
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story getting very interesting bro, staying for more

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood thursday!

How's everybody ?


gog: OW!

A(licia): MMMM Sorry!

Alicia held my finger and looked all over it, trying to show some concern. Then it was anti-climax. *RING*.

Sigh. Milt called again, asking if we were done and he can swing by to pick up Alicia. Alicia was quick to say yes and arrange to meet Milt at the pick up point of Vivo. I wonder if she regretted not asking me to send her back that day. We might have gotten more and didn't have to wait for along while before starting our adultery.

gog: Done? Let's go.

Gone are the good old days where you leave your trays behind and walk off... Reached the drop off point at Lv2 and waited. Nothing eventful, there were people around and I wasn't sure if I should pat her bum. My hand was screaming out loud to touch her, I was thinking of 1001 ways of how to approach her bum.

I was a pervert, a sick one. I should see a psychiatrist some day.

Caught sight of the familiar Honda Civic coming up the ramp, SJ plate, yap, it's Milt. Suddenly *SMACK*. I turned to look at Alicia.

A: Whole night hitting me very shiok hor... this is in return.

She cheekily smiled and laughed as she gave a hard smack to my butt. I was too stunned to move, Milt stopped the car and she ran towards it waving bye. My bud waved bye from inside the car after giving Alicia a kiss. I weakly waved bye and happy thoughts filled my mind.

This was the boiling point for me, and opportunity soon presented itself again, some how, it just falls into place. This was the first time that ...

Alicia had a wedding invitation given to her by a colleague. Who in the right mind places an engagement celebration in a dance club? Alicia is not too fond of loud places and noisy music. She believes such places are places where 'things' happen and she wants no part of it. However, it is a wedding invitation.

A: Sigh...

Alicia gave out a loud sigh while doing up my car interior on a Saturday morning. I was grossly engaged watching her tits swinging as her tank top fall forward exposing it to me.

gog: Why the loud sigh? What's wrong?

A: I got this wedding invitation to XYZ club, engagement party, it's tonight, Milt doesn't want to go and I also don't want to, but it's a colleague, if don't go, will be awkward.

M: Aiyah... I don't like loud places and clubs, very messy and dark, I rather stay home watch TV munch chips.

Yep... you get the life of Christians, very much mundane, boring and TV.

gog: You should go bud, protect Alicia, how can make her go alone.

Alicia's reply was something I DID NOT expect.

A: If not... you go with me la?


My mouth was left open, Milton 'hurried' to his car to clean while Alicia stood there with big bunny eyes and an evil smile. I couldn't even say or reject anything.

A: It's a DATE then! Wear nicely hor, don't wear like this.

I was still standing there wondering what happened. This escalated quickly.

A: Pick me up at 6.

Didn't say anything, just quietly got back to cleaning the car and fantasizing a lot of things. Something happened of course, else, how would this story begin? Right? Hehe.
Old 25-01-2024, 01:43 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Swee la my favourite writer is back!
Old 26-01-2024, 12:10 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by wangwangwangg View Post
story getting very interesting bro, staying for more
Thank you bro...

Originally Posted by technolink View Post
Swee la my favourite writer is back!
There are better sharers of their life stories here la, cannot be I'm your favourite. Mai tripod me okay? LOL!!
Old 26-01-2024, 12:11 PM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Good day all, sorry for the late update!


Obviously, going to a club, driving is a no no. I took a cab down around 5 and went upstairs to pick up Alicia - they had already moved to their new place. Was bored at home and thought head over to have some company.

*DING....DONG* Yes, this my friend, is my all time signature way of pressing door bell (refer to my other threads). This was before all the funky single press call video door bells happened.

Took a while before the door opened. Milt was a bit sweaty, forehead perspiring, top naked and Alicia was nowhere to be seen. You folks thinking what I'm thinking, right?

gog: Bad ... time?

M(ilton): (panting slightly) No..o. come on in, you're early.

gog: Alicia?

M: She's taking a shower.

gog: I can come ba-

Milton interjected me almost immediately before I can say 'back'.

M: Come in la!! Aiyoh!

I went in and sat down. Felt a bit guilty interrupting their happy time, my mind ran around what they were doing and if Alicia was sucking his cock etc. Little gog started to rouse a bit with all the dirty thoughts in my mind.

Not too long, Alicia came out of the bedroom in a slight low cut, white flowery, dress with short sleeves and the skirt was up to her knee's length. Now you know why I say Alicia's dressing is boring, not enough to see. Her hair was tied up behind, flowing down, the fresh lavender scent of her shampoo lingered around her as she walked. She was blushing slightly, I guess I interrupted them at the wrong time. Her breasts were pushed up showing cleavage where the low cut was. That was the redeeming point of her dress. Something nice at least.

A(licia): Never see pretty girl before ah?


gog: Never see before one as ugly as you.

This remarked caused her to hit my shoulder gently while she gave an 'angry' stare. Gosh, I love these physical touches.

A: Bye dear, we go le.

M: Bye!

Milt happily sat on his couch while I had to entertain his wife. I'm too nice, everybody trusts me with their wife. He gets the evening off...I dread that I might be bored through the event. I don't even know anybody there.

A: Where's your car?

gog: Car? Hello? Club? Drinks? Drive?

I gave that 'are you thinking' look and Alicia glared at me.

A: So where's the car?

gog: Alamak... no car, let's go. Take taxi, if not later you get drunk you'll puke in my car.

Down came her tiny purse on my arm hitting me, and chasing after me to the main road. I went slow so she could catch me and 'hit' me playfully.

Flagged down a cab (this is an old story, so it's BEFORE Uber came in to town) and I opened the door, Alicia uttered a 'thanks' and got in. I went onto the road, and boarded from the other side.

Uneventful ride, Alicia fiddled her phone, I just tried to glance at her when I have the chance, thinking how I can get a cheap thrill later of hitting her bum and talking to her without making my action seem like cheap thrill.

At my youth, this probably is all a guy can think of, trying to repeat my actions to fulfill the fetish of accessing that part of her body without consequences. If only I was more daring...

Reached the club and Alicia gave an ang bao for the couple at the reception, we instantly got spotted by her colleague.

G(room): Hey Alicia, looking pretty, wow, lucky hubs huh?

CB... I'm here and he's hitting on Alicia, I'm not Milt but doesn't mean you should be so arrogant and direct also right?

G: This is your hubs? Hi, I'm Jack(ass), thanks for coming.

Alicia quickly held my arm and just smiled.

gog: Gog, Alicia's... er... er...

Alicia didn't say anything, Jack also just hurried away to some others who arrived behind us.

gog: He's quite a friendly fella, ya?

Alicia just pulled me and went to get me a drink. She came back with... ... ...coke. Seriously? Free liquor and you're getting me ... coke?

I took a sip and something was off. I looked at the bartender and he waved slightly. Burbon coke. I turned to look at Alicia as she drank it.
Old 27-01-2024, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Good day all, sorry for the late update!


Alicia just pulled me and went to get me a drink. She came back with... ... ...coke. Seriously? Free liquor and you're getting me ... coke?

I took a sip and something was off. I looked at the bartender and he waved slightly. Burbon coke. I turned to look at Alicia as she drank it.
I can tell little gog is coming out to play soon! Hahahaha
Old 27-01-2024, 02:10 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by 178noobnoob View Post
I can tell little gog is coming out to play soon! Hahahaha
Soon... very soon!!!
Old 27-01-2024, 02:12 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Good saturday, apologies, was supposed to post this AM but got tied up with other issues.

Have fun!


A(licia): Tastes a bit stale, with a fresh after taste, they serving old coke?

gog: Seems fine, think your taste buds maybe off. We go eat some food first might get your buds better.

I patted Alicia's butt slightly to make her move towards the buffet line. I wonder how much she packed for buffet, samosa, chicken wings, beehoon, noodles, vegetables, very simple cheap fare. I took a big plate of chicken wings since it's Alicia's favorite and we sat down. Her other colleagues came and she chatted with them, while I focused on the food. Every cup of burbon coke I got Alicia, she drank rather fast.

Met some of her colleagues, rather pretty too, not sure if it's the alcohol or because I'm simply just horny. The groom and bride appeared with the Justice of Peace, families seated. The bride and groom really look like two jack asses, really suited for each other, a bit of ah beng plus a bit of ah lian/huay. I wonder how many guys the bride already fucked with. She doesn't seem to be the simple girl. I have some other feedback about the bride, but I'll cut it away as it will offend some of the people here FOR SURE.

Suddenly, I felt a tug on my shirt sleeve. Alicia was looking flushed and a bit unstable.

A: She looks so ah lian.

I nearly burst out laughing, in her state she can still make such comments.

A: I look prettier hor?

Not sure if it's the alcohol speaking, maybe I should warn her it's not pure coke. Should I? Of course I should, but did I, that's another question. Hehe.

gog: Ya lor, you most pretty here, let's get married.

A: Ai si (want die) ah... I'm already married, how dare you flirt with me?

Whilst saying that, she was giggling uncontrollably. All ladies love a good flirt, Alicia was no different. I'm sure it's the alcohol. I moved my hand up her waist, and there was no rejection.

Lights dimmed slightly with dance music, some took to the floor and danced, including the two jackasses. Nobody bothered or cared if I'm really Milt or some other guy. During the wedding I believe they saw Milt but after so long, I doubt they remember in detail if I'm Milt or not. Nobody will approach me to talk anyway, ladies will shun me because Alicia is at my side, her colleagues have no common topic with her 'husband' so won't talk to me either.

Alicia started to sway slightly to the music by our tall table. I was seated on the high chair while Alicia stood near me and swayed. The movement and body rubbing was arousing me, little gog wasn't obedient and started to awaken.

Bon Jovi's "Bed of Roses" came on and Alicia was so excited.

A: Come, let's dance!

You folks know "Bed of Roses" is not a fast song, so I was a bit apprehensive because that would mean close body contact, should I ... is it right...ahhhh fuck it!

I took Alicia's hands and put them over my neck while I went for her waist, we stood close to each other and swayed. I looked down slightly at Alicia, who was intoxicated with alcohol. Alicia fell forward, head into my chest and and snuggly fitted her head. I wished it last forever, oh such intimacy. No wonder she dislikes alcohol, this must be the reason why, it makes us uncontrollable.

Evening went on a while more and it was about 10+, most people wanted to go off, and Alicia was quite drunk already, spouting nonsense and laughing. Her colleagues were passing us and saying good bye. Alicia leaned against me like as if I'm her husband while I rested one hand on her waist to support her as she stood between my legs. Little gog is really NOT cooperating.

gog: Let's go, think you're drunk.

A: Mmmm? I didn't drink leh.

gog: I drank a bit myself, let's go.

Alicia's legs were wobbly and couldn't stand properly, I held her waist, and carried her purse (shut up guys, SHUT UP, HAHAHA) with my free hand. Walked out and managed to flag down a cab after like what seems forever. I helped her in and let her sit near the window incase she wants to vomit, I went from the other door and sat next to her, visibly also heightened by alcohol, I wasn't very nimble myself. We seated really close to each other. I sat between the rear seats so she can lead against the door or me.

gog: Uncle, drive slower a bit incase she vomits, I will open window so won't dirty your car.

A drunk and high passenger is every taxi driver's nightmare, including me, so I'm pretty meticulous about this situation. I'm high, but still alert and awake, reaction time is shorter but still in better shape than Alicia. The driver began to go slowly off and brake not too hard.

gog: You okay? We're on the way to your place.

Alicia closed both eyes and squinted, think she was high and not too sober.

Out of a sudden, Alicia held my left hand with hers, interlocking each other's fingers like partners handholding. Before I can react or even think about anything, she then moved forward and kissed me on my lips with hers. This is the first time we locked lips and in a public place.

I didn't know what to do but to savor the moment. I kissed her back, her left hand went to my face and we frenched, with a bit of tongue. My other hand went behind her back and pulled her nearer to me, our bodies rubbing each other. I didn't give a fuck if the taxi driver is watching. What turned me on was that after we broke off the kissing, I heard her heavy breathing, fuck, that was ultra sexy to me. She was heated up.

Her hand held mine even tighter. I watched her chest move up and down as she breathed heavily. She turned her head to the window, eyes still close as I looked at that line between her breasts, I hesitated

Fuck, why was I not daring back then. This story would then have started faster.
Old 27-01-2024, 05:08 PM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

bro gog

That means BLUEBALLS longer.

It is okay.

Like the slow pace and build up (you know what I mean).

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

Fuck, why was I not daring back then. This story would then have started faster.
Old 28-01-2024, 07:33 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by lipe View Post

bro gog

That means BLUEBALLS longer.

It is okay.

Like the slow pace and build up (you know what I mean).
Actually no, this is the first step... coming liao. Hehehe...
Old 28-01-2024, 07:34 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Good sunday all, going out soon, have fun!!


An eternity passed us by, I didn't get any more kisses but we were still holding hands as we reached her place. I paid the taxi driver. He was giving me a cheeky look, thinking I'm going to get lucky.

Got out, held her close to me as she leaned on my left while my hand was around her waist and my right hand holding her arm. It was really tempting, watching her chest bounce as she keeps tilting to me. I'm not sure she is sober and teasing me, or she's really high and drunk.

Reached her door, she should take out her keys, unlocked and went in. I didn't step into the house. She closed the door in my face and that was that. I don't know she is aware what happened. Was she using alcohol to boost her courage to do something she didn't dare, or was she mistaken, or... A lot of scenarios ran through my head, but I can't deliberate on the action.

I'm guessing, maybe she wanted more. I stood there at the door for a while before coming back to my senses and went off.

*DING* I was almost home and...

M(ilton): Wah bro... what you do to her, she KO (knock-out) liao after shower.

gog: She didn't know the coke is burbon coke, she took a fair bit. I thought she can handle her liqor, sorry bro.

M: Hahaha, will tease her in the morning, sotong one.

gog: Haha at least I brought her back in one piece.

M: Good night bro.

Her lavender scent, her touch and I went to bed a happy man. This, was just the tip of the ice-berg.

For the next few weeks, I was thinking of ways to get her alone with me but to no avail. Milt was always sticking around her. Alicia did not seem to remember what she did in the taxi. She was still joking, laughing as we wash the cars, talking normally during BS and all. My mind was simply thinking how to get the same scenario as the last time. Sometimes, don't you guys do the same? Keep playing the scene over and over and thinking how to go back to the same scenario and after that go further?

She, of course gave me 'colors' to see after she was told about the coke. She chased me and 'hit' me all over. I didn't mind of course, love the touches of her skin on mine.

Really, sometimes, when a chance is given and you miss it, another comes along.

*DING* In the middle of the week, Milt sent me a message.

M: Bro, can help? Urgent.

Honestly, I was freaking worried, I thought he met with car accident and need help.

gog: Mai scare me leh bro, you ok boh?

M: Small issue, I got a spare bus ticket to Genting in 2 weeks, you ok to go boh? I can't make it.

While I was typing my reply, thinking I got free short holiday over the weekend, my buddy sent another message. This one really shocked me.

M: Alicia going also, we supposed to go together but I forgot that day company standby.

I paused my reply, WA header was showing 'Milton is typing...' while I sat there shocked at what is transpiring. Am I... dreaming?

M: Everything paid for, you accompany Alicia can? I'm sure she won't bully you. Ha ha ha.

It's not about who bullies who, it's...

My fingers did the typing.

gog: OK.

I don't remember it was me typing that day, or little gog typing.

gog: I'll get my own room.

M: OK. We booked XYZ Hotel, see if you can get a room next to Alicia.

You folks must be thinking, why didn't Milt ask me to just share a room with Alicia and change his bed type from double sharing to twin sharing? Because this is not a fantasy story, regardless how close we are to each other, no man will let his wife share a room with another guy, not even if I'm his buddy.

Went online, booked a room at the same hotel with still plenty of rooms available. The next two weeks went by painfully slow. They also mentioned the trip to the BS group. Nobody doubted my integrity because I'm a gentleman, I did however highlight I booked a separate room. Nobody seemed to pay attention to what I said. I guess what I did was normal and to be expected.
Old 28-01-2024, 08:41 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Camping liao
Old 28-01-2024, 09:47 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Waiting for more…
Old 28-01-2024, 10:26 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Actually no, this is the first step... coming liao. Hehehe...
Extended foreplay
My stories. Are they real or not? U decide lor. Anyway doesn't matter much cos I am reliving them...

How I got myself with an ex-colleague...

I did not know that side of my sis-in-law...
Old 28-01-2024, 10:31 AM
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Re: Alicia - Friend's Wife

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Good sunday all, going out soon, have fun!!

Sometimes, don't you guys do the same? Keep playing the scene over and over and thinking how to go back to the same scenario and after that go further?
Yups, truth be told I'm still doing that now but I dun think it gonna happen. Haha. Maybe cos I not enough gentleman as gog.

Wow your chance of a lifetime reminded me of my missed opportunity...I had a chance to go KL with my crush of a while but I stupidly go tell my ex-fwb den she baotoh me to my then I think that's the most stupid thing I do in my life...
My stories. Are they real or not? U decide lor. Anyway doesn't matter much cos I am reliving them...

How I got myself with an ex-colleague...

I did not know that side of my sis-in-law...
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