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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-10-2004, 03:11 PM
orche orche is offline
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Smile Re:Vivian

Originally Posted by imom
I was nicely driving around Newton, having dropped someone off nearby... when the little general buzzed me and told me to look for some action. Called Royal, asked for Monica but she's on leave... then it struck me - I've been wanting to try Vivian at Lexon for some time but she's been on leave like, forever... Called and voila - she's available... took me less than 5mins to get there...

Took a dip in the hot pool, showered and sat down for a drink at the lounge... Mr indian man seeked me out and directed me to my room and shortly after, I copped my first eyeful of Vivian...

The first thing that struck me is that she looks like a fairer version of Yang Li Na - same bony body and similar facial features. She doesn't look like Li Na, they just have the same sort of general features... and as I'm not a great fan of Li Na, initial impressions were not through the roof. Anyway, she's still pleasant enough to look at. At this point I'm wondering what the fuss is all about... maybe her service? Guess I'll find out soon enough... Anyway, she's slim, fair and average height - about 1.62 m.

Proceeded to the massage, which was average. Guess I've had too many sessions of good (decent) tuina so the yardstick has moved quite a bit. Popped the question soon after and opted for FJ... Actually, I told her 'what do you think?' (as usual) when she asked and she just automatically assumed it was FJ... Keke...

She went out to get her stuff, returned and started stripping... Nice boobs - for a slim frame. At least B-cup I think... and they're real... Soft and fleshy... Started the BM-cum-catbath, alternating between using her tongue and her boobs. A bit lickie here, a bit of tit-fuck there.... and then finally capped me for the BJ. An average BJ I'd say. After a short time of sucking rubber, she mounted me and started riding... until she got tired and we switched to missionary. Pumped for like an eternity, but for some reason just couldn't come... to the point where the little general protested by going limp on me! Guess I really have no chemistry with this chick... must be the visions of Li Na! Heh... She tried blowing me again, but I told her to just give me a HJ... This seemed to work and I shot off in no time...

Well, Vivian's a pleasant and friendly girl, but I think it's obvious that for my own reasons, I'm not gonna rtf...

Name: Vivian
Face: 6.5/10
Body: 6.5/10 (slim, but a wee bit of a tum)
Massage: 6/10
HJ: 6.5/10
BJ: 6/10
FJ: 6/10
GFE: 6/10
RTF: Nah....
Hi bro imom

Wah, the score is a bit on the low side! Vivian look more like CNA anchor Suzzane Jung more than Yang Li Nah. I'm impressed with your stamina 'cos Vivian probably has one of the tighest vxxxxxx in HC scene. Have fun
Old 22-10-2004, 03:42 PM
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Re: Vivian

Originally Posted by orche
Hi bro imom

Wah, the score is a bit on the low side! Vivian look more like CNA anchor Suzzane Jung more than Yang Li Nah. I'm impressed with your stamina 'cos Vivian probably has one of the tighest vxxxxxx in HC scene. Have fun
Scores on looks are always subjective, Bro Orche... You should only trust my scoring if you've tried a few gals whom I've given good scores to and agree with me on those... Vivian is a 6.5 to me. Carnation of Dragon is 8.5. Go figure...

The comparison to Li Na was for 'general feel' only - I did specifically say that it wasn't that she looks like Li Na, but she just reminds me of her.

Anyway, you have fun too...
Old 23-10-2004, 11:29 AM
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Re: Vivian

Originally Posted by orche
Hi bro imom

Wah, the score is a bit on the low side! Vivian look more like CNA anchor Suzzane Jung more than Yang Li Nah. I'm impressed with your stamina 'cos Vivian probably has one of the tighest vxxxxxx in HC scene. Have fun
I agree with Bro Imom assessment of Vivian. Above that, I would like to add on that Vivian really got a lousy attitude which is typical of any PRCs........Being the Ang Pai of Lexon adds to her pride in certain degree as well.

Bro Orche, I am surprised that you think that Vivian looks like Suzzane Jung, I think a lot of imagination needs to be exercised here..........The HC gal I know that bears closest resemblance to Suzzane is none other than Ribena of DHC, and of course Ribena beats Vivian in terms of service, looks and attitude any time.

Vivian being the Ang Pai, should have lots of customers per day and yet able to maintain the tighest vxxxxxx in HC scene, dunno what kung fu she practice man........
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Old 25-10-2004, 09:08 AM
orche orche is offline
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Talking Re: Vivian


Bro Orche, I am surprised that you think that Vivian looks like Suzzane Jung, I think a lot of imagination needs to be exercised here..........The HC gal I know that bears closest resemblance to Suzzane is none other than Ribena of DHC, and of course Ribena beats Vivian in terms of service, looks and attitude any time.(/QUOTE]

Saw many fr on Ribena, but never had the urge to try. Maybe it's time to have a 'Ribena light' (exclude BBBJ), kek.........
Old 25-10-2004, 09:26 AM
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by imom
Thanks bro... Will kiv these few names for the next time I'm there...
personally i still prefer Nokia....she damm good in bbbj..hard throat type..still missing her..
Old 25-10-2004, 10:40 PM
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by robinhood
personally i still prefer Nokia....she damm good in bbbj..hard throat type..still missing her..
Agree. Try her AR. You gonna love it too.
Old 26-10-2004, 06:55 AM
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by facial
Agree. Try her AR. You gonna love it too.
Yo..bro facial, u did try Nokia b4?? Precisely, her skills is damm good, can made u veri high in cloud nine!! kekeke...
Old 26-10-2004, 09:03 PM
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Re: Lexon

Bro robinhood, Nokia is great. All my friends who have tried her think so too. But i am a breast man too, sadly, the breast is a bit small. Otherwise she is perfect.

She can take hard thrusting very well and can still joke with me that i am like a piling machine.

She's my girl but too bad on her small breast.
Old 28-10-2004, 05:28 PM
nataskcufi nataskcufi is offline
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by robinhood
personally i still prefer Nokia....she damm good in bbbj..hard throat type..still missing her..
Yo bro robinhood, why you say that you missing her? She still there leh, just tried her on Monday. She was great, good service, it was a very nice session overall. But I didn't get the BBBJ leh, also didn't allow frenching. Is it only for special regulars, like yourself?
Old 29-10-2004, 11:18 AM
orche orche is offline
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Unhappy Re:joyce (MIA)

Calling All bros for MIA search. Looking for Joyce (left lexon sometime in Aug '03). Pls note I'm not referring to the Joyce formerly from Leisure who drive BMW.

The Joyce I'm talking is a petite schoolgal-like malaysian, about 1.65m & 32A.

All for one & one for all! Many Thanks.
Old 29-10-2004, 11:51 AM
Tiong Tiong is offline
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by nataskcufi
Yo bro robinhood, why you say that you missing her? She still there leh, just tried her on Monday. She was great, good service, it was a very nice session overall. But I didn't get the BBBJ leh, also didn't allow frenching. Is it only for special regulars, like yourself?
Brother, my advise is not to try frenching. I tried frenching one of my fav Lexon gal sometime ago, after that I had throat infection for a month. It took me a long time to recover, after that my tongue became numb for a while. I regreted and stay away from doing that again. The problem is that some girls does BBBJ for their regulars and not only that, they are immune to the chemicals on the CD because they do it everyday. But we are not, our throat are very sensitive only meant for in contact with consumables. Imagine she sucks ten cocks a day and then french you. They don't rinse their mouth with Listerine after each session. Because you can only rinse with Listerine once a day max. And Listerine don't kill all virus. Anyway, it is still up to your choice. Safe Bonking.
Old 03-11-2004, 04:34 PM
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Re: Lexon

Stopped in "Lexon" for the first time in about 6 months. Facilities still damn good...nice, clean etc. 50 entry fee still the same. Out of date with the girls there so just took what recep gave me....Sophia. Like most there she is from KL short with nice set of jugs. Big for a small girl. Opted for oil massage which was better than average but other severice was below average.


Looks 5/10
Body 6/10
Tits 7/10 (though not firm)
Massage 7/10
BJ 5/10

Will not return
Old 03-11-2004, 08:27 PM
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Re: FR on Vivian

Originally Posted by Tiong
Brother, my advise is not to try frenching. I tried frenching one of my fav Lexon gal sometime ago, after that I had throat infection for a month. It took me a long time to recover, after that my tongue became numb for a while. I regreted and stay away from doing that again. The problem is that some girls does BBBJ for their regulars and not only that, they are immune to the chemicals on the CD because they do it everyday. But we are not, our throat are very sensitive only meant for in contact with consumables. Imagine she sucks ten cocks a day and then french you. They don't rinse their mouth with Listerine after each session. Because you can only rinse with Listerine once a day max. And Listerine don't kill all virus. Anyway, it is still up to your choice. Safe Bonking.
sorry to hear wat had happened to ya....mayb that's y my fav gal nvr allowed me to french her anymore...btw u can rinse wit listerine any amount of times u wan, in fact it is wriiten in the usage in bold that u do it 2x daily!fm wat i noe they normally dun wanna or like listerine cos it kinda stink a bit, only gal(HC) i had who rinses her mouth is Jess(BHC;retired?), she uses som kinda of chinese(?) pills n rinse wit water.
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Old 10-11-2004, 02:54 PM
orche orche is offline
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Re: joyce

Thinking of trying joyce (BMW).

But then reminded by those negative comments posted by many bros when she was at leisure, my legs & didi go soft.

Can anyone confirm if she 'turned into a new leaf'?

If only her temprement can match the other joyce (MIA fr legend since Aug '03).
Old 10-11-2004, 07:14 PM
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Re: joyce

Hi Bros,

thinking of visiting Lexon soon...........any kind souls out there can recomd any new & nice gals that worth a try ?

I heard of Joanne, but no FR on her. Any bros got comments abt her ?

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