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Old 07-10-2010, 01:03 AM
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Smile Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by troubledguy View Post
yup that goes without saying............ sigh its going to be an agonizing 1 month of mental pain for me before my visit to kelantan!
Yo bro don't worries i experience before few times... just go for check up and things will be okie one anyway you do it with those shop houses one more clean than those street walker... be cool and pick up some sports and you will feel better.... btw how old are you man? you may add me in msn [email protected] and i explain more to you.... chill bro...
Old 07-10-2010, 02:04 AM
RealEstateGuy RealEstateGuy is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Because sometimes, no matter how good a cook your wife/gf is, you still will go and eat at a restaurant for some tasty retail morsels, right ? Your wife can't possibly be able to cook every dish you wanna eat, right ? After eating her best dish night after night, you soon hanker for another dish too.

Same reason. Every time bonk the same girl also sian. There's always a WL who is younger, prettier, firmer, bustier, sexier and different color from your wife/gf, and as a guy, we wanna try that. That's why.

And secondly, many local guys pretty much agree that "a local SG woman" is typically a spoilt, pampered whiny princess rather than the ideal epitome of the wonderful female partner. Hooking up with one is something not to be taken lightly, esp if its just for the sex.
Brother, so historically and propectively you just plan to go to Geylang week after week and seek these women? How does that reconcile with SG society if you are to be a good contributing man? Brother, I think your comments on local SG women are an excuse to continue your worrisome practices.
Old 28-10-2010, 04:22 AM
orneryjoe orneryjoe is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, so historically and propectively you just plan to go to Geylang week after week and seek these women? How does that reconcile with SG society if you are to be a good contributing man? Brother, I think your comments on local SG women are an excuse to continue your worrisome practices.
Why is there the need to reconcile with anything? So long as one is comfortable with what one is doing, one should just go ahead and do it. Only one rule needs to be observed -- don't hurt anyone else in the process.

So some people stay single and celibate. Others are monogamous and stay faithful to their spouses all their lives. Some have affairs with fbs. Others get off through visiting professionals.

Different strokes for different folks.
Old 28-10-2010, 09:41 AM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Go for check up and ease your mind..

Originally Posted by troubledguy View Post
hi bros

i have just recently visited a fuckhouse in geylang . i dont know which house number is that but the decoration in the house is very much like a japanese style kind.. theres also a private parking lot behind that house..its situated just beside a kopitiam..on the left they even serve u hot tea and towels before the arrival of the girl. paid 80 bucks for it. anyone been to this house? are the girls LEGAL sex workers there?

the problem is, i had protected sex for both the BJ and sex but unfortunately the condom BROKE when i ejaculated..i guess it broke due to the sperm that was trapped within the condom when i came.

now im really really scared shitless. this is the first time i have encountered such an ordeal..

the PRC told me nothing to worry etc etc..said she is a legal sex worker and goes for health screenings every month or she will be deported back to china shd there be something wrong with her.

but being a kaisi singaporean. shd i go for a hiv screening test?

please help bros..appreciate your honest opinions here...

troubled guy
Old 28-10-2010, 03:08 PM
RealEstateGuy RealEstateGuy is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by orneryjoe View Post
Why is there the need to reconcile with anything? So long as one is comfortable with what one is doing, one should just go ahead and do it. Only one rule needs to be observed -- don't hurt anyone else in the process.

So some people stay single and celibate. Others are monogamous and stay faithful to their spouses all their lives. Some have affairs with fbs. Others get off through visiting professionals.

Different strokes for different folks.
Brother, your lifestyle is not consistent with SG values. SG society frowns upon your way of life. How about changing? You will feel better and finally intergrate into mainstream SG society.
Old 28-10-2010, 11:55 PM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, your lifestyle is not consistent with SG values. SG society frowns upon your way of life. How about changing? You will feel better and finally intergrate into mainstream SG society.
Sorry bro... but you are talking nonsense. I already said that different people live different lives. What's good for some may not be good for others.

Integrate into the mainstream? Whatever for? How will living the so-called conventional lifestyle make one feel any better?
Old 29-10-2010, 12:58 AM
ilovesingapore ilovesingapore is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, your lifestyle is not consistent with SG values. SG society frowns upon your way of life. How about changing? You will feel better and finally intergrate into mainstream SG society.
Yeah u shld learn from him, go find a high-class maid to screw instead of those low-class ppl from Geylang.
Old 30-10-2010, 10:00 PM
nicholassoong81 nicholassoong81 is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

You won't get free sex for integrating into the mainstream. And who says the mainstream is not going to Geylang for commercial sex?? I know so many married men who patronize commercial sex. Human beings like to be political. Nobody will stand out in public and say that it is morally acceptable to go for prostitutes. But behind the facade of an idealistic society, there is a practical need which has to be satisfied. Be it a highly educated or lowly educated man, there is a need for sex. And not every guy gets satisfying sex from their pampered wives or gfs at home. And like what some bros have said, some guys need a variety from time to time. There is nothing right or wrong about it. It is just the way men are programmed genetically. Even PAP recognizes that sex is a need for men. Otherwise, they won't not have created geylang and legalized all the commercial sex in that area. So friend, my advice is don't be too idealistic. Sometimes in life, jus go along with the flow and be yourself. You can pretend to be a "mainstream". But it remains to be seen how long this pretense can continue..
Old 31-10-2010, 03:43 AM
iron_fist87 iron_fist87 is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by nicholassoong81 View Post
You won't get free sex for integrating into the mainstream. And who says the mainstream is not going to Geylang for commercial sex?? I know so many married men who patronize commercial sex. Human beings like to be political. Nobody will stand out in public and say that it is morally acceptable to go for prostitutes. But behind the facade of an idealistic society, there is a practical need which has to be satisfied. Be it a highly educated or lowly educated man, there is a need for sex. And not every guy gets satisfying sex from their pampered wives or gfs at home. And like what some bros have said, some guys need a variety from time to time. There is nothing right or wrong about it. It is just the way men are programmed genetically. Even PAP recognizes that sex is a need for men. Otherwise, they won't not have created geylang and legalized all the commercial sex in that area. So friend, my advice is don't be too idealistic. Sometimes in life, jus go along with the flow and be yourself. You can pretend to be a "mainstream". But it remains to be seen how long this pretense can continue..
well said... so end of the day it still goes down to our little rambo
Old 31-10-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Because sometimes, no matter how good a cook your wife/gf is, you still will go and eat at a restaurant for some tasty retail morsels, right ? Your wife can't possibly be able to cook every dish you wanna eat, right ? After eating her best dish night after night, you soon hanker for another dish too.

Same reason. Every time bonk the same girl also sian. There's always a WL who is younger, prettier, firmer, bustier, sexier and different color from your wife/gf, and as a guy, we wanna try that. That's why.

And secondly, many local guys pretty much agree that "a local SG woman" is typically a spoilt, pampered whiny princess rather than the ideal epitome of the wonderful female partner. Hooking up with one is something not to be taken lightly, esp if its just for the sex.
Not truth if my OC is a good cook I won't eat outside is better to stay with 1
Old 31-10-2010, 11:03 AM
xiaojin xiaojin is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by nicholassoong81 View Post
You won't get free sex for integrating into the mainstream. And who says the mainstream is not going to Geylang for commercial sex?? I know so many married men who patronize commercial sex. Human beings like to be political. Nobody will stand out in public and say that it is morally acceptable to go for prostitutes. But behind the facade of an idealistic society, there is a practical need which has to be satisfied. Be it a highly educated or lowly educated man, there is a need for sex. And not every guy gets satisfying sex from their pampered wives or gfs at home. And like what some bros have said, some guys need a variety from time to time. There is nothing right or wrong about it. It is just the way men are programmed genetically. Even PAP recognizes that sex is a need for men. Otherwise, they won't not have created geylang and legalized all the commercial sex in that area. So friend, my advice is don't be too idealistic. Sometimes in life, jus go along with the flow and be yourself. You can pretend to be a "mainstream". But it remains to be seen how long this pretense can continue..
Well Said, Dude!
those who zap without leaving nick got nothing better to do becos their LJ has not been working for a long time
Old 31-10-2010, 11:14 AM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
How about changing? You will feel better and finally intergrate into mainstream SG society.
Different individual has different moral values. Do not impose your values on the others.

Let me give you an example:

It's just like you enjoy screwing "high class maids" but we do not.
~~~ 多长本事,少长脾气 ~~~
Old 01-11-2010, 12:58 PM
Eropagnis Eropagnis is offline
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

But end of the day, it is always not a wrong decision to go for regular sexual health checks.

Originally Posted by yangguo View Post
Different individual has different moral values. Do not impose your values on the others.

Let me give you an example:

It's just like you enjoy screwing "high class maids" but we do not.
Old 01-11-2010, 08:08 PM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, so historically and propectively you just plan to go to Geylang week after week and seek these women? How does that reconcile with SG society if you are to be a good contributing man? Brother, I think your comments on local SG women are an excuse to continue your worrisome practices.
Why does fucking a WL have to reconcile with SG society ? I don't have to explain or reconcile myself to anyone. Why do I have to be a good contributing man ? When does being a man oblige me to be contributing to anything ?

If I contribute, its by being generally a good person and maybe having a decent job. But even good persons need to fuck. I don't view my comments as excuses simply because I don't need excuses to fuck. A man does not need excuses to satisfy their lust for big young boobs and wet pussies.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 01-11-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: Bros Help ! scared shitless after sexual encounter @ geylang

We are not worried about consistency with mainstream SG society. The fact that we are all anonymously fucking chicks just means that mainstream Sg is not aware of our activities. To mainstream society, most of us here are model citizens, many with families, good jobs, nice cars and houses. What they don't know don't hurt. So no worries

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Brother, your lifestyle is not consistent with SG values. SG society frowns upon your way of life. How about changing? You will feel better and finally intergrate into mainstream SG society.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
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