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Old 08-12-2005, 02:14 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by garcia23
Hi guys,

Im a newbie but just wondering if its safe to download videos from the links given from the SAMMY BOY EXCHANGE LINK PLAZA section?

Pls help to clear my doubts.
To be on the safe side, don't download.
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:43 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

All All, is this an adult question???
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:44 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

garcia23, run fast, not safe here. All bros & sis here will eat you, swallow you like King Kong.
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Old 08-12-2005, 03:23 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

i dun understand what u meant by "safe?"

do u mean safe as in free from virus? or u mean safe as in legal downloads?
Old 08-12-2005, 06:28 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by garcia23
If its illegal why some samsters still upload it there for us to download?
So we can identify those downloaders and blackmail them for $$$ to cheong mah.....

bro snakehead
Old 08-12-2005, 07:05 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?


Dun scare him lah........

Maybe Bro Cherri_Popper can help!! Paging Paging, Paging for Bro Cherri_Popper!!.

BTW, my own concept is that most of us download and upload stuffs that do not have copyrights, thus we should be quite safe......Unless (Touchwood) One day you get busted, and the police raid your house, I think you would have a whole lot of explanation to do, if your crime is a sexual relate offence.

Furthermore, like KAZZA and PTP is actually not legal, you might get caught, you can download, but you dun share!!! You want to share, you dont share so openly with copyrights stuffs........y do you think that we have MP3, MP4, WMA for?? If no use, than, apple and creative would have gone bust. Bottomline, for copyright stuff, you can download, but dun share, if you want to share, you share it discretely!!

Just my 2 cents
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Old 08-12-2005, 10:16 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

iirc and imho

no porn are cover under IP law
but all porn are illegal in sg

correct me if i m wrong brother
Old 08-12-2005, 10:22 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Every thing is legal unless u get caught. U may not be caught today but eventually u may.
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Old 09-12-2005, 10:20 AM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by garcia23
Hi guys,

Im a newbie but just wondering if its safe to download videos from the links given from the SAMMY BOY EXCHANGE LINK PLAZA section?

Pls help to clear my doubts.
I heard Av clamping down on underaged sch boy in sammyboy.U better becareful cause they monitior this site. If u get caught ,they will send letter to ur sch then u will kena public canning.
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Old 09-12-2005, 10:22 AM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by GoldenMonkey1

Bottomline, for copyright stuff, you can download, but dun share, if you want to share, you share it discretely!!

Har like tat where is the sb spirit of sharing?
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 09-12-2005, 11:08 AM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by GoldenMonkey1

Dun scare him lah........

Maybe Bro Cherri_Popper can help!! Paging Paging, Paging for Bro Cherri_Popper!!.

BTW, my own concept is that most of us download and upload stuffs that do not have copyrights, thus we should be quite safe......Unless (Touchwood) One day you get busted, and the police raid your house, I think you would have a whole lot of explanation to do, if your crime is a sexual relate offence.

Furthermore, like KAZZA and PTP is actually not legal, you might get caught, you can download, but you dun share!!! You want to share, you dont share so openly with copyrights stuffs........y do you think that we have MP3, MP4, WMA for?? If no use, than, apple and creative would have gone bust. Bottomline, for copyright stuff, you can download, but dun share, if you want to share, you share it discretely!!

Just my 2 cents

eh brother. wrong theory lahz. PTP & Kazaa is legal stuffs. As long as you stick to the correct path, and not download the legal stuffs. There's pple who uses this technology to download opensource or freeware. BUT if you download the You-Know-What-Is-Not-Legal stuffs then it will be illegal.

And hey small bro.. if you wanna see porn and be safe? Try going to countries where it is legalized. you will be safe there.
Old 09-12-2005, 03:35 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

to the thread starter... there is a sticky at the download section that says "Please read before you post any movie" ...... u will find all answers there.

and Goldenmonkey1

sorry to say... your 2 cents is going to get some fools in real deep shit! do some research first before you post next time.

Originally Posted by GoldenMonkey1

BTW, my own concept is that most of us download and upload stuffs that do not have copyrights, thus we should be quite safe......Unless (Touchwood) One day you get busted, and the police raid your house, I think you would have a whole lot of explanation to do, if your crime is a sexual relate offence.

Furthermore, You want to share, you dont share so openly with copyrights stuffs........y do you think that we have MP3, MP4, WMA for?? If no use, than, apple and creative would have gone bust. Bottomline, for copyright stuff, you can download, but dun share
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Old 09-12-2005, 06:32 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by Big Sexy

sorry to say... your 2 cents is going to get some fools in real deep shit! do some research first before you post next time.

Bro, no worries, thats just my concept mah.....I dont even know my concept is wrong......lucky i post, if not i might never till the day i RIP....hehe..

Thanx for the clarification.

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Old 09-12-2005, 06:35 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
Har like tat where is the sb spirit of sharing?
Haha...this is only applicable to the thread starter........

Most of the Bros here all share openly mah......hehehe....

The spirit of SB never dies.....

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Old 09-12-2005, 06:42 PM
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Re: Is it safe to download?

i think you are worried that police will trace those who download porno stuff on the net.
By rite, they can trace and arrest everyone. But there are so many ppl on SB, how to arrest everyone?
Just like mp3, police only catch ppl who share thousands of mp3 on the net. THey dun catch small flies who download only a few songs. But legally, they can catch everyone...
Only take care, if you spot some video of underage sex, then better dun download because i heard police(interpol) are very strict on pedophilic stuff on the net. Anyway, if there are such stuff on SB, the guy would be zapped to nuts...we SB ppl most have good integrity ones..
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