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Old 30-01-2004, 02:07 PM
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Re: Re: Re: BTS

Originally posted by vaxvms
wow so BTS opeining in april?
tink u will see many farang hangin ard ratchada area liao
have to find new joint liao for U
Pattanakarn, Srinakarin, Further out liao.


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Old 30-01-2004, 02:16 PM
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Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by yomun

1 2 Call province coverage is tops. GiddlyGook swear by it.
You make me sound very ulu, like I'm always in the province trying to be some pooyai ban :-)

I heard DTAC not bad in the outlying areas too. Honestly I couldn't care less which card I use. But I will say that the original poster is probably better off roaming since he's there only 4-5 days. He can rely on SMS for most local-to-local communication. Of course, if he needs it for work then it's a different story.

My visit pattern mirrors his: I spend 5-6 days in BKK every 2-3 months and everytime I buy a new 300B card which goes to waste because I rarely use more than 150B-200B tops. 1-2-call allows me to keep my sim active (not the balance) if I recharge at least once every 3 months. But this fits my needs because I usually use my phone in conjunction with an international calling card to call home (e.g. like the Singtel ICC card) and tollfree numbers, surprisingly, doesn't count as airtime. But if I roamed, I would've been killed by the charges so the 100B wastage is OK with me.
Old 30-01-2004, 08:22 PM
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Re: Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by GiddlyGook
You make me sound very ulu, like I'm always in the province trying to be some pooyai ban :-)

I heard DTAC not bad in the outlying areas too. Honestly I couldn't care less which card I use. But I will say that the original poster is probably better off roaming since he's there only 4-5 days. He can rely on SMS for most local-to-local communication. Of course, if he needs it for work then it's a different story.

My visit pattern mirrors his: I spend 5-6 days in BKK every 2-3 months and everytime I buy a new 300B card which goes to waste because I rarely use more than 150B-200B tops. 1-2-call allows me to keep my sim active (not the balance) if I recharge at least once every 3 months. But this fits my needs because I usually use my phone in conjunction with an international calling card to call home (e.g. like the Singtel ICC card) and tollfree numbers, surprisingly, doesn't count as airtime. But if I roamed, I would've been killed by the charges so the 100B wastage is OK with me.
Currently the best deals seem to be on 1-2 Call and DTAC. As for signals, better don't use Orr Rang. or how we call it Orange. Raining days will make the orange go rotten and very hard to call in and out. Also certain provinces don't like orange. hehehe


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Old 02-02-2004, 07:43 PM
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There is a service apartment ... for only 500Baht per day and about 3800Baht for a monthly rental comes with

local TV channel;
Toilet with heater (no bathtub);

Its somewhere across Poseidon and good security. Only know that its called Grand Living Place ... will check for contact number .. the place is still new (comparing).
Old 03-02-2004, 10:31 AM
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just one soi and u will find so many same type of apartments with this kind of price range and facilities, just that u need to have the time to go around looking at all of them.
imagine going thru from Ratchada Soi 1 till then end..

There's one at Thonglor Suk 55, cost B4,200/mth with gym and rooftop swimming pool. how's tat? chop mai krup?
Old 03-02-2004, 01:10 PM
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Re: Re: Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by siamcutey
Currently the best deals seem to be on 1-2 Call and DTAC. As for signals, better don't use Orr Rang. or how we call it Orange. Raining days will make the orange go rotten and very hard to call in and out. Also certain provinces don't like orange. hehehe

I made a few local calls when I stayed at Siam Novotel Hotel few days ago.

A local call to a fixed line cost me 5 baht which I think it's quite reasonable...but a two minutes call to a mobile number... KNN.... set me back by more than 50 baht. Six such calls during my 3-nights stay already set me back by more than B350 with VAT.

I think it's definitely better more cost effective to huy a "hi-card" for those who stayed more than a week in BKK......not even "not regular" but for those who need to make calls to friends or business associates in BKK.

Is the incoming call free for these mobile "Hi card" in Bkk similar to what the Taiwan service providers offer to Hi-card" user there ??? What I did whenever I am in Taiwan is to SMS my Taiwan hi card number to my office and "important contacts " overseas( in s'pore n tohers) and they will call me from their countries, without me having to pay the "high" charges fm these Hi-card. In s'pore they only with will be charged aroundS$0.42 per minute for such's quite a saving this way.

Many thanks.....

Last edited by Sinoview; 03-02-2004 at 01:21 PM.
Old 03-02-2004, 01:29 PM
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Re: Re: Hi Card - BKK

Originally posted by tirak69
not really worth it unless u make plenty local calls. per call is 5THB for 1-2call. a 300THb card is valid for 1 month plus another month to top up. else the number is gond or u have to pay a few to activate again. most value for money is orange but reception not so good.
You are right, one month expiring period is too short a time to manage. It's only good for those who lots of calls.

It may be ok for me though......

Thanks a lot.
Old 03-02-2004, 01:35 PM
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orange also same le..300baht expiring in 30days and another 1 month to top up or else no gone for good.. sigh that means we now tio gong tao hp..not puyings LOL, every month must go 1 time?
Old 03-02-2004, 02:00 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by Sinoview
I made a few local calls when I stayed at Siam Novotel Hotel few days ago.

A local call to a fixed line cost me 5 baht which I think it's quite reasonable...but a two minutes call to a mobile number... KNN.... set me back by more than 50 baht. Six such calls during my 3-nights stay already set me back by more than B350 with VAT.

I think it's definitely better more cost effective to huy a "hi-card" for those who stayed more than a week in BKK......not even "not regular" but for those who need to make calls to friends or business associates in BKK.

Is the incoming call free for these mobile "Hi card" in Bkk similar to what the Taiwan service providers offer to Hi-card" user there ??? What I did whenever I am in Taiwan is to SMS my Taiwan hi card number to my office and "important contacts " overseas( in s'pore n tohers) and they will call me from their countries, without me having to pay the "high" charges fm these Hi-card. In s'pore they only with will be charged aroundS$0.42 per minute for such's quite a saving this way.

Many thanks.....
Incoming calls is free for AIS, DTAC and ORANGE. Even for the Hi-cards.


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Old 03-02-2004, 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by keet
just one soi and u will find so many same type of apartments with this kind of price range and facilities, just that u need to have the time to go around looking at all of them.
imagine going thru from Ratchada Soi 1 till then end..

There's one at Thonglor Suk 55, cost B4,200/mth with gym and rooftop swimming pool. how's tat? chop mai krup?
Actually one of the most accessible place in BKk should be Rama 9.

Near Ratchada, Sukhumvit, ThongLor, Ekkamai, Petchburi, Pattanakarn and very soon the New Airport will be near if staying around Rama 9. Agree?


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

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Old 03-02-2004, 02:19 PM
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Rama 9 is ok for now as not many apartments yet..but few may not like it due to lesser accessibility to makan places unless have own transport or stay long-term. basically it's just a quiet area lor.
some good apartments behind RCA at Soonvinjai as well.

Bad traffic woes in Ladprao area as heavily populated but... lots of chiobus same as in Ramkhamhaeng side.
Old 04-02-2004, 05:51 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by siamcutey
Incoming calls is free for AIS, DTAC and ORANGE. Even for the Hi-cards.

SC wonder call made to Thailand mobile phone is so much more expensive than to a fixed line.

From the early posting, I read that the mobile number will in place for up to 60 days even though the amount is vanished. Is that correct.

Though the amount B300 will expire in 30 days. What about additional amount top up ??? Will that extend the number to a longer period ???? Let's say we top up by another B1000. Will the S.P. extend the life of the mobile number ???

Wow....the mobile phone system is so much different from the other countries, will have to think of a "way" to used it efficently.
The last business trip when me and a colleage were in BKK for only five days...we chocked-up S$450 on our IDD and local call bill using our Singtel roaming service.'s damm expensive, an eqvil to a Econ returned ticket from Sin-BKK-Sin.

Thanks for all the info......
Old 04-02-2004, 06:34 PM
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Oi Sinoview!

u still in bkk? you want those IDD calling cards ? I have one with around 200bht and since no use, might as well give u. PM me!!
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Old 04-02-2004, 10:44 PM
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Originally posted by cyrus
There is a service apartment ... for only 500Baht per day and about 3800Baht for a monthly rental comes with

local TV channel;
Toilet with heater (no bathtub);

Its somewhere across Poseidon and good security. Only know that its called Grand Living Place ... will check for contact number .. the place is still new (comparing).
Any updates from here???
Old 05-02-2004, 05:53 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 1 2 Call

Originally posted by Sinoview

From the early posting, I read that the mobile number will in place for up to 60 days even though the amount is vanished. Is that correct.

Though the amount B300 will expire in 30 days. What about additional amount top up ??? Will that extend the number to a longer period ???? Let's say we top up by another B1000. Will the S.P. extend the life of the mobile number ???

I can only answer for the 1-2-call card from AIS. As long as I top-up at least once between 60-90 days (call them and ask for the actual number of days), the sim card is still active i.e. I keep the same number and have no need to get a new card. Of course the balance is gone.

Top up more (e.g. 1000B top-up card) and the balance stays around longer.
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