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Old 15-01-2005, 03:02 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

perhaps...we should really advises him on this....if he really chalk up on credit card....then bro ask him to work to clear may not be enuff.....

I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....

how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....

it is alrite to tok about this in here????
Old 15-01-2005, 03:08 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Wah Bro... You sounded very experienced....
How did u get out of it ??? PM me if u can share...

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75
perhaps...we should really advises him on this....if he really chalk up on credit card....then bro ask him to work to clear may not be enuff.....

I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....

how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....

it is alrite to tok about this in here????
Old 15-01-2005, 03:16 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75
perhaps...we should really advises him on this....

it is alrite to tok about this in here????
i can sympathize with his situation rite now.. He must be feeling regretted of his past expenditure, may in KTVs or pubs flings. It's not late to reflect and solve ur problems. (1) One solution is to be remain dissolved, then you can start all over again (2) Another is to look for a steady source income, at the same time to defer ur loan payment. I'm not good in recommending financial advice, maybe others here would be able to help u.
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Old 15-01-2005, 03:19 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Hey Superman,
You are in deep shit if what you claimed is true. Never know bank can extent credit for bonkings or are you saying that you have over run your credit cards for cheongings and now the bank is after your ass! The 1st thing you should do is to seek financial heip from your long time constant companion, a Miss Louis Lane but how are you going to explain your ECA activities to her? She may cut your balls off but frankly this may not be a bad thing considering the predicament you are,ke.
Seriously, you can speak to you bank about a scheduled repayment scheme. I presumed you have a regular income since the bank extented the credit to you. If the bank accept your proposal, you must work your ass off to keep to your commitments otherwise they may sue you until the only thing left for you is the shirt and shorts that you are wearing. The bank can be pretty cold on this. Cheonging KTV/HC/GL/FL can be additive, so don't start....if you start then too late liao. Must built up $ 1st mah! Don't use credit cards or "bank" loan next time for such ECA ok. Hope you learn your lesson.
Old 15-01-2005, 03:21 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75
I used to have such experience....imagine having 13 credit card acc...and every single card limit is blown with each card at least 5k of limit....

how u going to pay up let say with a monthly pay of 3k? dont forget cpf take away some of it....u cant even cope with every card min. payment...ur take home pay will not even enuff to settle every card min. payment....

it is alrite to tok about this in here????
Think should be ok rite? since in a way it is related to sex or rather too much sex that leads to his current predicament.. in fact, this is a lesson to all.. "Bonk within your means"

anyway, banks now have balance transfer, can bring down the interest payment. They also have schemes where you pay a fixed amount each month with a lower interest rate. All you have to do is talk to your bank and get them to advise how you should proceed. They also wouldn't want a situation where you, their customer is unable to pay.
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Old 15-01-2005, 03:24 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by clark_kent
Fellow Bros,

Don't know whether should post here.

But seeking advise of what to do?

I owe bank alot of money because bonk too much.

Anybody can advise me what to do?
Ai yah...go for self declare loh.....i just declared last month only.....the hearing is less than 1 min.....

After that have to be good boy loh....for me, its a new life for me....
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Old 15-01-2005, 04:15 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by TERRY_77
bro~~~ so interesting what bank u owe...
i would like to apply this bonking loan man...

anyway for your problem is no a problem dont worry just continue
to bonk man.....

happy bonking~!!!
u like to loan?? easy.. apply for serveral credit cards and cash lines.. take cash advances... dont pay back.. easily hit u with 30 ~ 50K of loan at 24% per ann.. u wan? dont tok cok lah.. ppl need help u still wan to chak.. pm me that u wan to apply.. i arrange for u..
Old 15-01-2005, 04:26 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by lawry
u like to loan?? easy.. apply for serveral credit cards and cash lines.. take cash advances... dont pay back.. easily hit u with 30 ~ 50K of loan at 24% per ann.. u wan? dont tok cok lah.. ppl need help u still wan to chak.. pm me that u wan to apply.. i arrange for u..

What if already applied so many cc n now take home pay isnt enuff to cover the min repayment and the banks are now in the stage of seizure of your property? This kind of predicament is very hard to deal with for normal working adults, imagine the stress associated with it...
Old 15-01-2005, 04:37 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

If talking serious here, this is my two cents worth.

Go into MLM, Insurance or any commissin based job and start selling like MAD! No other steady fix pay job is going to help you to pay your annual loan repayment if it has burst into more than 30 K a month.

Once declared bankrupt, it is only a short term solution. You will pay it back in the long run with application for bank loan under heavy scrutiny in the future. How you going to explain to your future spouse (assuming you are unmarried now) on unable to take a loan?

"I can't take a loan because I bankrupt"

"Why you bankrupt?"

"Because I bonk too much on credit..."

*Slap* End of story...
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Old 15-01-2005, 04:43 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by tittyhawk
What if already applied so many cc n now take home pay isnt enuff to cover the min repayment and the banks are now in the stage of seizure of your property? This kind of predicament is very hard to deal with for normal working adults, imagine the stress associated with it...
declare bankrupt if non of ur relative can help... dont go for ah leong.. its like jumping from one pirate ship to the other.. but if u are a professional lawyer, accountant... u can kiss ur professional membership good bye...
Old 15-01-2005, 04:52 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Dun know how to comfort/advice the threadstarter brother but i would like to remind brothers to chiong within your own financial capablities. Chiong without financial stress is lagi shioker.
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Old 15-01-2005, 04:55 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Originally Posted by lawry
declare bankrupt if non of ur relative can help... dont go for ah leong.. its like jumping from one pirate ship to the other.. but if u are a professional lawyer, accountant... u can kiss ur professional membership good bye...

Thanks for the advice...but abit late...
Old 15-01-2005, 07:25 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Where is the thread starter? Gone? Ask for advice and gone? Whereever you are, I believe many brohers have given sincere and good advice.Good Luck. Remember, you still have your trusty pair of hands
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Old 15-01-2005, 07:53 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

option 1

take a rope and hang yourself.
born a new life , be a better man.

option 2

discuss with the bank , they will work out a way for you , they rather earn less then you dont pay at all.. i know some ppl that able to pull over this and learn his way to be a better man.

option 3

borrow from ah long , pay liao.. enjoy 1 week of fun.. then jump 1st payment.. run as far as you can , dont even come back to singapore.

option 4

sell house , sell car , sell body , sell whatever you can , still cannot?
declare bankrupt.
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Old 15-01-2005, 08:09 PM
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Re: Owe Bank alot of money because bonk too much.....

Think option 3 is the best choice!Borrow from as many ah long as possible and dun return home.
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