Re: Candy - 23yrs old
Originally Posted by saddleup
Hey u....mother fucker aeroplane boy....u kenna conned by other OKT is ur CB mother problem becoz ur mother borned a dumb-fuck idiot like you who don't fucking read, probably you suffered from Down Syndrome. That TS what has to do with me? Moreover, the thread TS never state anything abt SYT. Anyway, I can't comment on that FL coz I dunno her. Little boy, please fucking think with your brain, not your dick.
hey lan jiao hey, ni na boo chao chee bye you, you want respect you don't use vulgarities on me, since you started using vulgarities on me first, then I tell you to kan ni na boo phuah chee bye !
Freedom of speech=stirring shit= confuse readership=split our society & communities apart=destabilize govt=ruin our Economy=devalue our currency=ruin our job, family=country collapse !!!
Stirring shit=Increase Readership=increase advertising Revenue=Media Co Laughing All the Way to the Bank !!!