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Old 19-10-2005, 08:11 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Had she gone to see a proper doctor, her problem could have been solved with a SINGLE DOSE of antibiotics or a suppository.

Chinese Medicine is absolutely useless for most ailments.
No, she went to consult TMC on her parent recommendation. But I wouldnt agree with you on your assumption that MOST TMC prescriptions are useless. I had a friend who would rather prescribe to chinese med that going to GP whenever hes down with flu. Bingo! He recovered two days later! A living example that chinese medicine is second to none.

And I have a Malay friend...same...whenever hes down with flu, he took some jamu instead of panadol or flu med. Recovered the next day. Ini bukan dongging punya cerita. Ini living proof, BOSS!
Old 19-10-2005, 08:37 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

I would think its an infection, in my exp some girls are allergic to CD, so better to go check it out.
Make sure you go for a check up too, less embarassing for your gf to go by herself!
Take care bro
Old 19-10-2005, 10:55 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

Originally Posted by wolverman
And I have a Malay friend...same...whenever hes down with flu, he took some jamu instead of panadol or flu med. Recovered the next day. Ini bukan dongging punya cerita. Ini living proof, BOSS!
Your friend obviously didn't have flu. What he had was just a common cold.

Common colds are relatively mild and recovery occurs in a couple of days even if no medication is taken at all.

Chinese medicine does nothing but damage. If you want to sprout rubbish, do it somewhere else. Don't pollute this forum with this sort of nonsense. It misleads people into believing that snake oil will cure them of serious sexually transmitted diseases which is not the case.
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Old 21-10-2005, 10:04 PM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Chinese medicine does nothing but damage. If you want to sprout rubbish, do it somewhere else. Don't pollute this forum with this sort of nonsense. It misleads people into believing that snake oil will cure them of serious sexually transmitted diseases which is not the case.

I am appalled at the way you perceived things. TCM happened to be a reputable medical organisation and alot of testimonials can vouch for that. By working hand in hand with our medical authorities, it speaks volumes of how highly respected it is in the medical scene. To say that I sprout rubbish i.e TCM, is definitely something which is unjustifiable, given the high standing professionalism TCM exercises in the field of traditional medicine. I am not alone in promoting its strength, but alot others out there who had failed to get treated in local or foreign western GPs/Specialists, but had got invaluable help from TCM instead. These testimonials were repeated from time to time in the forum pages of the local papers, ST, if you had cared to read them i.e. if you had not been so critical and biased against TCM treatment. Every thursday ST, a special column is dedicated to TCM under the supplement section, "Mind your body". Judging from your biased opinion, Eu Yang Sang and those Chinese Free Clinic should cease operation! If you think I am sprouting rubbish, then you had to say the same to those who had their ailments treated/cured by TCM.

Anyway, I would like to bring to your attention, an incident whereby a well known HK anchor lady broadcaster, who met with an accident, and the doctors/surgeons in UK certified her "brain dead". However, her parents were not convinced and they brought a well known Chinese physician from China. With the latter experience in acupuncture and med prescription, the physician managed to "resurrect" her. Today, that lady broadcaster is well and up about! By sheer coincidence? A remote case? I dont think so. Now judging from this incident, was the application of chinese med and acupunture nothing but rubbish? I think you owe her and the Chinese physician an apology! If you think the above is rubbish, go ahead and zap me.

I oso find the statement "sprouting rubbish" thrown upon me insulting/degrading! I was merely advising bro teensex to consult TCM cos another bro rabitsu thought it could be 'bai dai" in Chinese term. It wasnt my intention to promote TCM. It came to mind as sheer coincidence while discussing the issue of "bai dai". If "veneral diseases" was mentioned, I would definitely advice to consult DSC. Such uncalled remark and coming from none other than Boss himself, SAMMYBOY, its something unthinkable and incomprehensible.

Since you have a personal grudge and biasness against TCM, I see no reason to prove otherwise. Its meaningless for me to prolong and discuss this issue. Western medicine has its strength. So is TCM. To each his own.

Bro teensex gf had a problem. At least I am sincere to advice to consult TCM. Whereas you simply advice him to wash his gf cunt b4 licking. Now, we let samsters here decide whos sprouting rubbish in the 1st place!
Old 12-11-2005, 05:38 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

Its just a matter of choice. When you have an immediate problem, do you want to resolve it fast or let it drag a couple of months. Maybe after you recover from your cold, you can get your TCM to improve your immunity so that you won't u kana flu so easily.

The HK reporter's doctor practise western medication. Many operation on her was performed. Acupunture work in combination for area such as pain relief and improve receptability in her case. It usually is such the case in terminal illnesses like Aids, Cancer etc when people will grab anything that might have a chance to die.

Do be careful too that alot of TCM has exceedingly high level of mercury, lead and other toxins so it might do more damage to your system. If the doctor from a renowed hospital misdiagnose you, your family can claim from the hospital after you are gone. Can you do the same from your bomoh or sinseh? Its another question to ponder upon.

Just my 2 cents.
Old 12-11-2005, 11:44 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

I am no Med doc, but since i'm in in the same field, i think its best that bro teensex bring his gf to consult a GP at the well women's clinic first. If its an infection, usually there'll be prescription of antibiotics/antifungal medication.

the key to maintaining a healthy urinary system is to have plenty of fluids, esp plain water.

but it DOES help too that once awhile, chinese herbal tonics can be drunk.

It IS a fallacy that all traditional chinese medicine contains HIGH levels of mercury. i think that brash comment was uncalled for. However, there ARE instances that certain over the counter chinese medication MAY contain levels of arsenic/mercury. Western medication oso do contain doses of such chemicals, just that its not THAT "reported"

to each medication its own.

best still consult a GP in this case.

good luck bro
Old 12-11-2005, 03:14 PM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

i believe he wants to bring her to a doctor..

the problem is, how to bring the matter up



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Old 12-11-2005, 03:47 PM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

Chinese medicine does nothing but damage.

what are you a doctor? that is such a sweeping statement...if traditional medicine is useless as you say why do yo think it has survived from ancient times till now? pervavsive use of antibiotics have led to super strain of don't be so dissmissive lah...
Old 12-11-2005, 03:48 PM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

bro..i hope your girlfriend gets better...
Old 12-11-2005, 03:54 PM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

I oso find the statement "sprouting rubbish" thrown upon me insulting/degrading! I was merely advising bro teensex to consult TCM Since you have a personal grudge and biasness against TCM, I see no reason to prove otherwise. Its meaningless for me to prolong and discuss this issue. Western medicine has its strength. So is TCM. To each his own.

Bro teensex gf had a problem. At least I am sincere to advice to consult TCM. Whereas you simply advice him to wash his gf cunt b4 licking. Now, we let samsters here decide whos sprouting rubbish in the 1st place![/QUOTE]

Well said lah bro!

this prick is like that...say we cannot tccss and ssshhing us up like some primary school kids...other threads like the Jakarta threads is like 70% tcsss he allows...i would lke o seehim ssshh the lau chiau in that thread but alas he is meek as a mouse...only pick on the newbies...what is great about your worthless points anyway...make my day lah...take em all away..
Old 13-11-2005, 03:01 AM
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Re: Uncontrolled Fluid

My pussy leaks all the time. Panty Liners are not enough so that is why I use Super Maxi Pads Feminine Napkins.
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