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FL Dome 1 - The Land of Smiles comes to You Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 20-06-2005, 04:05 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

Ah bong,
Steady poon pee pee...

I think after you, she think most of the guys useless one liao
Old 20-06-2005, 04:21 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

Siao ar.. but remember wear cap hor.. cos I cannot ascertain wat those red spots are on her boobies.... better be safe den sorry... gtg now :P
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Old 20-06-2005, 06:25 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

Bro Bong,

thanks for the FR. hope to hear more from Bros who have been given the contacts. Pls take care of her.. and be gentle..

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Old 21-06-2005, 01:57 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

anybody can give me her contacts???
Old 24-06-2005, 12:31 AM
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Talking Is the 2nd bonk as good as the 1st?

To Bros who have Shirely's contacts, she requests for your patience and understanding in her late response as she is currently having flu... must have caught it while being fingered by me during the running shower on Tues evening...

She is currently overwhelmed by the bros here in requesting for an appt with her... she will revert to all bros who have her numbers.. its just that she can only give her best with sufficient rest.. So bros, just hang on there, she will get to u soon.

IMHO, the 2nd bonk was as exciting, thrilling and sexstisying as the 1st... Shirely is indeed more relax during our last tues session.. she was dressed in a light blue translucent top... where her the front exposes her cleavage..

we kissed and she was real generous with the tongue exploration... I on the other hand was exploring her body from head to toe, locating her 'sensitive' locations... and I think I did find two spots.. that sends her at warp speed into estacy...

I once again took the liberty to bathe her, she stood there allowing me to wash her as I fondle and fingered...her.. and then quickly washing my didi..and vital parts .. we proceeded to the bed..

She lied on the bed, open her arms, indicating shes ready for my taking...I started with light kissing on her lips, slowly proceeding downwards to her neck, then to her ear lobe, nibbling and licking... I can feel her body reacting to each motion of lick that touches her earlobe, she moans softly but its real..

Bros, who love to pleasure before receiving, would definitely find Shirely a hit, you can fine tune your art of pleasuring...on Shirely..

Her nipples are constantly erect, and you can see the redness of the erected nipples, like the blood all rush to the tip.. and when I gently squeezed the nipples, she went into a frenzy of body shakes, moans and tension as she cumed. damm shiok to see her cum again and again..

my didi grew hard and will burst anytime soon, capped it, spread her legs apart, her CB is tight but very wet... I just cant help squeezing her nipples as my didi is thrusting in and out, once again she shudders, her finger nails digging into the bedsheet, her body tensed, as she shakes her head left to right, as I continued to twist her erected nipples, like fine tuning the radio buttons.. hehe

I continue to pump but I know I cant hold it much longer, as soon as I felt the didi bursting out cum, I retracted from the CB, pulled off the cap and the rush of the cum just sprayed and splatter onto her tummy... while Shirely, layed back, breathing heavily from her cum release moments before mine splaterring on her tummy...

I lied down beside, kissed her as we both closed our eyes, catching our breath...

Well, Bros your turn next to experience this great feeling... with Shirely...

Pls sms her, quote the pwd and she will definitely get back to u to fix an appt.

Please refer to my earlier post if any Bro need to know the damage, looks, etc... My next bonk.. is to request her to allow a couple of pics to be taken to share with Bros here... Wish all good bonking...

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Old 24-06-2005, 09:48 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

hi bro thebestdeal

i have pm you b4 hoping to have a fair bit of shirley but sadly u didnt get back to me??Jus like to have a check wif you did you receive my PM?
Old 29-06-2005, 12:22 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

To All Bros that have received the contact, kindly sms Shirely once again as her HP died and she lost quite a few numbers.

My apologies for troubling Bros to sms her again.. she. pls leave yur name and number. I have asked her not to be so boh boh this time...

For those who have not got her contact yet, my apologies too as she has to revert to the immediate list of bros in the queue.

remember to quote the pwd... horh when u sms
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Old 29-06-2005, 12:33 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

Originally Posted by alwaysbestdeal
remember to quote the pwd... horh when u sms

Hi Bro,

I have PMed u... Hope can pass me Shirley's contact.... Thx
Old 29-06-2005, 03:40 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

to bro suaveguy28. can om me her contact and pics?

thanks a million!
Old 29-06-2005, 03:29 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

Bros, just got a list of you PM for the contact.

need your understanding to be on waiting list as she is clearing the current appt list of Bros

Waiting List Bros are as follow:
a. wishwell
b. a4anal
c. fwl18
d. Fantastic
e. suchern

for those other Bros who PM me last evening and not shown in the list, my apologies as you dun qualify yet.

for those bros that are asking threadstarter for contact, hmmmm.. maybe need to re-read the posts again horh....

Happy Bonking.
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Old 29-06-2005, 03:40 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

yo bro alwaysbestdeal have pm u for the minbers.
Warning: Xtreme Bonking is Healthy for all Ages
Old 29-06-2005, 04:02 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

where is my pics...has been waiting for 2 weeks liao..or i am not reputable enuff?!?!?!
Old 29-06-2005, 11:03 PM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

need your understanding to be on waiting list as she is clearing the current appt list of Bros

Updated waiting List Bros are as follow:
a. wishwell
b. a4anal
c. fwl18
d. Fantastic
e. suchern
f. ICBM2060

for those other Bros who PM me last evening and not shown in the list, my apologies as you dun qualify yet.

for those bros that are asking threadstarter for contact, hmmmm.. maybe need to re-read the posts again horh....

She does not allow pics. so please dun ask for pics from her.

Happy Bonking.
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Old 03-07-2005, 11:25 PM
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Dear Bros, Shirely is up and READY for u...

Dear Bros, Shirely convey her apologies for taking longer than usual to revert to you in scheduling the appt. I understand from her, she has reverted to most of you that the contact was shared. For those Bro, whom have not received any sms reply yet by Tues, pls do let me know.

I understand from Shirely, activities will commence mid month. SO hurry, place reservations to avoid over booking..

Cheers Bros,

PS: Bros on waiting list, I will be replying to you asap.
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Old 04-07-2005, 01:17 AM
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Re: New chinese Local FL Lobang

bro alwaysbestdeal, thanks for such a good recommendation, 2 points for u.
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