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Old 27-03-2011, 10:55 AM
alan4368 alan4368 is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

confirm sure pregnant one..
Old 27-03-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Y u get such a large condom? Can get the small size or best fit types...
Old 27-03-2011, 11:11 AM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

This is very close. Rule of thumb if her period is regular 28 days cycle. The next period date count back 14 days will be the ovulation day. You do it on 27 March and the next period suppose to be on 12 April, so the actual ovulation should be on 30 march 11 and the egg can only last about 24 hrs, but our sperm typical can last between 24 to 72 hrs depending on the quality of the sperm.

Hope this help.
Old 27-03-2011, 11:31 AM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

TS....if like what you've said that your gf period ended on the 23th Mar then I'd safely say that you're actually quite safe from getting her pregnant. Normally it's 7 days after the period that's still safe and beyond that will no longer guarantee as your sperm can stay alive for up to 72 hours.

But if you want a better peace of mind then see a doctor within 72 hours of ejaculation and get the morning after pill which will certainly prevent pregnancy. But this pill is not a very wise choice for prevention of pregnancy as it's do some harm to the gal if taken too often.

I also agree that you should not be having sex with your gf before marriage.
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Old 27-03-2011, 11:46 AM
spermboy spermboy is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

its only few days aft her period end, nt to wry bro !! infact u do nt hav to wear it aft her menses for first few days ya !! its safe for my experience... all my frens tol me too..
Old 27-03-2011, 12:37 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

if er gil fren period is consistence, normally after period finished and clean, and within 3 days u hv sex w her should be quite safe.....i done this w my wife for at least 20 prob.
Old 27-03-2011, 12:46 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Congrats, u're becoming a daddy soon
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Old 27-03-2011, 12:48 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Congratulation... You will become father soon...
Old 27-03-2011, 01:13 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Easiest is after sex immediately go bathroom take a water hose and thoroughly rinse the pussy inside out with water!

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Old 28-03-2011, 01:43 AM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

no worries, i guess, the safe period is 7 days after her period
Old 28-03-2011, 12:16 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Fired in liao then worried... Happy Fatherhood...

Boss... U sure you meant what you proposed to the lad?
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Old 28-03-2011, 12:34 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

after reading i found something weird...i suppose 99% of bros/sis here would havce use a cd before or seen how it being cap on

1)how can a condom drop halfway during sex, as in the penis is fully erected and most of the condoms ive tried before are quite tight fitting( usually 52 or 55mm width) so even during rough most the CD will roll up to the head...and due to the difference in width, the cd gets stuck there near the foot of your mushroom head.
i believe most bros here who use one before will agree with this .

this however is unless the penis suddenly go limp...but u saying it was during rough sorry to ask...TS do u gt suffer fm any ED? (erectile dysfunction) if so...i suggest getting it treated by a doctor.

2)another weird thing i need to clarify with TS...... even if like u said the CD drop.....wont the CD be stuck inside the pussy cuz u were having rough sex with ur gf...or what happen?? did u think you put on the CD but in actual fact did nt and went in raw?Raw is War....
Raw is War
Old 28-03-2011, 01:06 PM
alan0338 alan0338 is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

ho say liao, have red eggs to eat liao months later
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 28-03-2011, 01:46 PM
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

TS if pocket money not enough to buy the morning after pill, i suggest cheap way to prevent pregancy,

1. Go fruitstall and buy fresh pineapple, preferably the honey pineapple from Phillipines, its sweet, cut it out and ask your girlfriend to eat the WHOLE pineapple.

2. After eating pineapple, ask her to drink lots of water and start jumping up and down. Dont stop. Count until 1000times she has jumped and she can go to shower.

Guarantee no pregrancy
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Old 28-03-2011, 01:46 PM
Chery QQ Chery QQ is offline
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Re: will my gf get pregnant anot???

Presume your GF have a regular 28 days cycle....

The ovation period should be at the mid point 13-15days start counting from the 1st day of her period.

If her 1st Day was at 16th, then 13 days would be on 29th. You shot in on 27th and the sperm can survive 3 days, mean till 30th......

Bro, Chance Sibeh Ho ! Congrats !

Please correct me if I am wrong, fyi, I am not a doctor but just a member of the shotgun club.
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