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FL Dome 1 - The Land of Smiles comes to You Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 23-07-2005, 12:12 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by bkling8888
Dear brother youngeric

KNN..Please keep this thread clean for the FR. Want to debate on transport issue go to complain to Mr Yeo Cheow Tong. Your duty is to fuck and pay and not doing survey on behalf of LTA.

If so worry or kiasu on people "ketuk" you on the transport fare, then dun fuck as you may even worry more on the issues like: What if kena STD or AIDS? What if the condom leak while fucking? What if during fucking, your wife pass by and see you fucking another girl? What if Renee is your girl friend's or wife's good friend and tell all the activities to your GF or wife?

Come on please stop here and wait for other brother's FR on Rena. If you so kiasi, spend S$1.20 to buy BreadTalk's apple pie and penetrate it in the toilet.
It is definately safe and juicy.
bro, you did that before? very imaginative!
Old 23-07-2005, 02:18 PM
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Smile Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

1st time posting FR here...Met Renee. Pleasant lady and like wat you all said. 1st thing ask me if i find her ok. I say ya. We chatted on alot of stuff and she said she came across jerks and rough guys as well as prank sms. She describe me as gentlemanly. Some brownie points. hehe

Action: Alittle fleshy but accomodating & gf-feeling. Did most of the standard stuff except doggie. After foreplay, bbbj with cap, climax inside her finally and i could tell she felt my hard throbbing vibrations, 6 throbs outbursts release within 1 shot.

Wash up and chatted alittle while before we leave. i like to try new things, so now would like to try maybe caucasians FL.

Recommend Renee for brothers who like the gf-feeling, pleasant-looking & well-spoken gals. Hope u all like my 1st Fr. Up my points if you feel like it. thankzs
Old 23-07-2005, 02:46 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

i quit eating apple pie forever.....
Old 26-07-2005, 12:28 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by Doggone!
Had a session wth her finally.
Thanks to Bro Thaivisitor for sharing the contact.
Would not go into details but just to confirm what
most bros had mentioned regarding her good services
and attitude.
Bro, although you did post positive reviews on Renee, but did I give you her no? Sorry, as I have no records so I can't put you on AA list. Maybe you can Pm me.

Old 26-07-2005, 12:49 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Renee has said that she'll entertained clients referred by those who have tried her services eventhough the referrals may not be samsters.

So bros who have tried Renee and want to refer any friends or whoever, you can do so as you already know her specs and requirements. Just make sure that whoever you refer is someone you personally know as we want this biz to continue in a harmonous way.

As for samsters, you can PM to me

Your Contact No.
Your Age.
Your Race.

As for Renee's services and charges, please read thru the thread.


If you want to be included in the AA list, do post FR, positive or negative, doesn't matter.
Old 27-07-2005, 09:49 PM
tombRaider1714 tombRaider1714 is offline
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

hI thaivisitor

i am interested to meet Renee.

my contact no. is 9730-3866
my age : 37
my race : Chinese Singaporean

please forward to me her contact number.
thank you very much in advance.

Old 28-07-2005, 08:04 AM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by tombRaider1714
hI thaivisitor

i am interested to meet Renee.

please forward to me her contact number.
thank you very much in advance.

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
As for samsters, you can PM to me

Your Contact No.
Your Age.
Your Race.
Bro, Thaivisitor said PM (Private Message found on the top right hand corner) him. You openly displayed your h/p no here, you going to be very busy.....
Old 28-07-2005, 01:33 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by tombRaider1714
hI thaivisitor

i am interested to meet Renee.

my contact no. is 9730-3866
my age : 37
my race : Chinese Singaporean

please forward to me her contact number.
thank you very much in advance.

Bro wait you kenne sabo than you know, never spell out ur h/p no here in the open forum next time
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Old 29-07-2005, 10:46 AM
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Smile Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Thanks Bro ThiaVisitor.
Try her on Monday. I will not provide FR again, as there are many around.
Try Renee for the second time liao standerd still the same "Very Good"
This time seems to has more girlfriend feeling also.
Old 29-07-2005, 04:13 PM
piranahpg piranahpg is offline
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

why does she feel she cant give good service to non chinese? She is repulsed by their skin color not being the same as chinese or she cant speak english?

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Well Renee SMS me a moment ago.

First, she wants to thank all the bros here who have patronised her services and made the comment that our brudders here all got standard.

Next, she apologise to all our non-chinese brudders as she felt that she would have difficulty providing good service to them, that is why she rejected their business. She's not racist but only wants to be fair to them and hope our non-chinese brudders understand.

Thirdly, Renee wishes to say that she has recovered from her fever and is now back in business. So any brudders who wishes to engage her services, can PM with your name and contact number please. By the way, she prefers her customers to be above 30 years old.

Just to let it be know, Renee's doing this to clear a very big credit cards debt.

Finally Renee wishes to let all our brudders to be careful of a conman who just cheated her again. The guy probably gave a fake name of "Jack", age about 34, 1.7m tall. dark complexion with 2 eye bags, a bit plump with a tattoo on his right arm and speaks fluent English. This guys hangphone number is 98XXXX516. Claims to know her thru IRC. This guy apparently paid her $50 for her services, says need to draw money from ATM and halfway, ran away.

Renee is not blaming anyone but just want our brudders to be aware in case this guy turns out to be a samster and might PM bros for FL contacts.

I've check my "database" and the number is not in my lists.

Old 29-07-2005, 05:24 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by piranahpg
why does she feel she cant give good service to non chinese? She is repulsed by their skin color not being the same as chinese or she cant speak english?
i suggest u let the issue be even if u r not chinese.
i would love to fuck the jap babes in japan but if they dont go for chungkuojin, i cant force them.

it maybe they have their own prejudice etc etc, but this not a regulated trade n its still her body.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 29-07-2005, 05:39 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

To be fair to renee - i am non-chinese and she has accpeted a booking, i think a lot depends on how you speak to her etc etc - dont simply assume that just because someone is engaged in this line - that they should automatically kow-tow at your feet (or small brudder) as the case may be.
am not a OKT or anything ike just a brudder like most here - and put simply i thin kwe all should treat ppl like Renee with respect. - its not difficult, its just that a lot of ppl are inconsiderate.

what say other brudders?

Originally Posted by piranahpg
why does she feel she cant give good service to non chinese? She is repulsed by their skin color not being the same as chinese or she cant speak english?
Old 29-07-2005, 06:46 PM
Darren34 Darren34 is offline
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Everyone of us has the power to choose. We can choose her so she is entitled to choose her customer.
My advice remains, there are many FLs around. Just move on.

Originally Posted by piranahpg
why does she feel she cant give good service to non chinese? She is repulsed by their skin color not being the same as chinese or she cant speak english?
Old 29-07-2005, 07:05 PM
chenggh chenggh is offline
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Originally Posted by tombRaider1714
hI thaivisitor

i am interested to meet Renee.

my contact no. is 9730-3866
my age : 37
my race : Chinese Singaporean

please forward to me her contact number.
thank you very much in advance.


just an advice, don put your no in the forum like that. U can private message.
Old 30-07-2005, 11:52 PM
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Re: Local FL - Renee (ex Cathay Pacific Stewardess) - Part 2

Can i have her contacts. No reply for my PM. thx fellow horny bros.
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