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Old 19-04-2014, 01:12 PM
eddtan1 eddtan1 is offline
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Cool Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Am joining in tonight's session...will post FR
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Old 19-04-2014, 05:21 PM
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Bro Asig, still waiting for your whatsapp msg lei...we are on the way down to venue liao
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Old 19-04-2014, 06:07 PM
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Bro...we are at the agreed venue and timing liao lei.
Horny and cock hard hard liao...
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Old 19-04-2014, 06:10 PM
dailyoriental dailyoriental is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

shit eddtan1, I should have posted my experience here earlier. this is a scam!!!
my bad, woke up late and totally forgot about this
boggie night for all
Old 19-04-2014, 06:12 PM
dailyoriental dailyoriental is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

evidence no.1
they started the party at 12midnight yet you can see uncle wong's fr 7am in the morning.
boggie night for all
Old 19-04-2014, 06:16 PM
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Originally Posted by dailyoriental View Post
evidence no.1
they started the party at 12midnight yet you can see uncle wong's fr 7am in the morning.
Bro dailyoriental...since we are here...will wait...
TS...waiting for your msg / PM / reply
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Old 19-04-2014, 06:16 PM
dailyoriental dailyoriental is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

evidence no 2.

I tried to approach him around 1am, when I was about to drive out for a supper from my place at raffles place, he happily agreed and asked me go pan pac lobby to meet. but with one condition: transfer room charge to him first so he can refund to the two "bros" who are alr there with the girls.
boggie night for all
Old 19-04-2014, 06:20 PM
dailyoriental dailyoriental is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

evidence no 3

of course I won't be so naive to do the transfer. so I replied, since the two bro have paid for the room, I can either bring along cash and pass it to you for their refund, or simply paid them seperately. and I asked for a number to contact him when I reAched. he gave me a number after me asking for several times, and request for exact change. well, a room at pan PAC, accd to him, cost 450, so my share will be 150. well if it's a suite, prob worths 450, but based on my banging experience in marina hotels, premier room costs less than 400 in pan PAC. but due to benefit of doubts, I let me pass
boggie night for all
Old 19-04-2014, 06:26 PM
dailyoriental dailyoriental is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

evidence no 4,

well I reached pan pax at 145am, called the number, a guy picked up, with noisy background, as if he just answered inside mink. I asked if he is asig. he said, wrong number!!! I checked the number and called again, same guy answered.

well the truth is revealed. this is a scam and asig is here to con pathetically for 150bucks. Com'on, it worths less than my supper later on. but I have fun, and spotted another scumbag in sbf

just one regret, I didn't post these immediate after my supper and woke up too late, so one or more sbf bros might be tricked. my sincere apologies to you guys.

and for the other bros out there, beware and let's zap this asig till he disappears from sbf. meanwhile, he seems to be a frequent visitors with many posts, Based on His reputation.
boggie night for all
Old 19-04-2014, 06:37 PM
eddtan1 eddtan1 is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Originally Posted by dailyoriental View Post
evidence no 4,

well I reached pan pax at 145am, called the number, a guy picked up, with noisy background, as if he just answered inside mink. I asked if he is asig. he said, wrong number!!! I checked the number and called again, same guy answered.

well the truth is revealed. this is a scam and asig is here to con pathetically for 150bucks. Com'on, it worths less than my supper later on. but I have fun, and spotted another scumbag in sbf

just one regret, I didn't post these immediate after my supper and woke up too late, so one or more sbf bros might be tricked. my sincere apologies to you guys.

and for the other bros out there, beware and let's zap this asig till he disappears from sbf. meanwhile, he seems to be a frequent visitors with many posts, Based on His reputation.
Thanks bro...cheers
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Old 19-04-2014, 06:52 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Originally Posted by asig View Post
Know this 2 Malay girls who are in need of cash urgently and willing to do orgie. Need at least 2 guys to start the session, maximum 4 guys at a time.

Session will be in a 4-5 star hotel minimum. I may or may not join depending on the number of attendees.

Definitely a cfm looker for the 2 minahs, stats as mentioned:
164cm 167cm
32b 36c
48kg 50kg

Interested bros please pm me

PS: for those interested, session will be held once all attendees are confirmed and a suitable date will be decided again to accommodate everyone schedule.
Hello TS....waiting to hear from you...
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Old 19-04-2014, 07:10 PM
Kuang209 Kuang209 is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls
Old 19-04-2014, 08:48 PM
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

So did anybody get cheated for $150?

Always remember use COD payment.

Cash on delivery.

Don't gong gong transfer your hard earn $$$, end up you will have to Pcc at night.

Best is don't bonk lah, join me for soccer to stay healthy
Part time Mercedes taxi driver Monday to Friday.

Fc Walabis
Old 19-04-2014, 09:23 PM
eddtan1 eddtan1 is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
So did anybody get cheated for $150?

Always remember use COD payment.

Cash on delivery.

Don't gong gong transfer your hard earn $$$, end up you will have to Pcc at night.

Best is don't bonk lah, join me for soccer to stay healthy
Right bro...let's kick off
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Old 20-04-2014, 06:07 AM
jason_ jason_ is offline
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Re: Orgie with 2 Malay girls

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
So did anybody get cheated for $150?

Always remember use COD payment.

Cash on delivery.

Don't gong gong transfer your hard earn $$$, end up you will have to Pcc at night.

Best is don't bonk lah, join me for soccer to stay healthy
another one, pinoy gangbang asking 300 per guy, also say transfer to account, i am not saying it is a scam but we advise against it. once money enter account, how to ensure service really provided?

the conman bank on the fact that you are too embarrassed to report to police that you transfer money to pay for gangbang on sex forum so is confident he will get off scotfree after cheating.
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