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Old 12-09-2003, 04:34 PM
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Originally posted by Punanilovr
I would say very lucky as the girls come to us instead of we go ask them. Hahhahah...
Checked out the pricing for showroom.
A quality is like 5ook and B quality is like 380k. I think pricing wise quite steep but have lotsa selection. Man, I almost feel like Chris Tucker in Rush Hour.

Please lah Bro... the girls did not come to us but we appoach them ......hehehe

they were sitting behind and we invited them to join table with us.... Next time.... yr turn..... for the shopping of FL....hahah
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:39 PM
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Rainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to behold
While u were busy testing that Ferrari... I am busy seaching for the Chinese maseur for u....hahahah

here are the ditails.


no 68, 67, 88, 54 yg chinese. juga ada 2 lagi yg gue lupa nomernya.
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:41 PM
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Rainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to behold
Jumat kemaren gw ke Tr****l nih.. setelah ambil kunci..langsung aja keatas (ngebet).. hehehe... liat2 nomor2 cantik yg sudah diposting disini.. udah dibook semua.. akhirnya terserah mbaknya aja dech kasih yg mana eh.. dikasi no.54.. sama yg Pak Jap_378 kemaren pake hehehe...
kasih kamar vip.. takut berisik jadinya pindah ke VVip yg pake pintu.. lebih private.. orangnya sih emang rada bawel tapi emang bener orangya friendly abis.. pijetnya mayan enak.. diajak berendam bareng ber-2 tp berhubung air panasnya gak ada.. males ah dingin.. abis pijet langsung di full servise...
nih FR-nya...

No: 54
Nama E***n (gak papa khan kasi tau namanya?)
Umur: bilangnya 20
Attitude: 8/10 (friendly, agak bawel daripada diem)
Face: 7/10 (chinese, putih, rambut pirang :P)
Breast: 5/10 (cilik)
H/J: gak di h/j
B/j: 7.5/10 (bijinya juga..isep pake permen Vicks)
F/j: 7.5/10 (dijilat abis)

Damage Cost: 180k(vvip) + 150 (full service)

Teman².. nomor berapa lagi nih yang yahud? kasih saran donk untuk onfo terakhir..
Pas nunggu .. liat satu yg dibooking tamu no.88.. kayaknya cakep tuh..
any info?
try and I wait for your FR....hahaha
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:52 PM
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No yang pasti bisa dipake (sdh ditest oleh temen2 gue)
03,04,10,14,16,17,19,20,23,24,26,27,28,30,34,36,39 ,41,45,46,47,48,48,50,53,54,55,58,60,61,63,68,69,7 0
No Yg cakep mukanya 01,03,16,26,36,39,45,60,61,69

No yg Servienya Super 04,10,16,23,27,34,41,45,46,47,48,50 (semua rata2 mau maen lebih dari 1 X,no 23,24,34 bisa body massage)

No yang toketnya gede: 01,20,23,28,34,49,55,69 (no 28,49,55 super gede)

No chinese ; 26,54,65,66,67,68 (gua juga ga begitu pasti)

No yang jgn dipilih walau bisa maen :
20 toket sudah turun,brg longgar
54 barangnya pake kuah alias becek abis
53 toket kecil sekali,perut banyak parutan
39 kalo duit elu sedikit mending jgn karena dia pasti minta harga gede

Semua info ini dipercaya atau ga terserah elu tapi ini pendapat semua temen gue yang udah pernah nyoba
Everything in life is in Contexure.

When there is a problem, there will always be a solution.

So why let the problem bother you
Old 12-09-2003, 04:55 PM
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Rainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to behold
Hari rabu sekalian betulin mobil gua yang ringsek nabrak tembok
tinggal mobil karena deket daerah cideng naik ojek ke tropic
perkara naik ojek bukan karena latah niru senior bro M (yang gosipnya dual personality itu) sorry bro no offense.
Sampai di bar nomor cantik 68, 39 udah dibooking padahal baru jam 12an
kacau nich nomor cantik yang laen pada kosong akhirnya nunggu. Enggak berapa lama no 36 datang, baru mau booking udah keduluan. Siapa tuch kalau anggota fhbi kudu fr !. Enggak lama datang no 54. singkat cerita karena udah kelamaan gua naek ama dia.

no 54
name : e****
face : 7 /10
body : 7 /10
attd : 8 / 10 Talkative (rada bawel malah), friendly abis
hj : 7,5 / 10 Gaya nungging PH
bj : 8 / 10 disep sampe cim, titf*ck (sayang kurang gede yaa. Isapannya kayak jetpump (sampe pulang masih nyut2an punya gua he3x)
kesimpulan : gua puas banget dech ama servisnya, friendly abis, sampe pulang aja gua masih dipeluk2x ama dicium2x gemes katanya laenkali bisa langsung fj for free.

btw: kenapa yaach kalau di bj langsung lemes abis, padahal kalau di hj sampe 2 / 3 kali masih enggak lemes begini. Sugesti atau apa yach ?? tolong bro2x yang udah pro memberikan advis

Wong edan di dunia edan]
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Old 12-09-2003, 04:56 PM
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Lim and BatamMan

Finally got to meet people from this board.
Met with Lim and BatamMan, but not on the same night.
Went with Lim to check out Taman Sari 75, didn't pick up cause both of us not in mood. After that went to Kartika to meet my friends, didn't go up.

Met up with BatamMan at Hard Rock cafe the next night. Nice guy, friendly and freaking funny too. Too bad I was very tired that night, had to wake up early also the next day.
Old 12-09-2003, 05:03 PM
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Rainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to behold
Re: Lim and BatamMan

Originally posted by BADKARMA
Finally got to meet people from this board.
Met with Lim and BatamMan, but not on the same night.
Went with Lim to check out Taman Sari 75, didn't pick up cause both of us not in mood. After that went to Kartika to meet my friends, didn't go up.

Met up with BatamMan at Hard Rock cafe the next night. Nice guy, friendly and freaking funny too. Too bad I was very tired that night, had to wake up early also the next day.
hi,,, U are back...haha

Met Lim also last night and spoken to batamMan too..

So when we meet up?

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Old 12-09-2003, 05:16 PM
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Re: Re: Re: sigh

Originally posted by vaxvms
wow liao so many lobang over there U
tink u come back SG not use to chionging scene here liao
i have this feeling when i stay too long in BKK too
Here all is big lobang.
The more u into, the more u got sucked in. Hahhahah...
kinda scary sometimes. True not, bro Rainman?
Old 12-09-2003, 05:26 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: sigh

Originally posted by Punanilovr
Here all is big lobang.
The more u into, the more u got sucked in. Hahhahah...
kinda scary sometimes. True not, bro Rainman?
me??? hahahaha

Read a report by jaggnut in tok cok forum then u decide.

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Old 12-09-2003, 05:27 PM
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Originally posted by Rainman
Please lah Bro... the girls did not come to us but we appoach them ......hehehe

they were sitting behind and we invited them to join table with us.... Next time.... yr turn..... for the shopping of FL....hahah

Oh....I tot they come to us. Hahahaha...pai se pai se.
Ok time my turn but I dunno if I can meet up to yor standard. Anyway, GC is like ladies nite everynite.

Eh...u called the tall girl and said waht? How come she's blur? may be she not yet "turun". Hhahahaha
Old 12-09-2003, 05:29 PM
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Wa lau....
u expect me to FR all of them? Siau man.
Not only I go dry, my body probably will be blue black from getting all that massage. hahahahah...
May go there try once next time lah. u interested? berapa yah tips for fj?

Originally posted by Rainman
No yang pasti bisa dipake (sdh ditest oleh temen2 gue)
03,04,10,14,16,17,19,20,23,24,26,27,28,30,34,36,39 ,41,45,46,47,48,48,50,53,54,55,58,60,61,63,68,69,7 0
No Yg cakep mukanya 01,03,16,26,36,39,45,60,61,69

No yg Servienya Super 04,10,16,23,27,34,41,45,46,47,48,50 (semua rata2 mau maen lebih dari 1 X,no 23,24,34 bisa body massage)

No yang toketnya gede: 01,20,23,28,34,49,55,69 (no 28,49,55 super gede)

No chinese ; 26,54,65,66,67,68 (gua juga ga begitu pasti)

No yang jgn dipilih walau bisa maen :
20 toket sudah turun,brg longgar
54 barangnya pake kuah alias becek abis
53 toket kecil sekali,perut banyak parutan
39 kalo duit elu sedikit mending jgn karena dia pasti minta harga gede

Semua info ini dipercaya atau ga terserah elu tapi ini pendapat semua temen gue yang udah pernah nyoba
Old 12-09-2003, 05:31 PM
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Re: Lim and BatamMan

Originally posted by BADKARMA
Finally got to meet people from this board.
Met with Lim and BatamMan, but not on the same night.
Went with Lim to check out Taman Sari 75, didn't pick up cause both of us not in mood. After that went to Kartika to meet my friends, didn't go up.

Met up with BatamMan at Hard Rock cafe the next night. Nice guy, friendly and freaking funny too. Too bad I was very tired that night, had to wake up early also the next day.

Eh...when do I get the honor to meet bro?
Old 12-09-2003, 06:58 PM
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Rainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to beholdRainman is a splendid one to behold
Originally posted by Punanilovr
Wa lau....
u expect me to FR all of them? Siau man.
Not only I go dry, my body probably will be blue black from getting all that massage. hahahahah...
May go there try once next time lah. u interested? berapa yah tips for fj?
hahaha.... I thought u want to try the Chinese only???

Tip???? for what????hahahahah
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Old 12-09-2003, 09:07 PM
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Originally posted by Rainman
hahaha.... I thought u want to try the Chinese only???

Tip???? for what????hahahahah
Will try the Chinese only. Sian with the local already. Tried so many liao. Well, yor posting didn't mention how much to tips mah. And I dont want to spoil the market.
Old 13-09-2003, 02:16 AM
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Why when I'm away and everybody is having fun!
even to a decent place like HRC!

I remember the last time I went to HRC ..I went alone!

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