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Old 15-07-2005, 02:52 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

just managed a little today. Looks like would have to continue after the weekend.

continue ...


It was the most wonderful experience I had, she surely knew how to make a man come. I knew I had came too fast so I compensate by cuddling her in my arms. Our 2 hours are almost up. How time flies why one was enjoying. I stroked her gently beginning from her arms to her waist leading to her nicely rounded butt. I felt some rough skin and took a quick look. Just slightly above her right thigh, there seems to be a scar, which looked like burn mark.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Errrr … welll … that’s nothing” She said.

“It looks like a burn mark, a scar to be exact. What happened?”

Her mood seems to change for the worst with my question. In fact she started to sob.

“What’s wrong? Are you ok? Who did this to you?” I pushed.

Now crying, she said between sobs “It was my husband, he like to hurt me when we make love. It was more sex than love. You just made love to me but he just took me as an object for release”

“What a bastard! You should leave him, you can’t possibly stay abused by him” I was angry.

“And what would I do? You will marry me?” She asked with eye wide opened looking into mine.

I found no more words. Suddenly a wave of guilt set upon me.

“Don’t worry, I know it was just a fling. It was sex only. I would not expect anything from you” She said kissing me on the cheek, took her clothes before heading to the toilet.

I got up to put on my clothes and waited for her to emerge from the toilet. She came out and we head out of the hotel room without a word. I drove her back in silence. Finally we reached her house, she gave me a slight kiss “Thanks, It was comforting” and left the car. I watched her till she disappeared from the HDB lift lobby.

Only then did the implication of what I had just done come down on me. What have I done? I just slept with my co-worker behind my wife’s back. I drove home promising myself this will be the only time I betrayed Sarah.


He was obviously shaken by my question. He better be after what he had done. I would leave him to be consumed by guilt. I mean, who is he to ask me to leave my husband. All he did was a few jerks here and there. Man! They are all the same. I bet he wanted more. We shall see.

When I step into the house it was very dark. I looked at my watch and it was already 4am. I walked into the room wondering if Steven was in bed. He was. I did not get fully satisfied by Kevin so its time for Steven to wake up and service me. I crawled onto the bed still in my D&D clothes; he should find them a turn on.

“Wake up honey” I licked his face. He opened his burly eyes looking stunned. I moved forward now kneeling just over his head “Fancy some morning service but don’t spoil me panty would you?” heaven arrived.
Old 15-07-2005, 03:34 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

very interesting way to write a story....

well done!! more please ....
Old 15-07-2005, 04:03 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

thanks for the encouragement. I would like to clarify again. The style of writing was not my own. It was copied from Stephen Leather's "private dancer". I too found it amazing thus attempt to do the same here.

I will try to squeeze a few more para before i leave my office. cheers
Old 15-07-2005, 04:56 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


I wonder what happened to Kevin during the D&D? He came home pretty late that night and he seems to be disturbed some something during the entire weekend. This morning, he went out of the house without giving me a goodbye kiss, something he had never missed during our 10 years of marriage. And now I found some stains on his underwear, which smelled like sex. Could he have been unfaithful to me? No. Kevin was a good husband, he love the kids and me dearly. He must have helped himself while I was asleep not wanting to wake me up. I think it was time for me to be more pro-active. I have ignored him on that department while the kids were growing up. How should I start?


I didn’t know hell follows heaven. After the wonderful experience with Molly I have nothing but guilt. I could not bring myself to meet Sarah’s eyes. I wanted to own up to her on many occasions but lacked the courage. I had to tell her otherwise it would haunt me for the rest of my life. I need to talk to Molly. I need to explain to her that whatever happened was based on impulse and no feeling involved. I need her to know I love my wife and family. I want her to know this would never happen again. What if she tried to make it difficult for me or wanted more? I must be firm. That’s the only way.

“Stacy. Please get Molly to come and see me” I buzzed.

Molly walked in with a smile. She was wearing a 3 piece. I could see her bounce inside her bright yellow tube.

“You want to see me?” she beamed. She was making this difficult. Before I could even open my mouth she sat down and said, “I know what you are thinking Kevin. It was ok I am fine. We both acted on impulse. However I must admit I enjoyed the time we spend together and I hope you too”

“Yes it was impulse” I tried to explained but she was quicker.

“I am not expecting anything from you. If it happen again fine otherwise I am fine too. It is all up to you. If you chose to have more impulses I am game. You must think I am a slut but you made me feel special. The way you stroke me, the way you caress me. They are so soft and gentle. No man had treated me this way. They just wanted to do it and leave”

“I will not be like them” I couldn’t believe the words coming from my mouth.

“I know, you are special” she smiled. “So when we going Geylang again?” She laughed, “just joking, it would be our secret. Oh and by the way, I have here the proposal from two media firm and would like to discuss with you the pros and cons of each of them”

With that we proceed to talk business.


I think I did well. Or at least I did enough to make him believe that he could actually get away with it. Let’s do a simple experiment. I waited till late into the evening. The office was almost empty. I knew he would still be around as he had a report to prepare for the CEO meeting tomorrow. I walked over to his office. Stacy has left and so had all the staff seating near him. In fact, I thought only the two of us was left. I walked into his office. He looked up, surprised.

“You still around this late?” he asked.

“Pretty much so, I just finished the comparison report you asked. Here you go. Are you leaving soon? If yes, can you give me a lift it is kind of late now.”

“I am not going to Geylang again.” He gave a nervous smile.

“Do you want to? Actually you don’t have to go there to get what you want” I reach my hand down into my tube; unclip my bra and took it out throw it at him. He caught it with a bewildered look. I then moved all the stationeries and papers on his table bending forward and slowly move my tube down revealing my best pair of assets. He was dumb folded and for a minute did not say a thing.

“But of course it is all up to you” I pulled up my tube and pretend to turn and walked out.

“Closed the door” a shaky voice came from behind. I did as was told. As I turned back to face him, I pulled down the tube again.

“You want them? You will have to work for them” I walked round his table and seat myself on it with my thigh facing him. I slowing opened my legs showing him I was wearing nothing inside. My both hands reached out to his head and drew them closer.

“You will have to do me a favor first” I said.

It was nothing liked what Steven could do but passable. He can still be trained.

End of experiment.
Old 15-07-2005, 04:58 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

well folks. that's the best I could do for today. No coverage on weekends so tune in on monday.

Thanks for bros that up me. cheers
Old 18-07-2005, 10:51 AM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

Back online again. Something to start the week with. cheers


This oversea trip with Molly was a Godsend. I had never been so enthusiastic with an industry conference but this particular got me all excited. I had submitted to the CEO to have Molly go instead Michael since Michael’s wife was expecting to deliver their first child around the same time (another sign of how blessed I was).

The relationship with Molly was working out fine. We managed to steal time here and there to satisfy each other. She, I must admit was one sex crazy woman. I never know sex can be more than going on top of a woman and pump away. I felt more like a porn star. We did it everywhere, in my office, in a cheapo hotel, in my car oh hell we even did an encore at the stairways leading to her house one night. The only problem was I needed to stay vigilant at all time in case the wife suspected me. Considering all the fun I was getting, vacuuming the car is just a small price to pay.

Molly had stick to her side of the bargain. She never bothers me while I was at home. No phone call, no SMSes at all. All communications were through Yahoo email accounts specially set-up for this purpose. She would email me frequently telling me what she wore that day or what she did not wear. She would tell me what she want me to do to her and what she would do to me. Lately, she had been hinting me that she fantasized about three some. Me, her and another woman, she said she liked to watch others do it. This conference was my perfect chance. We would be oversea; I could get a professional to join us in our little party. I couldn’t wait.


Kevin was getting stranger and stranger. I could not help but wonder if he was having an affair or at least I was sure he kept something from me. I could not understand why he had to vacuum his car so often. The first time I noticed it, he claimed the car was dirty. But why did he not do it during the weekend, which was his common practice. Why did he have to do it during the weekdays and during his office hours? I also noticed on several occasions the front passenger seat of his car had been adjusted. It was often pulled back another slot. I hope it was a man. I would be more worried if it had been pulled forward instead.

Recently he had been in very good mood. He even made love to me few nights back. This had become somewhat of a rarity. I had tried improving myself by going to sliming centers and beauty saloons to make myself more desirable to him. He did not notice any change at all. Maybe I should follow what the columnist in HER WORLD had written, I should go out and buy some sexy lingerie and put it on to seduce him. The columnist also suggested oral sex but I am not sure I was ready for it. Hell! I would give it my best shot.
Old 18-07-2005, 11:08 AM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


Kevin was sinking deeper and deeper. At the beginning, I was the one initialing all the get together sessions. I was the proactive one. Now, he emailed me whenever he felt like a romp. His skills had also improved a lot. I was an excellent teacher. I would miss him if ever I decided end the game. Guess I would keep him a little longer. The coming oversea trip would be a test for him. If he managed to perform up to my expectations, I would keep him longer. Otherwise I would have to let him go. It was his idea to bring me along for this trip; I guess he had it all planned out. Usually, I would have asked for an oversea trips further into the relationship but since the opportunity presented itself I guess I would have to speed up my plans. I would surprise him with my version. The fact that the conference was in Bangkok made things easier for me. But first, I need to make sure everything had been set-up.

“Hello Mr. Surachai? How have you been?”

“Oh Molly how we all missed you. Anything I can do for you?”

“I have a case for you as usual” I said

“Ahhhh … another case. You have been a bad girl. This was kind of soon even by your standard. I hope this time it would not be as messy as the Britons … ehhh what’s the name? Ahhh … Gary.” I sensed some sarcasm from the other end of the phone line.

“Don’t worry, he is from Singapore, you know Asian are always easier.” I assured him.

“I sure hope so. So when and where?”

I told Surachai the location and timing before hanging up. Oh how I missed Gary.
Old 18-07-2005, 11:37 AM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

good work!
not so new, not so old.
but getting older, cannot 4-shots liao
Old 18-07-2005, 12:11 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


I have noticed that lately Kevin spend a lot of time with Molly. I wonder if they were having an affair. I did not find and concrete evidence but it made for good gossiping topics during lunch with the girls. I had even found Kevin’s door locked in once instant while Molly was inside.

“Any more update between your boss and Molly?” that busybody ah Lian asked.

“Well last week when I tried to pass some document for Kevin to sign, I found out that the door what locked. I bet they are doing it inside.” I laughed while the others join me.

“Stacy, you mean your boss having an affair with Molly?” asked Susan from corporate communications, she was not aware of the story as she usually do not join us for lunch.

“eh I did not say that hor, I just say my boss door was locked ok” I defended, I did not know Susan well so I must be careful incase words get into Kevin’s ears and landed me in trouble.

“You are referring to that Molly that has been transferred from my department?” she continued.

“Yes, what a slut right?” I said.

“You call her a slut because Kevin did not lock the door when you are in it” laughed ah Lian.

“Alamak, I not so slut ok.” But I joined in their laughter.

Susan looked puzzled; she seems to think of saying something but stopped. I couldn’t care less anyway I never liked Susan. She was the most educated secretary around in the company and I bet she got better pay. I even heard her ex-boss Gary had an affair with her before he mysteriously resigned over an email to the CEO. I wondered what the Ang Mo saw in her. Must be the big boobies she had.

“So any news of you ex-boss. He seems to just disappeared and the CEO was real pissed for a while for the way he left us. Must be some rival firm that snapped him under our nose” I asked.

“I am not sure he was with a rival firm, if he was we would have heard of him. The industry is not that big. The funny thing was that he did not even bother to come pack his stuff, not even his favorite golf clubs. It’s more like he was having so much fun in Thailand and suddenly decided to disappear. I tried emailing his private email account but the mailbox were full.”

“Twilight Zone …..” said ah Lian while humming the TV series opening music.

We all laughed and get on with lunch and other gossips.
Old 18-07-2005, 03:41 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


Sarah had offered to send me to the airport but I told her I would rather take a cab myself instead. I could not afford for her to see Molly. God knows how would Molly be dressed like. When she was with me she often dressed to kill. It was her idea of foreplay. She said this way I would be teased for extended period of time and when it was time for action I would attack her like an animal. I liked that idea.

I reached the airport and found Molly already there. Surprising she was dressed somewhat conservatively wearing a long flower dress covering her knees. I was a little disappointed. We went over to the check in counter and I used my frequent flyer miles to upgrade her to business class so she could seat next to me. The plane took off without any hassle.

“You looked rather conservative today, that’s a little rare for you” I joked when the seat belt sign went off.

“That’s just on the outside” she than brought my hand to her knee moving it into her dress. I could feel she was wear stocking inside. Further up her thigh I could feel lacy patterns that started to turn me on. Just then, a stewardess walked past and I quickly removed my hand.

“You want more?” She turned and teased again.

“How?” I quizzed.

“Heard of mile high club? That’s for people that had done it in the air.

With that she led my hand and move up of her seat. She led me to the toilet near the curtain separating the business and economy class. She pushed opened the toilet door.

“Get in quick!” and she joined me.

In there she made me sit on toilet bowl while she had one leg on the edge of the toilet bowl I was sitting and the other stepping on the sink.

From above me she said, “Lift my skirt up for your surprise”.

I did as was told and could see she wore nothing by white stocking.

“Eat me!” she said and I obligated. She was moaning so loud I was afraid people from outside could hear us but the adrenaline pushed me further. Soon I pulled down my pants and attained the mile high club membership.

We must have made a lot of noise because when we finally appear outside the toilet there were quite a few passengers outside watching us. A guy gave me the thumbs up while an old lady kept shaking her head. It was a proud moment for me.

We touched down on time and headed for a rest plus more sex. The conference on the next day went by swiftly. The difference this year was that I was having great sex. I have arranged for 2 bogus meetings over the next 2 days so Molly and I could experiment further and hopefully I could try a nice threesome.

Molly said she wanted to go out for a walked and I accompanied. We got a cab at the hotel entrance and instructed the cab driver to bring us to one of the major shopping area. We were chatting away when I realized the road we were on became narrower and narrower while the building became lesser and lesser.

Suddenly, the cab stopped and 2 big men opened the passenger side door and got in from both side squeezing us to the middle. The cab than continued to sped forward.

The smaller man flashed a gun at us and asked us to keep quiet. I was in shock and so was Molly. I just hoped all they were after was our money. I kept holding onto Molly and told her she would be fine.

The cab went off the road and stopped at a deserted hut. I felt a blow on my head and lost consciousness.
Old 18-07-2005, 03:51 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction

Nice. Getting drama liao ....
Old 18-07-2005, 04:11 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


I was waked by a splash of water on my face. My vision was a blur it took me a while to focus. I saw 3 men standing in front of me. On of them still holding to a bucket. Another one smiled and knelt down next to me.

“We want to show you something” he said in heavily accented English.

When I stood up I saw Molly was tied to a bedpost, her clothes all torn.

“Oh My God!” was my first response then I felt anger. “Bastard! Bastard!” I spat at one of them but missed.

“We had fun with her but we need money too” the same man said again.

“I would give you all my money if you leave her alone” I said sensing some hope.

“I have some cash in my hotel safe, I will give you the password and you can find the access card of the hotel room in my wallet.” I said a little to urgently.

“But you must let her go first.”

The guy with the bucket immediately said something in Thai to the English speaking guy. The English-speaking guy laughed.

“My dear friend here” pointing to the bucket guy “said he have not had his fun with your lady friend so he would need to have a go too”

“NO! no way, either you set her free or no password!” I screamed.

“Or I could kill you with this gun” the English-speaking guy said.

The bucket guy went to the English-speaking guy’s ears and said something. A wide evil smile formed on the English-speaking guy.

“He said you have an option. He could either do her or you. You choose”

I almost fainted when I heard what he said but I knew there was only one option. Molly had suffered enough I could never possibly let her suffer more.

“Let her go and you could do whatever you want from me just don’t kill me” I finally said.

Just then we heard police siren blasting through. The 3 guys panicked and ran out of the hut. We were left alone.

“Are you ok Molly? I am sorry. I am so sorry!” I cried.

“I am fine” she said faintly.

We waited for the police to turn up but after half an hour there was no sign of any help. I managed to fight myself lose from the ropes tying me and released Molly. We then moved out of the hut and walked about 2 km before getting a cab. I asked the cab driver to bring us to the nearest police station but Molly insisted to go back to the hotel.

In the hotel, we rested and Molly said she wanted to leave the place as soon as possible and she don’t want to get the police involved. I agreed and soon we were back in a Singapore hotel, as we were not supposed to be back so soon.

Once in Singapore, Molly seems to forget about what happened in Bangkok. I did not want to asked because I was worried it would make her felt worst. I was sure she was blocking whatever that had happened.

I was surprised when she climbed down to my lower body that night and we had amazing animal sex.
Old 18-07-2005, 04:37 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


This Molly girl was sick. I mean she was really sick. In my line I had all sort of requests but hers tops them all. This was not the first time we did this for her. It was supposed to be easy money. All we had to do was to kidnapped them, threaten them a little, a little more acting and done. But no, she wanted the real thing. Instead of us staging her rape, she wanted us to actually rape her. The first time we do it she accused us for not being rough enough. But when we got rough she reacted with such vigor. I thought she enjoyed the fighting back and the rape as much. I even charged her extra for the rape and she paid up without any complains.

This Kevin was lucky he said the right thing. The British guy was not so lucky. He had chosen to let her be raped again and she had cursed him and virtually screamed at us to give him a good beating. When we finally stopped the British guy mumbled that chose to let them rape her again because she was already being raped. This pissed her off immediately so much so that she snatched the gun from me and fired onto his head at point blank range. She showed neither remorse nor feeling simply paying us an extra US$1,000 to bury him. This was the first case of death since I worked with her; in the past those guys were usually bashed up, raped with their pictures taken. Kevin was the first guy she had bought that chose to protect her. But somehow, I did not think that he would be this lucky for long. The woman was crazy.
Old 18-07-2005, 04:44 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


He actually loved me! He was willing to sacrifice himself for me! After all these years of abuse, I finally found true love. That night I made love for the first time. It was love making not just sex because I knew he would die for me. I changed my mind. He changed everything. I finally found my man and I would never let him leave me. NEVER. He would surely leave his wife for me, I was sure. After all he loved me enough to die for me, he would never do that for his wife.

The edge of the table looked clearer now. Whatever I was doing, it was for the goodness of the two of us. It was well worth it. I smashed my head against the table edge. I looked into the mirror to inspect the wound. It was not obvious enough. I smashed my head onto the table again and again until I was happy with it. This was easier than the cigarette burn. Maybe that was because I was in love.
Old 18-07-2005, 04:56 PM
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Re: Fatal Attraction


I was freed! I still could not believe it. After 9 months I was freed from being a sex slave to the monster. Out of nowhere, Molly came into the room. I was prepared for another round of torturing sex with her but instead he threw a large vanilla envelope onto the bed.

“I have no more use for you now. These are all the film and photo of you. Take them and leave immediately”

The nightmare had ended. It all started with a casual pick up in a local pub. I thought I was lucky that night. I ended up being lucky for 3 straight months before being raped by 3 Thai guys. She had used the pictures to blackmail me to do all sorts of sex acts with her. Whoever said that there was no such thing as too much sex was so wrong. I had nightmare every night, not from the rape but by the way Molly treated me. I did not know what happened but most important I am freed. I would never go near that woman. EVER!
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