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Old 27-11-2009, 04:03 AM
DuaKaTsua DuaKaTsua is offline
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

How can have two wife? Even in Muslims only certain country allow you to have more than one wife. If not wrong our Sillypor got mor than one wife is straight way kena jail kind hor dont even try think anyhow play play leh. Dis not laughing matter recently got one old ah Pek kana tsia Lat TsiaLat only.

Bludder TS better tink hard hard hor tis kind not easy one. You oredi got kids nxt time Lao Er got kid not fair to both side mah. Think of better way. U say u love her but u oso love ur wife n kids oso mah. U oso muz tink and protect wat u oredi have mah. Think not easy to decide but must be gong ping to everyone la. Oso hor u want her as mistress or as 2nd wife? A bit difffrnt leh. Second one got mor pblm but oso give her mor face lah even tho legal got no name. I tink u oredi a bit heng bcoz kio tio one GF over there in mainland where whore a lot .. At least ur dis girl not kway is consider half lucky lah. But good fortune can not go on forever one. Painful decision cum soon but hope u make good and right decision. Good men will go steady one not scare. Take Care !!
Old 27-11-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
I know that some guys have one family in Singapore and one family in China. I don't know if this is really workable or am I asking for trouble. I like to hear from brothers who have such experience. Thanks!
Dear Bro virginboy,
I understand fully your feeling and the state of loss. I have been there and am since out of the situation with helps from friends. First of all, if you feel that you cannot marry her legally, it would be unfair to her, especially when both of you have kids, and they will suffer too. Do what I did, let her go amicably and allow her to meet someone in Chinal She would be happier in the long run. My Ex and I are good friends now, and when we meet, if both of us have need, we just make love.

Secondly, I presume that you have a family in Singapore. If you keep a mistress in China, you familly will eventually suffer. If this happen, more people will suffer, including the girl whom you would like to keep as mistress.

Lastly, but it is a possibiliy which might not happen. We send money to keep mistress in China, and if we are not there 365 days a year, how could we sure of the fidelity when we are not there. I have met many of such girls already, and believe me, I even know their Singapore "husbands".

In my humble opinion, please let her go and I am sure you will be happier, so would she.

My 2 cent worth.
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Old 27-11-2009, 02:26 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by DuaKaTsua View Post
How can have two wife? !!
Agree, TS you need to be very careful about having wedding ceremony there, this may lands you in jail if ....

Think again about it, u marry her (one wife of course or break off ...
Old 27-11-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

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I agree with bro Ichigo.. this is unsuitable in long run and will end up in her raiding your vaults and jewels in the end. Would say stop now after settling and better PCC.. safe in healthy way, saves money.

OR better go for girls if you are really desparate and can't control.
Pls share with all of us bros how it goes..!!
Not all PRC girls are pirates or robbers. Of course there is a 50% chance, but after having dozens of PRC girlfriends before, I believe that she belongs to the good catergory.
Old 27-11-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
Not all PRC girls are pirates or robbers. Of course there is a 50% chance, but after having dozens of PRC girlfriends before, I believe that she belongs to the good catergory.
Agree, there are always good sheep and bad shits in every country ... including both man and women D:
Old 27-11-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by NightHawk88 View Post
Bro Virginboy,

May I ask a question? Let said if you have opportunity to travel to many countries for business trips; would you mind consider keeping mistress in every country that you visit often; just to keep you occupied? For short term enjoyment; suggest that you go for PCC.

Now it seem to me that you are moving your thought from short term enjoyment to long term enjoyment. In that case, why not just bring your lawful wife along. I believe your wife would be more than happy to keep you occupied for all kind of enjoyment, no matter where you go.

Unless, if your wife are not interested in such enjoyment at all; only then would have no choice but to go for FL's as an alternative.

We have passed the stage of seeing each other for sexual needs. I'm not keeping her as a sex slave, otherwise I could have continued like this. We live like husband and wife in China. We share with each other our inner thoughts, our work problems, etc. I know her family and her circle of friends, she knows my collegues and business associates. We participate in healthy activities like movies, sight seeing, window shopping, dinner, clubbing, spa.

Last edited by virginboy; 27-11-2009 at 03:38 PM.
Old 27-11-2009, 03:27 PM
JIU XING JIU XING is offline
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

[QUOTE=virginboy;4325445]Not all PRC girls are pirates or robbers. Of course there is a 50% chance, QUOTE]

bro, no offence hor..u are rite in a way tat not all prc(actually doesnt matters the nationality ma) are money minded.. but seriously, it just take one to make u fall jialat jialat.. and imo,
sometimes letting go is better than holding on... when u started tis game, u should have already known the results way b4 hand, the ending is always the same unless u are prepared to let go of ur wife, if not, then be prepared to take a roller coaster ride..all tis is my opinion nia...just my tots..
retirement start from 01/03/210
now in newbie and football section hiding from my zapper frenz
Old 27-11-2009, 03:35 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by qsnake View Post
Women needs to have children to feel complete. Will you be there for her when she has a family ? are you sure you will still have frequent business trips to China then ? Children needs their fathers in their developing years, to deprive them of that is unfair to them, to say the least.

In her old age, will she have you by her side? she will have no one else then, her children would have started their careers, you will be in Singapore and she’s all alone in her old age. Don’t do that to her, bro.

If you truly love her, set her free. She will find someone to love eventually. Someone who can take care of her in her old age.
You're right...this is why I am hesitating.
Old 27-11-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by PuTonRen View Post
Dear Bro virginboy,

In my humble opinion, please let her go and I am sure you will be happier, so would she.

My 2 cent worth.
So really, isn't there any successful cases? Must every story be a sad ending? Why is it that our forefathers can manage multiple wives, and we can't?
Old 27-11-2009, 04:09 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
So really, isn't there any successful cases? Must every story be a sad ending? Why is it that our forefathers can manage multiple wives, and we can't?
me too ,my wife very young ,i also dont go out look look mistress worry about trouble happens...

forefather times so much enjoyed ,now I feel marry like go Jail ...
Old 27-11-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
Why is it that our forefathers can manage multiple wives, and we can't?
Bro virginboy, 1 word: Social and Economic Advancement of Women
Old 27-11-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
So really, isn't there any successful cases? Must every story be a sad ending? Why is it that our forefathers can manage multiple wives, and we can't?
Of course you can if you have the moolans to spare like one of those forefathers
Old 27-11-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by tanterry View Post
Of course you can if you have the moolans to spare like one of those forefathers
Lots of guys like the idea but if you looks around, and ask yourself - during our forefather days where is the "Women's Charter" or things like that ??
Old 27-11-2009, 04:58 PM
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Smile Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
So really, isn't there any successful cases? Must every story be a sad ending? Why is it that our forefathers can manage multiple wives, and we can't?
It seems like you have made up your mind. Granted that not every PRC lady is bad, but one has to consider the consequences, especially when you have a family. The era of one wife with many mistresses (not multiple wives) is long over, during which such practice was acceptable socially, even no laws could prevent one from doing so. What about now?

Brother, from my humble observation and your answer to various kind brothers' posts, your mind is set. You are here seeking support on what you wish to do. You do not need to ask for opinion, go ahead and keep her as mistress. May I seize this opportunity to wish both of you happy.
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Old 27-11-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: Keeping A Mistress Abroad

Success is so subjective. Some may view henpecking as basis to a successful relationship, some have discovered the sad reality of keeping mistress(es) but remained optimistic about the future despite obvious sufferings. Both can be said to be successful and unsuccessful at the same time depending on how much we benefit from making our stand.

Must every story has a sad ending? If you are not in complete control, yes. How much control do you have over your mistress or yourself? I think your question is, why my story must have a sad ending? Alamak, bros are speaking their mind for your long term benefit, they are not in your relationship and do not share the feeling you have for your mistress what. Of cos they can speak objectively, but then if you have decided, all objective POVs are also skewed negatively by yourself. Therefore, you challenge them in this way.

Forefathers can have mistresses so why can't we. Can, why not? But forefathers dun have internet and facebook, WHY SHOULD WE? If you think this is a silly assumption, look at yours, then go and ask the nearest policeman, why are you wearing long pants?
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