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Old 28-01-2021, 10:37 AM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by Braxxz View Post
Sis TS, so you wear this type of swimsuit?
Similar but the butt not that expose. I don’t think the lifeguard will allowed us to wear the skimpy swimsuit to enter.

Last edited by Carla97; 29-01-2021 at 10:53 AM.
Old 29-01-2021, 01:08 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
After that incident I feel dirty and a slut to be fuck by D. I was raped by D and for some reason I’m enjoying somehow and I feel so terrible that I betrayed W. It’s a mixed feeling that words cannot describe. But little did I know W was cheating on me with Val behind my back before that incident. I’ll reveal how I caught him in the later part of the story.

Life goes on after that night and I was trying my best to convince myself that it just a nightmare and was not real. However I feel guilty and never once I can’t share something with anyone to make myself feel better. I can’t tell my younger sis, my parents or even my best friend. All I can do is to cry myself every night on my bed without letting W know. I begin to keep myself busy and stay focus with my studies and waterpolo CCA.

One day I received a message with attached photos during the break of my CCA. To my horror, it was D and he actually took photo of me and I did not notice.

D: How are U? These are screenshots of the video I recorded the other day. U look so enjoying especially U facial expressions when U having orgasm.
Me: How did Ur record and I’m not aware?
D: U were weak after the alcohol effects. Guess U are so wild like those porn actress.
Me: What do U want from me?
D: Just make me happy again like that night and when I’m done with U, I give U back the master copy of the video.
Me: How do I meet U and U know that I’m staying with W. It’s very hard for me to come out with an excuse to hide from him.
D: Where are U now?
Me: I’m in school and I having my break from my CCA training.
D: Then I’ll come to Ur school then.
Me: No way we can do that. What if we were caught?
D: I tell U what. Just sneak me in around 5pm. Is that ok for U?
Me: I guess should be fine.
D: Just stay in touch on the phone I’ll message U once I’m outside Ur school gate.

After the call, I try to come out with ideas how to sneak him in and excuse myself before the training ends at 5.30pm. I jump back in to the pool and continue my training. I cannot concentrate during the training and I keep thinking that what should I do and what will happen later. The image of that incident that night is in my mind again.

To be continued...
oh .. the story is good... so did you enjoy it?
Old 30-01-2021, 12:40 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Anymore story to come...
Old 30-01-2021, 04:30 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

While I am enjoying your story, I am also feeling bad for your misadventure.

Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
After that incident I feel dirty and a slut to be fuck by D. I was raped by D and for some reason I’m enjoying somehow and I feel so terrible that I betrayed W. It’s a mixed feeling that words cannot describe. But little did I know W was cheating on me with Val behind my back before that incident. I’ll reveal how I caught him in the later part of the story.

Life goes on after that night and I was trying my best to convince myself that it just a nightmare and was not real. However I feel guilty and never once I can’t share something with anyone to make myself feel better. I can’t tell my younger sis, my parents or even my best friend. All I can do is to cry myself every night on my bed without letting W know. I begin to keep myself busy and stay focus with my studies and waterpolo CCA.

One day I received a message with attached photos during the break of my CCA. To my horror, it was D and he actually took photo of me and I did not notice.

D: How are U? These are screenshots of the video I recorded the other day. U look so enjoying especially U facial expressions when U having orgasm.
Me: How did Ur record and I’m not aware?
D: U were weak after the alcohol effects. Guess U are so wild like those porn actress.
Me: What do U want from me?
D: Just make me happy again like that night and when I’m done with U, I give U back the master copy of the video.
Me: How do I meet U and U know that I’m staying with W. It’s very hard for me to come out with an excuse to hide from him.
D: Where are U now?
Me: I’m in school and I having my break from my CCA training.
D: Then I’ll come to Ur school then.
Me: No way we can do that. What if we were caught?
D: I tell U what. Just sneak me in around 5pm. Is that ok for U?
Me: I guess should be fine.
D: Just stay in touch on the phone I’ll message U once I’m outside Ur school gate.

After the call, I try to come out with ideas how to sneak him in and excuse myself before the training ends at 5.30pm. I jump back in to the pool and continue my training. I cannot concentrate during the training and I keep thinking that what should I do and what will happen later. The image of that incident that night is in my mind again.

To be continued...
Old 31-01-2021, 12:34 AM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Support nice story, please continue TS
Old 02-02-2021, 04:22 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Camping too..
Old 04-02-2021, 03:08 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
After that incident I feel dirty and a slut to be fuck by D. I was raped by D and for some reason I’m enjoying somehow and I feel so terrible that I betrayed W. It’s a mixed feeling that words cannot describe. But little did I know W was cheating on me with Val behind my back before that incident. I’ll reveal how I caught him in the later part of the story.

Life goes on after that night and I was trying my best to convince myself that it just a nightmare and was not real. However I feel guilty and never once I can’t share something with anyone to make myself feel better. I can’t tell my younger sis, my parents or even my best friend. All I can do is to cry myself every night on my bed without letting W know. I begin to keep myself busy and stay focus with my studies and waterpolo CCA.

One day I received a message with attached photos during the break of my CCA. To my horror, it was D and he actually took photo of me and I did not notice.

D: How are U? These are screenshots of the video I recorded the other day. U look so enjoying especially U facial expressions when U having orgasm.
Me: How did Ur record and I’m not aware?
D: U were weak after the alcohol effects. Guess U are so wild like those porn actress.
Me: What do U want from me?
D: Just make me happy again like that night and when I’m done with U, I give U back the master copy of the video.
Me: How do I meet U and U know that I’m staying with W. It’s very hard for me to come out with an excuse to hide from him.
D: Where are U now?
Me: I’m in school and I having my break from my CCA training.
D: Then I’ll come to Ur school then.
Me: No way we can do that. What if we were caught?
D: I tell U what. Just sneak me in around 5pm. Is that ok for U?
Me: I guess should be fine.
D: Just stay in touch on the phone I’ll message U once I’m outside Ur school gate.

After the call, I try to come out with ideas how to sneak him in and excuse myself before the training ends at 5.30pm. I jump back in to the pool and continue my training. I cannot concentrate during the training and I keep thinking that what should I do and what will happen later. The image of that incident that night is in my mind again.

To be continued...
Sorry to keep everyone waiting for the updates.

While I look at the time on my phone, it shows around 3.50pm(something like that). So I decided to come out for an excuse to tell my senior that I’m not feeling well and I would like to leave early. Then while sitting at the side, I text D to come earlier which he agree so that I can sneak him in. When he reached the entrance he text me, and I went to the entrance to bring him in. In case the guard don’t allowed him to enter. When I reach the entrance then I notice I only put on my jacket over my swimsuit forgetting to wear my shorts. I caught the guard looking at my legs. I hurry over to get D in and told the guard I’m not feeling well and he’s my brother to come here to fetch me home. While walking towards the pool, D spoke to me.

D: So where should I wait?
Me: I’m just gonna grab my stuff then shower and change before we leave. I told my senior that I’m leaving early as I’m not feeling well.
D: U look sexy in the swimsuit.
Me: Thanks. But where do we go later?
D: I would like to do it in school. Maybe a quick one somewhere in the school?
Me: Let me think. Why don’t U let me get my stuff first?
D: Alright. Remember U should make me happy.

I ask D to wait for me while I go to get my stuff and tell my senior I’m leaving. It was about 4.25pm, I decided to sneak him in to the shower with me since all are still practicing.

Me: D I have to sneak U in to the shower. But we have to hurry before the training ends so we better hurry.
D: Sure. I would like the thrill of having sex with U in the school shower.

I was afraid but in the same time I’m trying to remain calm and careful so that both of us will not get caught by anyone. Once we get in, I get D to go into a cubicle while I put my stuff at the bench and I grab my towel, shampoo and shower gel. Once I entered the cubicle, we wasted no time and begin to make out and strip ourselves while keeping our volume down.

To be continued...
Old 04-02-2021, 09:31 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Nice update sis. Sex in the shower cubicle should be fun!
Old 05-02-2021, 03:09 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Hi Carla97, just finished reading to your latest post. Hope you are wiser now and don't let your past affect the current you. YOLO and have a nice weekend.
Old 05-02-2021, 06:01 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by bird14 View Post
Hi Carla97, just finished reading to your latest post. Hope you are wiser now and don't let your past affect the current you. YOLO and have a nice weekend.
Thanks. For Ur encouragement. I’m doing well and happier. Spending much quality time with my parents. Both my younger sister and younger brother are always there for me. Especially my brother he always protect me and he’s more like a older brother than a younger brother to me. Also my best friend who is also my FB. Always there for me since our teens. I hope that one day I can have the courage to tell him how much I wanted to be with him as couple then FB.
Old 05-02-2021, 08:08 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Awesome share sis, waiting for next update
Old 06-02-2021, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
Thanks. For Ur encouragement. I’m doing well and happier. Spending much quality time with my parents. Both my younger sister and younger brother are always there for me. Especially my brother he always protect me and he’s more like a older brother than a younger brother to me. Also my best friend who is also my FB. Always there for me since our teens. I hope that one day I can have the courage to tell him how much I wanted to be with him as couple then FB.
sis Carla97, has your best friend been attached all these years? maybe he's waiting for you?

wishful thinking? perhaps
Old 06-02-2021, 08:31 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by threwawaytim View Post
sis Carla97, has your best friend been attached all these years? maybe he's waiting for you?

wishful thinking? perhaps
We are both single.
Old 06-02-2021, 08:42 PM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Very nice share, support!!
Old 07-02-2021, 12:38 AM
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Re: I was the only female in the pool

Originally Posted by Carla97 View Post
We are both single.
i see, im glad that you're in a better place, stay strong!
thanks for the story too sis Carla97
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