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Old 20-09-2005, 02:52 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

just play play on the surface is ok....just dont get too involved....

i hv a fren who owns a shop in Lavender...Like me, also like to cheong FL. One day he came across a so-call "nice" gal GL and fell for her. Help her extend visa and so on...

Now the gal hang out in his shop everyday, and he feed her $1500 every mth. But problem is, he's married!! And he is feeling the pinch now!!

So at the end of the day, we hv to ask ourselves: Is it worth it??
Old 20-09-2005, 03:02 PM
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Angry Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

china woman ,

of cos cant say 100% all bad, but still can safely say 99% are out for our money. hahaha

i have many friends hook up with those china woman, mind u, not those who come here to work in the flesh trade, but those factory girls doing operators job in those semi conductor industry etc.

got one damn jia lat now... the girl found out he fooling around (health centre, with PRC WL etc, not those long term , jus a one time type).
he is married to this girl, know her in SEAGATE...

married, was happy for 3-4yrs, then she got pregnant, then just after baby was born, he stupid and let her found out he visit a WL, then all hell break loose.

she ask him to transfer around 60K+ (joint account, but mostly his savings), to her personal account. he lan lan, cos she said wants to control his money , so he cant fool around. he did it.

then she start scolding him, hitting him daily, punch and kicks. luckily he is big size, she is small size, so not much visible injury. Cut in pieces all the clothes she had buy for him, throw a 21" tv on the living floor, smashes his hp into pieces, copy down all his friends and relatives hp into her notebook, threatening to call every single one of them to tell them he 's been unfaithful to her.

funny thing is , i ask him to use his credit care and cash advances 5k to lend me ,i was paying 24% interest etc. she called me up, she got the guts to call me up!! ask me to pay her back her $5k!! knn, i was paying interests monthly, and i dun think its her monthly etc.. to not create problem for my friend, i pay him back the $5k.
the moment she got to knows i pay up the money, she was nice to him, ask him to go ATM with her, transfer the $5k to her account, then she forget everything, for the sake of the baby, my friend agrees.
guess wat happen straight after she transfer the money.

she went to a hardware shop, buy a new lock.. then she walk fast back home 1st, ask my friend to get some groceries, by the time my friend was back hme, he saw a new lock at his hse, and she dont allow him in anymore!!
his parents came down, also no use, she already turn "crazy", and wont listen to anyone. so now he is throw out of his hse, staying with his parents.

she took the money, spend 2 weeks at beautfort hotel at sentosa, went back to china for holiday with her mum (her mum she apply for her to come over before the baby was born), buy new hp, spend $$ on this and that,
and insists my friend pay her $1k every month, if not she going to call everyone on the list, make the matter big etc..

shit man, he's in deep shit, i know he love the baby, i advice him to forget abt her or baby, but i know deep down he still love her and baby, so he still willing to give the $1k, and is at her beck and call every single day if she need him to buy things for baby etc..

i think this happen to many sporean man also, sour marriage, and the wife think she is king!!

if sporean or msia girl find out abt affair of sporean man, they at most give him a few slaps and walk out, get a divorce , spilt the hse etc.
they wont go ask for his money.

for china woman, they FIRST ask to get all your money, then they willing to talk, and try to see u got more money for them or not.

they come all the way to spore to work, if its not for the money, why do u think they travel all the way here..

think of it my blood boil on behalf of my friend.
Old 20-09-2005, 03:07 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by chickenzip
i thought so too...they sure earn if open a D.I.Y shop.... :
hahaha... sure earn becos the prc will demostrate how to DIY put on the condom...

Originally Posted by Sexatronic

Now the gal hang out in his shop everyday, and he feed her $1500 every mth. But problem is, he's married!! And he is feeling the pinch now!!

So at the end of the day, we hv to ask ourselves: Is it worth it??
so many prc girls in GL, why need to "feed" one with $1500/mth?
Old 20-09-2005, 03:07 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Those PRC on student pass working in KTV, beware of them. They are not as innocent as you think...sure they are SYT and will look so innocent, macham like kena force to work in KTV to survive...don't fall for the scam...they should have know better they are here to study and money will be an issue...

I once encounter a student mei at ICA. She was fumbling with the visa form to fill and I help her. Look wise, very sweet and innocent...heart straight away number and sent back(stays around Jalan Besar). I decided to hang around and trail her. Around 6pm, saw her come dressed up and saw her enter a KTV...never call her again...

Around my workplace there is a hostel whereby many PRC gals working in fty will stay...whenever I am going back around 7 plus, can see hordes of them, all dolled up and dressed sexily, waiting by the road side for their Robert to pickup...

PRC gals are smart and cunning. Don't dream of free bonk with them. At the end , they always want something back...and it is not love tender care.
Old 20-09-2005, 03:26 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by cereal-killer
2) She buys an LV belt - WRONG SIZE ??? Its Size 34.
Now, if I am a girl buying a <a href="" onmouseover="window.status='gift for'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">gift for</a> My Man, would I be able to tell the size ?
or at least check the waist line of pants. If she buys a 34, wouldn't the person wearing be around 25-27 waist line ? Which MAN have such a waist line ?

3) If I am a PRC woman, buying a belt for a 70 year old. Would I choose a SILVER buckle or a GOLD buckle ? I would choose a GOLD buckle for ausipicious purposes since he is 70 year old. Correct ? Why a SILVER ?

I've concluded that the belt has been purchased originally by some one else, for her ( the belt size ), and she doen't like it and gives it to another man ( to change size )

What do you think ? I also feel she's setting up a honey trap for big bear to eat.

middle size man wear 34 very common mah! then wear what? 28? i dunno what u mean when u say 25 - 27.

why would anyone buy a mens belt for a woman? the design n cut very different wor!

anyway dont care got honey trap or not. just swop to another goods like wallet or bag then sell lor! preferably 2 another prc.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 20-09-2005, 03:55 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

And here is my very own tale of woe.

She's a waitress whom I met some time ago last year. Saw her, chatted with her, enjoyed talking to her, bought her a couple of drinks.

Turned up at her place more often after that, she seems nice. Very concerned, lovely voice. Started to like her.

Time went by, she told me she didn't have a boyfriend. So I told her that I liked her and that would she mind me courting her? She said "only time will tell". So I thought, I really like her so I'll give it a shot.

Not much to tell, went down more and more. Did my best to take care of her.
Would slip her some money from time to time. Not much tho, whatever spare change i had. Try to send her home etc. Wait for her to finish work.

I did buy her a handphone, because she told me that it was spoilt.

After a while, things started (or so they seemed) to get better. She became more responsive. We went out for dinner a few times. We started holding hands. And I was hoping that things would get better, because I genuinely had feelings for her.

To me, money is not an issue. I'm fortunate to have a very well-paying job.

And then first I got a punch to the stomach so hard that all the wind was knocked out of me. She introduced me to a few friends, who seemed to like me. One evening, there was this new guy there. Something was wrong I felt.

The next day I called her, and she told me that she's actually married (!) That was the punch to the stomach. She told me she's separated. Fine and good, I've been out with separated women before.

Then came the next hook to the head. That new guy? her boyfriend.

I was gutted brothers. I was gutted. I was simply rendered speechless. I did not know what the fuck to do. Every gamut of emotion? I went through it. I was sad, angry, hurt, frustrated. I told myself "ENOUGH!"

But did I learn my lesson, no i didn't. Not one single bit.

She went back to China and came back after a month. She messaged me asking "how I was" I replied "I'm all right." Immediately all the feelings came back. I should have just ignored her bloody message.

Instead, I agreed to meet her. We talked for a bit, I had too much to drink and I poured everything out to her. She told me a little more about herself. So I figured...what the hell...I'll try again.

For the past 2 months, I have only had 3-4 hours sleep per night. Every night I am with her, sending her home. After a time, she became more responsive. She would message me, asking me where I was. And fool that I am, I went down running to her. And I get up early. Every day at 7.30 a.m.

I don't really know what to make of her. She obviously cares for me, we've shared tears together, kissed, cuddled. I can see that she enjoys spending time with me. She doesn't allow me to overspend.

Her friends tell me that she can't just break up with her first boyfriend, she doesn't have the heart. She is also having other problems, which she is very unwilling to share with me.

Yet I am unwilling to give her up. I told myself...I will do this with my eyes open, as I have invested a lot of time, a lot of emotion and a lot of feelings into this relationship. Whatever time I can spend with her I will, and I bear no ill-will towards that.

She has told me to wait for her till next year.

The problem is that I don't know what the hell is going on. And it frustrates the fuck out of me. For that matter, I don't allow it to affect my work. I still get my shit done.

But I don't know how long I can last. I am trying to take it easy, not to think so much, but so many images run through my brain that I do not know what to think. But i guess i love her, so I'll see it through to the bitter end.

And let me tell you guys. It hurts. It hurts so bad that sometimes death seems to be preferable. But yet I soldier on. Until the day i drop.

So let this be a warning from a poor benighted soul who has reached his wits end. If you can end it fast, end it fast. Else you will end up like me.

Take care my brothers.
When you have walked my path of pain and suffering
you will understand my need for revenge and to inflict pain on those who have betrayed me
As a scorpion bides its time to strike so shall I wait for that moment to obtain my vengeance
And my mocking laughter shall be the last thing they hear.
Old 20-09-2005, 03:56 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by SanPiPa
china woman ,
wah piang why your friend still gong gong stand there for her to slaughter....haiz but i pity your friend cos no matter what even if he divorce her under local law...he still loses half his asset to her...

i understand it is different in china...if a couple divorce and if the marriage is less then a certain number of years, the woman actually cannot get the guy asset if it is obtained a few years before their marriage...
Old 20-09-2005, 04:09 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by Lowell
And here is my very own tale of woe.

Bro Lowell, my sympathies to you..i can really relate to your story thou mine actually involved a local be head over heel in love without someone it can really distort your judgement on many things...
Old 20-09-2005, 04:17 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by Frankiestine
Bro Lowell, my sympathies to you..i can really relate to your story thou mine actually involved a local be head over heel in love without someone it can really distort your judgement on many things...
That make three of us! i can understand how you guys feel..can seem to get her out of my head...we are still friends btw..and each time we spoke on the phone, or catchup for a meals..i always have to remind myself not to fall back in to the trap again...yet asking me to stop seeing her is just like those coma patients in ICU wards..take out the will get a flatliner!
Old 20-09-2005, 04:18 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

You still can find good loving mei mei in China but most of those who comes here are for a motive...make money! Why else you think they want to travel several thousand miles away from home? Most of them has heard stories from their mates about how good money can be earn in S'pore.

I had a recent KTV gal on social visit pass. She was so naive believing all the crap stories her mates told her. One night can earn $300/- and I told her, yah right...she even expect me to give her tips of $100/-, as this is the rate her mates told her she can get...I call her mate in and ask her who teach her that...she just quiet and left. She has gone back already as she was so disheartened by the reality here. Send her off to airport and give her $50/-. She offers a weak smile and say that's all she earn in S'pore, not even enough to cover her air ticket that she has borrowed the money from relatives to buy. I was soft hearted for a while but heng, I did not give in. Contact her when she return and can hear she was in a KTV somewhere in China(maybe Macau?). She told me she feeling down, that's why come out to sing song...yah right.
Old 20-09-2005, 04:33 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by dt3305
Send her off to airport and give her $50/-. She offers a weak smile and say that's all she earn in S'pore, not even enough to cover her air ticket that she has borrowed the money from relatives to buy. I was soft hearted for a while but heng, I did not give in. Contact her when she return and can hear she was in a KTV somewhere in China(maybe Macau?). She told me she feeling down, that's why come out to sing song...yah right.
souonds like total bs to me too.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 20-09-2005, 05:31 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Guys please be fair, I agree that there are bad potatos out there but not very one is bad. In Singapore there is also such cases, gals take boy money then run away... I do agree the ratio of 80% are not trustworthy but there r still 20% that still are.

I have met a lot from KTV to normal working class, let me start one story of the 80% F up population.

I came to China in 2003 as a perm staff, life was sucky then. I begin to fool around and there is this gal who I fancy and just wanted to bed her. I was told by her that she don anyhow go out with customer lah, people offer her RMB$10,000 also she turn down blah blah and shit shit.. After a month of trying I gave up and change target, then I heard from 1 of my Taiwanese friend that he managed to bed her.

T for Taiwanese
S for Singapore

T "A u never try xx huh??"
S "No lah don allow leh"
T "Sure or not?? I managed to bed her 2 days ago."
S "Huh???"

So u know the story liao...

That guy botak and old, so don think so much...

For the 20% trust me, I met a lot of China ladies that have such fine calibrate that can put Singapore women to shame. The fact that these ladies are educated, rich and born in good places.

I also have recieved gifts of S$1000 from these ladies, they never save on all these. But these are minor minor group, so don think too much guys.

Old 20-09-2005, 05:46 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

Originally Posted by SanPiPa
china woman ,
beware. for china woman, they FIRST ask to get all your money, then they willing to talk, and try to see u got more money for them or not. think of it my blood boil on behalf of my friend.
Tats why china women get cut up. I dun pity them as victims coz I think they deserved it. I will celebrate if another PRC bitch gets murdered again.

Lone_Wolf aka Itto Ogami
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Old 20-09-2005, 06:53 PM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

I think I considered myself lucky becos last year june 04, maybe I wasn't reading enuff from some of the threads here, I ended up spending $500.00 for a A cup Manchurian Gal from Man Zhou. And after some humiliation and reading enuff from some of the threads here, I decided that its true 戏子无情,婊子无义。Just $500 considered myself lucky, but only bonk her once. I was desperate to be loved then, looking back I can only smile at how foolish I was then. 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来却要赔到脱裤。This can be used to described me then too.
曾经沧海难为水, 除却巫山不是云。取次花从懒回顾, 半缘修道半缘君。
Old 21-09-2005, 12:55 AM
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Re: How many of us have been burnt by China Women?

This is true case that is current. There's this guy I know fell head over heels with a ktv girl who is a student here. He draws a 3k+ monthly salary, owns a small car, wife not working and has 3 kids. He would fetch the girl home after school everyday, sell his shares to pay for her school fees and her living expenses, and would book a small room at ktv to "support" her almost 2 - 3 times a week. When his money is used up, the girl avoided him like hell, ignore his phone calls, and went to work in other ktvs to stay away from him. He would call up the other ktv girls to look for her, and knn even cried in the ktv room when he poured out his sorrows to another ktv girl.

So beware ! Don't be a robert and a carrot head !
The word "polis" means city or community in Greek. There's BioPolis and FusionPolis at Science Park. So my nick actually means SBF community, not mata lah.

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