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Old 14-05-2009, 10:36 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Originally Posted by Bangster View Post
finally we have a TS who can talking the good standard of england.

many times I reading the stories catch no balls of the englishmen because the standard is not high like the sky the blue sky i mean

Chank you verry march I am welcomed I know. it's been my pressure.

- Mr Maximillian Alexander Napolean Bonaparte Charles Bush Obama Tan Kim Sua aka Ah Sua
Hahaha...bro ur england bery cute la...
UpList..:PM me if u up my points..

Bros that i have not up...pls be patience....tks
Old 15-05-2009, 01:02 AM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

solid. Big bed, the action will be more interesting .. tabuleh tahan.
Old 15-05-2009, 03:21 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Power !!! Bro... read le steam steam....
Old 15-05-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

We hadn’t even started work, in fact, the ink on the contract was still drying & in all honesty it was too early to be shopping for a bed or other loose furniture but knowing the quirky demands of the rich & not so famous & with delivery period to be met, it was as good a time as any. In any case, what Annette wants, Annette always get & so I rescheduled my Saturday programme to accommodate her.

One prime advantage of still being employed by the design firm is that I still have access to the corporate resources, corporate knowledge & corporate experience. So I dug a little & asked around a little & settle on this building near the Dhoby Ghaut mrt which I understood had gone through quite a few re-branding through the years & now housed quite a few up-market interior shops. I’m told prices can be pricy but the selection & variety is wide & best of all, commission for bringing in customers seem to the order of the day.

Annette & I met at the lobby, she in her weekend best & me in a pair of Gap torn at the knees & a matching button-up shirt. I was trying my best not to look like her toy boy & fortunately, Annette seemed to second that.

We browse around & in a sanitary fitting outlet, a particular shower, the kind that rain down from the top, caught Annette’s fancy & she instructed me to install that in her Master Bath. After another hour of window shopping, we finally saw a bed that Annette would consider in a 1st storey shop & Annette sweep into the shop with an air of arrogance expecting to be attended to right away. & like magic, a sales personnel appeared before our very eyes.

‘Hi, I’m Eunice & if you like I can show you around.’ Her words spoken in our direction but her attention on Annette as though her predatory instinct had cued her in that Annette was the one with the cheque book. We pointed to the bed & Eunice led us to it in her killer 6” stiletto heels. She was marginally attractive & shapely but very talkative, her range of subject from the weather to car loan interest rate & fortunately, God in the interest of everyone within her earshot has given her a very pleasant voice. Eunice however was very physical in her approach & would invade your private space treating her subject to a bouquet of her floral perfume & forever minty breadth. Not only that, Eunice would also pet shoulders, grab arms & pat hands & Annette was not comfortable with these mannerism & would often use me as a shield.

Annette had rather traditional & conservative taste in furnishings & the bed that she wanted was not what most of us would have sitting in our bedroom. Eunice went into her ‘sales’ mode & started glorifying the bed like it was an emperor throne.

‘You can see that the ornamental legs are hand crafted by the finest Italian wood carver.’ – Honestly, I can’t & I doubt Annette could.

‘Feel the leather on the back rest, it’s of the finest Italian leather tanned to perfection.’ – I’m feeling it but it’s no difference from the leather seats in my car.

‘It will last you forever.’ – Annette would probably throw it out when she gets tired of it.

‘And it cost only $XXXXX (5 figure excluding decimal). We will absorb the GST & throw in the 2 matching side tables as well.’ Eunice concluded her sales pitch.

Annette looked unimpressed & disinterested & pulled me to her side & whispered into my ears, ‘ I want it but make sure they throw in the matching chest of drawers as well.’ her eyes pointing it out to me discreetly.

Annette sighed & said to Eunice, ‘Let me take a look at the other shops,’ & pointing at me, ‘I’ll get him to get back to you.’

When Annette had departed, Eunice literally pulled me into a quiet corner of the shop. ‘Look, times are bad & I’m struggling to reach my quota, so if we can close this sale, I’ll make sure you’ll be taken care off.’ she conspired with a wink.

‘& how would we do that?’ I responded idly.

‘Well I could… you know perhaps… give you a cut of my commission say… 10%’ Eunice offered. & after a couple of seconds, ‘Maybe more…’

Now 10% of her commission would be what? Could be anything she wanted to give to me because there was no way for me to find out exactly what her commission would be but I put my hand on her palm looked into her eyes & countered, ‘I more interested in the ‘maybe more’ part.’ At the same time, I tickle her palm with my middle finger & Eunice glared at me. Eyes showing lots of white & crowned by super long eye lashes, artificial probably.
Old 15-05-2009, 09:04 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Bro sidekick,I applaud your fine command of the language.There are schools in Singapore who are producing students with a decent command of the English language so I don't see what's yang_punk harping about.It does not mean that if you hadn't seen Singaporeans speaking good English that there are none doing so.
Old 18-05-2009, 05:56 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

To get into Eunice’s goodwill, I brought her the occasional customers over the days but these were not in Annette category & their spending was meager by comparison. For the next couple of weeks, Eunice was like the pit bull that refused to let go of its bite & kept calling & pestering me to confirm the order. Her calls were getting irksome & irritating but thanks God for her pleasant voice & free-incoming calls. Though Annette had given me her verbal approval, I was not going to commit myself to Eunice until I had Annette’s cheque for the deposit in my hand.

Soon the works commenced & moved along & I reckoned it was time to lay the order of the bed to rest. I approached Annette in her office & she casually pulled opened her drawer & took out a stack of cold hard cash, counted the appropriate amount & handed it over to me with a reminder to ‘make sure that their throw in the chest of drawers’.

I couldn’t wait to relay the good news to Eunice but there were preliminaries to be settled & so I called her. Her mobile rang twice & Eunice answered with, ‘You got good news for me, handsome?’

‘Ah… that depends on what you can offer me.’ I tried to pull my fishing line in, ‘There was an item I like in the showroom but fortunately it wasn’t on sale…’

‘Ha! I thought I saw you ogling at something. Well… I have been thinking about your parting shot… the ‘maybe more’ part,’ Eunice responded in a low soft drawl, ‘I’m sure we can work something out.’

Neither of us wanted to be caught in an embarrassing situation misreading the other’s overture & were trading hints back & forth, me trying to tempt Eunice with the sale for you know what & Eunice being the experience woman that I think she was, fending admirably for herself.

Then I got down to business & said, ‘Now, Ms. Ang is rather keen on the bed but felt that it’s rather pricy.’

‘I assure you that it’s a very good price.’ Eunice replied.

‘I’m sure it is but I’m also sure that there’s some room for negotiation. You know that matching chest of drawers? How about you throw it in for the same price.’ I bargained.

‘For you, OK lah.’ Eunice agreed almost immediately & I realized how sharp her knives were.

The negotiation done with, I suggested that I meet her in the evening to pass her the cheque & Eunice said, ‘Tonight happens to be my turn to close the shop & since it’s coming to the end of the month, I’m trying to catch up with some paper works. It’s kind of quiet after closing time & I will be grateful for some male company. A strong young man like you would be useful to have around.’

‘I intend to make myself useful & I’ll bring dinner & wine….’ I replied to which Eunice didn’t object.

The time seemed to crawl & evening wouldn’t come early enough. I remembered a sushi joint near Eunice’s shop & thought that sake would be more appropriate instead & bought a bottle from Kimisawa supermarket before I went over to the sushi joint. Then I ordered a small party tray with additional orders of ebiko & tobiko sushi & waited with a cup of green tea for Eunice to call.

The call came & I brought my ass quickly to the shop. The advantage of a 1st storey shop is that they have direct access from street level & are not reliant on the mall shopping hours. When I reached there, most of the shop lights were already off & the ‘CLOSE’ sign was already hung on the door. Eunice saw me from the back of the shop & came to let me in & greeted me cheek to cheek, hopefully a sign of good things to come.

When she saw the sushi, Eunice exclaimed, ‘Ah sushi! My favourite & goodness, sake too. You are not trying to make me drunk are you?’

‘No no no, why would I.’ I told her & then softly to myself, ‘Nobody wants a dead fish.’

‘Huh, what was that again?’ Eunice asked & I replied, ‘I said I hope all this sushi won’t make your shop smell like a DEAD FISH.’ Eunice giggled & together we brought our dinner to the rear of the shop.
Old 19-05-2009, 05:00 AM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Haha nice joke there & very anticipating story..
Old 19-05-2009, 07:07 AM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

bro,tat's a GOOD 1 ...... pls continue
Old 19-05-2009, 03:20 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

wow, thats a good story to read. You are going to have the best of both worlds very soon??
Bros who have upped my points, please PM me where your thread is. I will return the favour.
Old 19-05-2009, 04:47 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

nice read....thanks for sharing....4 points for you!
Old 20-05-2009, 02:44 AM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

nice story , please continue , thanks
Old 20-05-2009, 01:02 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

There was a small working table & Eunice cleared the contents off its top & laid out our dinner. She preferred her sake warm & so she found a container large enough for the bottle & poured in hot water from an electric flask.

The mall central air-conditioning was already switch off & Eunice had since removed her customary jacket showing off lean arms in her sleeveless pastel pink blouse, pink bra straps peeping occasionally out of the arm holes. Whenever she lifted her arms, I couldn’t help but observe her hairless armpits, smooth & without hint of sweat or BO. Eunice’s stilettos were off her feet & she was padding around in her stocking feet, the black smooth luster of legs running mysteriously up her skirt. 2 portable air-conditioners were humming along trying to keep the place comfortably cool & hopefully my passion in check until the moment is ripe.

We ate in cordial conversation, the wheels silently spinning in my head wondering how to follow up with my ‘maybe more’ parting shot & decided that a little sake may go a long way. So I plied Eunice with it & she gulped them down like a seasoned Japanese pub crawler which maybe she was. Soon the sake did its due & boosted our spirits or rather the spirit boosted us. Anyway it did enough for Eunice to unbuttoned the top 2 buttons of her blouse exposing a slight cleavage, a little disappointing in terms of size but still stimulating none the less.

Eunice picked up a piece of ebiko & popped it into her mouth. Perhaps it was the spirit again but some of the ebiko smeared her lips, orangey dots sticking to pinkish anointed lips. ‘There’s some ebiko on your lips,’ I said, ‘Let me help.’ Then I leaned towards her & used my index finger to pick the ebiko off her lips. Eunice playfully stuck out her tongue & suggested, ‘Don’t waste lah. Let me lick them off your finger.’ & of course I let her. Eunice’s tongue wet with saliva, proceeded to lick the ebiko slowly & sensuously off my finger. When she was done with the ebiko, Eunice did not stop but closed her mouth over my finger, her luscious moist lips surrounding it. Then I felt the gentle nimble of her incisors. The seduction more intense because all the while Eunice was looking me in the eye. Immediately, my little brother leaped to attention, hoping for the same treatment.

We were now sitting knees to knees & our conversation were peppered with plentiful of physical contacts & carried more & more sexual connotations. Nevertheless I sensed that despite the alcohol, Eunice was very much in control of herself & was using the sake as an excuse to flirt with me but whatever the reason, I’m not complaining.

We decided to get comfortable & Eunice led me to a posh oversize sofa which with a few simple manipulation converted into a comfortable sofa bed. Although, it was in a secluded corner, it was still too exposed & together we put some Japanese screens around the shops to good use. While Eunice sat on the sofa bed, I took a look from the other side of the screen & realised that if the security was to walk pass along the common corridor while we were doing business, he or she would be entertained by a pornographic wayang kulit. So we hang some curtain materials over the screens, moved the portable air-cons closer, switch off all the light except 1 & dimmed it real low & settled into the sofa bed for some serious negotiation.

I sat behind Eunice & gave her a good massage of her shoulders down to her hips & inching closer & closer to her breast & I could feel her relaxing & the day’s tension sipping out of her body. Abruptly, Eunice told me to stop, stood up & made her way to the table where our dinner were. Eunice knew we were out of sake so she must be going for the sushi & I said, ‘Come back here, I’ve enough sushi for the night.’ Eunice looked back at me & replied, ‘Have you? We shall see.’

Eunice came back with the sushi tray & placed it on the sofa bed & sat half leaning on me. She put on a wicked smile & gently pushed me onto the bed. Eunice then picked up a tobiko sushi, picked the shrimp roe off with her index finger & moved her finger tantalizingly towards my mouth. I thought Eunice was going to pamper me like a Roman emperor & opened my mouth to accept her offering. But Eunice gave a little shake of her head & whispered, ‘These are not for you,’ smeared the roe around my lips & continued, ‘These are for me to enjoy.’

Eunice then rest her hands on my shoulder, with her pointed tongue sticking slightly out of her parted lips, hovered her mouth over mine. As I felt her hot breadth coming closer, I felt her tongue licked the roe off the corner of my mouth moving slowly & erotically to the other end & then back again until the roe are all gone.

My hands got to work immediately & were done with her blouse buttons in a jiffy. Next my nimble fingers made short work of her bra hooks. Eunice’s blouse was still tucked into her skirt & now hang off her waist. Her breasts were firm & filled the cup of my palm. As Eunice continued licking my lips, I teased her tiny raisin of a nipple to urge her further. Now as her tongue passed between my lips, I parted them & sucked Eunice’s slinky tongue into my mouth. Eunice was caught unprepared but did not resist & mouth over mouth, our tongues were engaged in a bout of oral coitus.

It was soon my turn to play aggressor. I sat up & eased Eunice onto the sofa bed released her blouse from her skirt. From the sushi tray, I chose an ebiko sushi instead & picked the prawn roe off with my finger instinctively opting for the middle. Eunice saw what I was doing, smiled & parted her lips but to her surprise, I sprinklered the roe over both her nipples instead. The orangey red roe over pale breast meat enhanced by pinkish areole & nipples was simply too irresistible like a 5 Micheline Star dish & I savoured it without further ado. Before I could finished off the last bit of roe, Eunice was squirming in delight.

& during the frenzy of the feast, I had somehow managed to tear Eunice’s black stocking at the crotch. Her matching black panties was damp & I pushed it aside to finger her pussy. The pornographic wayang kulit was in full swing, drums booming & cymbals clashing.

At this point, I liked to go back a little & filled you in on a little detail. When I was at Kimisawa, I prayed that I’ll get lucky but all the luck in the world would go to waste if I don’t have a French letter with me. So, I made a little detour to the pharmacy & in my little way boosted the stock price of Durex a little.

I was aware that we couldn’t remain in the shop for too long or it would aroused suspicion or maybe it already had. So I capped myself & Eunice torn her stocking wider & spread her legs apart. I mounted Eunice & my brother glided into her cunt slow & smooth eliciting ‘ooo…’ & ‘aarrgghh’ from her. I didn’t expect Eunice to be tight but it was a good fit. I pressed my body tightly onto her & Eunice entwined her arms around my torso. Our mouth met again & our tongues copulated as we fornicated in tandem. We were both too frisky & highly charged to attempt anything else & I rode her hard & fast all the way home.

Cleaning up was tedious because there was no attach bathroom & we did as best as we could & then I sent Eunice home to her family condo in the east side of the island. Eunice appeared to be drowsy on the drive along the ECP & so the journey was quiet but refreshing for me. At the drop off, I helped her out of the car & you know what her parting shot was?

‘Cheque leh?’ Eunice demanded & that was how intoxicated she was.

Last edited by sidekick; 20-05-2009 at 01:15 PM.
Old 20-05-2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Some people just have all the luck !
Old 20-05-2009, 11:02 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

Thanks for the story again , please continue
Old 21-05-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: My Sexual Experience During This Recession

wah... nice one
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