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Old 09-05-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Two most commonly that I use is soccer and too tired rest sleep a bit in office. Key is laying the groundwork like tell oc that got series of high profle matches coming on or company getting audit, something cocked up must have meetings or got some troublesome clients who wanted everything yesterday. Then if you go home late, you have the excuses to fallback on. But say it before that this few days, next week or this mth will be busy, so more believable.
Old 09-05-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
You never read carefully huh, I mean after bonk leh, so you want me go naked n hanging two balls home lah, siao ah.
so u r 1 of those tat doesn't wash up aft bonking hub .....
@ most still hv pants On mah ..... the balls still hidden.
perhaps u shld bring along a pkt of wet tissue everytime u go out.
Old 09-05-2010, 09:17 PM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

once in a while is okie, give sum excuse, shldnt be of a problem, but if too many times, sure arouse ur oc suspicion...
Old 09-05-2010, 11:06 PM
nukebomb nukebomb is offline
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
so u r 1 of those tat doesn't wash up aft bonking hub .....
@ most still hv pants On mah ..... the balls still hidden.
perhaps u shld bring along a pkt of wet tissue everytime u go out.
That's depend if at carpark, bushes, how to wash? Can lah use urine to wash.
Old 09-05-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

everytime i missed her call, normally i'll say in a meeting. Quite hard to find a reason for cheoning up till 3am...

Stock take up till near mid night i think it's the max liao.


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Old 10-05-2010, 02:12 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

My excuses are customer system upgrade and changeover done overnight
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Old 10-05-2010, 05:55 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
That's depend if at carpark, bushes, how to wash? Can lah use urine to wash.
hello,u also nvr read carefully huh ..... i mentioned wet tissue.
Old 10-05-2010, 06:10 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

i just tell her i go K,
since she dun sing she dun follow me
or just say i go lim jiu
guess i'm quite lucky since she dun question me much 1 cos she knows my temper well enough
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Old 10-05-2010, 07:21 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Originally Posted by nukebomb View Post
Bro, like tt must bring paper underwear to cheong lah, so after bonk change back to boxer!
Don't wear yours boxer outside down

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Old 10-05-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

the best excuse is no excuse.

For me, i make my night activities a routine. as im in projects, my works is always running 24/7. Thus i make it a point that my usual(normal) working hours is up till 11pm daily. And any timing after that will be makan session(supper with boss or with my contractor). This has been running on for years.

But the down side effect is you can't go back early. Ive to find excuses if i happen to pop back home early by 8-9pm.....
Old 10-05-2010, 09:23 AM
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Wink Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Bro, just tell OC that u r going out for drinks with colleagues or friends.
Well, its partially the truth, the rest will be update to her to give way.
I dont cheong so often into the late morning but once in a while, I do that.
My OC is ok with that. Its basically depends on whether she trust you or not,
Old 10-05-2010, 09:37 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

nowaday modern local gals want their husband to obey everything and everything within their control (u even hav to predict it's strawberry cheesecake tat's on her mind). If u happen to own one of those who don't control u tat much, don't bother about ur movement tat much, don't even show some sign of jealous/envy/suspicious (women's nature) when u night out, jus might not be an good i humble opinion

Ofcoz, there's a handful of really talented Mr Ripleys out there who can balance up almost everything from social/work life to each individual female around him, kudos!


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Old 10-05-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

Originally Posted by doremond View Post
But the down side effect is you can't go back early. Ive to find excuses if i happen to pop back home early by 8-9pm.....
This one very funny.
Old 10-05-2010, 10:14 AM
BigBoy2 BigBoy2 is offline
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

This is what I had lean from a friend... Just sharing around.

First you have a group of drink kaki right? Then hatch a plan for all of you to bring your partner together and says that you guys are alway meeting up in pubs all over Singapore for Dart game together. Some pubs also held competition. So your daily or nightly excuse would be play dart loh.....

Also sometimes can use this excuse for all men out of SIN to Malaysia, HK, China, etc for a friendly game. Make sure that you managed to convince her that you really take this seriously and you are using this to unwind and relax. It does not cost you much to own 1 set of this dart. Then sure can go out and party all night, even if you comes back home smelling of smoke and liquor.

2 cents worth.....
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:17 AM
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Re: CHEONG until 3 am, EXCUSE to give to OC

To make stories more believable, whenever I reach home, I act like damn fed up, say just because someone cock up I have to stay late and fix the problem. Then my OC will sayang me

Also must remember to low a lot of ciggy smoke on your shirt, make it more believable. If do not smoke or work in non smoking office, have to try to do something to get rid of the perfume smells, girls notice the smallest details.
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