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Old 11-05-2006, 03:00 PM
Minimum1000 Minimum1000 is offline
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Re: Thai Sexperience

Actually, I already finished this chapter last Thursday, but I think I should rewrite this chapter again because the old one didn't have any coherent with last chapter so that I will newly write chapter 3 and the chapter4 may post sooner.
My typing and English are so poor therefore I need to type in short forms or fragments sometimes because I can’t stop flowing story in my head (I’m going to forget it).

Chapter 3

Should I Take Her Friend Too
I have read many stories about 3some or sandwich, and had a chance to try once. However, I didn’t work well at all because I never ever think about doing 3some or sandwich because I don’t like anyone to take their eyes on me while I was doing my job.
My only first and last effort was very awkward because of my vacillation.
Car(toon) took 2 girls (FLs) to my room and asked me to choose one because another gal would go for another customer. I looked at both of them. While one gal was very young, fair skin and cute but small breast (Cup A), another gal, Jen, was pretty and got a gorgeous body but seemed to be hurry-scurry. I picked M who has small breasts; because I thought I can spend longer quality time with her than Jen.
It wasn’t bad because her body was very nice, smooth skin, tight strait and teenage smell. However, her response was a bit clumsy and no bbbj. She asked me to stay overnight with her while we were bathing together, but I already made an appointment with my friends on that Saturday night, so I gave her a rain check to go for dinner and movie.
I called Toon couple days later asking for Jen. Toon joked me “What have you done to M?”
I said that I don’t know and ask what’s going on and what’s happening to her. Toon chortled and asked whether I want Jen to go or repeat M again. I didn’t understand why she asked me that question. She said M told other gals that I was nice and promised her to go with her again. In my mind, I already decided to take Jen but my foolish mouth replied Toon that if both of them are available, I’ll take both.
Toon was quiet but she was probably quiet because of asking those two gals. I didn’t get the answer, so I expected Jen to come to my room. 20-30 minutes later, I saw Jen in front of my door but when I invited her to my room, M also followed her to my room quickly. I wasn’t shock, but didn’t know what to do because not preparing to this kind of situation.
I talked to both of them about cloth and fashion to build up atmosphere to get me and those gals get in to comfort zone. Not take so much time, Jen went for showering and left me with M. I have time to make private conversation with her about what happening before they came to my room. She said Toon asked her whether she want to do sandwich job with Jen or not. She refused but decided to accompany Jen to my room because she knew the direction and my room number. However, she changed her mind when she arrived, and she just followed Jen into my room. I asked her so Jen didn’t know about this.
She didn’t answer my question but told me Jen had sandwiched and 3somed experience, but she never had once, so she wanted to try. Jen came back from bathroom and ask us to take shower. I already did so I bye. M went to bathroom and I didn’t want to start until M was back so I was chit chat with Jen.
We talked about her experience on sandwiching. She said she had experienced 1 times on 2 men one gal and couple times for sandwiching moreover she did experience lesbian too. I asked about M, she told me that M and she studied in the same high school but she was retired before graduated while M was graduated last year. Jen worked as a sideline 2 years ago (that’s mean she only in grade 10 or 11), but now she worked as a FLs because she made a lot of money and travel around (I know later on that she also doing drug) Jen feel M was taking shower too long so she ask me to start because she was cold because of air condition. I looked for remote control to increase temperature, but she hugged me and told me this can make her warm. Jen’s techniques were far much better than M. Her tongue worked like snake’s tongue and her nice body was inviting my hands and mouth to touch and seek for secret flavor all over her body. M came back but she went back in bathroom again however I didn’t feel to ask her anything anyway because Jen was on top of me and moaning. Our rhythm was just right. While we were on course, she was bending her body forward and puffing my ear to ask why I didn’t choosing her couple days ago. I didn’t have a chance to answer; she talked so much such as she’s too fat, her breasts are not equal and she wanted to do plastic nose surgery. Suddenly, she stopped talking and reposition by giving me on top. I think it time to finish the job because she already gave her good effort for me. I don’t want to make her too tired and also keep my stamina for M so I finished my first mission in 5 minutes later. I went to bathroom, and M was still in bathroom and helped cleaning my body. I asked she didn’t join us so how we can say sandwich but no reply from her. Jen was on the phone when we went back to bed. She went to bathroom while I rest on bed by putting my head on M’s stomach. I asked her again why she hided in the bathroom. She told me that she didn’t hide and went to bed 2 times. She didn’t know how she joined in when Jen and I were moaning and in the second time, she didn’t want to interrupt Jen’s climax. She continued, Jen told her that when she was reaching or clinch her climax, she was talking and talking to hide her embarrassment!!!
Old 11-05-2006, 03:03 PM
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Re: Thai Sexperience

Second Better Than First

I started sniffing M from stomach up to her hair then back to her breasts, and make fun with her breast by asking her why she put the raisin on her body and I would eat it. She didn’t look angry but she reversed her body and repositioned me to bottom and start tasting me from ears to stomach. She licked my nipples harder and harder and used her teeth to bite them lightly and before I did anything, she started French kissing. She pulled her tongue back and started nibbling my nipple and went down to between my legs. She sucked my little me although her technique was typical, but her effort was superb. Jen went back and started licking my nipples while M let my protected little me slip in to her cave. Jen went to pick up her mobile phone again. M pushed and pulled her body harder before repositioning to spoon and move to doggy. My little me felt a bit hurt and I saw her buttocks was also looking red, so I was back to standard position and did it more gently. Anyway I couldn’t make second shot because I feel no more bullets in my casket. M still wanted me to finish, but I said I was so tried even though little me was seemed ready and strong. She complained that I spent too much time with Jen, so nothing left for her. I was giggling and joked that I could do it (for her) however it might take an hour or longer and I wasn’t sure. Jen told M that Toon called her because they spent almost 5 hours in my room and already past midnight. So, M and I took shower, and I offered to give them a ride. Total damage is 4K ฿ including tips and agent fee. Individually, I rated them both very well, but team work or sandwich was zero, and I think other people are not consider calling this as a sandwich.

My Bad

M called me again and asked to take her to dinner and movie, but Toon knew and upset because she didn’t take job on that day. I went out with her for movie anyway then send her back. Jen called me on next day that Toon forced M to go back BKK. I called M and she said that she want to stay for a month because she told her parent that she stayed with her friend in HDY for 2 months before going back. She asked for staying at my room for a month. I rejected but I still felt very guilty about thing that happen so I rent apartment for her, and told her that I only gave her to stay for a month then I wouldn’t care what she wanted to do next. I went to her room couple of times in first week, I met 2-3 gals but I don’t know whether they stay with her or not, but I didn’t care anyway. However, I noticed something those gals have something in common. They felt sleepy and red eyes and I saw bottles of medicine for cough relief and ask her whether she was getting flu or coughing. She said her friend got flu not her.

Sex, Drug and Lie

I wasn’t so stupid since I read many books and magazines including medical journals. I knew that all of them were addicted to drug because normally this kind cough relief medicine needed prescription from doctor and only one bottle was more than enough to cure. I avoided to stopover her room but she went to my room when she I was in HDY. Her sexual technique was better and better but her tit taste bitter, I believed it was because of drug. The most upsetting that making me not received her call anymore was when I sent her to apartment, she asked me to pick up her friends at Manhattan. Since it’s on the way back, I went there and lifted her friends to their house. One gal was drunk but still awakening, and another two gals carried her to my car. On the way to her house, they talking about white fat woman asking them to work with her in Nakorn Sri Thamarat, southern province about 200 km from HDY, and bought them drinks. This woman also provided them pills and one of those gals told M that she got one for her and me. I was very nervous because I have never been felt that I was so closed to the jail like this b4. I dropped them off; they asked me to join the party in their house. I declined and abandoned from their house very quickly and went back to my room anxiously. I made one phone call to M to teach her to avoid drug and if she had enough money she should quit doing this job after that night. I didn’t call her or picked up her calls for several months until I forgot her. I knew later from FLs who working with Toon that M went back to BKK and came back to stay with Toon again. She changed her number to call me to forgive her and asked to see me, so I decided to meet her again. She’s look better and no sleepy eyes.
She said sorry to make me angry again, I forgave her and I said I already forgot about it (I lie because I can’t forget the situation that can ruin my life).

End of Story

M and I stayed in my room for the whole day, so we had chance to make long conversation about hers and what happened during past 3-4 months. Roughly, she quit drug and got the job, quit the job because her mother want her to study. She took class in open university, met friends, not enough money to spend, so she came back to HDY during school break with her friends because Toon asked her to bring some friends who want to exchange money with sex to HDY. She confessed that actually those gals were not university students, not even her friends but she knew them from other agents.
That’s the final face to face chat, and I never meet her again after she went back to BKK. We have talked via phone couple of time, and her phone number was terminated, so we never talked since then.
Old 11-05-2006, 03:16 PM
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Re: Thai Sexperience

Chapter 4

FYI: I think I need to clarify myself again that I am customer and just another foolish man on earth who trap in lust. I can’t recommend any gals for anyone who PMed me because I don’t contact any agents anymore. I only asked for some help from gals who slept with me to recommend her friends to me. That’s why now I start looking for beautiful WLs from farms to get new experience. I think I should ask you guys to help me to getting those gals instead: P

Fresh Milk, Pasteurized or UHT

Actually, I already talked about the comparison of SLs, FLs and WLs in chapter 1 and 2, but many thread followers PM me about SLs number. So, I make the revise on this chapter to answer PM questions, and to help someone for making decision to go or not to go for SLs.

It’s a bit complicate to classify or specify because they all have sex with you for money. I think people know more about different types of milk in a supermarket than wording like WL,SL,FL and other L, so that I can make easy explanation.

Fresh Milk and SLs
Properties of fresh milk
Pros: High Calcium, Full of Vitamins, Smooth and delicious freshness taste, and Natural fresh smell.
Cons: Expensive, Short shelf life, Not available in every grocery store and supermarkets and Only guarantee of freshness by producer.

How I compare them.

Many Sidelines are good looking and working with very limited customers, they can keep their body fit and tight. Many of them are also smart and they can chit-chat with us in well manner. As I told everyone in earlier chapter that higher chance for those gals can act like GF because they don’t want other people look at them like WLs.
Just like fresh milk if you can drink when it real fresh, not only tasty but also full of vitamins and calcium.
However, they can’t easily go to promote themselves in public and they are in niche market when they are in MP (many of them are not available or sit there and customer need MP’s guest to call them)
Freshness also indicate price because people pay a bit higher price when farmers milk a cow and direct serve to customers so no need anyone to guarantee the freshness but very few people get this chance. After bottling, fresh milk can be delivered to your house at fixed lower price if you are daily subscriber. However, if milk lovers buy from supermarket, they may be confused by varieties of price and origin because depend on season, cost of transportation, electricity cost, and timing. Time is one of the biggest factors to get fresh milk because in this sense time is equal to opportunity or luck. For example, Customers always go shopping at supermarket in convenient time, but few people come into final 3 hours to get fresh produce to discount up to 50%. Fresh milk also falls in this business strategy too. However, we may not see fresh milk left on shelf quiet often.
How we know that fresh milk is real and tasty. Even rocket scientists will have equal chance to us to know that because we all have to open and taste it to get real flavor. Moreover, if someone never drinks fresh milk b4, they won’t know the different. Oh sorry, forget to tell you that supermarket may refund if you have proof of evidence that milk is not fresh and spoilage when you drink, but it already caused you stomachache: D hahahaha
For the milk lovers who consider keeping fresh milk for longer period, they need to have refrigerator ($$Money$$) to control right temperature and preserve it when you can’t empty the bottle. Anyhow fresh milk is going to spoil in short time anyway. Can anyone notice something about this?
As the result of keeping it in right temperature, instead of consumers get satisfied by its taste, they are try to adjust themselves to get a good result.
Again, many men may think that if they can make gal fall in love with him or can take care of her well, she can be real GF and belong to him. I was the one who did that too but I stop doing that because I recalled my sex philosophy that I didn’t look for a GF. I have sex with many gals because I believe that no gals are giving me exactly same sexperience and the higher satisfactions are waiting for me.
Therefore, I don’t want people expect too much on fresh milk taste because milk may end up spoilage.

Pasteurized Milk and FLs
Properties of pasteurized milk
Pros: Still containing some natural nutrients, Choices of flavor, Can keep longer than fresh milk, More available in many channels than fresh milk.
Cons: Temperature control needed, Lack of natural taste, More expensive than UHT, and Short shelf life.

How I compare them

Since Freelance ladies characteristics are falling in between SLs and WLs, so their advantages and disadvantages are lying between of both ladies. For me, FL is near to the common lady in sense of woman moods and sensibility. They can be very nice and do whatever men need them to do but they can be devils who burn our money, time and emotion. Pasteurized milk is commonly consumed at once if you can’t control temperature, it can be spoilage when temp is rising. I have bad experience with FL with stupid reasons such as late appointment, rushing, and asking for tip. The most common fault is too hurry to do thing because they work independently and they don’t care customers much because their networking very strong and go around (For the terrible gal, they can not staying for one place for a long time because reputation spread out very fast.)
In good case, customers can receive tremendous experience from them because those gals can offer customer wild fantasy and also full fill men know how and imaginations that teacher never teaches them in school. As long as we can pick mixture flavor pasteurized milk, Fls also offer us variety choices of taste and feeling.
My suggestion for anyone who love flavored and pasteurized milk and easy to grab, please look at expiring date before drinking pasteurized milk.

UHT Milk and Working Ladies
Properties of UHT milk
Pros: Variety flavors, Longer shelf life, Available in near by groceries and supermarkets, Safe keeping at room temperature and cheap.
Cons: Lack of natural taste and nutrients.

How I compare them

What kinds of man don’t know where to get WLs. Don’t answer me because I just hope that they are less stupid than who don’t know where the place to buy UHT milk.
People know where the place is and what inside it. I believe many people feel the same as me that we may shy or don’t have enough confident to go there or afraid of frauds and hassle from people when it is the first time to go there. I remember my first time when I went to MP, Bangkok Plaza in BKK. I went to this place alone and found that I was very confused with the place because I don’t have any confidence to look or take time to pick the gal especially when I look at those gals’ eyes. I feel very shy and pity to put myself in this situation because it was totally different from my thought. It’s like I try to tear milk box instead of spiking straw to the thin tetrapax shield hole.
When I getting used to go there I found my confidence, but pickier just like grew up kids who know the different taste of strawberry and chocolate. Imagine If you were kid and your friend told you about new flavor milk, you won’t know how it taste but absolutely you want to try it. However, when you go to supermarket, you amaze with variety of brands, packaging and flavors.

You don’t know how it feels like unless you try it.

When we have to pick the gals, I think many people start with her look (packaging) body (size) other special conditions such as big boob, long leg, dark skin or age (brand). However, all those things can’t tell us what we can really get from those gals anyway consequently it takes me back to think why still late 30 years old ladies are still working in MPs and why Fa-rang (Westerner) pick dark, small and not so pretty gals (in my sense). We can only look at packaging which not guaranteeing quality and our preferred taste. However, I look at it as a challenge that how many tastes we can savor in our life time. Disappointment or satisfaction is just lying on a thin red line.
I heard one guy said that he always drink French wine “AAA” and never drink any other wines because it’s the best of the world. I want to congratulate his wife that she is very lucky one to have husband who satisfy thing that he believe.

From fresh milk to pasteurized and UHT

Normally, if Sideline ladies don’t end up soon with Khon Jai Dee (kindness man) or stop doing it. They trends to become FLs or WLs afterward because they may turn into materialism gals who feel that money is easy to earn. They are many reasons to turn SLs to WLs and I’ll example from my real life.
One of my finest SL gals who I met 5 years ago (at that time she was 18). I just knew from her friend not so long that she is FLs in Poseidon (BKK MP) and to get her you need 4500 baht for one and a half hour. I only paid for 3000 overnight when she worked as a SL (her job was gift shop seller at underground level of Lee Garden Plaza). Her friend also told me that she moved to BKK 2 years ago since she had a big fight with her foreign BF who support her living cost (Hidden wife or Tirak whatever you want to call) because she also had Thai BF who stole her foreign BF money and went away. Her friend did guarantee that she didn’t know anything about it because her BF act like a pimp and has been stolen her money many times. Everyone has their own reasons to find their life but it was very difficult for us to understand it since we are not him or her.

Milk is decomposed and we can’t keep it forever. No matter of UHT, pasteurized or fresh milk. They are just like those ladies who come and go.
Old 12-05-2006, 11:01 AM
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Re: Thai Sexperience

a good review of view of wl,or companion in thailand.
i concure to your views.
kudo to u for the writeup.
Pm Me For more points.
Old 27-04-2022, 07:33 AM
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Re: Thai Sexperience

Any updates on the sideline scene?
Old 27-04-2022, 07:36 AM
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Re: Thai Sexperience

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