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Old 05-05-2011, 10:23 AM
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Smile Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
I am testing you lah, snr brudder, I know An An is from 31B. Just to verify if you are referring to the An An whom I knew.

Wahh!! If u can afford one bonk per day is not simple brudder! if let say you bonk 30 times per month (assuming no rest and horny very day of the month), it is equivalent to 30 X 150 = S$4,500.00 and S$54,000.00 a year assuming you are a CAT150 cheonster. Quite a lot of $$$ for an ordinary man on the street leh. That can pay for a CAT B COE de!!
Wah lau bro, you are very humourous. I like.

Give you my 5 pts liao. Plse continue to contribute for the benefit of all bros here.

I like your logical reasoning but me old cock how to bonk everyday?
Even got $$$ also no bullets to fire everyday.
Every three day one bonk still can lah. $1500 a month.

So you going to bao her izzit? Drop some hints leh.
Up Queue: ??

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Old 05-05-2011, 02:45 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Wah lau bro, you are very humourous. I like.

Give you my 5 pts liao. Plse continue to contribute for the benefit of all bros here.

I like your logical reasoning but me old cock how to bonk everyday?
Even got $$$ also no bullets to fire everyday.
Every three day one bonk still can lah. $1500 a month.

So you going to bao her izzit? Drop some hints leh.
Snr Brudder, how can I be more humorous than you, you are the infamous Joker of the Gotham City!! Be careful, the man with a bat mask is hot on your heels leh. Wakakakakaka!!

I have not decided who to bao leh. Any good suggestion?
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:13 PM
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Re: Ying Tao

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Who is this Bao Er? The Bao Er formally from your shop? Oops, I mean from Eagle's L2413? Your nick happens to be Eagle as well. Kekeke!!

I wonder why no one bao this pretty Bao Bei huh?
No, I meant the guy who "bao" her.....
Old 06-05-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Ying Tao

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
He is not referring to the WL by the name, Bao Er lah bro.

He is referring to the person who bao a WL as "bao-er" just like the person who cater is called caterer, the person who swim is called swimmer.

So the person who bao BaiHe wants her out of GL.
Exactly And seems the guy who bao has the romantic notions of visiting her in China as well. Word is she may leave by end of May?
Old 09-05-2011, 06:16 PM
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Smile Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
I am testing you lah, snr brudder, I know An An is from 31B. Just to verify if you are referring to the An An whom I knew.

Wahh!! If u can afford one bonk per day ....................
yo bro, you always mention An An, izzit u going to bao her??

My intel got info that u going to bao her leh. How much u stake huh?
Got one fella offer $50K also kena rejected leh.
Must be becos of you lah. You stake much more than $50K izzit?
Maybe also not enuf leh.
Got many offers coming in now, like govt tender closing leh.

This gal very deep deep one lah. Maybe need $200K then she will consider.

Last time the big boobs PRC WL Lily and Chili kena bao for $100K each leh.
The retired Lan Tian also kena bao by 5 Singaporeans time sharing for big $$$.
Niki (2831B) also kena bao before she disappears from GL and Michelle (31A) akan datang.


Originally Posted by Eagles View Post
Exactly. And seems the guy who bao has the romantic notions of visiting her in China as well. Word is she may leave by end of May?
Ya, BaiHe going to leave end of this month.

Ying Tao oredi gone liao. Mr M from 31A visit her to catch up romantic times.

More exciting news coming in a few weeks' time. Akan datang.
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Old 09-05-2011, 06:41 PM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Anyone know the homebase of a ToTo or DoDo?
Long hair to shoulder, small in stature.....
Saw her walk into 1651, asked the OKT and he said something like the above.
Old 10-05-2011, 08:27 AM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Ya, BaiHe going to leave end of this month.
Seems like now maybe 7 not so fast. Stay tuned
Old 10-05-2011, 03:45 PM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Last time the big boobs PRC WL Lily and Chili kena bao for $100K each leh.
The retired Lan Tian also kena bao by 5 Singaporeans time sharing for big $$$.
Niki (2831B) also kena bao before she disappears from GL and Michelle (31A) akan datang.


Brudder, there were a couple of fraud cases in the past that happened to Kiki and Tong Tong from 1654A. The bloody fellow used the same tricks on both Kiki and Tong Tong. This fellow would initially propose a payment of S$30k first and he then conned the WLs into believing him that he will remit the remaining balance of S$70k to her once she returned to China. And he will also promised to visit them and buy them houses and cars. But that never happened. As far as I know, he is the same fellow who conned both Tong Tong and Kiki. Both Tong Tong and Kiki of course regretted as both can easily earn more than S$150k within one year stint in GL.

I have already put up my bidded price. It is all up to her lah. Actually I have plenty to choose from.
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Old 10-05-2011, 08:48 PM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by Eagles View Post
Seems like now maybe 7 not so fast. Stay tuned
Bai he of 16wh06??

Wow, better see her more often from now onwards. She is very nice. Some one bao her then .....hope this guy treats her well.

I saw her stable mate Sakura walking down lor16 today in civilian clothes taking a taxi? Prob off day. She looks very sweet.
Old 11-05-2011, 02:15 AM
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Smile Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Brudder, there were a couple of fraud cases in the past that happened to Kiki and Tong Tong from 1654A. The bloody fellow used the same tricks on both Kiki and Tong Tong. This fellow would initially propose a payment of S$30k first and he then conned the WLs into believing him that he will remit the remaining balance of S$70k to her once she returned to China. And he will also promised to visit them and buy them houses and cars. But that never happened. As far as I know, he is the same fellow who conned both Tong Tong and Kiki. Both Tong Tong and Kiki of course regretted as both can easily earn more than S$150k within one year stint in GL.

I have already put up my bidded price. It is all up to her lah. Actually I have plenty to choose from.
Bro, I dun understand what u mean by con leh?

Although the WLs can earn more if they stay but they still gain $30K with no effort at all.
And this guy got nothing to gain by tricking them to go home becos the WL will not stick to him also.
Instead he is still $30K poorer with nothing in return.
The WL got less but it is still a small gain with no effort at all.

What I mean is that why would a normal person give a WL $30K and
trick them to go home becos he got nothing to gain from it anyway?
Eventually, he is $30K poorer and get nothing from this fake deal?

Regarding your bid price for An An, she told my fren there is no such offer leh?
Maybe she bluff my fren lah. So you bid more than $50K izzit?
I heard she got many "tuakehs" with deep deep pockets ah.
Since she rejected $50K, maybe you must put in $100K - $200K lah?
Got so many bids coming in, no wonder u so secretive lah.

Sekali all fake bids with no deposits, like empty bidding COE like that?
Or maybe tomolo she suddenly disappears. Bwahaha..........

How many WLs have you bidded? Wah, u so loaded ah?
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 11-05-2011, 08:52 AM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by hock19 View Post
Bai he of 16wh06??

Wow, better see her more often from now onwards. She is very nice. Some one bao her then .....hope this guy treats her well.

I saw her stable mate Sakura walking down lor16 today in civilian clothes taking a taxi? Prob off day. She looks very sweet.
Sakura also bao by some guy so she doesn't work very much. Just hangs around and goes out with this guy when he wants.
Old 11-05-2011, 10:01 AM
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Re: PRC WLs kena bao

Originally Posted by Eagles View Post
Sakura also bao by some guy so she doesn't work very much. Just hangs around and goes out with this guy when he wants.
Actually surely officially, the laws forbids such license holders to suka suka go out with other people. Hence some of the girls scared to go out and been seen to go out with their "boyfriends". Unless all, including OKTs are turning a blind eye.
Old 11-05-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

just curious anyone give xiao s,1805 money to go back or not?i nearly give but luckily last min wake up,i only spent few k n some gift when she working
Old 12-05-2011, 12:24 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Hmm, WL also can bid? Seems like there's really alot of rich ppl in here. I can only do it the normal way, pay per use. Also must leg hand quick before all the good one Kenna bao away. Stressed!
Old 12-05-2011, 01:57 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by somaur View Post
Hmm, WL also can bid? Seems like there's really alot of rich ppl in here. I can only do it the normal way, pay per use. Also must leg hand quick before all the good one Kenna bao away. Stressed!
Bro you can swing by any DBS or POSB ATM to place your bid for any WLs...wakaka!
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