Matters of the Heart.Has a Commercial Fuck turned into a torrid Love Affair which has turned your life upside down? Fear not. We have experts here who can help you through your roller coaster ride. Tell us your story and we'll do our best to help.
Bro, unlike sillypore where the lower class and de upper class compete and face each other regularly on this small island, i think los could provide a different alternative to tt. After more than 8 years in the comm xxx scene, i am aware of the danger of digging deep when u have foreign gf as some will plot to slowly take vita m out of u. Of cos , i place vita m in front of women but i cant simply bank on transactional relationship all de while.
Kc trap is deadly even outside the comm xxx scene as it may take a long time to understand someone frm a different country and culture. For point 1 and 2 u mentioned, i guess i may work to tt eventually. Lets see how thing goes and how fate runs out. For point 3 its really in de later stages or it may not happen and bgr do come and go easily sometimes.
But i was wondering, did u regret settling down early? Or i suppose there are more pros in return. I feel la in this day and age, having children is preferential as i am really not keen not having one and i dont see the need to stereotypically do this to prolong my family tree. I guess i am never father material, kudos to u fathers out there as it takes loads of balls and patience to become a gd dad.
However getting married really depends la, if shes worthy and the time is right why not. I am so glad i dun have the pressure frm my parents. Of cos in sg, there is only golden mile tt has thai culture. To a certain xtent, i feel golden mile does not symbolise los la. Los is so different, i am learning thai and its tough but fulfiling as days go by. I guess maybe i shld stay for a gd one year in los and then i see how things go, maybe i like it being single there initially.
Btw i think long and hard and i am able to ans ur qn well. Even if women is out of this topic, i am a very un-chinese fella who do not njoy a cultureless country like sg. to me, i just be myself , i dun use the 5cs to prove my worth. Tts also why my frens find me unsingaporean also lol... If i am rich, i probably move to another country in asean but thailand and vietnam are two top destination in my mind bah....
I think its not waste of time to learn a new culture when u are able to. Luckily i am frm a well to do family so i dont have a lot of financial constraints. If not, better not waste my time on this lah. I started this thread wif an open mind, i am not tt young, i maybe naive and immature, but no one has correct ans and are perfect here.
There are no definite ans in life but its always good to hear and experience and feel frm different side of stories and learn frm them. Lastly, of cos i need to experience it myself. Life is short, of cos not being overconfident here but when u wanna try something i think u need to put aside ur frail mentality and stick to ur plan. This would be a bumpy road but who noes? It could prove to be fulfilling path in an unpredictable society of today.
bro, kudos to you for your open views and broad perspective.
its just that i have seen so much local guys, getting trapped in this culture thing and never really able to pick themselves up afterwards.
yet gap kon mii faen~ liao man pit dtong nai~
Bro, do u know the full meaning of this song?? It is a really good song with great meaning...and if u me, have seen the drama series which made this song popular, u would appreciate this song even further...
As for the other discussions...really trying hard not to comment as everyone has their views on it and no one is or will ever be FULLY right....nor wrong..
for senior bros who appreciated and lived the life of thais within the past decade, how is it like to live and work in thailand and master the thai language?
Originally Posted by ErnestK
I will be interested to this too. Currently am trying to pick up Thai through movies and some iPhone apps but its slow moving. Am in my late 30s by the way.
Why u prefer Thai and not Viet, Pinoy, Chinese, Indo or others?? No particular reason? Why limit yourself to a country, a culture? Anyway, it is your personally preference.
First of all, dun find love in entertainment. A lot will disagree with me but I never trust these gers.
To learn their culture, u need to work and stay in Thailand n not watch TV, go golden miles.
Regular SG who goes Bangkok once every 2-3 mths, will never experience the real culture, the real Thailand. These people normally will go shopping, massage and entertainment. In these places, service means money. They will try to please u to get your money.
Distance relationship is tough and mostly will not work out.
Get a job and stay in Thailand, you will soon like n hate Thais.
I have been thru all the shits in Thailand
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Why u prefer Thai and not Viet, Pinoy, Chinese, Indo or others?? No particular reason? Why limit yourself to a country, a culture? Anyway, it is your personally preference.
First of all, dun find love in entertainment. A lot will disagree with me but I never trust these gers.
To learn their culture, u need to work and stay in Thailand n not watch TV, go golden miles.
Regular SG who goes Bangkok once every 2-3 mths, will never experience the real culture, the real Thailand. These people normally will go shopping, massage and entertainment. In these places, service means money. They will try to please u to get your money.
Distance relationship is tough and mostly will not work out.
Get a job and stay in Thailand, you will soon like n hate Thais.
I have been thru all the shits in Thailand
hear ye hear ye...Once again, our Pii Naemlo has spoken much truth!!
Like i said before I actually did not wanna comment on this issue...but seeing Naemlo's post above, I just had to.
I agree with wat Naemlo has commented and most importantly on these points:
1. Dun find love in entertainment.....most of the gers cannot be trusted. I have been cheonging in thailand for 15 years...seen alot and done alot. Know alot of the different type of gals working in the nite life, be they WLs or non WLs. The gist of it is tat, although i hate to generalize, its true tat will mostly only stay with u becoz staying with u provides them with an alternative to their working. Your love of Thailand and its culture seems to be induced by wat u see and had fun with in the cheonging scene, this is the Nice and Happy side of Thailand and its ladies. U have not seen the bad and ugly side of the thais and thailand as a whole and how realistic this place can be. Trust me, its not tat happy and fun when u actually really live and work here. U can have a gal to party with, but a relationship of any kind? Think hard.
2. U will never fully understand the thai culture and such just by learning the lingo, watching the movies or listening to their songs. Neither will u learn much from cheonging the thai joints in SG (remember when u went to the joints in SG and when u finally came to thailand? Remembr, in Thailand so different so much better). And neither will u learn the culture here fully even if u are a regular here. U must have stayed and worked here for an extended period of time before u really "Know" thailand.
3. Distance relationship is TERRIBLE...many guys have done tat and fallen miserably. Many have lost not only their hearts but also alot of baht. I have been thru tat when i was a newbie and just started to fall in love with the thai puying species...but then, it just mostly never ever works. Yes, although i have a thai OC now, the fact is tat, I did not get to know her in an entertainment place...I work here...we have been together for some time...she even followed me when I was posted to Ozzie land for 3 years. But the fact is tat I had the chance and so much time to observe her before we even went serious ( not just observe her as and when I come to Thailand....they can always put on a great pretence upfront when they are baiting u). No gal can fake it for tat long, everyday....LOL! So being physically here is crucial..u see everything.
Finally, its ok to have fun and love the thai party scene. Its ok to have thai gf/gfs to have fun with while here. But its something else to think of having a serious thai gf when u are not here physically and dun know them well enuff. And anyone tat thinks he can get into a serious relationship with a thai gal without being able to speak the them, i say...U need to have ur head scanned.
haha...did not wanna say much, but finally it ended up quite a bit huh? Paiseh...Naemlo...see wat u started??
Why u prefer Thai and not Viet, Pinoy, Chinese, Indo or others?? No particular reason? Why limit yourself to a country, a culture? Anyway, it is your personally preference.
First of all, dun find love in entertainment. A lot will disagree with me but I never trust these gers.
To learn their culture, u need to work and stay in Thailand n not watch TV, go golden miles.
Regular SG who goes Bangkok once every 2-3 mths, will never experience the real culture, the real Thailand. These people normally will go shopping, massage and entertainment. In these places, service means money. They will try to please u to get your money.
Distance relationship is tough and mostly will not work out.
Get a job and stay in Thailand, you will soon like n hate Thais.
I have been thru all the shits in Thailand
haha. naemlo have spoken.
p.s. distance relationship MUST be sustain by frequent phonesex :P
yet gap kon mii faen~ liao man pit dtong nai~
bro, kudos to you for your open views and broad perspective.
its just that i have seen so much local guys, getting trapped in this culture thing and never really able to pick themselves up afterwards.
Many thanks for reminding me abt kc trap time and time again. I guess wif experience and technique i must handle it better every single time. Women want money and security in life. Its inevitable but we must choose the right woman to invest our life wif. Scully ten or twenty yrs later after tons of flings or casuals gfs i may not be able to find the right gal and i may be destined loner( macham the last time ekin cheng white hair swordsmen movie last time after kristy yeung died in de show i think, looks cool but actually its pathetic feeling hhahaaha...
Wah i am so glad by pouring out my deep heart feelings, my thread is heating up !!! Awesome, time to put my feedbacks on my thread after a late heAvy lunch, rack my brain cells now! Fighting!!!
Bro, do u know the full meaning of this song?? It is a really good song with great meaning...and if u me, have seen the drama series which made this song popular, u would appreciate this song even further...
As for the other discussions...really trying hard not to comment as everyone has their views on it and no one is or will ever be FULLY right....nor wrong..
Seriously bro,
After almost 3 yrs of listening to thai pop following endorphine, ice sarunyu, bodyslam, instinct, no more tears and so on, i dun understand the meaning of any thai songs i heard cuz my thai not tt zai!!
Its simpy the way i like how thai culture presents in itself in music sometimes. Its subtle, harsh at times, sentimental , being respectful to the king and buddha wif their folk songs also , its fascinating!!! On the other hand, bo pian lah, singapore dun haf this even though our national anthem is in malay and our mascot is merlion!
Until now i am ashamed to say i dun understand the story behind our anthem and mascot coz i cant be its sad but i think alot of young fathers here i believe also realli cant their kids much abt sg but study hard and den work work pay debts debts lol its de cruel true...
Why u prefer Thai and not Viet, Pinoy, Chinese, Indo or others?? No particular reason? Why limit yourself to a country, a culture? Anyway, it is your personally preference.
First of all, dun find love in entertainment. A lot will disagree with me but I never trust these gers.
To learn their culture, u need to work and stay in Thailand n not watch TV, go golden miles.
Regular SG who goes Bangkok once every 2-3 mths, will never experience the real culture, the real Thailand. These people normally will go shopping, massage and entertainment. In these places, service means money. They will try to please u to get your money.
Distance relationship is tough and mostly will not work out.
Get a job and stay in Thailand, you will soon like n hate Thais.
I have been thru all the shits in Thailand
I am prioritising thailand , malaysia and vietnam as my top two due to closeness to sg and preference... For indo and pinoyland, i dun mind go try their makan and woman as a tourist but i dun really like their culture and outspoken pinoy...
For indo and msia, being an islamic state, bros dun mean to be rascist here , but i am very non halal most of the time... I dun mind makan halal food wif my fling and fb occassionally but if u tell my gf cook halal for me regularly i dun really like lah... Then toking abt msian chinese gals, actually some frens tell me got gems out there but also got bad eggs cos chinese mentality as usual so i am not keen. Morever, msian chicks understand sg guys well also quite dangerous...
For thailand and vietnam , what i like is there is de classification of lower, middle and upper class( enlighten me bros if i am wrong). For me i want a simple good who can understand basic english but not too square minded, so i can look into de lower and mid klass. I am not toking abt chicks in the comm sex scene.... In sg, hk, china and taiwan , its harder to find tt class division lah i feel..
Oh ya i am not toking abt vietnam cos alreadi got wonderful thread on vn! A culture rich los can also be wonderful!!!
Honestly speaking , i am diploma holder and my pay i foresee is decent decent decent. Staying in thailand for now long term is not my plan but going there every weekend may be viable. U are right bro, keep in regular ctc wif los is impt, but of cos i haben go de extent of reading bangkok times daily yet lol, jus readin up and learn basic thai for now...... Who noes, shld i save up long term after 20 years, i can retire in thailand , buy a small hse , live simple , got wife or not dun force , muz see fate or luck...
hear ye hear ye...Once again, our Pii Naemlo has spoken much truth!!
Like i said before I actually did not wanna comment on this issue...but seeing Naemlo's post above, I just had to.
I agree with wat Naemlo has commented and most importantly on these points:
1. Dun find love in entertainment.....most of the gers cannot be trusted. I have been cheonging in thailand for 15 years...seen alot and done alot. Know alot of the different type of gals working in the nite life, be they WLs or non WLs. The gist of it is tat, although i hate to generalize, its true tat will mostly only stay with u becoz staying with u provides them with an alternative to their working. Your love of Thailand and its culture seems to be induced by wat u see and had fun with in the cheonging scene, this is the Nice and Happy side of Thailand and its ladies. U have not seen the bad and ugly side of the thais and thailand as a whole and how realistic this place can be. Trust me, its not tat happy and fun when u actually really live and work here. U can have a gal to party with, but a relationship of any kind? Think hard.
2. U will never fully understand the thai culture and such just by learning the lingo, watching the movies or listening to their songs. Neither will u learn much from cheonging the thai joints in SG (remember when u went to the joints in SG and when u finally came to thailand? Remembr, in Thailand so different so much better). And neither will u learn the culture here fully even if u are a regular here. U must have stayed and worked here for an extended period of time before u really "Know" thailand.
3. Distance relationship is TERRIBLE...many guys have done tat and fallen miserably. Many have lost not only their hearts but also alot of baht. I have been thru tat when i was a newbie and just started to fall in love with the thai puying species...but then, it just mostly never ever works. Yes, although i have a thai OC now, the fact is tat, I did not get to know her in an entertainment place...I work here...we have been together for some time...she even followed me when I was posted to Ozzie land for 3 years. But the fact is tat I had the chance and so much time to observe her before we even went serious ( not just observe her as and when I come to Thailand....they can always put on a great pretence upfront when they are baiting u). No gal can fake it for tat long, everyday....LOL! So being physically here is crucial..u see everything.
Finally, its ok to have fun and love the thai party scene. Its ok to have thai gf/gfs to have fun with while here. But its something else to think of having a serious thai gf when u are not here physically and dun know them well enuff. And anyone tat thinks he can get into a serious relationship with a thai gal without being able to speak the them, i say...U need to have ur head scanned.
haha...did not wanna say much, but finally it ended up quite a bit huh? Paiseh...Naemlo...see wat u started??
Hhahaa the squabble between nookie and naemlo is making my day!!! Two super xperienced old birds who tasted tomyum good enuff, enlightening this naive and curious kid..... Just enjoy such discussion, ur bold statements strike many chords in me!!
Ok go point by point, firstly, hell right tt u cannot find gf frm comm sex scene. They are meant to fuck and forget and i am getting tt idea coz i am alreadi planning to lower my dmg on them shld i go on another patts trip! Seriously , i dun mind finding a gf who likes to party on a small scale but not a bitchy one who goes partying everytime and like to flaunt tis and tt and announce in fb what de hell she do all dae!!
Of cos guys who are liberal and has big ego likes their gals to show the world what they do and make de lads feel gd in return.... For me i selfish and low key , i can go drink leo beer wif my gal at decent pub , go makan my kow phat goong wif her at roadside. Chit chat wif her in my hotel or her hse maybe lol and go slp when tired... Sex of cos must have to keep the relationship alive... I am not treating her like chicken lah...
On point 2 , based on my observation on golden mile for the past 2 yrs, i am all the confident to say no way sg in any shape or frame can be like los. I happen to be anti thai discos bro as i haben hang any flower yet after chionging in TDs for more de 20 times( sometimes boys outing wif my frens lah juz go drink). TDs in sg is follow the singaporean chi concept, prc singers hang flower concept , and i hate it man... Sg is notable for overcharging and providing half past six service in entertainment.....
I enjoyed de los xperience via internet, a bit of history reading sometimes watching documentary, listening to their music , speak to thai chickens i bonked in patts and sg on their practices on buddhism( they really do diff rituals for blessing reasons man veri interesting.)
On point 3 , bro maybe u wun agree wif me on this but i am looking on long dist relationship as the start point... I am not rich and foresee myself going online and keeping in ctc wid my potential future gf . De best is i go down friday night to bkk and see her den sunday night fly back every week lor after my 8-5 weekdays job....
Its money lah on this part and its also thru de net i can meet thai women faster. They are also more receptable to meetin farang poochai. And i think its wonderful to knoe more female thai frens, and every wk i can meet diff girls , build de friendship( if sex comes in , i am a man lah, i say no meh hahhahHA)
But strictly these puyings are decent ones i hope and friendships come in de pic and we see wad happens frm there. Being a semi cheap charlie, for sure the girl who can eat simple and live simple like me will be a big part of my life hahahaah...
wahahaha......can't blame me for trying man bro......ok ok..i admit...i put 1 leg in.....
Bro Javanoob....saw ur signature...liked it...
To reply the question....
yet gap kon mii faen~ liao man pit dtong nai~ ....pit tee faen mun roo mai roo...LOL!
chok dee krap...
Bros many thanks again frm taking time out frm ur bz schedule wif ur ocs and contributing on my thread lol... U knoe wad, a potentially 50 pg thread here on los will make me mentally prep for my challenges ahead, this is de essential 5-10 percent of preparation i need, listening to pros and cons , getting challenged by bros here, keep learning , stay humble and share when i have prospered and grown up and gif back to diff threads back here... Such threads enhances my analytical skills on kc trappers and knowledge abt los....
Eh bro can u interprete in eng or singlish on wad u write? My thai super duper basic , not geng yet! Chawp koon ma kup!
For indo and msia, being an islamic state, bros dun mean to be rascist here , but i am very non halal most of the time... I dun mind makan halal food wif my fling and fb occassionally but if u tell my gf cook halal for me regularly i dun really like lah...
I stayed in JKT before, not all Indo are Muslim.
Originally Posted by mackewell
Hhahaa the squabble between nookie and naemlo is making my day!!! Two super xperienced old birds who tasted tomyum good enuff, enlightening this naive and curious kid..... Just enjoy such discussion, ur bold statements strike many chords in me!!
I not old bird... I am still learning
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Hhahaa the squabble between nookie and naemlo is making my day!!!T wo super xperienced old birds who tasted tomyum good enuff, enlightening this naive and curious kid..... Just enjoy such discussion, ur bold statements strike many chords in me!!
Hello....Bro, who u call Old ah?? I still young hor...LOL! BTW we not squabbling lah....more like Lovers' tiff...wahahaha...
On point 3 , bro maybe u wun agree wif me on this but i am looking on long dist relationship as the start point... I am not rich and foresee myself going online and keeping in ctc wid my potential future gf . De best is i go down friday night to bkk and see her den sunday night fly back every week lor after my 8-5 weekdays job....
Tell u something, when i was a newbie i did the Fri nite to Sun routine...all I did was successfully got PPS status with my Kris flyer ...the long distance relationship failed.
Its money lah on this part and its also thru de net i can meet thai women faster. They are also more receptable to meetin farang poochai. And i think its wonderful to knoe more female thai frens, and every wk i can meet diff girls , build de friendship( if sex comes in , i am a man lah, i say no meh hahhahHA)
But strictly these puyings are decent ones i hope and friendships come in de pic and we see wad happens frm there. Being a semi cheap charlie, for sure the girl who can eat simple and live simple like me will be a big part of my life hahahaah...
U farang ah? ANyways, i used to know alot of these thai gals in websites such as careful...alot of them if not all tat I knew were just tat to look for guys to Western Union funds to them..LOL!
Originally Posted by mackewell
Eh bro can u interprete in eng or singlish on wad u write? My thai super duper basic , not geng yet! Chawp koon ma kup!
Loosely translated:
Wat is so wrong in bonking a person who already has a partner? My reply was....How wrong depends on if the partner knows...LOL! Think abt it....
Bro , indo chinese are a nono lah , you are toking abt upper class indo ppl who are mostly non muslim. U still learning? Hahaha sound so humble worrr i am learning frm u now leh.....