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Old 15-12-2011, 11:46 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
How ironic, whenever pple sees a pic of my oc they also say i am such a lucky man to have a hot looking wife....but they don't know deep inside how rotten i feel...see no touch..that why i always bring up the joke that my wife is like a piece of counterfeit art...looks like a masterpiece but worthless in value...
Feel your pain Feel your pain it like have a great piece of antique but cannot touch for fear of breaking it......... beautiful yet untouchable......

lucky man on the surface unlucky man behind the close door.....
Old 15-12-2011, 04:24 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Seeing this thread makes me grateful that coming to the 6th year, my wife and I still have a good sexual life. We made it a point to be on holiday at least twice a year and this is the time both of us are fucking like bunnies. The effect spills over for a couple of month after we come back from the holiday.
Old 15-12-2011, 07:26 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by SparkleDoll View Post
Seeing guys complain about this problem with their wives just make me real sian. That's because I'm the high and dry wife with a high sex drive. We fucked like bunnies before marriage and now 2 years in, my husband says he has no sex drive at all. Help!

He always says how mentally tired he is from his business that he has no mood for anything else. He finds sex too draining on the energy. I know myself and actually told him when we were dating that if a marriage has no more sex, that is kinda the end for me. Sex is not the ONLY ingredient in a marriage but it's sure as hell a very important. He laughed then because he felt there was no way he will not want sex. However, after marriage, he has literally settled down so much he just wants to use the time and energy for other things. Agrrr

I have tried talking, initiating and always end up feeling rejected. When ppl ard us joke about how lucky he is to have such a hot wife, I wanna rip off someone's head! What's the use of being hot when I am probably gonna have to live like a nun for the rest of my life. I asked him if he was not afraid I will stray. He gets angry and say there are other things in a marriage more improtant than sex.

Frankly, I get very fustrated and have thought of having FB or even divorce. I don't want to live the rest of my life like this. What am I doing wrong here? Can too much of a good thing make a man take for granted? I did not let myself go, I have a habit of sleeping in lingerie every night. Everytime someone hits on me I get angst and wonder why I got such a bad roll in the marriage dice. Why the fuck doesn't my husband want me.

Well, this long rant only proves that this issue rans both ways. Regardless of gender. May you guys find a solution soon and may I have the strength to remain faithful.
Well, both of us are in the same boat
My husband is too tired from work and doesn't want sex either.
I held it out for over a year and this year fidelity went out of the window.

I'm not proud about it and I have no intentions of leaving him but if I don't scratch that itch, I would actually leave him. And I"ll just be frustrated all day. I mean I have my work and my work is stressful like his but it doesn't kill my libido.

I'm not saying that you should do what I did and I believe you will have your own way of handling the situation.
Old 15-12-2011, 07:53 PM
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Red face Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by Darina View Post
Well, both of us are in the same boat
My husband is too tired from work and doesn't want sex either.
I held it out for over a year and this year fidelity went out of the window.

I'm not proud about it and I have no intentions of leaving him but if I don't scratch that itch, I would actually leave him. And I"ll just be frustrated all day. I mean I have my work and my work is stressful like his but it doesn't kill my libido.

I'm not saying that you should do what I did and I believe you will have your own way of handling the situation.
Well at the end of it, we r Human. Human needs need to be address else what are we?
I do have my fair share of dry seasons and still trying very hard to get some sex back into my life wif my wife but with the current working lifestyle and high standard of living in Sillypore, I doubt i get it in the near future.
Old 16-12-2011, 03:09 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by SparkleDoll View Post
Seeing guys complain about this problem with their wives just make me real sian. That's because I'm the high and dry wife with a high sex drive. We fucked like bunnies before marriage and now 2 years in, my husband says he has no sex drive at all. Help!

He always says how mentally tired he is from his business that he has no mood for anything else. He finds sex too draining on the energy. I know myself and actually told him when we were dating that if a marriage has no more sex, that is kinda the end for me. Sex is not the ONLY ingredient in a marriage but it's sure as hell a very important. He laughed then because he felt there was no way he will not want sex. However, after marriage, he has literally settled down so much he just wants to use the time and energy for other things. Agrrr

I have tried talking, initiating and always end up feeling rejected. When ppl ard us joke about how lucky he is to have such a hot wife, I wanna rip off someone's head! What's the use of being hot when I am probably gonna have to live like a nun for the rest of my life. I asked him if he was not afraid I will stray. He gets angry and say there are other things in a marriage more improtant than sex.

Frankly, I get very fustrated and have thought of having FB or even divorce. I don't want to live the rest of my life like this. What am I doing wrong here? Can too much of a good thing make a man take for granted? I did not let myself go, I have a habit of sleeping in lingerie every night. Everytime someone hits on me I get angst and wonder why I got such a bad roll in the marriage dice. Why the fuck doesn't my husband want me.

Well, this long rant only proves that this issue rans both ways. Regardless of gender. May you guys find a solution soon and may I have the strength to remain faithful.
Girl, drag that husband of yours to a marriage counsellor. I used to think that sex was not important in a marriage and I married a woman with whom I had very low sexual chemistry. I didn't have your willpower and strayed. We eventually went for all kinds of counselling to help our marriage: from religious groups to professional therapists. I also read up on relationships.

The big shocking news was that every single source (including the religious ones) said sexual compatibility IS important in a relationship. It is part of the puzzle with all the other important things.

Your husband may need to hear it from a professional marriage counsellor before he understands/believes that.
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Old 17-12-2011, 12:08 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by acidicavex View Post
Feel your pain Feel your pain it like have a great piece of antique but cannot touch for fear of breaking it......... beautiful yet untouchable......

lucky man on the surface unlucky man behind the close door.....
Well said bro. i have the same tot as u.

all my friends so envy me got such pretty wife but deep inside my sex life rotten like hell. i just only 30yrs old n cant imgaine how to spend my whole life like this
Old 17-12-2011, 12:12 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

same for me. frustrated like hell. my wife just treat me like nobody. i just live on my past memories when we had those good times.

i looking for a soulmate to pour out all my frustration
Old 17-12-2011, 12:18 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

how u settle when u got urge?
Old 17-12-2011, 02:22 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by spottedhyena3 View Post
how u settle when u got urge?
do u know u r so lucky to have found this wonderful male heaven?

here we got lobangs of all kinds, ranging from the conventional GL and petain to the more adventurous HC, TN, KTV and la sup bars and even sextified destinations across the globe. if these dont seem to excite u there's still the vast varieties of pretty n sexy FL to choose and sample + daily dose of PCC videos for yr senses pleasure in case u r high on urge but low on bread. whats more still got love experts to yr rescue in case u lost yr heart in the wonderland. gek sim ah.

dont dwell in this theory section anymore liao bro faster go browse thru the other 'practical' sections and get ready for some field missions!
Old 17-12-2011, 02:32 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by DannyBoy4 View Post
Bro Window7, thanks for sharing your circumstance.
Again the question is whether there is a 'secret' for this turning point, or were there things (e.g. important events, family circumstances, kids grown up or left home, health...) that suddenly turned everything upside down from once a year to very good record today...
Is there any tipping point (as some books call it)?
or is it just a pure luck or coincidence that suddenly sex becomes great.. (again)...
This is what puzzling me.
Thanks Window7 for sharing.

U know pal. I give up trying to understand women alr.
Turning point sure have. Just FYI I one week didn't make love alr.
Wifey change job recently and her stress level super high due to her new job scope.
She knock out in bed everyday before 10pm. For me I bored la. I sleep late one. what to do. Back to my DIY days alr.
*other bro pls dun suggest to me she's eating out. Me send her to work everyday, had lunch with her, pick her from work everyday. (me not working one)

For the time being I will DIY till maybe her work less stressful and find time for love making again.
Old 18-12-2011, 09:19 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by spottedhyena3 View Post
how u settle when u got urge?
i learnt to go back to lor...dont have to wait till cows come home in middle of night for something which may not come to fruition..
Old 18-12-2011, 09:27 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by Darina View Post
My husband is too tired from work and doesn't want sex either.
occasionally using tired as reason, may just be genuine, but over a long period of time having this same reason...something is just not right?

could he be losing interest or something 'fun' outside is distracting him?

After something happened to my marriage, i do get such replies "tired", "no mood". My wife used to tell me she have high sex drive, whereas i am the lesser of the two. Nowadays, i was being told "i have high sex drive, doesnt mean i am always horny and want it everytime.."
Old 18-12-2011, 10:15 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

How long have the bros and sis been married for? 10-20years?
So far i'm not having any problems with my wife we both still enjoy having sex together even after 2 kids..

Heck sometimes we feel so unsatisfied that we fuck until past midnight during weekdays and the next day we go to work albeit alittle tired..
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Old 19-12-2011, 02:39 PM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by seravh View Post
How long have the bros and sis been married for? 10-20years?
So far i'm not having any problems with my wife we both still enjoy having sex together even after 2 kids..

Heck sometimes we feel so unsatisfied that we fuck until past midnight during weekdays and the next day we go to work albeit alittle tired..
How long have you been married? You're lucky... or rather the unlucky ones would be in SBF and lamenting in this thread.
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Old 22-12-2011, 11:35 AM
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Re: Wife & Sex - going through the motion

Originally Posted by seravh View Post
How long have the bros and sis been married for? 10-20years?
So far i'm not having any problems with my wife we both still enjoy having sex together even after 2 kids..

Heck sometimes we feel so unsatisfied that we fuck until past midnight during weekdays and the next day we go to work albeit alittle tired..
Hey Bro Seravh:

Lucky you man, lucky you.

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