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Old 27-12-2011, 06:53 PM
BartSimpson BartSimpson is offline
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by HunterJ View Post
you should stay out of here kid...
I will sir, probably be gone before you even know it.
Old 27-12-2011, 06:54 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by alan0338 View Post
the jie jie scared she kena for having sex with underaged la, tats y wait till u older ma
Just curious, the irony of the fact that why is she even thinking of sex?
Old 27-12-2011, 06:56 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by Reoxy View Post
We do not give any advice to persons under the legal age limit.

I suggest you to send your problems to "Teenage" magazine.

We would also like you to let us know the contact details of your older "sis" so that we can make contact and see if she needs any "assistance".
Sorry sir, but I am not sure of what do you mean by the legal age limit. As far as I try to find a legal age limit on here, there aren't any.

Do appreciate the fact that you did gave an advice on askign me to send my problems to "Teenage".

And I think her contact is her privacy and should not be given to those without her consent, sorry about that.
Old 27-12-2011, 06:59 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by Johnston View Post
Firstly : Aye carumba and eat my shorts, dude!!!

We could care less who or what you are - and nothing said on the internet stays on the internet, but never mind your too buzy creaming your pants from the latest IPAD....

I feeling in a generous mood and may say things on subjects 1 to 3 but for number 4,,, well welcome to singapore, we teach rote rivision heres....

And finally "And pardon me for my inability to grasp the full use of the English language"

But somehow it is getting the hang of me - should be Somehow i am getting the hang of the subject

Last and of all - should be Last but not least or alternatively, Lastly, finally, in closing etc etc

Your whole post has shades of "proper school teaching" mixed with "internet slangs" and a peppering of "american english slang" finally held together by "typical singapore singlishz"

There's 4 days left to end of 2011, homie.... so whatcha gonna do?
Hmm not really into iPads tho, feels that it is still a incomplete peice of technology.

Thank you for correcting my English. And erm, I was trying to say that by having exams and etc, I'm probably getting tired from them.

4 days left to the end of 2011, hmm I guess I will clear my mind up and focus completely on my studies in 2012.
Old 27-12-2011, 07:02 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by Johnston View Post
To start off with : firstlysz

What can a 15 y/o sec 3 fellow offer to a 18- 19 f who is already working at least part time? You gonna buy her tifanny, or bring her to USS or other places??? maybe buy her perfumes?

From a cold logical standpoint, any gratification you could possibly offer her would be sexual, and sex with people under 16 is a criminal offence in singapore so yeah you can see why not she is cold.

There is also the consideration of the 4 year age difference so by the time you completed NS and found a job (let's be kind) you will be 21 and she 25 so she is approaching the sell-by date. Even if the two of you are still together, she will be thinking marriage and you might be thinking "FUK HOT CHICS YEAH".

You might dump her and then she will have wasted several years of her life in waiting....

She is thinking the long campaign here, but you are thinking short term skirmish. I do think i have succintly summed up what she is thinking and she is likely distancing herself so as not to have any "underage sex complication yes"

I cant help it... i must...
And pardon me for my inability to grasp the full use of the English language
Thank you very much for your clear analysis of the whole issue. Practically of what I have been hoping to understand of. But the fact, that why is most people saying that, there will be a sexual relationship going on?

When infact, I just wishes to have a friend, that is a friend.
Old 27-12-2011, 07:04 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by I.m.Jim View Post
You remind me of myself when i was young . I lost it at 14 ! Fumbling through everything ! Watch where u fire can already . hahaha
Sorry sir, but I am not quite sure of what do you mean by "watch where u fire can already" .
Old 27-12-2011, 07:06 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by sagiboar View Post
You are 15... you ARE supposed to be lost in life. Most of us were. Some of us still are. So don't worry. The fact that you can verbalise your "lostness" is a good sign: it shows you are using your brain. So don't worry, you'll figure out life step by step.

15 Y.O. with crush on 18 Y.O. girl... also nothing new. A word of advice, forget her. It isn't going to happen. Not any time soon, at least. Maybe when you are 30 and she's 33, you bump into each other again, blah blah blah fairy tale blah blah blah. By then, you would have known/dated many other girls/woman and you would be wise enough to know if she's the one.

But for now... forget her. She is 18, she probably going through the teenage phase where she's fantasising about young buff older boys, etc. Nothing to be sad about.

Plus you do not have any good reason to "love" her... i.e. it is just a crush. I'll bet that it's because she is older and pretty and bothers to actually have a conversation with you, unlike the other fakey friends you have. Think about it.

It'll be hard to forget her, for sure... but you will. By the way, it took most of us here a long time to figure out "love" and again some of us are still figuring it out.

When I was in sec 3, a sec 1 girl stalked me. At that time... it was CREEPY. Because at sec 3, a sec 1 girl seems really immature and kiddish. Opps... she called you "kid", didn't she?

Fakey friends. Fact of life. Get over it. Learn to recognise them and be the nice guy, but don't let them step all over you and don't let them make you feel worthless. The fact that they need your help for some things just shows that you are worthy.

Friendships can't be forced. When you move on to tertiary education like poly and uni, you will meet more people with the same interests and wavelength, simply because you will (most likely) be choosing the same courses which is usually influenced by one's interests and personality. Many people will tell you that they enjoyed uni and.or poly most in their life... even though that was probably the toughest part of their academic life... because of the friends they make.

Studies... you seem to enjoy learning. Unfortunately, schooling = learning + exams. As long as you enjoy learning, exams should not be as difficult for you as it is for those who don't. With this attitude/aptitude, you will go far in life. Don't worry that you are not stressed by exams, as long as you are responsible enough to try your best and work for your future.
From the depth of my heart, I appreciate what you have wrote and the fact that you had spent your time on trying to help me.

But somehow, I still don't get it, how in the world did I have a crush on a online "sis" that I've met? Just seems rather awkward.
Old 27-12-2011, 07:08 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

At the end of the day, I do really appreciate to those who had left a post here for trying to help me. Thank you, older generation.

I do hope, that I do not represent the failure of the current generation.
Old 27-12-2011, 08:33 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

At 15 yrs old, u should master the art of masturbation.
Old 27-12-2011, 08:40 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
Thank you for the fact that you had at least cared, and asked me to concentrate on my studies, which I will be doing next year, as of right now, it is still the holidays.
gd to hear tat...

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
Erm...sorry sir, but I'm weaing a size 11? o.o??
it's the slogan, not the size u wearin...

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
Just curious, the irony of the fact that why is she even thinking of sex?
r u?

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
Sorry sir, but I am not quite sure of what do you mean by "watch where u fire can already" .
u r such a cute little boy...

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
But somehow, I still don't get it, how in the world did I have a crush on a online "sis" that I've met? Just seems rather awkward.
if u urself dun get it, none of us will... agree?

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
I do hope, that I do not represent the failure of the current generation.
young kid, better watch carefully wat u r sayin... i wun hold anything against u since u r only 15yo. but tis doesnt mean tat, as a 15yo kid, u can say wat u wan, or say wat u like.

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Old 27-12-2011, 09:18 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by BartSimpson View Post
Sorry sir, but I am not quite sure of what do you mean by "watch where u fire can already" .
Don't anyhow cum or leak inside the gal ! you are too young to be a father or in trouble with the law.


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Old 27-12-2011, 10:04 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by billgates View Post
At 15 yrs old, u should master the art of masturbation.
That I will need a sensei. Jokes aside, is masturbation really that essential in the future?
Old 27-12-2011, 10:11 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by smartke View Post
gd to hear tat...

it's the slogan, not the size u wearin...

r u?

u r such a cute little boy...

if u urself dun get it, none of us will... agree?

young kid, better watch carefully wat u r sayin... i wun hold anything against u since u r only 15yo. but tis doesnt mean tat, as a 15yo kid, u can say wat u wan, or say wat u like.

Thank you, at least I didn't disappoint anyone of you yet.

Oh didn't know they had another slogan, only know they had "Just do it'

Erm..actually I don't really think about any sexual relationship with her. But just to have her not being that cold towards me, will probably already made my day.

Pedo... T.T....but the fact that I don't really get what it was meaning. a extend.. but I was hoping for somebody with the same experience as me to explain it a little, or at least use some "common sense" on why I am having a so called "crush' on her. Someone, as being part of the "issue" it seems rather hard for me to apply any "common sense".

Sorry, I should've think through in my head, before speaking it or posting it online.

Lastly, really had no idea how to do the multi-quote, do apologize if any inconvenice had caused while you are reading.

PS, thanks for the reply.
Old 27-12-2011, 10:13 PM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

Originally Posted by I.m.Jim View Post
Don't anyhow cum or leak inside the gal ! you are too young to be a father or in trouble with the law.
Thank you for the explanation, but the fact that I don't even have a girlfriend right now. I guess there is no worries on this issue yet.
Old 28-12-2011, 12:07 AM
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Re: Just having the peace of my mind.

at teenage,it's normal to be interest in sex and about opposite sex
the girl that you mentioned didn't seem to be real keen to you
about the behavior of your friends or classmates, it is the same kind of 'world' outside your school
till now, at quite old age, I still have yet to have a real friend, meaning the type that I can turn to for help when I need it most
just a matter of luck, they say birds of the same feather flock together, when I look at the people who try to stick with me, I feel very ashamed of myself, I deserve better
as for difficulty in getting gf, don't push yourself too hard
if you want to be attractive to opposite sex, 1st make yourself interesting enough to the opposite sex - by cultivating wide interests, hobbies (maybe learning how to play some musical instruments), be enthusiastic when you decide to do certain things so that people around you will get 'infected' by your passion
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