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Old 07-08-2004, 10:24 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

really appreaciate all the help n info given ....
Old 07-08-2004, 05:24 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Sakura GV not bad also. ah yo nearby ahyam farm he must know how to go mah. u old bird bird same as me sure know how to go lar.

anywhere we stay we also able to detect ahyam farm hahaha.

common known place near sakura GV, further up from hotel near LG hotel (old) got ahyam leow. else go channivatte soi 2 pai sei forget how to spell road name.

wah u got flat there mean u got tiirak hehehe
Old 07-08-2004, 05:27 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by cheongkid
You can leave your money & (sperm) behind but remember to bring back your heart & soul...kekeke...
Well i do had to agree on this play can play but puying said alot of cow stories n cry cry. ah ya just one more dont be soft hearted n die there can leow lar.
Old 08-08-2004, 01:49 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by cheongkid
One bad point about Lee Garden Plaza as bro tirak99 has mentioned is the hassle of transferring lifts. As the hotel is located right in the heart of the tourist belt, it is nearby to disco/pubs, shopping centres etc. A cheaper option will be Grand Plaza, rooms not as big but just next to Hollywood Disco and Pink Lady.

Hatyai Palace got porno channel but nothing to shout about...mainly masked Jap AV...

Hollywood Disco had closed... so now all flocked to Paragon Disco...
u might consider going to Kiss Channel..
For me I prefer to go to The Pub for the live band music..

Hatyai Palace is not bad but a bit out of the main tourist area...
Most of the time I stay at Sakura Grandview, about 20mins walk from Lee Garden plaza.. but I normally ride there so no prob.. got a tirak there..
Old 08-08-2004, 09:50 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

The second floor show will feature models from bangkok on the Fri and Sat.
If you get coupon from travel agent, it is 250Bht inclusive of one drink.
One part of the show is that a sexual performance by a couple and they can do multiple positions without the didi falling out from the CB..that is really a feat..

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Hatyai palace does not have any porn movies anymore, in fact no hotels have. But it does have live shows on the second floor which cost 400 baht. .
Old 08-08-2004, 12:06 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Lee Garden Plaza is ok. There's really no big problem in changing lifts lah... I mean so what if you need to go up to 10 flr, then change to another lift to your room? Is that really a big hassle?

Good thing about Lee Garden is the security. Also shopping is in the same building and the surrounding area is the top tourist place for shopping and activities.
Changing lifts is not really a big issue but sometimes if you are dead tired after a night of partying, you wanna go to your room fast...

Agreed that LGP has many security features like electronic door keys and security glass door on every floor that separates the lift landings and the rooms.

At night got street hawkers just outside the hotel if you feeling hungry.
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Last edited by cheongkid; 08-08-2004 at 12:15 PM.
Old 08-08-2004, 12:14 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by staroceanex
Hollywood Disco had closed... so now all flocked to Paragon Disco...
u might consider going to Kiss Channel..
For me I prefer to go to The Pub for the live band music..

Hatyai Palace is not bad but a bit out of the main tourist area...
Most of the time I stay at Sakura Grandview, about 20mins walk from Lee Garden plaza.. but I normally ride there so no prob.. got a tirak there..
Hollywood closed due to drugs again? Same case here bro...don't really like to cheong disco, prefer pubs with live bands like The Pubb and West Side, got a ONS there before...

Hatyai Palace is much more cheaper and the ayam farms are all within walking distance.
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Thank God It's Friday!
Old 08-08-2004, 12:18 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

2 months ago, when i was there, there have this tiger and sexy show at Indra Hotel. You can obtain at the roadside travel kiosk for 200 to 200 baht.
250 if you dun known where Indra Hotel is and need a guide to bring you there. 200 baht - you go there yourself.

The internet kiosk at LGP 3rd level is quite expensive, it charges 50 baht per hour and I have been using there for 2 ocassions......................
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Old 08-08-2004, 05:30 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by tirak99
Bro evo5555, IMHO, lee garden are known as "poor service" in HDY. Also have 2 go to 10 floor then switch 2 another lift. also many uncles and auntie. no porno channel.

I know Hatyai Palace Hotel hv porno. now i dunno.

no need advance booking 4 rest of hotel. Sakura Grand view need advance booking. One thing Sakura Grand view is clean. 820B only. advance booking if u intend 2 stay lee garden, estimate 1150B.
Yes, agree with you. Those 'lao ti ko' uncles will 'bieo' your 'puying' while taking the lift. Somewhat feel uncomfortable but then again they may be envying me. haha...
Old 08-08-2004, 10:11 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Their room and corrider are horrible smelly. Security is not much a concern in HDY. IMHO, HDY is quite safety place. Moreover, they will service ur room only in the afternoon around 3pm. Their room is always fully booked because of the tourist coming for holiday.

If cheongster taking buses from sillypore 2 HDY. U will reached in the morning 8am. U r really damn tired, hope 2 get 2 hrs nap. u don't get ur room immediately. The receiption will tell u room full, have 2 wait until 12pm when the people chk out. That 4 hrs allow u 2 sleep peacefully or tour the ayam farm. Why i disliked LGP? Their receiptionist are not friendly, i think they are under staff. Imagine the staff worked overload. Do u think she will chat with u? Would u want to pay 1150B staying there?

Sakura GV is the best. I hv been staying there for my every trips. The bell boy and receiptionist are friendly and they know me coz i'm regular there. coz the bell boy will tend to introduce puying to you. U can politely rejected them. Someone mentioned 850B for now.

If cheongster is on budget, Hatyai Merlin or Hatyai Palace is the best. 400B to 500B.

Originally Posted by Sornporn
Yes, agree with you. Those 'lao ti ko' uncles will 'bieo' your 'puying' while taking the lift. Somewhat feel uncomfortable but then again they may be envying me. haha...

Last edited by tirak99; 08-08-2004 at 10:16 PM. Reason: typo
Old 08-08-2004, 11:19 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

how to i book sakura GV? do i call the hotel directly or go thru travel agent there? if i book directly with hotel, can i buy the hotel voucher when i reach there and upon check in, will they charge me discounted price for my room?
Old 09-08-2004, 12:02 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by tirak99
Their room and corrider are horrible smelly. Security is not much a concern in HDY. IMHO, HDY is quite safety place. Moreover, they will service ur room only in the afternoon around 3pm. Their room is always fully booked because of the tourist coming for holiday.

If cheongster taking buses from sillypore 2 HDY. U will reached in the morning 8am. U r really damn tired, hope 2 get 2 hrs nap. u don't get ur room immediately. The receiption will tell u room full, have 2 wait until 12pm when the people chk out. That 4 hrs allow u 2 sleep peacefully or tour the ayam farm. Why i disliked LGP? Their receiptionist are not friendly, i think they are under staff. Imagine the staff worked overload. Do u think she will chat with u? Would u want to pay 1150B staying there?

Sakura GV is the best. I hv been staying there for my every trips. The bell boy and receiptionist are friendly and they know me coz i'm regular there. coz the bell boy will tend to introduce puying to you. U can politely rejected them. Someone mentioned 850B for now.

If cheongster is on budget, Hatyai Merlin or Hatyai Palace is the best. 400B to 500B.
I agree with you that the receptions are not friendly. Lately in May, I tried to book LGP Hotel through phone call from Singapore, the reception gal want my credit card number and told me that if I dun turn up on that day they will still process my payment thru my VISA. Finally, I rejected the booking and went to Hatyai without any hotel reservation via bus. I arrived there at 9.00am and walkin to The Regency and checkin at 9.30am. The Regency just across the road of LGP Hotel and not so busy with human traffic. There is a traditional message parlour at 2nd storey and has a swimming pool at 5th story (new wing).
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Old 09-08-2004, 01:22 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by dandan00
My advice to you is to bring along a portable vcd player there because many places in Hat Yai sell pornographic vcd and you can buy and then watch them at your hotel with your puying. When you go there the first time, act smart and do not bindly follow tuk-tuk driver advice or else you will find everything in Hat Yai very expensive. If you want a reliable tuk-tuk driver, pm me and I give you his contact.

For hotel, I suggest you stay at BP grand view as it has a swimming pool and the room is quite big. For shopping, shop at Diane because things there are cheaper. Go Songkhla resort to stay also quite nice, can play kite with your puying there, very romantic.

Thailand is a good place to live in and Thais are great people. Hope you will like the place.
BP GV wat price?
Old 09-08-2004, 02:43 AM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

bros evo5555
sorry, Sakura GV no reservation is allow during weekend.
Once booked must pay straitaway.
got another hotel near town call Siam Centre, cost 850B also.
Or inside town can try Grand Plaza Hotel & PinK Lady Hotel cost
700B & 500B each.
So u reach there morning get voucher from any travel agent n check in.
Those agent will provided u all necessary info.
Tuk Tuk within town 10 bahts per pax.
Tips looking 4 gals.
Si Kim Yong: tell the tuk tuk u 1 2 go hotel Merlin.
Wonderful: tell the tuk tuk u 1 2 go hotel RiverviewInn.Come out frm hotel
turn left (about 150m) u will see a main rd turn left again abou 200m should able to c a signboard writen in Thais.The door is black tinted glass.
That the one.u can see some gals in & out.
Channivatte:tell tuk tuk u 1 2 go hotel Florida.
Old 09-08-2004, 02:01 PM
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Re: 1st trip to hadyai.. help needed

Originally Posted by cheongkid
Hollywood closed due to drugs again? Same case here bro...don't really like to cheong disco, prefer pubs with live bands like The Pubb and West Side, got a ONS there before...

Hatyai Palace is much more cheaper and the ayam farms are all within walking distance.
No Leh, malaysian partner of hollywood got shot at H
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