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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 15-08-2004, 03:53 PM
Ah Tan Ah Tan is offline
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by lament
Sorry to busy to post lately ... my 2 cents worth of comments :

Bro Namelo - I will be up in vietnam in early september and will spend 3 days in Saigon before going up north ... let me know if you wanna come along. I know of a group of friends going to cheong Saigon in mid-september , you met them whilst in u-turn last unless u r too drunk.

Bro Pub51, I know you sayang the gals and pardon me I do to but tone down on what you are doing.... y bother so much sometimes ..... unless your own gal around if not dun freaking bother ....

Bro Ah tan, the past few days with you have been fun except that u do not know what is call home .... tiring to meet you ........

As for the scene, I think its approaching a bubble soon. Lately all the new arrivals cannot make it sia, there is quatity but lacking in quality ....... sad old me still left with no target except my ex-princess whom just cam back and another ex-gal whom just return after keeping my heart in vietnam for 1 and a half years.

51 still the best after my recent bust-up with some old-froggies in blue area again .... thanks to the forum .......

cheers bros and ride the pussy dry ..........

i also wanna go home.....but sianz mah.....hehehe.....last time we use to party till 6am hehee gui ping ask naemlo....hahaha
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Old 15-08-2004, 03:53 PM
Ah Tan Ah Tan is offline
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

maybe viets are not my type or rather i hit the wrong side of the nail. it has been fun with you guys....outz.....
The Sun itself sees not till Heaven clears.
Old 15-08-2004, 04:13 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by lament
Sorry to busy to post lately ... my 2 cents worth of comments :

Bro Namelo - I will be up in vietnam in early september and will spend 3 days in Saigon before going up north ... let me know if you wanna come along. I know of a group of friends going to cheong Saigon in mid-september , you met them whilst in u-turn last unless u r too drunk.

Bro Pub51, I know you sayang the gals and pardon me I do to but tone down on what you are doing.... y bother so much sometimes ..... unless your own gal around if not dun freaking bother ....

Bro Ah tan, the past few days with you have been fun except that u do not know what is call home .... tiring to meet you ........

As for the scene, I think its approaching a bubble soon. Lately all the new arrivals cannot make it sia, there is quatity but lacking in quality ....... sad old me still left with no target except my ex-princess whom just cam back and another ex-gal whom just return after keeping my heart in vietnam for 1 and a half years.

51 still the best after my recent bust-up with some old-froggies in blue area again .... thanks to the forum .......

cheers bros and ride the pussy dry ..........

Bro u still remember wat I told u abt the $1k thingy? My schedule is quite pack recently. Just came back from USA, now serving the country.... my boss keeps asking me to make a trip to Jarkata n I should be there by end of the mth.... I of cos want to go vietam to look for my ger ger but too BZ so I hope u can help me if I can't make it. I will try to go HCM early Sept. BTW it's end of the yr soon!!!!

Wat's the best price u can get ticket to HCM?
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan

Last edited by naemlo; 15-08-2004 at 04:23 PM.
Old 15-08-2004, 04:15 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by lament
One more thing about the reputation thing .... does it really matter ..... my reputation only 20 but i see bros with reputation approaching 3-figure soon ....

is it that important, so what if 1 have high reputation point online but none in real life ..... why bother this at all ...... it is all just a meaningless thing .....

so to bro a. tan and mr thai .... let the matter rest ..... i wish you folks the best
The rep thing is just a game... dun take it too hard. For me I quite like my rep pt now. It's 69.... best foreplay position.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-08-2004, 04:20 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by lament
those old hamsters always sitting outside c-v are bitches ... one of these days they will meet their just rewards. making mess of the whole place with their little control over the gals ............

just had a big quarrel with one of them the other nite .... I happen to see a friend and went up to chat with him. next thing i know 1 viet walked past me and had a slip so I held her up. this old bitch then tell oof by saying that i am not to touch the gals that stays with her and ask me to f-o the table. I dared her to wack me if she dare.. What infuriate me is that some of the guys whom i know ask me to leave so as to create less trouble. me the trouble maker ... never sia ....

some more the old hag fucked me in vietnamese and no one understood but i do ..... scolded my family and says that I learn vietnamese so that I can cheat more pussy but I will get hers ....... knn .....

i told the guys off that unless i am a gal i will walk away, i m not 1 to back away when some-1 step on my tail ..... she happens to be the gf of one of the man in the group that dislike me in blue region ......

knn ... a viet who do not know her place in singapore ...... just becos got bf take care can talk like that ...........

Bro, dun have get so work with them. I kena once from a bitch too, gave me a l j face n f me with vietnamese. I just simply ignore her, cos deep inside me y should I bother wasting my time for a bitch...... if I want I just throw a punch on her n she can lie flat on the ground bleeding. We r grown up men, think b4 we react.... we r there to enjoy n f around....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 15-08-2004, 04:22 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by Ah Tan
i also wanna go home.....but sianz mah.....hehehe.....last time we use to party till 6am hehee gui ping ask naemlo....hahaha

Those were the days.... where bros united... but sadly now bros in a mess.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 16-08-2004, 01:34 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by lament
those old hamsters always sitting outside c-v are bitches ... one of these days they will meet their just rewards. making mess of the whole place with their little control over the gals ............

just had a big quarrel with one of them the other nite .... I happen to see a friend and went up to chat with him. next thing i know 1 viet walked past me and had a slip so I held her up. this old bitch then tell oof by saying that i am not to touch the gals that stays with her and ask me to f-o the table. I dared her to wack me if she dare.. What infuriate me is that some of the guys whom i know ask me to leave so as to create less trouble. me the trouble maker ... never sia ....

some more the old hag fucked me in vietnamese and no one understood but i do ..... scolded my family and says that I learn vietnamese so that I can cheat more pussy but I will get hers ....... knn .....

i told the guys off that unless i am a gal i will walk away, i m not 1 to back away when some-1 step on my tail ..... she happens to be the gf of one of the man in the group that dislike me in blue region ......

knn ... a viet who do not know her place in singapore ...... just becos got bf take care can talk like that ...........
Yup...agreed with u that those so call oldies hamsters that they are here for a long time liao, secured some so call got power in talk and even spread some rubbish or bad comments on certain guys they simply don like it....well in de first place, they don have de right to do so at all. Here is sg and not hcmc or hanoi too! Yess..if u took a cab, de cabby will even mentioned that place is it called "Vitenam Village" or Xiao Yue Nam too cos vite gers there! We are there to enjoy or kill our time with drinks, kopi and tcss along de way, this is as simple as that! I noticed recently, a few cases of customers or hamsters quarrelling outside with large crowds looking but never involved in too serious for those new gers recently, u hardly find a good and raw diamond await u to be polish yet!!! Notice completing its renovation soon, de "stronghold" nick got to return to them this time after B.L hold it in term of size of de pub for more than a year liao...keke! a point to comment on de new found de place large with good ceiling height and nice blue lighting except de new "Island Counter" in de center may consider downsize a bit cos too huge liao and taken too much space....cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ole !
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

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~ Tây Ninh 西宁省
~ Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明市
~ Đồng Tháp 同塔省 - Cao Lanh 高岭市
~ Tiền Giang 前江省 - Mỹ Tho 美湫市, Cai Lậy 該禮市社, Cái Bè 丐𦨭縣

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Last edited by gstringgal; 16-08-2004 at 01:39 AM.
Old 16-08-2004, 01:37 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by gstringgal
Yup...agreed with u that those so call oldies hamsters that they are here for a long time liao, secured some so call got power in talk and even spread some rubbish or bad comments on certain guys they simply don like it....well in de first place, they don have de right to do so at all. Here is sg and not hcmc or hanoi too! Yess..if u took a cab, de cabby will even mentioned that place is it called "Vitenam Village" or Xiao Yue Nam too cos vite gers there! We are there to enjoy or kill our time with drinks, kopi and tcss along de way, this is as simple as that! I noticed recently, a few cases of customers or hamsters quarrelling outside with large crowds looking but never involved in too serious for those new gers recently, u hardly find a good and raw diamond await u to be polish yet!!! Notice completing its renovation soon, de "stronghold" nick got to return to them this time after B.L hold it in term of size of de pub for more than a year liao...keke! a point to comment on found de place large with good ceiling height and nice blue lighting except de "counter" may consider downsize a bit cos too huge liao and taken too much space....cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ole !

no worries about the counter, it will be all change soon. there will be a "island bar" in the center between the two shophouse area of the pub
Old 16-08-2004, 09:45 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by gstringgal
YOU la...he is refering to u la...ah piang....blur like hippo also!
blur meh? i very innocent one! hehe! how i know he refering to me?? Act blur but dun be blur. hehe!
Old 16-08-2004, 09:58 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by naemlo
Ah Lan is with me.... can or not??? She said she has no customer so I drank with her....... She told me a story....

It's end of the yr, doom day coming....
Of course can lah, it all OMV.

So what story she told u, care to share? Btw if doom day is coming how about you give me all your money cos u don need it anymore and also how cum neber see u for quite some time.
Old 16-08-2004, 03:07 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by naemlo
Bro u still remember wat I told u abt the $1k thingy? My schedule is quite pack recently. Just came back from USA, now serving the country.... my boss keeps asking me to make a trip to Jarkata n I should be there by end of the mth.... I of cos want to go vietam to look for my ger ger but too BZ so I hope u can help me if I can't make it. I will try to go HCM early Sept. BTW it's end of the yr soon!!!!

Wat's the best price u can get ticket to HCM?
Not sure wat's the rate with lion air cos its the cheapest so far in the past ... if not wrong @320 with tax.

Vietnam Air have promotion from now till end-October whereby its 290 + 53 (Airport tax). Guess better to fly via VN air but if you wanna come back with ger ger , u better check with her what flight she taking so you can come back together.

As for the $1k thing, if thats your wish even though I disagree, I will definitely help you. Let me know cos I leaving on 1st Sunday of September and have only 2 nights in Saigon. So you have to coordinate her to my date if need be.
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Old 16-08-2004, 03:55 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by naemlo
Ah Lan is with me.... can or not??? She said she has no customer so I drank with her....... She told me a story....

It's end of the yr, doom day coming....
Ah Lan is a nice gal...very caring...surprises me that night...but I was a little drunk to response...I mean...I should have said thank u to her.

So...whatz the story?
Old 16-08-2004, 04:30 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by zhu star
Of course can lah, it all OMV.

So what story she told u, care to share? Btw if doom day is coming how about you give me all your money cos u don need it anymore and also how cum neber see u for quite some time.
Oooppp...ah gong aka de chief commander voice out liao de question..keke! After you left in less than a min, ah ma (sexy) no.3 appears and ask me wru???haha! Last 9 sunday kinda almost full house sia...funny funny!

Oooppp...lament, have a nice and smooth trip up again to i wish got an oppportunity to drop by there one of these days too.
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

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~ Tây Ninh 西宁省
~ Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明市
~ Đồng Tháp 同塔省 - Cao Lanh 高岭市
~ Tiền Giang 前江省 - Mỹ Tho 美湫市, Cai Lậy 該禮市社, Cái Bè 丐𦨭縣

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Old 16-08-2004, 06:34 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by wahpiang
blur meh? i very innocent one! hehe! how i know he refering to me?? Act blur but dun be blur. hehe!

KNN of course I know u know wat I can u be so blur rite bro u n me are the same devil mah.....KNN I know u just act blur only if not how can we be "BROTHER".....!!! As for now just enjoy n relax everyone.....hohoho
Old 16-08-2004, 07:02 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by chinois
KNN of course I know u know wat I can u be so blur rite bro u n me are the same devil mah.....KNN I know u just act blur only if not how can we be "BROTHER".....!!! As for now just enjoy n relax everyone.....hohoho
yaya...all lautiko devil brothers right?? keke! rem hor..we meeting later LVC 2000hrs hor...don late ah???
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

Previous Journey:
~ Tây Ninh 西宁省
~ Ho Chi Minh City 胡志明市
~ Đồng Tháp 同塔省 - Cao Lanh 高岭市
~ Tiền Giang 前江省 - Mỹ Tho 美湫市, Cai Lậy 該禮市社, Cái Bè 丐𦨭縣

Future Dream Journey ...
~ Mũi Né (美奈)
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