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Old 01-04-2012, 11:34 AM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

joining campsite ...
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 01-04-2012, 11:38 AM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

incest motherfucker. bet u fantasize abt analfucking ur dad n cum on ur mum's face. u r an animal.
Old 01-04-2012, 01:04 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

good set up and camping.
Old 01-04-2012, 01:26 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

那些年 .. :d .
Old 01-04-2012, 02:34 PM
Clazziquai Clazziquai is offline
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Ok this update is much longer than I expected, so I'm just gonna put up the 1st half of it first, so as not to keep you guys waiting:

So the rest of that Friday passed by uneventfully. I went for soccer training, but for the whole training session I was feeling distracted. In my mind I was like, wtf why I got soccer training today. All of a sudden I felt like getting closer to Mel. It didn’t help that she has this secretive and mysterious aura around her that attracts me either. In fact, I suddenly wanted to be with her much more than my GF.

I had trouble sleeping that night – the events of the past 2 days kept playing out in my head. 3 months ago she might as well have been a complete stranger to me, now here we are, talking about sex, love and relationships. I’ve always thought that I would only fantasize about girls that are slim, pretty and wild, but here I am, unable to get my geeky, bespectacled and rather muscular cousin out of my mind. (Okay she isn’t exactly geeky, she looks nerdy and is bespectacled but she really has that kind of gamer chick kind of nerdy cuteness if you guys know what I mean……aiyah…)

I guess I really might be a sicko after all lol

Saturday came along and I went over to her house. When she opened the door, the first thing I noticed was she looked like she had just woke up. Oddly enough, I found that just-out-of-bed look with messy hair quite attractive. I also realized that she is naturally pretty without any makeup on – no offence some girls just look awful without any makeup. The next thing I noticed is that – SHE ISNT WEARING BRA! OMG! Not sure why I only noticed that now, I mean, I’ve been over to her house to study a few times (though most of the time in the past its in a public library or at my house, cos she thinks my house is bigger and more comfortable), but in the past I’ve never noticed her not wearing a bra at home. Maybe its because I’ve never looked at her in a sexual manner, until now. Or maybe its because she doesn’t wear bra to sleep. Without a bra, her breasts definitely looked bigger, closer to a C cup. All those thoughts running through my mind made me stunned for a while and my cock stiffened a little.

Mel: Eh… never see pretty girl before ah? Why you so stun? Quickly come in leh!! Haha!

All this while I’ve had the impression of her as an insecure girl who has never called herself pretty, even if it’s a joke……I guess she’s really comfortable with me right now, I thought.

Me: Ok la ok la…..

Mel: Eh go my room and study….my room got on air-con….today hot day sia……

Me: Ok lets gogo…

She shares the room with her younger sister, and her house is a 3 bedroom executive flat. The other 2 rooms are used by her parents and paternal grandparents. All the bedrooms are down a hallway.

So we spend the first hour actually studying, then we got bored, so we started chatting and gossiping about people.

*After chatting on a bit of random stuff*

Me: So what did you do after school yesterday?

Mel: Canoeing training lor….

Me: I thought you no training on Friday?

Mel: Suddenly got lor….so sian….Now my whole arm and back aching liao…..

Me: Wah poor thing….

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

Me: Eh, how about I give you a massage?

Mel: Ok good idea!! *smiles happily*

Me: Ok you turn around.

To be continued later very soon! Please continue supporting me and many thanks to those who upped me back up!!
Old 01-04-2012, 02:59 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

faster part 2 bro.
Old 01-04-2012, 03:35 PM
Clazziquai Clazziquai is offline
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Part 2:

Mel then tried to turn around, but then she said,

Mel: Eh a bit uncomfortable on the chair….Move to the bed can?

Me: Ok.

Once we were on the bed, I started off by massaging her shoulders and neck muscles. As I moved up to the sensitive areas behind her ears, she closed her eyes and mumbled softly “Eh Andy….so nice….”

I then moved downwards to her upper arms and at this point, feeling her supple and firm body, I was feeling really turned on liao. I continued massaging down her well-toned arms and down to her hands. At this point she was all limp from the pleasure of the massage on her aching body, and after I was done with her arms she asked to lie face down on the bed while I massaged her.

I restarted the massage with her feet and I tickled it a bit and she moaned slightly and cried “eh Andy stop it….” Even though she was clearly enjoying it……apparently her feet was ticklish…..
So I continued on, going up her legs, using my knuckles and elbows to rub into her muscular legs……It was clear she enjoys a nice and hard massage from the sounds of pleasure she was making. I did not dare go too far up her legs though, stopping midway up her thigh about 10cm below her buttocks.
Next, I moved on to her back. I started with the centre down her backbone, then she said “eh Andy harder leh”….So I used as much force as I could without breaking her into half, and she said “YES! Shuang!” At this point, it is worth mentioning that she is quite big sized for a 16-year-old girl, about 167cm, and I was barely taller, at 173, and she was actually the same weight as me at 54 kg (I was more of a lean runner kind of guy rather than muscular……I play soccer anyway….), so I guess I had to use more effort than normal to “satisfy” her haha….

So I continued massaging the rest of her back but when I jabbed my fingers into the side of her abdomen, she jolted up suddenly, shouting and laughing at the same time “EH I TICKLISH LA!!! You purposely one!!”. She was super super ticklish.

Me: *instinctly* Eh sorry!..........*pretends to think for a while*………….

I then had a naughty idea and gave an evil laugh…..

Me: Heh heh heh heh

Mel: Oi…….what?

Me: Now I know how to punish you for asking so much about me and my GF on Thursday……

Mel: Wha….

Before she could finish, I proceeded to tickle her, HARD, with her still lying face down. She proceeded to scream and laugh and cry at the same time with tears in her eyes and tried to get up and fight back, screaming “please stop! Please stop!” I replied “NO WAY!”, and was trying by best to use all of my weight to pin her down but I was laughing non-stop and being the strong canoeist that she is she managed to flip herself over and I lost my balance as well and landed on her bed. In the process of trying to free herself from my tickling she inadvertently jabbed her left arm into my side. I twitched a little, and she noticed it. (Yes, I’m actually ticklish as well.)


She then got on top of me and proceeded to tickle me hard, and this time it was my turn to scream laugh and cry. At this point in time we were making so much noise that if anyone else was in the house they would have probably heard us, but thankfully due to some retarded good luck, her parents were out shopping with her grandparents and her sister was in school. She had that naughty look on her face and I was struggling to get her off me and I was like: omg wtf she’s damm strong… I figured the only way to fight back was to tickle her back but somehow I couldn’t because she was in something like a cowgirl position on top of me and my arms were pinned between her legs and my side. After much struggling I managed to free my arms and tickle her back and in that instant that she loosened her grip on me due to her being tickled I fought back and freed myself.

So this tickling and counter tickling continued for a while until we both stopped, panting and sweaty, with her on top of me, breathless and eyes closed. I then took this brief moment to relax my body a bit. Well, most of my body, except my cock, which is super rock hard and can be felt very obviously through my pants, and I’m sure she felt it as well, but either she’s super ignorant, or pretended she didn’t notice (more likely it’s the latter). In fact, I could even feel pre-cum on my underwear…omg…. With her in such close proximity, with my arms around her waist and her arms around my neck I could smell her girly scent and sweat smell and that only served to turn me on even more…..I then moved my hands down to her hot firm ass covered by that mini shorts of hers and she didn’t resist as well……….

To Be Continued!!!!!!
Old 01-04-2012, 03:57 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Not too long plsssss

; )
Old 01-04-2012, 04:06 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Haha, the both of you getting naughty..
Old 01-04-2012, 04:28 PM
ortonrko ortonrko is offline
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

omg please continue please!
Old 01-04-2012, 04:29 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

The story is getting into the exciting part now LoL
情不是一人惜, 而是需两人守! 爱不是一人付, 而是要两人出!
从相识到相知, 其过程很艰难! 从相濡到以沫, 道路会很艰难!
你已在我心上, 负天下又怎样! 我若在你心上, 情敌三千何妨?
Old 01-04-2012, 05:08 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Woww...this is really a hot story!
Old 01-04-2012, 05:09 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Please share now!
Old 01-04-2012, 05:28 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Hi TS..I have up u a point for sharing such good personal sexstory for all to read/enjoy. Pls continue yeah..hope u still can have good sex with her...
Old 01-04-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: My CILF (Cousin I'd Like to Fuck)

Camping liao....
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