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View Poll Results: Which is better?Be Single or Marry?
Single 79 70.54%
Marry 33 29.46%
Voters: 112. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 07-09-2014, 02:34 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

single can fuck around !
Old 10-09-2014, 10:49 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Single has no commitment and stress...Loneliness is just a disease.
Old 15-09-2014, 12:54 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

If wanna drink milk , drink outside and dont bring a cow back....
Old 15-09-2014, 11:25 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

There is no right or wrong or better or worst answer.
Depends on which stage or how u want ur life to be.
If u want to have more freedom/no curfew of coz single is better.
If u want someone to cook or do hsehold chores for u n yet dun want to get marry then hire a maid better
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Old 16-09-2014, 12:44 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Single of course
Old 16-09-2014, 09:10 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

After ANALysing the difference

Marriage- (If you can manage ur finances and your loved ones)
1)Support- can rely on your partner/children when the going gets tough
2)Family activities-Never lonely if big family, having fun,etc
3)Passionate raw sex
1)Expensive to bear and nurture children
2)Limited time to spend with family due to work commitments,child's schooling, cannot go on holiday whenever you feel like it etc.

Marriage- (If you fuck it up)
1)No Support- cannot rely on your partner/children when the going gets tough.
2)Lonely even though having a Family, everybody do their own shit.
3)Expensive to bear and nurture children
4)Limited time to spend with family due to work commitments,child's schooling etc.
5) Women's charter- pay for pussy you can't fuck(till she remarries or either one of you die)

Single-(If you can manage ur finances)
1)Support-Enough savings to hire help when the going gets tough-Old age,sickness,etc.
2)Money-More expendable income due to less commitments
3)Companionship-Can hire different escorts each time you feel lonely
4)Freedom -More time to do the things you want,anytime you want
5)Sex on a menu- Browse thru SBF when looking for next pussy to fuck.
1)Limited raw sex

Single-(If you are broke)
1)No Support-no savings to hire help when the going gets tough-Old age,sickness,etc.
2)No Money-No fun
3)No money-No honey
4)Sex on a menu- Petain or desker road
5)Limited raw sex

Being married or single is like a difficulty choice in a game, high risk high reward.

Harder to manage finances and the hearts of your loved ones,but if you can pull it off, you are better off than a successful person whom is single.

However if you fuck up your life, its better to be single than to be married.

But for me i view it in a simple manner-"eat the same meal for breakfast,lunch and dinner everyday until death do us part? I rather have a menu"
Old 17-09-2014, 08:55 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Being single or married is a legal status.

Can be single and have a permanent companion.
This is the best of both worlds, if can find a like minded companion.

Such an arrangement will ensure nobody takes each other for granted, and will treasure each other more. Can live lives exactly like a married couple.

Old age need not be lonely if ppl have the correct mindset. Many old ppl are lonely simply because they are impossible to live with. Forever expect others to serve them, got CB mouth, frustrated, naggy etc.

Sg ppl need to learn from the humble and independent Japs!
Old 17-09-2014, 09:36 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Originally Posted by is not enuff View Post
Russell Peters FTW!

because govt reward married with LOTS of tax subsidies or incentives, otherwise there is no need to get married. having a companion and constantly in love is good... but unfortunately govt REWARD marrieds and tax single 10x more. singles are for married people to use them both in married affairs (to be xiao san end up single get hurt for both single male/female) and monetary sense (pay more tax).

so whats the point of being single with freedom?!

be married and can abuse single people! isn't this best of both worlds?! lols!

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Old 17-09-2014, 11:59 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

MBA, married but available, just dun hurt any one knowingly. Eat outside, keep low profile, end of day goes home to your partner, never neglect your loved ones, just spread your love around evenly. Micro-manage your lifestyle, you still can feel like a single when you're married.
Second Upz by :
Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

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Old 18-09-2014, 10:36 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Originally Posted by Botakhead View Post
MBA, married but available, just dun hurt any one knowingly. Eat outside, keep low profile, end of day goes home to your partner, never neglect your loved ones, just spread your love around evenly. Micro-manage your lifestyle, you still can feel like a single when you're married.
But very stressful.....need to lie everytime....
Old 18-09-2014, 11:52 AM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Marriage is like a commitment between two parties...If you want to get married, best not to fool around outside...After all how would you feel if you find out your spouse cheating behind your back....

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Old 18-09-2014, 01:13 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Originally Posted by Kuan Aik Hong View Post
But very stressful.....need to lie everytime....
This is a very dangerous game, need luck all the time, need skill to be honed well in order to execute the 'job' accurately without making a stupid blundering mistake. Telling lies and being honest all worked into one big equation, end result is to be happy and alive, without causing hurt to anyone and enjoy life at it's best.

Not easy to actually carry it out, James Bond also need a lot of training to becum a top agent.
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Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

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Old 18-09-2014, 01:16 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

Originally Posted by maxsee View Post
Marriage is like a commitment between two parties...If you want to get married, best not to fool around outside...After all how would you feel if you find out your spouse cheating behind your back....
If you want to eat outside, also must be big hearted to allow your partner to eat out too. If you want everything to yourself, that is selfish on your part.

If you are sincere and faithful, your partner eats outside without you knowing, will you get suspicious?
Second Upz by :
Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

Small dick never mind, small mind have no dick.
Old 18-09-2014, 03:00 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

At this current modern society ,human has change alot and no longer like past generations whereby marriage is a life time guarantee. Be it guys or gals the mentality has change and both are equally selfish . There is no perseverance and patient . My point is to stay single and dont have much stress .
Old 20-09-2014, 07:30 PM
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Re: Which is better? Single or Marry?

For me, i prefer single
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