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Re: Mistress
Anymore update?
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Re: Mistress
Nice insight of this mistress trade.
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Re: Mistress
Update: Xin2 has not commenced working. According to her, she just wants to take break for a while to re-charge. She has confided in Jus that she actually feel a little insulted at the suggestion for the “transfer” although she have agreed in principle to it. Jus, perhaps feeling the emptiness of the post football season, used the analogy of a football club and the sale/transfer of players as an example to her case. Footballers, like WLs, have a shelf life. Sometimes it is not about loyalty of a football club, but rather how much money you can command for your own personal self interest that should be the main consideration.
(For football aficionados, I use G. Barry of Villa, L. Messi and W. Rooney as examples between professed loyalty and decision based on self interest). Admittedly, the analogy does not go far as Xin2 is hardly a fan of the beautiful game. Digression: Woman make good goalies as they can stop two balls from going in ….. ![]() As Xin2 is considering her future with Terrence, and the 'reality' drama is unfolding let me do a flashback on how she became Mike’s mistress in the first place ….. The Arrival: Xin2 is a supervisor of a major clothing apparel company back in Beijing (on the retail side). She came to Singapore on work visa (will not delve too much into this to preserve her confidentially). Essentially, she broke up with her fiancé back home because she caught him cheating on her. Through Joey, an Ang-pai friend, (or cousins – don’t know which is true. Everybody seems to be cousins) who works at Las Vegas, she decided to try her luck in the shores of Singapore. In terms of physical attributes, she is tall, fair, and has a hair style like Fan Bing Bing. She also possesses a nice dimpled smile. While no Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce, for a mainland lass, she has got a reasonable set of bumpers. For headlights its B-C cuppers with Light Brown to Pinkish nipples. These physical attributes are known because of the ‘mini exchanges’ that I talk about earlier. (Yup, contrary to popular conception, we can cop-a-feel, divest articles of clothing in places like Las Vegas, Club Infinitude although I would not recommend it for non regulars.). Anyway, the gang also get to see her fully nude (just shy of gangbang) during one strip mahjong session at Mike’s place …story another day but it involves holding a mahjong tile in between the pussy lips! Cost and Money Upfront: When she came into Singapore, she has to pay upfront SGD 12, 000 to her sponsor who puts up the money on her behalf first. Besides the SGD 12, 000, she also has to pay monthly SGD 600 as stipend to her ‘employer’. Luckily for her, she does not need to pay for specially arranged accommodation – whose rental is often so inflated that it makes me mad!! She is staying with Joey who has also a patron even as she still ply her trade at Las Vegas. As a token gesture, Xin2 pays Joey around SGD 300 per month as her contribution. (Joey’s Patron I believe pays for her accommodation – so much for being cousins!). ![]() Destiny? Xin2 have a start at TAM working the happy hour shift followed by nights at Vegas should she not have any customers. During that fateful night, a customer who has booked her had to leave ‘early’ (near midnight). Xin2 out of the blue decided to try her luck at Club Infinitude where we were all that day (except for Terrence – who does his usual disappearing act with his girl). (Smart Pick Up Line: Use of Yuan Fen (or fate) to refer to your meeting with Zhong Guo Mei Mei seem to go quite far. They are quite the believers of destiny despite being generally an atheist). To be con't ... |
Re: Mistress
(I am excited about the following narrative because I will reveal for the first time to those who is not in the Mistressing Game some incredible techniques that have worked time and time again. I am almost certain that only a few brothers here have tried it. I call it the MISTRESS MASTERSTROKE!)
Xin2 although has the physical attributes to be a hot commodity (“Ang Pai”); she unfortunately did not live up to her potential. There is a psychological element as well. I have seen Ang Pai who are shy and Ang Pai’s that were vivacious. Some Ang Pais come with a naïve package while others present a worldly attitude. Indeed within the group, we have kept them all. What’s Xin2 lack (she comes under the classification of naïve package above) is that she does not know how to communicate “selective attention”. An attractive lady has to have an inner confidence that many men desire her. This is the basis of being an Ang Pai. To operate at the highest level however the lady should stake out a single prey within the group of interested men and reciprocate the interest of only one. The forsaken of many for one work big time – you will have one obsesses soul who will call you every time he patronizes the joint. Overtime, the lady will have many seasoned regulars who sought her – thereby communicating the status of “ang Pai”. Back to the story: When the MMS (our regular mummy at Club Infinitude) first brought Xin2 to the room we (Mike, Hua and Jus) recognized that she is a pretty face but paid scant attention. Under the extol of the Mummy to look closer and the main selling point that she is only two weeks old, only Mike (who had already booked two lasses for the night) took a second look. He beckoned Xin2 to sit with him. Xin2 is mostly quiet in the room even as bottles of cognac were opened ravenously consumed and rowdy dice games played. It is to Mike’s credit that he is able to notice the simmering potential of a flower vase. MISTRESS MASTERSTROKE #1: ![]() At some point during the transaction, Jus was too busy to notice the dynamics of the interaction between Mike and Xin2, Mike decided to use the Mistress Masterstroke – in between the gentle fondling of Xin2, Mike would notice a vulnerable part of the dress Xin2 wore. (In this instance is a white flower buttons that traverse in front). Playfully twisting the flower, he suddenly gave a tug to rip the button off as if it got stuck in between his watch strap. Jus have witness this maneuver several times already so he know what is up. Jus sees the usual dismay in the Xin2 eyes but her pretense to be nonchalant. The masterstroke modus operandi is in fact something that everybody in group has tried at some point with 100% success rate. We would purposely rip or spoil a girls clothes and then promise to take her shopping as restitution. In this case, Xin2 refused any ‘compensation’. However a simple collusion with the mummy is all that is needed to overcome the objection: the mummy simply whispers to the girl not to be so foolish like that, Xins should “ker-tok” Mike for a dress and a more expensive one at that as Mike can well afford it. The mummy would in effect force the girl into accept compensation. At this point, some readers may wonder what is the difference between the Masterstroke action and an ordinary invitation to go shopping …….. |
Re: Mistress
interesting .. i think this is a good story .. pls cont !
Re: Mistress
There is a difference between having a girlfriend relationship and a mistress (especially if she is kept). The power dynamics almost always favour the patron (at least initially). So to begin courting a mistress, boundaries must be set and the patron must be the one dominating from the start. Only then can patron call the shots (beck and call) and stretch the boundaries of kinky play should the he so desire.
So for Masterstroke #1: (no need for such theatrics – spilling red wine on the light coloured dress have the same desired effect) 1) By ruining the article of clothing, it will elicit a degree of emotion. Seasoned Casanovas know that nothing is worse the attitude of indifference when courting a girl. Casanovas would rather work from a position of hate. There really is a thin line between love and hate. It is the intensity of emotions. And emotions can be easily converted from one to another. 2) To establish a dominant position, you cannot be seen asking for a date. By asking for a date, the woman holds the power. At the very least, she wields the power of refusal. By proffering to buy her a replacement dress, a context is set. You are not needy. You can say, she better accept the gift because you always pay up and hate to owe anyone anything. Its sets the patron up in terms of his self interest. 3) You appear to be a hero in her eyes. Ironically, it is you who does the villainy and ruin her dress in the first instance. But once a purchase is set (always give a better one that what is ruined), she forgets that you are the culprit. Like casinos’ jackpots, people always remember their winnings and forget about the times and amount of money spent leading to the jackpot moment. Selective remembering I call this. 4) Ruining the dress and offer to compensate sets up a reference point. Shopping in general does not allow that control. By offering a dress, like for like, it ensures that cost is curtailed. No rubbish like LVs etc. 5) The patron dictates the presentation of her appearance early on. Generic items like expensive bags etc do not change radically how a girl looks. But a dress does. You are in control early on what a girl reveals, covers or accentuate. 6) Take it from me. No matter how nice the dress looks in a KTV, you can be sure that the majority is “cheap” and not branded per se. This applies to even Ang Pais. When shopping for dress, you can always cast aspersions on the quality (by direct implication suggesting that the mistress is unsophisticated.) Even Xin2 who is in the retail trade for mid range apparel store is also susceptible – imagine those ‘normal’ girl working in a KTV. (Rich girls who can already afford these gifts hardly need to work in KTV isn’t it?) Now you position yourself a guru and a sophisticate – something that is very attractive to girls. 7) You can always rake up the pressure on a potential mistress to accept going on a shopping trip with you by telling the mummy that you hate to owe the girl anything. Invariably the mummy or her friends whatsoever will always side with you. Forcing a date (depending on how assertive a mummy is) may not work all the time. But using ‘restitution and compensation’ as pretext does for the date is almost palatable. |
Re: Mistress
ups for some of the best english i've seen being used here!
Re: Mistress
hmmm, mistress masterstroke #1, sounds cool. On the pretext, you probably have to have some intel on the recipient before execution ya, maybe from the mummy?Otherwise, you might be banging on some "untouchables" if you know what I mean...Anyway, good reading.....
网上自古无娇娘,残花败柳一行行,偶有几对鸳鸯鸟,也是野鸡配色狼 |
Re: Mistress
let's see what other masterstrokes our dear bro have the..
![]() you guys are really seasoned players! mai pray pray!
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" |
Re: Mistress
Thank you RJ for your kind gesture and compliment. Language-wise, I did the best I could because I was ‘adviced’ that our venerable overlord Sam can be quite the grammarian
![]() Yes I will certainly share more Masterstrokes in the course of this story and others. There are a cartload of them! Just a quick update on our reality blog before we get back on our flashback mode: on how Xin2 became Mike’s mistress and her acceptance in Mike introduction of “kink” in their sex life. 1) Xin2 is presently still in the “re-charge mode” and is effectively vegetating. 2) Terrence had to make an urgent trip to the Middle East and will get back only on Wednesday. Jus had seen and worked with Terrence before, he knows that he does not prevaricate when it comes to schedules and date. In this instance, he had given Xin2 two weeks to consider. Terrence did not pressure Xin2 for an answer in between the two weeks period. Cannot be seen to be desperate or needy. In addition, Terrence cannot really be bothered as he currently bonking a Jiangsu lass that he met at Macau (the KTV in Singapore). From what Jus knows (as he has not actually met her and only heard this through Hua), its a consecutive two days in a row that Terrence had an overnighter with her. 3) Note that: Its always an unequitable balance of power in a Patron-Mistress relationship. The Mistress will always have one (the Patron) and usually at most two on the side. The Patron, on the other hand, casts his net far and wide depending on his financial wherewithal, interest level and stamina. After this discussion topic of mistressing swaping between friends, I will share the notion about patrons being "Roberts" (by implication stupid and manipulated by the mistress and/or lover). Nothing can be further from the truth! It is the latter that is being manipulated. Will share exciting stories and observations on that ... one that will shock some who think that its the Roberts are taken for a ride. (Apologies for the plug) 4) I am also deliberating whether to introduce another minor story arc in our reality blog at this time. Don’t know whether it will get too confusing for the reader. This time it is Jus who is considering whether to do the Indecent Proposal of offering a retainer-ship to a gal he recently met. This is however a rather a straight forward deal, without the need for much machination or masterstrokes. Jus had already suggested the idea bringing Bao Er (not actual name but near enough) under his retainer-ship and she already agreed in principle. Its only now the ‘negotiation’ of the Terms and Conditions. Okay, back to flashback mode soon ….. |
Re: Mistress
Mike had accepted the role of Xin2 as the “flower vase” that night without any qualms. Under pressure from the mummy and himself to go shopping for dress the next day – he had the luxury of time. He also wanted to focus on the other two damsels that he had seated with him. This is to implicitly communicate Xin2, (who is number on priority) intended target that he had choice. If Xin2 cannot be worked, there are others who can. At this stage, patrons don’t know which will be the best prospect. So it is best to keep prospecting!! It’s a truism in normal courting as well as in getting a complaint mistress, an aloof detachment of outcome works best!
Mike had checked with the mummy who confirms with Mike that Xin2 does not “Chu Jie”. Of course, Mike will not pose this question directly to Xin2. Whether she ‘Chu Jie’ or not have no bearing whether Xin2 will be his mistress. Mike knows that applying certain Masterstrokes Xin2 being his mistress is a foregone conclusion. I’ll state the bladdy obvious: the Zhu Jie test is not the question of ‘wholesomeness’ of the girls. All girls plying this line are assumed NOT to be vestal virgins. It is also NOT to test whether the girl is “easy” or not. An easy girl, who “spreads her legs” readily for money, can have the entrance to her love box curtailed whereby only the Patron (and those whom he allows) can enter – selective entry. The “Chu Jie” test is nothing more than groundwork for Mistress Masterstroke #2: there to simply give an estimation of the length of time before she comes under the Patron’s retainer-ship. Though not always necessary step, Mike did not want it to known that he is the one interested in bonking her. It is presented as if Hua that is said to be the interested party. Mike role is simply to pay for Xin2 services if Hua ‘Chu Jie’ with Xin2 as Hua is the client. It is often wise to conceal from the Mummy who is actual party interested. Note that the mummy has a vested interest in the transaction. Going through the mummy to arrange for any “Chu Jie” sessions will entail a commission – usually $50-$100 for those Havelock based nite clubs. The Mistress keeping brotherhood will mostly go direct after the initial transaction. Only one time mummy ‘referral’ cost – not because we want to circumvent or begrudge the mummy her commission but rather because we want to form an “alliance” and empathize with the girl. To create a sense of “us” (patron and potential mistress) working together against the “greedy” Mummy. Our generous tips and commissions the mummy makes from our drinks more than covers it. In fact, we often would chide the mummy if we find a greedy mummy who forces girls to give them their tips for subsequent transaction that did not go through her. The next day its payback time – shopping for dress with Xin2 as restitution for the one he ruined. A universal rule must be applied. No friends are allowed to accompany them on this trip. Mike is blatant and uncompromising in his refusal to allow any other third party to come along. This is subtle first step in possessing her. During the shopping trip, Mike in fact helped Xin2 to choose ‘classy’ dresses instead of sexy and sensuous ones. Men, know that dresses that titillate have a better chance of landing a “tai”. Girls think a little differently regarding their presentation: They think that prettiness and elegance is the key to have a good “tai”. For them, there in differentiation - and not necessarily money. They have the mistaken notion that men who choose “pretty and elegance” over slutiness tend to be more refined. (They also erroneously think it is easier to handle refined man than lecherous ones). By going for “class”, Mike sets himself up under the refined category. Mike intentionally voices and articulates the girls’ truism of men choosing “classy” over “slutty” dressing as being more refined. Instead of offering one dress, Mike buys for her two. A savvy line like: I can’t decide between either as you look equally good in both is a good compliment as well as serve to underscore Mike’s generosity. No lecherous attempts were made during and after the initial shopping trip. The idea of Mike being a “Hao Nan Ren” (Good Man) starts fermenting in Xin2 brain! |
Re: Mistress
masterstroke indeed. Ingenious idea. However, if the girl (in this case Xin2) decides to bring a friend along for the shopping trip, what to do then?
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Re: Mistress
Now its time to apply Mistress Masterstroke #2: Note that this Masterstroke involves understanding the operational parameters whereby Xin2 applies her trade.
(There are different applicable Masterstroke for Singers, Women already under retainer presently, ‘conservative’ gals, Ang Pais (different Rules of Engagement for Singer Ang Pais at Hanging Flower Joints), girls in committed relationships, the veterans in this trade….) For Xin2, the general operational parameters are: a) Pretty lady who is quite ‘conservative’ and a relative newcomer. b) Not very hot as in having an “Ang Pai” status. c) Xin2, being a new comer is slowly building her business (yes, KTV WL are a business just like taxi drivers etc.). Earnings are uneven. Some night takings are better than others. There may already be a small pool of regulars who call her whenever they are there. Now Mistress Masterstroke # 2 is to take a ruthless step of first starving Xin2 of her income potential and then inculcating a crutch mentality. Masterstroke #2 involves understanding the psyche of the ladies plying their trade at KTV. I can tell you for a fact that a majority of them prefer to have bookings rather than running for tables – even if the latter yields them more money. Running for tables is very exhausting physically and mentally. There will invariably be “scoldings” (or mini snide comments) for not staying long enough at a room and/or for being absent for extended periods of time. There is also the risk of customer running away – hence the constant monitoring of TV screens for bills and mobiles. Add to that is the indignation of lining up while a customer exercises his choice (Xin2 operate in a mummy system). Consecutive days of running tables without bookings can easily deplete a new “two week old” girl like Xin2. “Starving of Xin2 potential income” First off, Mike anticipates that a pretty girl like Xin2 will be inundated with offers sooner rather than later. He does the sum: to book her throughout the night, it costs about $150 to $200 depending on whether a week day or weekend. (Caveat: Although generally correct, please know that some bookings may cost more – the rate quoted is Xin2! as it applies to Club Infinitude). Mike makes a booking and always pay premium as tips. (To be continued….) |
Re: Mistress
Truly enlightening. Upz u as appreciation
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Re: Mistress
As for Xin2 (or anyone other for that matter) should she bring along he friend in spite of explicit instructions not to do so: Simply, tell her "I told you to come alone, why do you bring your friends along?" Drive off. You may complain to mummy to give that added scolding and pressure. In the many many instances where the "don't suffer the fools gladly" stance is taken, only one prospect did not come back (Hua's prospect!). But this is no loss anyway because it will take that much more of an effort to pesuade her to try something that she is not comfortable with. And if they do accept the second chance invitation to shop, like they almost invariably do. The Patron's position of strength is very much enhanced. |
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