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Old 19-01-2007, 11:17 AM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Group request sent
Old 19-01-2007, 11:29 AM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Bro, already approve you . Hope u will support my gals .Tks
Old 20-01-2007, 05:24 AM
tom_yam_79 tom_yam_79 is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Thanks Bro there taking the effort to read this thread,

Our girls have finally arrived on the 19th Jan... So sorry for the delaying as there are some problems earlier on we were trying hard to solve. Violet is really a charming girl with a certain kind of X-factor, for fans of Violet to find out. Hope bros will have a good enjoyable session with her. Thanks thanks.
Old 20-01-2007, 09:29 AM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Originally Posted by tom_yam_79 View Post
Thanks Bro there taking the effort to read this thread,
Our girls have finally arrived on the 19th Jan... So sorry for the delaying as there are some problems earlier on we were trying hard to solve. Violet is really a charming girl with a certain kind of X-factor, for fans of Violet to find out. Hope bros will have a good enjoyable session with her. Thanks thanks.
Hi bro,
Finally violet arrived. Although have no time to arrange for 19 Jan session, I certainly look toward today session with her. Too bad, 19 Jan FRs not out yet. I am waiting to see violet for myself. Hopefully she is really a charming girl with a certain kind of X-factor as you describe. I wish saturday is a encounter for myself.
Old 20-01-2007, 09:57 AM
jjdoggie jjdoggie is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***


Wow...all of u go so high tech already...Me 1 yr plus never log in..sammyboy sex forum getting bigger, maybe 1 day bigger then Goggle...:P, so far any1 of u use blog...:P, Keep it up, keep it CUmming, At least Singapore go something worth staying here to do..

Old 20-01-2007, 01:17 PM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Originally Posted by jjdoggie View Post
Wow...all of u go so high tech already...Me 1 yr plus never log in..sammyboy sex forum getting bigger, maybe 1 day bigger then Goggle...:P, so far any1 of u use blog...:P, Keep it up, keep it CUmming, At least Singapore go something worth staying here to do..
You are right bro! The very first time I found this site, I was amazing there is such as a site dedicated so much for sillyporean. When I wrote about how I felt then bro sam wrote a reply to me;
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Don't know about sammyboy site?????????????
Sammyboy has been Singapore's most famous site since the last CENTURY???
What planet are you from and when did you arrive on Earth?
I have missing a lot of funs since last century, and now I trying to make up for these years.

Today just finished a session with violet. Look like no bros post any FR yet. Anyway, just reach my club, order a cup of nice coffee and go enjoy coffee and at the same time prepare to write my very first FR.

So thank to bro sam, and now let me play my part to contribute positively to SBF.
Old 20-01-2007, 05:53 PM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

As I am not a night owl that cheong by night, I arranged a morning session with violet at 11am on saturday instead of 19 Jan. I was waiting for this session as the last time violet cannot make it to our shore on 16 Jan. Concern as whether this time is going to call a bluff by bro tom_yam_79.

Reach the hotel earlier at 10.35am, sms to bro tom_yam_79 to inform him I am early(take MRT) and currently taking smoke break while waiting for him to confirm rm no. He reply give him sometime to check with violet first. But some miscommunication, he called me at 11.15am to ask why I am not up with violet. I told him I have yet to receive his sms on rm no. I guessed the sms lost in transit.

I proceed to violet's room. When I reached her room, the door is not closed. I knocked the door but no reply. I opened the door to take a peek, but nobody inside. I believed that is her room, I just going and wait. Barely 1 min, violet walked in.(No screaming on stranger, so confirmed correct rm). Finally I get the see the real violet. Comparing to the photo, she is quite closed matched, slightly more CFM look than SYT look. Lately I get to know the pic on web is taken 1 mth ago.

She greeted at me with a warm smile. She then help me to settle down an offer me a glass of warm water. Violet can speaking some basic English so communication is no problem. This is better than the last gal I bonked as at that time is more like a chicken and duck. We tcss for a short while and this help to make me feel easy at home.

She spoke softly and smoothly, and I kind of like it. I guessed this this the feeling of guys with sweet gf. BTW, I don't have a gf, and I like this feeling. She then asked me whether I would like to take a bath. Yes, I replied. She helped me to undress first and then undress herself. It was shiok to see her slowly undress. She has a good figure and proportionate with B- breast. I like it as my didi agreed with me by standing straight and say hi violet.

The bathtub already filled with warm water. She creamed me with shower gel and washed my didi properly. Although the bathtub is a little small for my size, but it allowed me to have more body contact with her. After our bath, she asked if I like any mouth rinse. Why not, that also mean she is quite hygiene.

We proceed to the bed. She caress me, such my nipples and follow by a bbbj. After way through, she asked if I want to cim. I told her not necessary. Then she asked if I prefer to go on top of her or she on top of me. I told her I like her to ride me. She continue to blow me and then capped my didi. After that she then apply a bit of KY before position herself directly on top of my didi. Slowly she sit down. I can feel didi being capped by she pussy. From my position, I can see her lighted pussy hair(not thick and hairy type) and then my didi was swallowed up by her cunt. It is warm and tight. She then rode on me until I moaned. I caress her thighs and watch her nice breast. I enjoyed alot until didi cummed to show full satisfaction.

She cleanup me up and we continue to rest on the bed. We tcss for a while. I get to know this is the second time she came to sillypore. The first time under a different boss. Who cares. As long this is the first time I made love with her. After a short rest, she asked if I want a second round, I said why not. We proceed to wash up before commence second round. The second round is as enjoyable as the first. We hugged together and rest.

When time is about to be up, we proceed to wash up. The ending part is to show her dressed up. It it nice to see a babe get dressed up.

This is an enjoyable session. I told her I would rtf another time. She asked me when would it be. I told her till my legs no long soft.

Thank bro tom_yam_79,
Violet is really a charming girl with a certain kind of X-factor. I have a good enjoyable session with her.
Old 20-01-2007, 09:07 PM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

To Bro mwlove,

Thanks so much for ur FR and support. Yes, Violet does deserve good FR like that and I am glad to serve you.

Old 20-01-2007, 11:30 PM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

THanks BRoS!

Just back from a OUTSTANDING Session with Violet!. The first Time I saw her I got to agree with Bro MwLove, she don't looks like the one in the PIC. IS it MUCH PRETTIER!!! WOW....the looks will grow on you...
Rating : 8/10

We had our chat session before she intiate shower. SHower wass good! She really Cleans you 2nd time being clean so well after Ding Tong. The process of cleaning + chatting can really break the ICE. Really Pure Cleaning nothing else. Maybe, i wasn't aggressive? Or she don't provide extra during shower?
Rating : 6/10

She's very open to choices, She will starts with massages at e thighs and process with the BJ..... after that she will ask whether I want CIM or FJ. WOW.... Her BBBJ.. is not for the faint hearted. IF she has given me the AR, i will UP her!! Really GOOD!
Rating 8.5/10

Main Juice of the FR, She starts with the Qns, I or SHE? I chose Her and Cowgirl, she goes. Like what Bro Mwlove has mentioned she applied KY before the session, I'm OK with that as ' Do you think the gal will Wet after so many GUys?. Give and Take. She was really into the position and can sees that she is changing the posistion to suit her. I came in the position as the BBBJ.... Has alreay woken my 'sleeping bro'.

2nd Round.......After the 1st round, we chatted for a while and really enjoyed the chatting session like meeting up with an old friend, we chatted everything under the sun, where she from and worked.....after a while she asked whether i want to go for 2nd round? in my Heart, "WOw, this Gals is reallt service Orientated".... She starts with the 'warm up' and she says She DId once... so now my Turn, Ok... and here i go... I must start the Close up on her Face is really nice and looking at her hair was NICE!!. didn't complete the 2nd round as i feels funny cos i felt like Bonking friend rather then a WL. NO good for me.... But she mentioned, this is not the way! Up her for her professionalism.

Overall, will RTF to see her again to see how this goes....
LIfe IS Short.... Njoy and most of all.... Never regrets cos U can never turn back time...
Old 21-01-2007, 12:29 AM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Hi bro zunbo,
Nice to see additional FR for violet. I worried first time write FR don't know ok or not. Just write what I see and how I felt for the session. I am glad to know another bro share the same thought and have an enjoyable session with her. Overall I think 1 1/2 hrs session is good as can relax, no rush, and take time to enjoy with someone we like. Shiok is the word to describe.
Old 21-01-2007, 03:19 PM
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Thanks thanks bros for the good Fr. Hmmm I think other Bros who had tried her will agree with the bros too. Thanks.
Old 22-01-2007, 10:39 AM
tom_yam_79 tom_yam_79 is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

To all Hrony Brudders,

Just want to tks brudders for their support over the weekend for
our gals. Hope brudders who has not try ,dont waste this chance and
start booking now!!!

Bro who are not in our yahoo group can pm us,
we will reply to u asap.

Violet today going at $140/90min
Old 22-01-2007, 11:58 AM
InsiderFcuker InsiderFcuker is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

Originally Posted by tanmikel View Post
why not tell us what happened ?

Sorry ,U know what is Poaching

All the stock he has now are ex XXXXXXN stock. he himself for a previous client
Old 22-01-2007, 02:00 PM
tom_yam_79 tom_yam_79 is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

To all bros,

Yes. Some girls were previously with another OKT. Many bros already know the girls. Violet aka Roxy, Sugar aka Demi and Pinky aka Snowy. Hmm... some bros might not like it or even will zap me if I said this. But I have to say. The girls have the freedom to move around(unless they are contract-bonded). I never force them to come with me (alternately, they can also leave my group if they want). They come willingly. This is also a business world where competition takes place. If because of this reason, bros zap me. I have nothing to say. But I sincerely, want bros out there to know, even though the girls are now under a different OKT, but their very good service are always there. No change at all. I will also try my best to take care of my girls and serve the bros here. Pls give me a chance to do so.

Their previous OKT smsed when the thread first started and mentioned that he wun pursuit this matter. Thanks for his generousity.
Old 23-01-2007, 11:00 AM
tom_yam_79 tom_yam_79 is offline
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Re: **Sexy Cuite Pie Violet is here to sever all hoRny Brudders***

To all bros of Thaispecial,

Thaispecial is happy to serve you bros for the past few days. The rate of the service has just been revised so as to thank bros who had patronised us and for those bros who yet to do so, you might want to consider and you can start booking now!! Pls look up our yahoo group for the new charges. Rest assured that the girls' services will still be as good as b4! Thanks to all bro again!!

Other bros who yet to be in our group, can also PM me and leave ur contact numbers so that I can reach you asap. Thanks.
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