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Million kumsiah for upping me..actually u no nid de..I Upz you because i really LOVE your Fantasy Gal!! Mi Gush!!! She really is a like fantasy!! Wa liao!! Such mouth licking good breasts and nipples!! Really God send! Aiyoh!! Taboleh tahan lei...must PCC again ...looking at her pics makes me so "cooked'!! Hahahaha Great job!! ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
for a bus-mrt taking heartlander like me, sammi is the first (and only) real life 'celebrity' tat i hv interact with. okay, sammi might not be famous, but at least she is pretty & never tao (some local celebs i meet when i call out their name ignore me totally ...... don't want to say names .... and they are not even half as beautiful as sammi. more imptly, i get to see sammi's boob in the flesh and got touch touch aso a lil ..... (story later) ![]() Quote:
but the pic i post actually got some value. i found out later why sammi kept tis outtake (or even allowed to keep it). the pics are pre-photoshop, pre-touch up test shots and the cameraman who is a very temperamental guy who behave like ah gua (but actually straight or maybe bi) reject it cause under expose. the photographer actually quite famous who takes pics for those really big stars one. sammi thick skin ask him & he gave it to her ... will tell u why later .... tat is why got sentimental value for her. by the way, i must say sori to my mobile phone, not tat lousy for blue tooth. i did not realise how hi res and big the photos are until i try to post it. i must optimise it or else take ages to upload.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
one reason why sammi is my fantasy gal is bcos she is real. like a dam pretty and sexy Girl Next Door.
Okay she may not be famous but she is so down to earth - don't want to say names - but unlike some local celebs i meet, call out to them never hue me .... & they not even half as sexy or pretty like sammi. ano thing is when sammi tell story, is very kawaii with many cute action. not the fake act cute cute type which sumtimes can be irritation (like my gf sumtimes ... mid twenties liao see hello cute act like teenager ![]() she is almost matter of fact even for sexy things. one memorable story is abt a pervert photoshoot only a few months ago. sammi got a assignment to do piss shoot. she says tat she agrees becos according to terms, her face not shown. when the day come, she look down on the toilet bowl expecting to see those small small spy cam type of camera. instead she saw a large expensive lens there. sammi when describes how she cannot bring herself to pee on such an expensive equipment is so cute... and when my cousin suggested tat her face may actually be filmed as producer may put one way mirror - her "aiyah, really ah!" look is sebei special). she recalled tat during the session, got a lot of mirrors. sammi's reaction on the realization make me want to hug her and kiss her there and then. anyway, apparantly perverted producers (shooting done in a remote house near guangzhou) aso want her to pang sai in addition to her pee. she thinks tat the food she was served contain quite a lot of laxative. but despite churning stomach, sammi say she simply cannot pang sai or rather cannot bring herself to shit on such an expensive looking equipment. althog assignment is 'easy' one hour work, (and got to be paid in cash immediately). sammi says she kena drink at least three liters of water. aso as a result that she cannot pang sai the company dock half of her fee. (sammi qte indignant over it, as orignal terms never mention shitting). sammi next ask naively how come so pervert & so disgusting. and how can ple find thrill in otr people shit and piss - i answered because when shit and urine, her hole must "open up" what ... her initial look of disgust and then laugh afterward is one image tat i will remember for a long long time. (i even got a gentle "你真坏" chide and friendly punch from sammi for tat comment! a dam girl friend feeling at the moment, and how i wished tat sammi was really my gf) btw, according to sammi, she till now does not know what happen to the video and sincerely hopes tat her face does not appear .... aso her agent cannot seem to locate them after tat lil filming.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
WoOw this GaL iS SoLId!!!
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Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
TS, solid! thanks for sharing.
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round 33 096 5/3/25 Vinrington+15, 4/3 raygoat+15, 25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi 2nd xchange list: 27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7 |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
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Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
so happy tat u guys are enjoying it. sammi is a real wonderful gal and sexy to boot. & not all the time her body modeling job got occupation hazard one.
now i shall talk a lil abt sammi's boyfren ![]() i got to admit tat for chinaman, he dam cool - being sua ku, i tink all chinaman blur blur type tat we see at our hawker centre and construction. actually the fella, ah chuan, looks hamsome - u know like jap and korean matinee idol with long curly and wavy hair, got dimple on the chin & all. if i stand beside him, is as if offspring of rooney + ribery combine (tat's me standing alongside beckham (okay, beckham a a lil lao liao, but still hamsome). anyway, my coz, ah chuan, sammi and self discuss modeling. ah chuan say tat actually sammi job qte shoik one. he narrated this story: ah chuan (before he and sammi becum bf-gf) was the photographer to shoot a passionate sexy spread. gal wear provocative clothes, flash here and there, show here and there but not really nude. the guys bare body suppose to act macho and hold sammi here and there --- basically macham ad for kevin klien ---- according to ah chuan, the male model while posing kept fingering sammi clit through her hot micro shorts. at first sammi sort of push him away, but later just allowed him to continue as she feeling 爽 (pleasurable). sammi in the course of conversation, deny ah chuan version of story..... in fact according to ah chuan, who produced a photo from his mobile, pointed to the pic tat sammi breast was erect. ah chuan got a point. from the photo i cud see sammi hard nipple through her thin blose clearly. i wanted to ask ah chuan to blue tooth it over for it but pai say to do so. dam. sammi kept denying tat she is in heat during tat particular photoshoot. she kept muttering 讨厌 as she playfully hits ah chuan. KNN .... me as an observer watching tis scene aso wanted to say 讨厌 - but not so playfully. i got a lil jealous and envy.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
althogh my coz & ah chuan are "frens". (they strike up a friendship during a conference where ah chuan is the photographer). got to say tat he too lust after sammi.
after i pester him to sent me some photos for souvenia, he too admit tat he got hots for her. he even admitted to me tat he peeped at her shower. there is an equipment (which he bought from china) tat look like spy cam but it comes with flexible bendible stick so that we can spy round corners. my coz told me tat he watch her bathe twice during her stay at his apartment. i believe the bastard actually film her, but he denied it. i still till now keep asking him if he got video shot. anyway wat is interesting is tat he told me while sammi is showering, he saw (or rather peeped) he playing with her self using the shower head. my coz described how sammi masterbated herself thus: after running the shower head at her clit, she will stop every few seconds to pause. and then her bosom will heave up and now as she enjoy her sensation, up and now .... dam steam man i tell you. anyway, wat to do, we both cut from same cloth ...... unlike me when i "officially" get blue tooth pics of her from sammi herself, my coz actually got the pics (only two according to him) when sammi accidently left it on the table. i wanna say dispicable, but then ah he sent me a nice full frontal pic of sammi when she was younger (with delicious nice puppy fats.......) ![]()
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
oh yah ... when telling my "sports bra" and jumping story, forgot to add this pic (courtesy from my coz). frm tis pic, i tink u can actually see how pretty sammi really is ...... tis is one pic where i pcc quite lot to!
sammi in bra and panty, looking beautiful as usual ..... my fantasy gal! ![]()
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
thanks for sharing
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
Love see to more of her. Any way to join in one of her photoshoot? ^^
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
![]() tat is why, i want to pretend to have kang tao and arrange a photoshoot (preferably in singapore). i thot i can buaya sammi while she here. my coz got her agent contact - presently a man - no more tat 'dragon lady'. frm wat i hear sammi only works strictly w agent. maybe i can convince her to free lance and save agent comm. ![]() by the way, sammi was already "complaining" abt tis dragon lady agent of hers then. says she treats her more like social escort than model.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
sammi's ex agent - the dragon lady - (i saw her pics ..... not bad looking what .....) is actually like a fierce mummy in a ktv. they 'bully' the gal under her charge but treat customer dam good.
sammi kena bully some many times by dragon lady. even ah chuan say tat sammi kena exploited by dragon lady. u see, dragon lady everytime give "modeling assignment" to sammi is actually escort service for events. (bringing models there bring glamour). & when introducing her to guest, dragon lady wud malu her by emphazise her neh neh. she actually squeeze it in front of guest and then said tat she "bust ad gal". and there are actually a few times she even invite guest to squeeze it to confirm tat it is all natural. (it is rumoured tat dragon lady had a share in the company - herbal company tat promotes firm neh neh). sammi altho the "face" or rather the body of the company never even consume the herbs. it was talking abt dragon lady when ah chaun and my coz suddenly left our table to go to loo or wat (i don't know or care) but it is the first time all night i am left alone with sammi. i ask sammi abt how she felt on being treat like sex object. sammi gave me the sweetest smile ever and say tat she accustom to it. maybe culture, maybe sammi personality, maybe she seasoned already, but when sammi say its "normal" - i try my luck - "u mean if i 动手动脚 (anyhow touch u)u okay?" (actually i was hoping to tiok buay pio with sammi to say try lah .... ![]() i really don't believe how buay chai i am but my next comment (actually my attempt to joke to diffuse situ) is "china milk got poison ...." - refering to melamine tainted milk scandle - ....touch yur neh neh got danger. sammi gentle sigh told me tat put my foot in my big mouth! my first attempt to "seduce" sammi to cop a feel of tat wonderful tits failed.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
camping for more!
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Re: Fantasy Gal - Bros pls share yur Object of Lust real life stories (pics)
tks bro traveller for upping tis thread. tis few days no mood for sex or even sex talk. every football game i bet i lose (most jialat one is England match ...... ). its the first time i buay song with my favourite player - tat shrek lookalike wayne rooney. (besides football "skill" (shudn't use tis word right now) - i like rooney becos he ugly, got premature balding and ever cheong a grandma WL .... just like me!)
anyway, yur timely post and comment made me realise how much fun i have sharing abt my fantasy gal. & when i check to see what otr pics of sammi tat i have of her which i not yet post. my moodiness over my gambling loss gone. sammi got the power to make my little kukujiao happy (did i just use the word "little" to describe my birdy ![]() will post a lil candid shot of sammi during the same photoshoot assignment. it shows u her teeth (see there are many parts of my fantasy gal tat dam shiok! i can appreciate otr parts of woman). sammi was 'screaming' & crying out of surprise bcos make up artise spill drink on her lap.
“I would rather cuddle then have sex. If you’re good with grammar and spelling, you’ll get it.” ![]() |
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