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Old 21-06-2015, 10:48 AM
Hngata92 Hngata92 is offline
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

jon: wah bro. thanks man….

me: haha why leh..

i signal him that wife can still hear in the dressing room… we walked out…

jon: wah. song sia..

me: haha. told you you’ll be ok.. enjoy la bro.dont think about the sad stuff..

wah shit. his face change a little… shouldn’t have remind him …

true enough.. jon paid for the clothes… then i suggested go to the harry’s bar behind wheelock for dinner and drinks..

reach there. i sat on the high stool, i signal wife to sit with jon on the high sofa seat against the windows instead…

we placed our orders… ordered a beer each for the both of them… i was the one driving so i didn’t drink

food came shortly.. we were chatting about the rest of the plans for the holiday, how we were gonna make time and make sure jon wasn’t alone much… he talked about delaying revealing the truth to his kids, let his kids stay at the parents house for the holidays..

then, i noticed jon’s beer left half, wife drank a third.. both quite goofy liao

me: eh let’s play a game la.. i’ll pretend i’m the third party this time round…

wife: huh?

jon and wife both look confused..

me: so how long have you two been dating?

then they both got my ‘game’

me: come on, neither of you remember?

wife giggles and reply: not long la.. haha a few months…

me: but you two like old couple already leh. sit down like friends…

jon just smile…

me: come on bro.. you don’t show her more love i’ll snatch your pretty gf away….

I kick jon in his leg…

me: oei bro.. come on. on a bit leh act act la.. you need the distraction. it’s healthy… darling hor?

wife shyly replies… and giggles.. : yup… harmless one la…

jon laughed again… took in a deep breath… he turned and look at my wife..

jon: come darling, let’s sit closer…

jon put his arm over my wife and place it on her shoulder.. he pulled her in and my wife shifted and sat closer towards him as well until her shoulder was resting on his chest.

jon: sorry bro.. she’s mine liao. you can’t steal..

jon kept his arm on her shoulder… caressing it… his index finger stroking her bra strap…

me: aiya, sit side by side put shoulder over. no big deal leh. where got loving…

my wife giggled and put her head on his shoulder… ‘like that? you jealous?’ she giggled again…

jon: yeah. we very loving..

he smelled her hair and kissed her on her hair..

i laughed..: haha, ok la.. notice your bf very nice hot, buy so many shopping bags for you…”

wife: yup. bf very nice guy…

she pat him on his chest, head still lying on his shoulder, giggling..

jon: yup. I love her..

jon turned his head and kissed her forehead this time round… his hand on wife’s shoulder started a little more action, he’s playing with her bra strap liao, sliding his finger under the strap, playing with it.. getting more comfy with her.. wife didn’t seem to mind…

jon finished his beer and another pint came.. wife was not 2 thirds with hers…

me: so how many months you’ve been dating?

wife: 4 months.. going strong…

she giggled after that..

me: four months liao still only kiss forehead… jon, still nervous don’t dare to progress is it?

wife: what nonsense?

she lift her head from his shoulder, stuck out her cheek for him, hinting to him to kiss her on her cheek…

jon looked at me and smiled very happily… he took one small gulp of beer, then he turned and kiss my wife on her cheek.. he planted a slow and soft kiss on her cheek. then slowly kissed her upwards up to her forehead and then maintained his position there and smelled her hair.. wife naturally went back to lying on his shoulder…

then, wife giggled again, she adjusted her body, now she wrap both her arms around jon and hugged him, leaning her boobs on his side…

wife: loving enough for you? I love my bf, so huggable..

jon is quite large.. my wife hand was on his tummy and his waist.. jon was still smelling her hair.. his eyes were closed… can see he was high liao… enjoying hugging my wife and smelling her hair.. i noticed that my wife’s bra strap is already at her shoulder… jon’s been playing and pulling it down her shoulder..

me: haha. just peck and a hug? come on.. you two can do better…

wife gave me a mph look.. jon look at me… i gave him a taunting expression, like come on.. go on..

he picked up his pint… wtf… he gulped down the rest of it… he put his drink down, looked away from wife… BURRRRPPPP… i thought he was gonna throw up there…

jon looked at me… he couldn’t help control his smile.. then he looked downwards at wife, stroke her hair behind her ears… touched her chin and lifted her face to face him… almost immediately, his face moved in and planted a soft and gentle kiss on wife’s lips… wife was also high and blur blur.. she was stunned at first but i saw her eyes close but her lips weren’t moving much..

a few seconds later… jon backed off from his kiss, still looking at wife… wife giggled and was embarrassed.. whole face flushed red… she retreated back into his shoulder and looked downwards..

wtF! i was feeling DAMN HOT…my cock erected solid hard… it was a pure new sense of pleasure….

i could hear jon breathing very very heavily.. still looking at wife… breathing very very hard… i notice his hand was now on wife’s waist instead of her shoulder… he was touching her….

wife: my head is spinning….

wife obviously high from the beer. she’s a lousy drinker..

jon look like he was contemplating to go on for a full smooch… i wasn’t sure if i should encourage him or stop him… so we 3 just kept quiet..

then jon looked down.. he took in a deep breath… looked up and looked around… signaled the waitress one more pint…

he didn’t dare to…. i smiled….

me: wow.. that was a nice passionate kiss… is he a good kisser?

wife looked at me… :hehe. don’t tell you..

me: come on… tell me, i’m sure your bf also want to know…

wife shook her head: don’t want to say….

jon stroke her hair behind her ear again… damn they are really behaving like lovers.. nice…

then jon reached for wife’s pint, brought it to her lips and fed her…

wife shook her head… :don’t want already….

jon: come on darling.. don’t waste….

he fed her the rest of the beer… she took in 3 or 4 gulps… then backed off… jon took the pint away… wife just completely put her weight on jon….she was gone liao… eyes closed…. her hand no longer on her tummy she was tired so her hand slide down and it was on jon’s pants…

i laughed…. jon looked down at his own pants… he was laughing too.. happy… jon then looked up at me… don;t know what he was thinking of… then his 3rd pint came… he held on to it.. contemplating if he should drink it…

me: your gf helping down there is it??

jon looked at me and laugh… : no la… nothing moving…

he looks like he wants it to happen. but is afraid… i bent below the table , saw wife’s hand dangling in mid air…

me: bro… your gf hand leave it dangling there, later she hand pain tmr morning…

jon: oh yeah hor…

he looked down, smiled and readjusted her hand… i bet he placed her palm on his cock… didn’t even have to check to see if i was right…

wife was knocked out liao.. we chat in the meantime while she slept on jon’s shoulder… jon’s hand was no longer on her waist.. i couldn’t see his hand.. it was on wife butt liao la… then. he got tired and leaned backwards onto the sofa back rest.. wife’s head slide down from his shoulder.. on his tummy now… i could see where his hand was, on wife butt.. caressing it…

had an idea but realize that people might be looking at us….

me: bro.. you ok? time to go?

jon opened his eyes… he was very seh… h yeah…

he sat up again, while lifting wife’s head back to his shoulder spot… then wife awoke as well..

wife: what happened?

she opened her eyes and then shook her head to regain some consciousness from her short nap…

me: haha. you naughty girlfriend.. you just gave your boyfriend a….

wife: what??

me: haha nvm…

wife looked a little confused… wife readjusted her body, turned away from jon and took her hands off him at the same time.. she then lean her back onto jon’s soft and large body.. her head lying on her shoulder… she was clearly tired and wanted to sleep… time to go back liao.. it was already 10pm…

to make things fast… i went to the counter to pay the bill…

i turned and looked at our table… saw jon’s hand on wife’s tummy.. touching it… he was smelling her hair, the other hand stroking her hair around her ear… saw his hand move down from her tummy.. moving downwards…

Old 21-06-2015, 02:24 PM
Hngata92 Hngata92 is offline
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

wife used her hand to hold jon’s hand… kept it just above her crotch…

bill was ready… i signed it.. now waiting for the cashier to give me the receipt..

i turned back to see.. wah.. jon’s head was tilted.. most likely licking wife’s ear…. i can see wife’s head tilted backwards… her ears were were weak spot… she was enjoying it.. but still, she was holding on this hand.. refusing to let his hand go further down…

wtf man jon! we are in public… i was getting worried that others will see. this is just a bar man!

i took my card and quickly make my way back….

me: alright, let’s go… jon finish your beer la…

i took his pint and passed to him…. i know him well, 3 pints, he will be knocked out instead of being high…. he looked at me… breathing hard.. trying to calm himself down… he took the pint, then he gulped the remaining beer down… my wife sat up… she stretched her back a little.

i grabbed the shopping bags…

me: aiyo, hold your boyfriend la. he’s drunk…

my wife shook her head and laughed.. she was not as high anymore…

jon: come my dear..

he put his arm around her as we walked out of the bar…

me: why don’t the two of you wait here? i go get the car, i don’t think he can last the walk back to lido…

jon was already leaning his weight onto wife.. his nose lingering near her neck and hair.. sniffing her…

me: i think you two wait out there better… less attention from people…

i indicated to them to wait outside in the road alley… they made their way there, lean on the wall. i quickly make my way back to lido carpark to get my car.. from corner of eye, saw jon leaning more onto wife. wife had to wrap her arm behind his back and placed one arm on his tummy to support him… he was like trying to whisper things into his ear..

as i made my way back.. a lot of thoughts flashed in my head…. what will i see when i drive back there?

wa this feeling was really hot.. very indifferent.. it was quite addictive….

i had all sorts of dirty thoughts about the two of them playing in my head… at the same time i was worried too..

reached my car, had to drive back which took some time as i had to make one round, wasn’t really sure how to get there either..

long story cut short i made my way there, parked the car beside the entrance of the carpark…

i walked quickly back to the spot where I left them to wait for me, eagerly anticipating what i will see…. jon was attacking my wife at her ear just now… i bet they are hugging and kissing now….

when i could finally see the spot where they were supposed to be…

WTF! they were gone!

i looked around.. then i heard a weird sound.. it was coming from behind the wall.. i walked over... mind wandering into dirty stuff, jon fucking my wife??

when i got a view.. finally...

i saw my wife bending forward..

Last edited by Hngata92; 21-06-2015 at 03:17 PM.
Old 21-06-2015, 05:02 PM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

jon was standing beside wife… wife was patting him on his back.. jon was throwing up… jon’s hand was holding onto wife’s back for support… then he got up.. wife supported him and walked him back to the wall for support.

as they walked back.. jon’s hands were roaming wife’s body… he was groping wife’s butt.. wife didn’t really bother to stop him at all… when they reached the wall, his hands roam up back to wife’s waist… she pulled her in and hugged her… wife was stunned as well.. then again, she was tired.. she just leaned on to him for support.. pressed her head on her chest and rested… jon’s hands were still rubbing my wife’s back… he was stroking her.. downwards… he groped her ass once more… then he cupped her butt cheeks, both butt cheeks. one in each hand… could see he was tugging one her panties… is he giving her a wedgie arousing? wife started to hug jon tighter…

then i saw jon moved his hand up and stroke her hair… he whispered something into her ear… then started to lick her ears… wife hugged him even tighter… i watched his hand shift to her head, turn her head to face her… then he planted his lips on hers and started to kiss… then he grabbed her breast… cupped it at first….

i walked closer towards them to get a better look… scanned around.. there was a security guard smoking but he was facing the road and didn’t notice them in the wall corner.. i notice jon’s fingers were digging into wife’s dress as he cupped the breast… he was playing with her nipple la! wife reacted almost immediately, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back… then i saw jon hand moved downwards… he slide his hand in between her legs… i saw wife spread her legs slightly wider.. the dress bottom had some adjusting movement… then suddenly… wife stopped kissing him, her head lifted backwards… then she dug her head into her chest just grabbed him tight… i saw wife’s ass shake.. jon was finger fucking my wife la… ..

wa wa this feeling.. really intense.. my cum has stained my boxers liao. confirm. i can feel the wetness down there.. i felt a little bit angry, a little bit jealous.. but fucking turn on ….

then i saw a group of people walking towards the carpark door.. fuck! they will see them…

bo bian liao..

time for the show to stop… i approached them cautiously…

me: bro.. let’s go!

jon had a scare! he jumped up! fingers immediately pop out form in between my wife’s legs… i don’t think wife heard me.. or even know what is going on… wife just hung on to him.. breathing very heavily… her waist still moving in a panting manner..

then the group of people walked by..

me: it’s ok.. let’s go, the car is nearby… jon looked nervous… but he was mostly high and goner liao… i had to help wife move him… wife was still ok, could walk…

i guided both of them back to my car.. put the both of them in the back, i already put the shopping bags in the passenger seat..

wife got into car on her own, wobbly though.. by the time i got jon into the car.. he was passed out… i had to carry him in.. push him in… he laid his head on wife’s laps.. wife was leaning by the window and sleeping le..

i drove slowly home…

hoping to view some action in the rear view mirror.
Old 21-06-2015, 06:04 PM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

sadly.. they both just slept the entire way…

finally reached.. jon was snoozing.. on wife’s lap.. surprisingly, wife’s hand was on jon’s head… like a motherly move…i got out of the car, gently opened the car door.. making sure wife didn’t fall…

me: dear…. wake up…

i whispered…

wife woke up in shock! the high effect probably wore off liao… she was shocked to find my cock staring at her right in her face… she gave me a shocked and puzzled look… i stroked her hair gently and puled her face closer to my cock.. i aimed my cock at her mouth.. then she got it… but wife was nervous.. she pointed at jon’s head which was lying on her lap.. i shook my head… indicating that i don’t care… i thought wife will be guilty after being allowing herself to be fingerfucked by jon, blow me on the spot… instead.. she pushed my cock away and gave me the angry look…


she got out of the car.. i told her to help me with jon..

me: dear, can’t possibly let him go home alone. he stay with us tonight ok..

wife was tired. she didn’t have much reaction..

she took the bags, we went back to our apartment.. once we reach home, wife helped me with jon. i was bringing him to our extra bedroom.

wife: shouldn’t we help him change first? he has vomit on him…

me: really ? how you know?

wife: can smell.. see the stain?

i thought she remembered helping him when jon puked just now..

me: you don’t remember what happened just now?

wife: huh what you mean?

she is doing it again.. she can completely forget what she does when she drinks.. that’s why i never ever let her go out and drink on her own..

me: luckily kids are not around.. no clothes for him leh. let him sleep naked?

wife: no choice lo. i’ll wash his clothes then…

me: you not tired meh?

wife nvm lo he so poor thing…

we brought him to our kitchen toilet. i make him lean against the wall.

me: help me untbutton him…

wife and i helped to take off his shirt.. was trying to see if wife had an expression.. but she maintained her serious face… she then unbuckle his belt for him, unzipped his pants, pulled it down… wa wa… bright orange CK boxers… noticed that wife’s eyes widen…

she stood up and put his clothes into a washing bag and put into the machine and started it…

me: hurry leh.. he’s heavy..

wife: huh? what?

me: his boxers…

wife: tsk you ah…

she didn’t hesitate… then she bend forward a little, reached for the boxers straps. then squat down in front of him and pulled his boxers down..


that scene it self.. i could have ejaculated on the spot….. jon’s flaccid cock pop out in front of my wife’s face… wife tried to avoid looking at it… kept her face facing another way.. but i’m sure, she did see a little…

i brought him in to the shower..

me: dear help me!

she rushed in.. together, we helped him shower… i just hold him up… wife used the shower head and rinse him..

me: aiyo use some soap la dear.. don’t want him to stain our bedsheets…

surprisingly, she did;t complain.. she took the soap and lathered him… she was kind of doing it very delicately… she even washed his ass nicely and gently.. i just stood there and enjoyed the show…

then it came to his penis… wife put some soap on his hand, then looked away while she washed his penis… she rubbed his balls like four times before rubbish his penis shaft close to eight times…

my cock was gonna explode liao..watching her do that… heart pounding almost like my wife was washing my cock for me….

we were done, wife dried him with the tower… she did spend some time at his dick there… i’m beginning to suspect she is turned on by seeing his cock…

jon’s cock wasn’t very long.. but it sure as hell was very very thick and fat… it was short, but FAT.. his testicles were fat too.. we walked him back to the room and ‘dumped’ him on the bed.. he was too heavy… wife put a blanket on him, i was pretty sure she took a look at his cock before covering him with the sheets..

then wife and i went back to our rooms… we were both damn tired, both just laid on the bed..

i turned and look at wife..

me: you don’t want to shower?

wife: too tired!! we change the sheets tmr..

me: so did you enjoy yourself just now?

wife: huh what you mean?

she continued to stare at the ceiling..

me: the part la. pretending to be his girlfriend? fun right..

wife: you ah.. naughty lo… i don’t remember much la!

me: tell.. what you remember??

wife… rem….. lying on his shoulder?

me: anything else…

wife: oh wait.. did he kiss me???

me: haha yup!

wife: you ah!!

me: aiya, harmless what… like you said .he’s so poor thing. at least he was so happy just now… don’t forget, he’s your friend too…

jon did help my wife on many occasions…

me: dear. i have an idea… let’s continue from the charade…

i got up, striped myself… got in the middle of wife, spread her legs..

wife: you are not tired?

me: enjoying the moment, don;t the moment pass.. dear.. close your eyes ok.. pretend i’m your fake boyfriend…

wife: what??? how???

me: just close your eyes and pretending jon brought you home and he’s your fake boyfriend la.. that’s all…

wife: don’t want laaaaa…

i pushed my cock fully into wife pussy after shifting her panties across before she completed her sentence… wa wa wa.. it was already sticky and wet inside.. didn’t even need to arouse her…. wife grabbed the bed and her eyes remained shut…

i bent forward and fucked her missionary… wife moaned and screamed even louder that night.. she was very responsive… don’t know if i was over imagining, wife pussy was wetter than usual… she climax orgasm even faster than me… i unload my semen inside her and we both fell asleep..

SONG SONG! that night WAS SONG! that feeling was so different. i slept like a baby..

next morning… heard the alarm ring at 7.30…

woke up… wanted to hug wife.. turned around..

Old 21-06-2015, 06:27 PM
JrBoy JrBoy is offline
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Nice story bro, continue please. My humble points
Thanks to all the bros that have up my rep
Old 21-06-2015, 09:14 PM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

i got out of bed. realize i was still naked.. my clothes were gone from the floor.. so were wife’s.. i quickly put on a pair of shorts…

was feeling excited… feeling worried too.. i rushed out of my room, while wearing my shorts at the same time… hopped to guest room, door was closed!

i opened it as gently as i could…

fuck! i was getting my erection again.. feeling that different heat again… in my mind was the mental image of wife riding on jon’s cock fucking herself… to my relief and also disappointment… i didn’t hear a sound.. other than jon’s snores.. he was still lying in bed.. NAKED. the blanket was crumpled and stuck under him liao… i notice that jon’s clothes had been folded neatly by the bed side.. his pants. a new shirt, not the blue one he was wearing yesterday, a white one was hanging on a hanger by the window. on top of his folded pants…. his orange CK boxers… folded neatly…

means wife must have came in earlier to put the clothes… wondered what she did inside?? she confirm can see his cock…

so where is wife??

i went to the kitchen… wife was standing there…

WTF.. she was wearing the raspberry bright pink satin lingerie nightwear… that was ….. a little bit unusual… we have a guest!

i walked behind her and gave her a hug.. she was making coffee and breakfast…

me: good morning dear…

wife: good morning! quick get ready for work! you are going to be late!

me: haha. heck la.. i rather make love to you again.. did you like last night?

wife: hehe…. (she nodded her head)

me: it was different.. you were so wild! naughtier than ever!!

wife beats me: stop it la…

me: by the way… why are you wearing so sexily??? have you forgotten that we have a guest??

wife: aiyo. this is not sexy.. i always wear this at home what….

me: if he sees you in this he can see most of your boobs liao!

i started to grope her breasts and rub her nipples…

wife: aiyo. he won’t look one la. he’s not interested in me…

me: you ah. always give that reply… you better go wake him up. later he’s late for work…

wife: ok. you also better take a shower! i can smell you! i noticed that wife’s nipples are hard and erected.. could see shape on the lingerie camisole..

wife walked out of the kitchen… i waited a few seconds.. then followed after her… i saw her open the door and go in.. i hurried and catch up… luckily she didn’t close the door. she’s not a slut after all… she sat on the bed.. jon had rolled over closer towards the wall.. he was on a queen size bed so wife had to move further in to tap him on his shoulder.. jon did not respond… wife started to shake his shoulder… his butt was shaking.. i heard wife giggle as she watched his cute butt shake…

wife: jon.. jon… wake up…. you are going to be late for work…

wife called out to him in her sweet voice…still no response leh… wife shook him harder…. jon was still snoring away… wife got up and kneel walk closer to him. she tried to flip jon over.. he was heavy.. she had to use some strength.. in the jon decided to move… ‘whaattttttt’ he turned over, wife got pushed and ended up sitting on her butt. jon was still snoring away… his cock in full view, flaccid though. really short but it was so thick… i saw wife’s head facing the cock…



her hands reached for the direction of his cock!
Old 21-06-2015, 10:18 PM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

Walauwey bro dun give tension leh..continue plssss.....
Old 21-06-2015, 11:32 PM
siralexferguson siralexferguson is offline
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

Wah....sibei good story.....go go TS!! Do the extreme!! Whoo hoo....
Old 21-06-2015, 11:37 PM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

WTF is she doing!?!?!?

she placed one hand on his tummy and the other to reach further down..

her hand is now so near his cock… is she going to masturbate him??? is she gonna blow him???

oh my….

i can’t believe it…

cheh! fuck la.. she was reaching for the blanket to cover him up.. she covered his cock area with the blanket.. she left it untouched… she started to tap his tummy..

wife: jooon…. wake upppppp…

jon: huh…..

wife: jooon…. wake upppppp…wake upppppp…wake upppppp…!

jon: HUH!

he woke up in shock…

wife: time to go to work…

jon: oh… where am i??

i swear i saw jon’s cock erect under the blanket.. can’t blame him.. he was waking up to the sweet voice of my wife and the view of her nice breasts in that sexy lingerie chemise.

wife: our house. remember? you got drunk so we brought you home… your clothes are over there. do hurry up!

i saw wife got off the bed… she lifted her strap back on to her shoulder and adjusted the breasts area of her chemise… the chemise must have fallen off as she shook jon… did jon see her nipples??

i quickly make my way to shower…. once done, i came out, check guest room, jon wasn’t there… went to the kitchen.. saw jon sitting down and drinking coffee… wife was standing right behind him… giving him a head rub… jon’s eyes were closed… he was relaxed… he leaned his head backwards.. wife didn’t step back.. shit.. jon’s head was touching wife’s boobs…

wife: relax… this should help with the hangover..

jon: ahhhh… thank you…

then she saw me.. she startled a little…

wife: oh hi… are you giving jon a ride to work?

jon’s head shot up as well..

jon: oh it’s ok. i need to go home first..

me: come on bro.. i give you a ride home then..

wife walked over to me and gave me a hug.. jon was looking at us.. i hugged her and squeezed her bump, lifted her chemise slightly to show jon her panties.. jon smiled…

after our hug, jon stood up..

wife: be happy ok..

i signaleld to jon.. jon got the hint.. he spread his arm.. wife was a little surprised, but reciprocated… she gave him a hug too… a few seconds…

then, we were on our way…

in the elevator…

jon: bro.. thanks a lot man..

me: you’re welcome.. how much do you remember from last night?

jon: errr.. wait…. we pretended to be dating? right?

me: haha… what else??

jon: err.. we hugged?

me: anymore?

jon: erm.. kissed?

me: hahaa yeah.. remember how her pussy taste like??

jon: huh wtf happened!

me: haha you wish la…

we reached my car..

jon: bro. you sure you ok with all these?

me: duh…. it was arousing for me actually. i trust the both of you la.. so far it’s working right?

jon: yeah.. but now … reality sinking back in liao..
me: bro.. for now.. use my wife as your focus on attraction.. don’t think about the problem anymore.. give yourself a few days la.. don’t worry. we will be here to help you…

jon: thanks a lot bro..

i sent him home.. then headed for work..

so distracted.. couldn’t stop thinking about all sorts of ideas….

then suddenly..

received a text from wife…
Old 22-06-2015, 12:05 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

Wife whatsapp: dear.. There's something I should let you know...
Old 22-06-2015, 12:15 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

haha your wife did some naughty things
Old 22-06-2015, 12:32 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

Bro u doing it again damnnn....
Old 22-06-2015, 12:51 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

omg... damm nice story bro
Old 22-06-2015, 12:52 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

Keep it up bro. Nice story man.
Old 22-06-2015, 03:01 AM
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Re: Short Story: My Wife consoles my Jilted Buddy (with some Pics)

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