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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-12-2004, 07:57 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

on average
the boss of hc earn at least $50 from each customer
enterance + extra comission

so one day hit $2500 is not a big problem
per day rent (15000/30)500 + 500 (salary of +-8 empolyee, not included hc girl) + 300 (eletricity)
net profit got 12k per day

as for Prince Spa
he can have the 1st fuck from the hc girl
but he still need to pay for it lor.
as boss never fuck his own girl.
he can come out $$$$ and be the main shareholder
but hired others to manage lor.
at least min. the problem. (better than nothing)
Old 05-12-2004, 09:11 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by hcsiao
U can have the free fuck... For $30 per customer, it may need time to break even... If the location is in prime area, the rental will be high.... If remote area, the rental will be low.... The drawing of customers will be the quality of the girls... If u can get good quality girls, plus putting some ads here, I don think we can get less than 50 customers per day... $30*50=$1500 per day... $1500*30 days will be $45000.... $20,000 goes to expenses, we still got ard $20,000. Each of us will get $10,000 or a bit less... How abt that???
bro,i think the expenses will much higher than wat u think.If u advertise in newpaper,it will cost u ard $300 for a decent one per day,9k per month.which i think it a must since so many palours always advertise.Secondly the rental for a decent 15 rms come wif a sauna and steam wif a hot pool will cost u ard 10k per month.And u need to employ a receptionist(1200 to 1500) and a helper(900 to 1200) to collect towel and call number to customers.And u dun forget ur electricity and water which can come up to at least a few k per month.if really want to start,capital must at least 200k wif some spare cash in pocket for emergency.
Old 05-12-2004, 10:12 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by enzer88
bro,i think the expenses will much higher than wat u think.If u advertise in newpaper,it will cost u ard $300 for a decent one per day,9k per month.which i think it a must since so many palours always advertise.Secondly the rental for a decent 15 rms come wif a sauna and steam wif a hot pool will cost u ard 10k per month.And u need to employ a receptionist(1200 to 1500) and a helper(900 to 1200) to collect towel and call number to customers.And u dun forget ur electricity and water which can come up to at least a few k per month.if really want to start,capital must at least 200k wif some spare cash in pocket for emergency.
that why i say just listen to the story lor.
they dont even know the real market rate.

10k rental is at old buildings.
+-25k rental if at a good buildings
normally a 15 rms hc will get 3 receptionist(rotation shift)
helper also need at least 3

200k???? maybe more if you need to knock down the wall and renovated as a posh place.
not to forget you need other "cash" to apply work permit for malaysian girls.
Old 06-12-2004, 02:19 AM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by Prince Spa
I think instead of retiring early here in KL, why not I go back to Singapore to open my own HC. Like that I can make money and at the same time make my late grandparents proud. I will bring in to Singapore all the pretty girls that I fucked in KL to work in my HC.

I will give them good working environment as I will be a caring employer. Will contribute to their CPF etc and they will get better rate for massage than other spas.

Only pretty girls are accepted. Fat ugly girls need not apply. During the interview I will get free fuck. And If I am lucky the girl who attended this interview could be a virgin. I am longing to fuck a virgin. Also I will get free fuck because I am the boss.

Members of this forum who give good recommendation to my HC will get discount. Also there will be discount for regulars to my HC who signed up for membership. In order to be a member they will be given free STD check up. Only those who are certified STD free can be members.

Girls will only charge S$100. Entrance fee S$50. S$20 will go to the girls and I keep only $30. I think that is reasonable price. Furthermore, every new customer will have to go for free quick AIDS test like the one in Kelantan Lane. I am sure they will not mind and when they leaved my HC they will have a peace of mind fucking AIDS free girls. So this is going to be the safest HC in Singapore with the prettiest girls.

Also, we will parade the massage girls to you like beauty pageants. You can pick and choose. If you want threesome foursome also can. You approach me and I will talk to the girls & we will arrange it for you.

I will also try to bring in Russian, PRC, & Uzbekistan girls to work in my HC.

Where is the appropriate place to open this HC? Secluded place or in Orchard area? Which place you like? Probably secluded area is much better because you don't want your friends or family to know.

So tell me how to get license? Where to apply? I dunno coz I bo thak chek one when I was young, but I think I got enough money to open one.
This is a dream HC.... and you can just leave it as that.

License, no problem... just pay money. Can even apply online. $450 I think. Somemore just reduce in price. But you need a place first, to make things interesting, you need your FSB approval, floor plan, BCA approval.

Only Singaporeans, PR and malaysians allowed to work in HC. And again to make things more interesting... Got work permit quota, 3 singaporeans to 1 Malaysian.

CPF ??? you take $30 bucks and you want to contribute another 13% based on their earnings ?? You think the girl will contribute 20% of her money??

Health checks ?? You want the customer to take a aids test at a clinic before entering? As for the girls, it is a requirement to get health checks for getting a work permit anyway.. nothing new.

You be better of staying in KL. Open there. Cheaper and easier to control.
Old 06-12-2004, 08:36 AM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by dirtymonk82
Than employ me to be the QC. Can also double up as a teacher. HEhehe
hehehhe....then i do wat?
Old 06-12-2004, 12:12 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

saying is always easier than done.
the girls is always giving all the problems when a biz involving with WOMEN!

let me know ur place n i will go support.
gd luck 2 u.
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Old 06-12-2004, 12:59 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

waaa more complicated than I thought. S$200,000 eh? Like that only in the 3rd year then can breakeven. 4th year make profit. Is it better than keeping money in the bank or shares? I can sell SIA & DBS shares to get that $200,000.

But if I joint venture or into partnership then how much must others contribute? Can I simply trust others?
Old 06-12-2004, 01:06 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

I have been actively looking for a HC to operate and I reckon that the most cost effective method is to take over an exisiting establishment with all the barang barang (licenses, work permits or etc) properly equipped.

Image having to build an HC from scratch, it will easily cost 100-200k, bearing in mind that the business may not succeed.

Having a posh environment will be an added advantages, but will not necesarily mean more business. End of the end, the quality of the gals still matters and will determine how "pop" your HC will be. A classical example will be Bugis HC.

Operator will only gets part of the entrance fee (e.g. out of the $33, $3-$5 will be for the gals and rest will be gross profit). In actual fact, those gals do not really give a damn to your miserable $3-5, most if not all will be dependent on the "specials" charges.

Monthly utilities bill be in a range of $2.5-$5 /month, and rental will be a region of $10-15K (for a small-medium establishment at the outskirt of the city i.e beach road, rocher, kallang and etc).

As for worker, 2-3 will be more than enough (1 recep and 1 coffee auntie) and also a part time cleaner to clean up the premise in the early morning and also to wash towels, shorts or even gowns. HC will at most require 1.5 shifts considering operating 11-11. Of course, the most vital manpower will be owner, we can alway double up as recep or even coffee auntie. It will also reduce any possibility of your recep pocketing any entrance.

HC will easily get 30-50 customers a day. Simple math calculation, if you have 5-7 gals and each gal will serve at least 5-7 customers a day. Pls bear in mind if the gals do not get 5-7 customers a day, who will bother to "spread their legs". Therefore popular HC will have at least 10-20 gals and those angpai will at least serve 8-12 customers a day.

At the end of the day, I reckon that monthly profit will be easily in a region of 10-15k factoring all foreseen and unforeseen expenses.

Of cos, we have need to spare some cash in the event that AV raid and your gals are caught red-handed. Any maybe some money for "protection money" (according to a not-so-reliable source)

As for screwing your gals for free, not unless you want to known as a cheapskate boss with little intergity.

Anyone interested in JV, can drop me a PM. We can discuss and explore the horizon even more.

Last but not least, one of my relatives used to be in this line and it happen to be a "reputable" HC in Singapoore, but they had washed their hand in this field.

Sorry for the lengthtiness...
Old 06-12-2004, 01:32 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by Mister911targa
Yo! Brother Prince, like your name.What happen 2 your points?
Back to main issue, Yes! u r wise to think of operating a spa with Kl gals.
Sex always sell, be it good, bad economy, its how u market it. Of course, suitable location, adds in to the market profitability.
Just my 2 cents of sharing, KL gals many r still under gigs control. They( the small white faces could supply u as many as 20gals in one go) demand a fixed minimum of five sessions for each gal.If u r established, u could,but at the same time if u r already established in the HC scene, u need not go after the gals, they come flocking to you.
Freelancers r ok but u have to go through a hella of a time searching for the appropriate ones.
Happy Bonking! Happy Planning! Happy Executing!
Your concept sounds gd. If u can bring in those gals as u mentioned then i think it should be able to make money within 6 months. There are a number of licenses u need to apply, Just to name a few would be spa registration licence, fire and safety licence and any other additional required by the authority. If u r keen, i can work in partnership with u doing all the leg works including marketing and selling. Pm me if keen. thanks
Old 06-12-2004, 02:12 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by just4fun
I have been actively looking for a HC to operate and I reckon that the most cost effective method is to take over an exisiting establishment with all the barang barang (licenses, work permits or etc) properly equipped.

Sorry for the lengthtiness...
hi there, why dont u consider setting up a tui na rather than HC?
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Old 06-12-2004, 09:42 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

I think marketing of ur palour and quality of your gers are the main factors that make or break ur business.If any bros who are interested in this trade maybe we can arrange for a meet up for it.
Old 07-12-2004, 12:50 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by enzer88
I think marketing of ur palour and quality of your gers are the main factors that make or break ur business.If any bros who are interested in this trade maybe we can arrange for a meet up for it.
Yup keen to explore more. When u free to meet for coffee? pm me.
Old 07-12-2004, 01:02 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Can I join in too? mi also interested leh.. seekfun, please dun leave mi out...
Old 07-12-2004, 04:09 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

Originally Posted by pterchew
hi there, why dont u consider setting up a tui na rather than HC?
Hi Bro,

In my humble opinion, I think TN is a loop hole based on current legislation, and considering TN growing like wild mushroom, eventually mata will catch up with them and impose certain guidelines that will dampen feasibility of TN.

That's the reason why I prefer conventional HC than TN (at least the future seems more certain and lesser changes that might occurred in the near future)

Just my RMB 0.02 worth of thoughts...

Old 07-12-2004, 10:19 PM
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Re: How To Get License To Open A Spa Health Fitness Center?

walao way. That guy got no life one. Stop posting under his normal username then sign up so many usernames to deduct my points for no reason just because still bo kam guan with me on past issues.

Now I learned one thing. My post cannot appear immediately because my point now become negative. Like that I think I just become observer lor. People not happy with me & sabo me. Really sabo king. Si bay bo liao. Ciak par siew eng.

Can we make peace or not? I belanja you to DHC to drink Ribena's juice. If don't want then I pay for you 2 sessions with Ribena.
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