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Re: The Garden
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Re: The Garden
Steven gave Dawn a hard slap as she fall on the floor.
Steven: Slut! Did you hit him purposely? You are trying to tell me that I'm not good enough for you right? Dawn: No.. Steven... it was really accidental... he just dashed out suddenly... Steven: Enough! He said as he slammed the liquor bottle on the table. He splashed the cup of liquor on her face. And pulled her near his face. Steven: You bloody slut. Let me REMIND you again. You are not entitled to answer back. You understand you cheap slut. He pushed her aside then asked the mamasan to send new girls in. He spat on her face. Steven: Get out. Piece of shit. You bloody hell spoilt my mood. GET OUT! He said as he threw a stack of notes on her face. Steven: Pick it up! Pick it up like a dog! Hahaha hahahhaha! Dawn bit her lips as she wiped his spit off and picked it up. Steven walked to her and kicked her hard on her stomach. Steven: Cheap. You are really cheap! Now take the money and go! Steven was the only child of a rich businessman. Spoilt and rotten to the core, he was one who loved to flaunt his assets and wealth, spends without thinking, loves to flirt and reserves girls, keeping them as his pets. He was often told off by his dad, but he refuses to listen but being the only child has its perks. Dawn's face was bruised a little as she covered it with her hands. Mamasan: Are you being hit again? Dawn... please.. you know that...you can... Dawn stopped her from continuing. Dawn: I can do it... just a little more... Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
I stared at Snow.
Me: How do I do that? Snow: Bring me out, please. Me: Ok. But to where? Snow: Wherever you want. Me: Wherever? Snow: Yes wherever? Me: But what do we do after? Snow (in an irritated voice): Whatever you want. Can you stop asking questions and go? Me (in a daze): Alright then. So we go out like this? Need to tell anyone? Snow: ArgghhhH! Just go! Her attitude made me jump. She grabbed my hands and showed me out of the ktv. It was a quiet night out there. Snow: Where's your car? Me: At home. Her attitude suddenly changed. Snow: God. Who did I hook up with? A dimwit? Me: What did you say? Snow: Nothing. Me: Why were you crying? Snow: ... Me: Did anything happen? Snow: ... Me: Erm.. Snow: Just shut up! Sharks! I'm going back! You are... you are... you are so bloody BORING! Give me your wallet! Me: For? Snow went red with annoyance as she turned and ran back. I stood there, not knowing what I had done wrong. Puzzled. I went to hail a cab. But in a distance I thought I saw Dawn sitting at a corner with another lady. Curious, I went to see what was happening. She was weeping. My eyes captured her expressions, but I knew approaching her would be a big mistake. I hailed the cab and headed home. Strangely enough, I took the carving tools and continued my works till dawn broke, eager to finish it and start on a new one in the backyard. But deep in me, I was yearning to know more about her. But how? Perhaps the cliche answer would be: YOU NEED A PLAN. I need a plan. But how? I scratched my head. Tried to think. And think. But nothing came to mind. I brushed off the thought and went back to chiseling. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
Re: The Garden
Just a little bit more.
I thought to myself as I added the finishing touch to the sculpture. A life sized one. A bit more on the right, pare a little on the left. I stood there looking at my finished piece, satisfied with what I have done. Now I cleaned up the place. Swept and washed. And washing the sculpture before covering it. Went for a bath and dozed off soon after. But soon I woke up, eager to start on the next piece. As I checked on my plants, I sat down and sketched out the next piece. Ryan called: Hey, shall we go to the ktv again? I bet you had a good time yesterday. Me: When? Ryan: Perhaps end week. You keen? Me: Sure. Ryan: Wow. Someone lost his virginity eh? And eager for more action? Me: Nothing happened yesterday. Snow stormed off just outside the ktv. Ryan: Say what? What happened? Me: Not sure too. Ryan: Uhhh.. ok we talk another time. Going meeting. Me: K. As I put down the phone, thoughts of Dawn came to mind. I knew I really needed a plan. I wanted to see Dawn. I wanted to talk to her. I'm in love with her. With a dose of determination, I headed out. To the library. Hoping to find books or novels. On relationships. Yes, I was such a blockhead. But I was sure I will be able to find something like a theory. Something like a plan. I smiled to myself as I combed my hair and headed out. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 Last edited by Coffeecans; 11-02-2014 at 02:12 PM. |
Re: The Garden
Going to the library had it's perks.
From the CSI angle to romantic and tactical approaches were there to be discovered. Penned down all the ideas. And stretched. A good 4 hours there. Now I was all prepared to draft out my plan. I shall officially call this: Plan to know Dawn. Set on my table, turned on the lamp, took out a chunk of papers and pens. Started to work on each step, taking the photocopies of the essential sections from the novels and guidebooks. Now. Step 1: Know someone through someone. And who might be the best person. Snow? Mamasan? Mamasan. Yes. Mamasan. I wore a huge grin on my face as I planned to go there this evening, without Ben nor Ryan. Just to find mamasan. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
I saw Mamasan some distance away and ran towards her direction.
Me: Mamasan! Mamasan! She stood there, shocked by the way I called her. Without saying a word, she gave me a knock on my head! Mamasan: Who the hell calls people like this and who are you? Me: My name is Max, mamasan. Mamasan: One more mention of that name I'm going to kick your bloody ass. Call me Mary. Me: Yes.. mama... Mary.. Mary: Yes? Why are you looking for me? Me: I.. would like.. to find out more... about... Mary: About who? Me: D.... aa..... Mary: Who? Me: Dawn. Her eyes opened wide. Mary: What? Me: Yea. Dawn. Mary: Why? Me: I... like her. Mary: Please... everyone tell me the same thing. Me: I saw her crying when she was talking to you that evening. She was very sad. Mary: It's none of your business. Me: Please. Can you tell me something about her? Mary: Go home toad. It's no use. Forget about her. Me: Why? Mary: Shut up! I am late already! Shoo! She said as she turned and walked away. I walked off dejected. But I was not going to give up. I wasn't paying much attention when suddenly I knocked onto someone again. This time it was Snow. She stared at me. And she seemed to know the reason why I was here. Snow: Zek. Sickening. You again. zek. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
Me: Hi Snow
Snow: You must be here to find information about that girl, isn't it? My eyes shone and she seem to notice it. Snow: Well, I can answer your questions. Me: Really? Snow: Ahem. But everything comes with a price. Can you afford it? Me: Yes. Snow: Good. I want you to book me the whole night today. And you follow everything I say. And no bargaining. Else it's game over. Snow's face gleamed with delight as she gestured for me to follow her as we got into a cab. Snow: Swissotel Stamford Hotel please. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
It would be very selfish of me to ask you to not post until you finish the entire story because the suspense is really killing me!! Keep up the good job bro!
PM to trade/exchange bra location. |
Re: The Garden
Snow might have been waiting for my face to turn pale.
The reaction she wanted should be: "Why are you taking me to some place so expensive? Can I afford it? What mess have I gotten into?" But my face was expressionless. It wasn't the money that I was going to spend. It was the info that I could get from Snow. I wanted to know more about Dawn. Snow: Go get a room. A deluxe one. I did as I was told. We went into the lift without saying a word to each other. Then she broke the silence. Snow: Why ain't you affected by the costs? You have to earn so long just to have a night's stay here right? I looked at her and smiled. Snow: Is she that important to you? Where has that nerd or idiot went to? We arrived at our room and Snow gasped seeing the room. She was jumping in joy. Perhaps it was her first time. She was so happy that she was screaming. Snow: I've finally had a chance to see and live in this room for a night! Gosh! I dreamt and heard so much about it! She jumped onto the bed and plunged her head deep in the pillows. Snow: This is just unbelievable! She took the pillows and hugged it tightly. Then she checked out the toilet. And screamed. She threw out her clothes one by one as she played with the shower. Suddenly she shouted at me. Snow: Max! Come! I need help! I went in and saw her stark naked on the tub. My eyes were locked at her body for a while when she shouted. Snow: Quit looking at me. Can you help me fill the tub with water? Me: You only have to press this. Snow: How did you know you country bumpkin. It must have been a lucky guess. Now get out. I did as I was told and the image of her naked body was locked in my mind. Snow was whistling happily in the shower. I just sat on the chair, waiting to pour her with questions. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
She took a long time in the shower as multiple questions came to mind.
I sat at the balcony, taking out the small sketchbook in my bag, and drew the delicate hands of Dawn. Her slender fingers with long and well shaped nails. Probably that would be the next piece I would be working on. The bathroom door opened and there Snow was, with her hair still wet from her shower, and the only thing covering her body was the white towel. Without much thinking, I pointed to her that the bathrobe was in the wardrobe. Me: Bathrobe is in the wardrobe. That must have pissed her. Snow: You blockhead! Can't you see the reason I draped myself with a towel? Me: Cos you don't have extra clothes? She ran forward to me and gave me a slap on my face. I was caught off guard and her motion caused her towel to drop on the floor. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
There stood a naked lady in front of me.
My very first seeing one. Snow was thin and I could see a bit of her ribs, her small breasts was hanging freely with a twenty cent sized pink nipples, erect probably due to the wind. Her tummy was flat and there was this brown patch, probably a birth mark beside her belly button. My gaze went down, her bush was full and black as it fully covered the triangle in between her legs. Her legs were thin yet it portrayed a sensuous feel. I was having a bulge already. She was quickly covering her assets as she scolded. Snow: Have you seen enough? Pay me! She said as she picked up the towel and took the bathrobe from the wardrobe. I was still sitting on the chair where the evening sky caught my attention. The sky was painted purplish orangey swatch and it looked as though we are part of the majestic artwork. Snow came charging to where I was until I turned and placed a finger on my lips. She was puzzled until I pointed outside the window. She was too caught by the scenery. The magic hour was here. In a closeup of her eyes, the clouds moved slowly. It was the most beautiful sight she had seen. Unknowingly she wrapped her arms around my shoulders as she leaned her head on me. Snow: It's so beautiful. Thank you. She smelled really good closeup and though I could feel my shirt getting wet, it felt as though time had stopped. I looked sideways to her and saw a sight that was really an unforgettable one. Snow was smiling and she was happy but on the side of her eyes, I could see tears forming. Her embrace tightened and I could feel the comfort. Sometimes there was no need for words to know whether that certain someone is comfortable or not. Or would this be described as chemistry? Deep in me I could feel her happiness at this moment. But what was her story like? And how Dawn's will be like? I wanted to ask her but I know she was now enjoying every moment of the magic hour. A moment that was framed in her heart. And so I waited. Perhaps she would pour everything out. That was how I felt, for I was lost in the stunning scenery too. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
Max lost in the stunning scenary and I lost in your story too!
The Garden & The Writer.
Give me a minute, I'm good. I have an hour, I'm great. Give me months, I'm invincible! Zap me if you wish but be a MAN and leave your nick, don't be a wussy and hide behind like a pussy. ![]() |
Re: The Garden
Dawn wore a forced smile when she entered the ktv room. Her face was still bruised but she had to keep on.
Mamasan: Dawn, are you ok? Do you need to rest? You don't look well. Dawn: I'm fine Mary. Is Chee Beng here today? Mary: Yes. He's in the usual room. Dawn: Got it. Mary: You don't have to do that Dawn. Dawn smiled weakly. She knocked the door and bought in the liquor and cups. To her surprise, he was trying to get fresh with one of the newbies and she was resisting his actions. Newbie: No sir, please... no.. Dawn: Hi King, your liquor is here. He turned and his eyes grew red with rage. Chee Beng (nicknamed King): Who ASKED you to come in! The girl quickly grabbed her clothes and wept at the corner. Dawn: She's new, King. He turned to the newbie and gave her a slap on her face. King: Come here! He dragged her in between his legs. King: Give me a blow. The girl looked at him, totally shocked by his request. She did not know what to do. A slap came upon her face again. King: Don't bloody waste my time. Is it money you are after? He took out a stack of notes and threw it on her face again. Dawn could feel herself boiling in rage too but she knew he was not to be trifled with. She put on a smile and said. Dawn: Don't be like this, King. Perhaps I can help you with that. She's too new for this. King stood up. And slapped Dawn again. King went close to Dawn and she could feel his breath on her face. King: You slut. Don't you question what the fuck I'm doing. I have no interest in old things. Get out. And look at that face. A slut would always be a slut. What do you want? Money? I have! He threw it hard at her face. Stacks and stacks, until her face was red. King: Is it enough? Then pick it up and go. Dawn squat down and took the money. Suddenly out came a kick towards her as she fell. King: Hahaha... how cheap can you get? King took the remaining stacks on the floor. King: You want this? Go on all fours and bark like a bitch. Dawn could feel her emotions boiling but she needed the money. Resigned to her fate, she did as she was told. There were tears on her eyes as King laughed. His attention soon wore out as he forced the new girl to do what he wants. That was all Dawn could do to help. The only thing is to ask Mary to handle him. Dawn cooped herself in the ladies and let her emotions flow. She was thinking to herself *How long must I still do this?* Mary could hear Dawn's cries. She too covered her mouth and silently wept in her heart *Poor child*. Coffeecans Reads http://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=345351 |
Re: The Garden
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