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Old 19-09-2010, 02:33 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

I dunno about you brothers.. personally, I've screwed 3 of my maids... and no problems... ;p
Old 19-09-2010, 02:42 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Did I find her a dictator? Yes, but she always tells me the reason behind it.
I am taking a break.
But I will share about cock teaser 101 soon after i gather more experience with that bitch! (another gal)
I wont fuck her though.



A very good story and a good start too...making this thread more lively and something to learn.

Keep it up.

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Old 19-09-2010, 03:35 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
this is long, if u bother to read
very well-written bro.

since u r alr married with children, i hope u wont fall too deep into the r'ship. it's easy to get in but may not be easy to get out. esp pinays tend to be very emotional and sticky in a r'ship.


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Old 19-09-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
hours as i was hugging her from behind and dick resting upon her butt, my dick came alive (maybe after the rest), and I told myself "fuck the cap"
I motioned her and she responseded but did not ask me to cap on. I penetrated her. She was tight. She was not a virgin but she was tight. I shot all my one month load onto her body. It took a handful of wet tissue to clean it off. After wash up i hug her from spoon position (behind). She ask if i will want to consider her as wife.
becareful, the last thing u want is to see her carrying a baby to look for you 9 mths later
Old 19-09-2010, 02:45 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by Ronsee View Post
Bro just an advice. playing with own maid in the house can have disasterous consequences.

As a saying not eat and shit in your own house. IMHO better to play outside rather than risk the thrill of the moment.

Just an from a Bro who has seen it before.

Hi, Bro Ronsee

Like Mr Bombastic said in his recent post, I also am screwing my 3rd maid at home. The first two were Indons, current one is Myanmar.

Mine is a logistics issue ... missus is overseas about 80% of the time, I'm not so energetic to go hunting outside so often, I go pubs once in a blue moon only. In 2009, had a 2 month fling with my ex-fiancee's mum but I had to terminate the arrangement after she started to get too possessive, though we both agreed at the start to restrict the relationship to sex only.

Some bros might think it's a great arrangement to have at home, but it's not for bros who like to experience new face/bodies. The good thing is that I have an convenient outlet to release my stress and have no restriction when I want to try new positions.
Old 19-09-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hey guys, I'm finally back after a long hiatus (but then again, I don't know if any of the bros here remember me haha), and it's been a fruitful few months. Anyway I'd like to welcome bro The Lord back to the thread, and I hope he'll stay and ignore all those dunderheads who have been constantly zapping him.

My story begins on a boring Monday afternoon. I was on Tagged, checking out some pinays, and I came across a profile of some pinay chick. I was hooked, and I sent her a message intro-ing myself and asking her to do likewise. However, the problem with Tagged is that most girls there end up being messaged by sex fiends, so they don't bother to reply to their messages. After a week without a response, I gave up and stopped hoping for one. However, when I logged in and went to her profile again, I realized that she had left her Facebook profile name on the page, so I added her and waited for the results.

It didn't take long,and around 10 minutes after I added her, she logged in to FB and I started a conversation with her on FB Chat. We spent around 30 minutes chatting, and I was damn fucking surprised to learn that she was not a foreign student here, as the pics on her Tagged profile led me to believe, but a maid. And brudders, she was pretty smokin' hot by maid standards! I then knew that I had stumbled upon a a gem, and I had to keep her interested. I then made up some excuse that I had to log out of FB and asked for her number. Initially she was reluctant (aren't they all), but I finally cajoled it out of her. We kept in touch for a couple of months, and I finally asked her whether she wanted to meet me in person, and we agreed on the date, time and place.

The tale gets better, so wait for the next part, aye brudders?
Old 19-09-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by magix85 View Post
Hi, Bro Ronsee

.... had a 2 month fling with my ex-fiancee's mum ....
You rock! I am sure all the bros are eagerly awaiting details of this erotic fling.
Old 19-09-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by sony2002 View Post
becareful, the last thing u want is to see her carrying a baby to look for you 9 mths later
Dont scare him .. most likely, if she educated pinay, she know her rhythm .. though you may get an odd ball who just want to get pregnant ...
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Old 19-09-2010, 11:05 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Dont scare him .. most likely, if she educated pinay, she know her rhythm .. though you may get an odd ball who just want to get pregnant ...
Hi Bro
This is a true story,About 05 weeks ago, my friend had sex with the maid without wear cap .His maid had missed the period for 04 weeks. They started to scare and worried if my friend unable concentrade his work.Everyday he had to secret SMS his maid " Blood or no Blood " yeresday so happy and show the SMS " Blood coming "
Old 19-09-2010, 11:07 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by plschgme88 View Post
Hi Bro
This is a true story,About 05 weeks ago, my friend had sex with the maid without wear cap .His maid had missed the period for 04 weeks. They started to scare and worried if my friend unable concentrade his work.Everyday he had to secret SMS his maid " Blood or no Blood " yeresday so happy and show the SMS " Blood coming "
Type error :My advise PLAY WITH CARE

ADVICE not advise
Old 19-09-2010, 11:25 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by sony2002 View Post
becareful, the last thing u want is to see her carrying a baby to look for you 9 mths later
Advice taken bro.
Her period came just before she flew off. But you are rite, its risky business.
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Old 19-09-2010, 11:47 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hi Bros,

Anyone have any contact to exchange ?
Old 19-09-2010, 11:58 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by ekemono View Post
Advice taken bro.
Her period came just before she flew off. But you are rite, its risky business.
My Advice is to get a mail that cannot conceive anymore, some of them got a cap implant in them. I got one about 6 years back. No problem when come to fucking her. As I start work around 10am, I got enough time for a morning fling every day. Her blowjob was fantastic good. Too bad she dun wan to renew her contract with us.
Old 20-09-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Seems like everyone are giving advices like: Don't play with your own maid. What about the idea of exchanging maids? LOL .
Old 20-09-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by plschgme88 View Post
Hi Bro
This is a true story,About 05 weeks ago, my friend had sex with the maid without wear cap .His maid had missed the period for 04 weeks. They started to scare and worried if my friend unable concentrade his work.Everyday he had to secret SMS his maid " Blood or no Blood " yeresday so happy and show the SMS " Blood coming "
As I say, if she educated one, chance she know how to take care .. maids - no chance, and if somemore they get preg, they prefer keep baby - after all Bishop says "ABORTION IS MURDER"

And somemore, maids don't take contraceptive, and rely on proven medication, like Paracetamol + beer (as if it is clinically proven to work .. )

Anyway, Mr Poulnil: Who is distributing contact ?? What, where, who, how, when ???
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