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Old 22-09-2006, 01:54 AM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

God give you foreskin to protect ur sensitive penis from being scratched when rubbed against clothing.

why take it away unless it is a medical problem

just keep it clean la. roll it down n wash regularly.

the white thing comes cos dirty. everytime u pee, some is left on skin. wash.
Old 28-09-2006, 07:30 AM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by Sylvan
Tis reply is reply the threadstarter or me?
It was for you bro.
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Old 29-10-2006, 09:24 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by Joshzzz
Make an effort to roll down the foreskin on a daily basis to wash your dickhead.
Rolling it down often also helps to stretch it. I had a tight foreskin when young too but in my late teen years... I managed to stretch it enough to get it to roll down easily. Don't give up!

Yes, after reading this thread; i am strongly encouraged to pull back the foreskin and do the necessary washing. After a few tries, it's no longer so painful and it can be pulled back easily already!!!
Old 31-10-2006, 06:58 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Hmm i am now able to pull down and wash the forehead but during erection i am unable to pull it down lei any1 encounter such problem too?
~ DeathKnIght ~
Old 01-11-2006, 02:35 AM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

circumcision will help you to resolve all ur future problem. if u dont have skin than everytime u bath u will wash ur dick without forgetting it, because no more skin mah
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Old 10-11-2006, 02:08 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by Deathknight1031
Hmm i am now able to pull down and wash the forehead but during erection i am unable to pull it down lei any1 encounter such problem too?
the first time i roll down my foreskin was when i 25. that time rubba rubba my ex gf, end up ppc by her. in the process of ppc, she accidentally pull down the foreskin, exposing the head which was freaking painful which result in rubba rubba come to a premature halt. End up she had a laugh for the whole day as i cant push the foreskin back into place. had to walk in a funny way the whole as go shopping later and the expose head keep rubbing against the fabric of the brief that i was wearing. luckily end of the day, the foreskin automatically roll back into place. haha heng ar....

anyway if u really cannot pull down during erection or feel pain, there a way of dealing with it. but i dont really recommand this way. Our GL cat150 WL are experience in this sort of thing. when they wash your didi before the intercourse, she will pull down the foreskin to wash your didi head clean clean. then shd give bbbj, by then u too shiok to notice the pain. after a few time your didi will use to the feeling and no longer feel pain.

of course preferly be your gf or wife to do it, but in my opinion, most of them no experience, which result in more pain and end up fighting as she may think the whole process is funny and ignore the fact that u r in pain.

anyway just bear with the pain, after a few time u wont feel it anymore as the foreskin will be stretch bigger and u shd know the technique to pull it doen and push it back without pain.
Old 14-11-2006, 06:45 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Hi there,

That problem of yours is not a big problem at all .. rest assure
I went through that before, and it's never too late to heal-it-yourself

Of course is painful lah first time. You never roll it down most of your life before.


To idea :
The idea is the apply some (little by little) friction/touch to it daily. Bit by bit
And trust me, you may not want to roll it 100% down at first.
Example, you can roll it down 30%, then 60%, then 80%,90%,100%.
Progressively over weeks.

The methods :
1) You can try rubbing the exposed area with your fingers loh (like soft pcc), slowly and gently. At first, it will feel sharp pain, but after a few minute, should feel better.
2) During bath, roll back, apply your normal bathing foam and slowly rub it for maybe 5 min?
Usually due to the smooth foam, you are able to role back more than usual.

Note* DO NOT try to 'season' your dick head by using cloth in the beginning,
the pain is unbearable. I don't think it's good for ur head too.


So in a nutshell, just practice those over a few months (if you want a less painful approach, and doesn't want to cut away your foreskin).
Do it slowly bit by bit.
For myself, I find it less painful each time I do it, and can roll down a bit more each time.
Right now, I can pull down 100% (took me maybe 2 months only, not everyday do somemore ..),
whenever I do that, it will initially still feel a little rough and uncomfortable (coz it's still hidden under the foreskin most of the time mah) when I rub it, but within 10-20 sec, it's all good.
No problem. shoik ! haha ..
Anyway, now if you ask me to roll down and wear pants, i will STILL feel
a bit pain and uncomfortable ... of course .. cloth what ..
unless you wanna 'season' your head longer and tougher.

Good luck.
Old 16-11-2006, 12:53 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by evo3 View Post
circumcision will help you to resolve all ur future problem. if u dont have skin than everytime u bath u will wash ur dick without forgetting it, because no more skin mah
any bros know of any specialists who perform the circumcision ops? i am 29 turning 30 and is planning to circumcise my penis....izzit too old for my age? by the way how much is the charges? does raffles medical group offer such services? and do i need to be hospitalized after the ops?

sorry for being so long winded as i need to clarify my doubts....

thank you in advance to all bros who can advise on this issue......

Old 14-02-2007, 08:22 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by sleaguepunter View Post
anyway just bear with the pain, after a few time u wont feel it anymore as the foreskin will be stretch bigger and u shd know the technique to pull it doen and push it back without pain.
Any more experience to share? I no longer in pain when push back to wash. This thread really helps.
Old 14-02-2007, 08:51 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

age 41 can do circumcision?
I hv protuding veins on my foreskin. can circumcise?
Old 15-02-2007, 10:00 PM
juswan2knwu juswan2knwu is offline
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by Raidster1 View Post
age 41 can do circumcision?
I hv protuding veins on my foreskin. can circumcise?
Originally Posted by trancer View Post
any bros know of any specialists who perform the circumcision ops? i am 29 turning 30 and is planning to circumcise my penis....izzit too old for my age? by the way how much is the charges? does raffles medical group offer such services? and do i need to be hospitalized after the ops?

sorry for being so long winded as i need to clarify my doubts....

thank you in advance to all bros who can advise on this issue......

Raidster1 & trancer, Lk @ the thread by DehOne, he did it @ age 40 but gt no prob. The oni problem is the scar, i tk scar heal better as a kid (but depend on individual). Most ppl gt no problem as circumcision has ovr >99% success rate.

Originally Posted by tarelight View Post
Raffles Medical Group offers circumcision i think. Saw a thread by bro Lesnar who did it there before. You might want to search around for it. Circumcision is usually a day op so you just be lying there till the anaesthesia wears off and you can be discharged.
Find a thread, "" by DehOne. Go 2 polyclinic & ask them 2 refer U 2 the hospital & fix an appt, cost is $250 ($80(consultation)+$170(ops)).
Old 16-02-2007, 12:07 AM
juswan2knwu juswan2knwu is offline
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Hi Deathknight1031,

Haven't hrd fm U 4 a while, hw's yr blantitis thing going? Is it cured? Hope everything all rite nw as healing shld be fast since U seek medical advice early.

Wha is super painful? The process of pulling back the foreskin or clearing the dick chesse?

If clearing the dick chesse: 1) Open the tap & let the water run gently on the head & glands, 2) then gently, VERY GENTLY use yr fingers (wash them w/ soap 1st) 2 remove the dick cheese fm yr head onwrds 2 yr gland. Run it w/ water whn chanced upon troubled spots. 3) After they R clr, U shld run water gently ovr the cleaned area 2 washed away the residue. Rem. nt 2 use soap or oni a very light 1, U k chk w/ yr doctor 4 recommendation.

If pulling bk the foreskin: Since U gt a problem when erected, try nt 2 fantasied & use yr fingers 2 gently pressed the vein underneath yr shaft near the guts there 2 restrict blood flood so tat it will "shrink back" 2 normal size. Then slowly pull bk the skin as U do nw. U k do a few more times nw until it is no longer painful. Once retractble, the foreskin will automatically become more & more stretchable as times go by.Pls note tat U shld nt keep pulling it bk once the retracting the foreskin is no longer painful as U may accidently hurt the gland &/ or inner foreskin area, esp in yr case due 2 blantitis. Oni retract them when bathing.

Clean it oni once a day (& after sex) as,
Washing 2 much: 1) may destroy the gd baterias & yr dick may smelly, 2) unintentionally hurt the foreskin or gland as the skin there is very, very delicate & becomes thinner if U wash 2 much
while 2 little: 1) will cause infection & kana blantitis or worser problems, 2) smell bad oso

A lot of bros here advice tat U shld go 4 circumcision but my personal opinion is tat U shldn't do it unless its yr oni option or personal pref. I will list some of wha I knw here & U mak yr own decision, k?

Advatanges claims:
1) Better sex. Well, tis is true oni when the foreskin becomes so lng & unretractable tat it cause a problem when having sex as circumcision will removed tis problem & they knt hav 'normal' sex. The claim of 'better', I think is due 2 being evlated fm 'sub-normal' 2 'normal' level of sextisfaction. 4 my case, I retracted mine since young, so sex was great as the foreskin is hyper senstive (a joy, circumcisie men k nvr exp.), esp. when rcving BJ/BBBJ. Doing raw is oso great, no uncomfortable feeling @ all & the super sensual feeling of the foreskin rubbing the gland is hyper pleasure even when masturbating!! There R men who do nt hav any problems but went 4 circumcision, tking they will hav even better sex but they were disappointed 2 find lwr level of sextisfaction instead!!
2) Less chances of kana STD & HIV. I believe tis claim has its merits & most likely true as numerous & unrelated researches but may nt be extensive enough, hav prove tat the chances of kana STD & HIV will be lwr. Reason is there R many thin veins in our our foreskin bringing more 'blood' & pleasure. Tis viens tears easily & virus may enter thru them as our white blood's anti-bodies @ tis area, (dun knw why) is super useless against most virus. But still rem. 2 put on yr helmet as lwr risk =/= no risk!! Oni a helmet (assuming no production defects) offers 100% protection!!
3) Less chances of kana inflammation, lik blantitis. True, since circumcision allows airing of the head & gland area, thus moisture & dick chesse will nt build up in tat area, thus bad baterias knt develop.

Disadvatanges claims:
1) Other problems. Tis is very rare but it has its own share of very serious problems but is few & far between in comparision 2 the problems an uncircumcise dick hav.
2) No protection. The foreskin is mother nature's way of protecting our very 'delicate' dick. By removing the foreskin, yr gland will be exposed 2 all environment & friction w/ clothings & ... Oso, circumcision removes the bad baterias fm building up but it oso kills the 'gd' baterias tat R needed in the process.
3) Danger of ops. Though circumcision has a very high level of success rate (>99%) but it still gt its risk factor. Imagine if U so suay & happens 2 be the (<1%) 2 kana, then bye, bye liao.

So, whether 2 go 4 circumcision, the choice is yrs as yr dick is oso yrs. But I tend 2 think tat circumcise is an easy way out 4 nt spending some effort 2 try & retract the foreskin. Even though blantitis is giving me super lots of problems (bleeding more frequently & faster) while bonking. I nw try 2 sustain fm sex (or masturbate if knt tahun), hoping things will turn better b4 I turn 2 circumcision as a last resort. Why, though most who kana inflammation has their problems cure but there R oso cases where the inflammation remains & I'm super afraid of my dick's tendercy 2 bleed(, later ops, dun knw hw).
Old 16-02-2007, 09:58 AM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

I wonder if we have any bloody doctors in our sammyboy forum, these people could offer professional advises...

Anyway, personally, I did have a bad experience, first time I pull down my foreskin, I saw Yellow color accumulated patch on lots of area which were easily washable, after washing (painfully), my dick swell and I had to see a doctor.

End of the day, they referred me to the Skin Centre which I had medication for 2 weeks and solve the SWELLING. Damn embarrassing sia... The doctor kept asking repeatively "Ur first time issit?"

At that point, felt like thrusting my dick into her mouth to shut her up... LOLz.

Anyway, for those who have problem with foreskin cracking painfully when you erect, be patient, it shows that your head is growing, after a few months, it will no longer hurt and pulling fore & back will be smooth, keep the skin as it helps to protect and ensure that your HEAD is smooth, those bros that removed their foreskin, will note that their HEAD is rough after a while... Woman prefers smooth HEAD...
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Old 19-06-2007, 08:48 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

Originally Posted by geckoSG View Post
I wonder if we have any bloody doctors in our sammyboy forum, these people could offer professional advises...

Anyway, personally, I did have a bad experience, first time I pull down my foreskin, I saw Yellow color accumulated patch on lots of area which were easily washable, after washing (painfully), my dick swell and I had to see a doctor.


Despite pulling down the foreskin and washing frequently, i noticed that there are always many "white dots" deposit on the prick. Any special washing lotion is recommended for maintaining our brother hygiene and cleanliness?
Old 19-06-2007, 09:49 PM
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Re: Help:Penis foreskin

it happen to me before and it took me some time (1mth+ to be precise) to actually get rid of the smegma.

from young i wasnt circumcised, hence i nver really pull back my foreskin cause whenver i pull back the dickhead expose to anything be it water or fabric i can feel a very numb electric shock sensation.

after reading at the thread on circumcised, i realise the importance and hygeine of washing the inside..bracing myself i slowly pull back the foreskin.
having never pulled back so far before i had much difficulty esp the more i pull the more i can see those white stuff. Not only that the first time u pull up u can imagine the smell of all those trapped urine + sperm inside for 20+ years..very bah wu

initially i even thought its those white things that are making my foreskin so stiff to roll up. anyway having no knowledge of smegma until today, i thought those white stuff are actually "trapped" semen and dead sperm due to PCC.

first contact with water is definately very uncomfortable so what i suggest is slowly move up the water hose instead of one shot aim at the spot. then slowly use a wet tissue (dont use towel due to rough surface and ur sensitive dickhead) and juz slowly rub against those spots with the wet tissue that have smegma. First time washing the stains wont be easy to come off, but if u do it daily u will feel ur dickhead less and less sensitive to the pressure of waterhose. Do it everyday and u can easily retract back your foreskin without any problems and even spray the water hose direct

Alternatively, can always go for the cut. =) But its definately impt to wash ur lil bro clean, esp if u wan to have a nice BBBJ in future without complains of smell/taste from the WLs...
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