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Old 19-02-2005, 05:31 PM
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Angry Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by weakpig
maybe i'm a little overzealous and i make looks like i'm trying to attack him. which i dun really intend to..
Are you sure you have no intention? You can don't post. Since you have made a delibrate personal attack (not to mention, you have threw in plenty of curses!) especially without apologising, can I presume that you are one bloody gay, because you are provoked and you are the one who pay 'sword-fighting' with men?

If you feel bad that you may have offended any samsters, just apologise and we will accept that. When you have made your fierce arguement with me that means you can argue back with other samsters too! Look at Cheri_Popper's posts. You even argued with him!

Originally Posted by weakpig
i just wanna point out the dangers of the new found super-strain HIV virus. tats all. and the HIV strand doesn't simply attack gays and homos only, as what Diesel has implied. Rather, its the entire human population at stake here.
Yes. It is good to point out the danger. However, the samsters here do not need you to teach.

Please open your eyes and read carefully from the first post. This is a thread talking about transmission among gays and I making my opinion against the first post.

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Old 19-02-2005, 06:51 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

Bro Diesel,
Let the matter rest! To forgive & Forget is Divine!

Old 19-02-2005, 09:01 PM
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Thumbs up New STD take note!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Let the matter rest! To forgive & Forget is Divine!
How to forgive? He didn't seek forgiveness wat... Provided he keeps his mouth shut from now.

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Old 20-02-2005, 12:47 AM
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Re: New STD Homo & Bi!

Originally Posted by weakpig
Poke lah, go and poke more.
I thought the govt is encouraging people to poke more? Otherwise, there will be no more tomorrow iszit?
Old 20-02-2005, 12:47 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

i think you're the one whose gay.
sword-fighting? please lah. you make it sound as if normal guys are invulnerable to this aids shit. which are so typical of asswipes like you who think you can go on laying pros and chicks without thinking that aids will get you. tats what i hate. fucking ignorant fools.

if a gay kenna aids by sword fighting, then he go have sex with a normal girl who in turn will get aids. And lets say you are lucky enough to pickup this gal in a pub. After awhile, she becomes your gf. Then lemme ask you, my weak minded fren, will you get aids from her if you happen to have unprotected sex?

If you say no, then i must say you are damn dumb.

Or-bee? Yah, you or-bee some more lor. you or-bee those gays. Those gays are just gonna screw around again with chicks and they in turn will screw with free-lance gigolos like you. When that time comes, then i will be the one to say "or-bee" to you.
Old 20-02-2005, 01:16 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Bro Diesel & Weakpig,

Pls cool it.

Both of you have already has you said in the matter. Let it rest. PEACE BROTHERS. PEACE!!
Old 20-02-2005, 09:52 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
Bro Diesel & Weakpig,

Pls cool it.

Both of you have already has you said in the matter. Let it rest. PEACE BROTHERS. PEACE!!

Bro Popper, you are really a peace loving bro and i really respect that. It is hard to be the middle person making peace and i really ku-dos to you.
Peace bro.
Old 20-02-2005, 11:23 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

The World would be a much better and peaceful place if we show a little bit more of respect for each other's different views and opinions. Everyone of us has different views on the same topic. There is neither a correct or wrong opinion! We should not let another's person view affect us too much and lead to a personal attack on each other. You "attack" me, I "attack" you back...when will this end??
Old 20-02-2005, 11:43 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

wow..that was some update...thanks..will be careful and RAW is WAR!!
Old 20-02-2005, 08:49 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by weakpig
ok. maybe i'm a little overzealous and i make looks like i'm trying to attack him. which i dun really intend to. i just wanna point out the dangers of the new found super-strain HIV virus.tats all. and the HIV strand doesn't simply attack gays and homos only, as what Diesel has implied. Rather, its the entire human population at stake here.
You are absolutely correct in assessing that you had been overzealous, but not a little. I really do not see why you had to resort to name calling and cursing if you found Diesel's post somewhat offensive to people with a certain sexual orientation.

In this post of yours, if I may summise, you say your intention was to make aware that the risks of HIV applies to all sexually active individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. Now, if that was your intention, and as you did not find that Diesel's post may have been made in jest, then you should have engaged him at an intellectual level to convey your views and "educate" him. That would have been the sensible and mature think to do. As to whether he would have accepted it or not is another issue but this thread would certainly not have degenerated into a sort of a "flame fight" and the issue at hand stated by the threadstarter could have been discussed more fully.

However, let me assure you, unless Diesel wants to correct me which I doubt he would, that Diesel is fully aware that the risks of HIV applies equally to hetrosexuals as well. So I feel, even though in this post you say that it was not your intention to attack him, you have done exactly that. The words used in post number 8 is plain to see. You cannot run away from that. So, I hope you will appreciate and accept why I will deduct one rep point off you. Of course, you are open to disagree with me.

Diesel, I hope you will appreciate that we are dealing in a faceless medium and it is very difficult to judge the tone and the real meaning of what one is saying, and misunderstandings such as this may surface again. Maybe we should guard against making humourous remarks in sensititive issues such as this, unless of course if we are corresponding with fellow members who are very familiar with one another's character and demeanour.

So, guys please lets keep this forum and in particular this thread to convey and exchange views and ideas at a level of maturity and sensibility. And I hope any differences and miunderstandings, that will surely arise now and then, are resolved with a level of civility as well.

Thank you for reading this.

Last edited by asknot3; 20-02-2005 at 09:06 PM.
Old 20-02-2005, 11:08 PM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by asknot3
So, guys please lets keep this forum and in particular this thread to convey and exchange views and ideas at a level of maturity and sensibility. And I hope any differences and miunderstandings, that will surely arise now and then, are resolved with a level of civility as well.

Yes. lets hold hands and skip merrily down memory lane together, and sing along to Merry Poppins joyful song and be happy forever and ever and ever.
Old 21-02-2005, 08:50 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by weakpig
Yes. lets hold hands and skip merrily down memory lane together, and sing along to Merry Poppins joyful song and be happy forever and ever and ever.
You are really asking for it! There is a limit to everything!

Please kindly stop this childish behavior and react to other's advise in a more mature and positive way! thank you!
Old 21-02-2005, 11:42 AM
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Re: New STD take note!

Originally Posted by weakpig
Yes. lets hold hands and skip merrily down memory lane together, and sing along to Merry Poppins joyful song and be happy forever and ever and ever.

Weak pig, I hope you are not that bias against gays or whoever in this forum. STDS can spread unknowingly, be it homo or straight. You never know. I just want you to understand that some of your best friends may be gay as well. Just that they are in the closet type. THey dont show out to others. One day they will open and let others know, when? You never know. But I have dozens of friends who are like that.

STD is not a laughting matter either. It spreads and you dono until you kana the symtoms. By the time, more people could have got it then.

Even our most hated VIce president Chenney had a lesbian daughter as well. That is why he stop bashing gays. HIS OWN DAUGHTER IS ONE. I am not cursing you, just that I hope you can understand that they hae their needs as well.

As for this new super AIDS, it is not a funny matter.

Good day.
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