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Old 26-11-2010, 02:40 PM
damienadam damienadam is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

i felt you should lay things down on the table and have a good talk. its not worth having headaches over money for the rest of your life, assuming you two will be getting married.
Old 26-11-2010, 03:05 PM
mentosmint mentosmint is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Not sure if u welcome a girl's view.... Or rather my view.. Hehe

Me n my Bf has been together for a Yr plus...
usually for food movies etc, he will pay.
But if we were to go hotel, depends on the day of the month. Haha see whose payday just over or who feels richer. Lol. We usually will buy drinks up to have some crazy wild session. Lol. Quite Siong on the pocket.

If he feels very tight, he will tell me very upfront like , pocket very tight, have to tighten belt till payday. Or when I know his funds running low, I will pay for our expenses.

Of course personal shopping like clothes or other whims I have, I pay it myself. And I will buy him gifts like clothings, laptop etc.
No funny pm please. I won't entertain any request.
I am happily attached, and no intention to straying.

Old 26-11-2010, 03:27 PM
RealEstateGuy RealEstateGuy is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Brother, the guy should pay for dates and special gifts of love. This does not mean you are her ATM. If you cant lay that down in the beginning then you are a fool. A gal who doesnt agree with that is just using you and if you cant do that then you are not ready to date. Once married everthing is pooled and shared though you may each specify an amount that you retain. I cant think of a more equitable arrangement. If your gal cant agree to this and its likely to be in her favor monetarily asuming you have more earning power than her then you are dating either a whore or someone who will scam you after marriage.
Old 26-11-2010, 03:43 PM
leungccsg leungccsg is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

hi fellow sbf sis,

appreciate a girl's comment.
well , if my GF does that , i will have no complaints.
at least it is more of give and take.

i would like to hear from any married bro. do u have a joint acount with wife for daily expenses ? or u put all your income together with hers ?

how's our money management ?
Old 26-11-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Bro u soon learn that when it comes to finance, secrecy is the best policy. Thou my oc and I are not particular about who pays what, some times in fact most of the time she pays for the big meal item while I normally take care of things at home.
Old 26-11-2010, 04:22 PM
nbaccb nbaccb is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Hmmmm... It's best to lay your cards on the table at the start. Of course, it is a societal norm to expect the Man to pay but in this day and age, Equality being a "Catch phase".

Your prospective other half, should be cognizant enough to know that it would be quite difficult to survive on a single income.

It's better to move on, if your expectations do not match. Rather than hang on and suffer in the long run.
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Old 26-11-2010, 04:55 PM
damienadam damienadam is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
Bro u soon learn that when it comes to finance, secrecy is the best policy. Thou my oc and I are not particular about who pays what, some times in fact most of the time she pays for the big meal item while I normally take care of things at home.
totally agreed. it should be shared resourced rather than one paying everything.
Old 26-11-2010, 06:53 PM
file69 file69 is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

For me and OC, money is shared. We work as a unit. Pull the finances together and see what can afford lah.

For me better i give her my share of the money and let her manage. That way if not enough money, not my fault, - she dont know how to manage.

Of course dont give all, cheong money keep myself!
Old 26-11-2010, 07:12 PM
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

During my courtship days wif my OC we didnt split d bills but its more like next time its my turn to pay.. Its a mutual understanding dat we had.. But for hotels, she die die will nt fork out coz her prinsip was, u wanna fuck u pay.. So whenever we go hotel i will be d one forking out d cash..
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Old 26-11-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

my comments, change another gal, if before marriage already like tis,cant imagine wat will happen if get married liao
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 26-11-2010, 09:24 PM
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Dear Leungccsg,

Some girls at times will pay a bit at dating, but quite rare in Singapore context. After marriage, most women will pretend pretend and not to pay anything if the husband keeps quiet that the husband has to open his mouth! In women's mind, her husband money is her money and her money remains her own money. If living costs are high and wife is working, I think wife should contribute a bit. If wife is not working, then can't be help lah!

The point about women need to keep her money out of her own safety, which to me is bullshit ! Women in Singapore enjoy lots of security and spoil by the government. Just look at those divorce news and the amount of alimony the court ask their ex-husbands to pay them, you see even if their marriages are over, they still get so much money, tell me, why in the hell they need to keep so much money for their so-called security, when the Singapore court is so generous in awarding separation money (alimony) to them.

I find this practice of generous awarding of alimony encourages marriage breakups, but sad to say, government always sides men ! Women always like to portray themselves as weak sex (which is no longer true) in order to squeeze more money out of men.

You know if old people feel their children no good, sometimes reduce the amount of money pass to their kids after they die or maybe not a single cent. But for men, after the women is no longer their wives, guys still have to pay and pay and pay as long as their ex-wives do not remarry and even if they cohabit with another guy or screw around with other guys. Tell me what kind of logic is it? Tell me, why women still feel unsecured ?

Must make myself clear. I do not need to pay any alimony, but I feel strongly this kind of stupid law which punish men, needs to be revised.

Women is no longer the weaker sex, why still have to give them special treatment and protection and why the society always like to portray men as the bad guy when things don't work up?

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Old 26-11-2010, 09:46 PM
wishfulking wishfulking is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Tell her man also need to keep some money for security. In case she start playing games by not giving you sex, you can use those reserve fund for someone else!!!

I will dump such woman without thinking twice for her being too calculative.
Old 26-11-2010, 10:56 PM
MoralEpitome MoralEpitome is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

MY OC pays for her own personal expenses but I pay for all shared expenses like household, dates, meals, etc, plus a few presents a year....she knows how much I have unfortunately but fortunuately it's not much and definitely it's under my single name and no way in hell would I give her access to it...and under declare everything....hahahaha....i think it's about give and take la...if you love her just pay as long as she is a good gf or wife...besides if you earn more than your wife than pay more lor...
Old 26-11-2010, 11:22 PM
tiger2009 tiger2009 is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

my wife and i have 2 shared accounts. i put in some money into both accounts every month. the first account is for the house - electricity, internet, ntuc. the second account is for old age savings. also, i give my mom money every month and keep the rest for myself - happy times. i use cpf to pay for the flat but she does pay anything.

25% households
25% old age savings
25% mom
25% myself

she contributes 25% of her income to old age savings and that's it. of course, I make 3 times what she makes.

Do you think it's fair. we have been married for 2.5 years with no kids.
Old 26-11-2010, 11:33 PM
Liquid Liquid is offline
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Re: Money Matter Btw BF/GF & Hubby/wife

Very fair. tiger your method is actually one of the best. But some people wives earn 3 times more then they themselves!! Then how? Cannot be reverse what you should know girls.
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