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Old 09-11-2019, 05:18 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

like this story very much... it's very nice... share more soon please ts...
Old 09-11-2019, 06:18 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

great to see your sharing TS, do continue updating this story.
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Old 10-11-2019, 02:32 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

Originally Posted by 10019999 View Post
Mark: wa, already fuck already still play hard to get. Hard man.
Andrew: ya, she wasnt ready yet. If only I can mark my territory inside her hole with my army, things will be easier.
Sorry for the wait. Here is the next part of the story.

These screenshots definitely made my blood boiling but at the same time, I was confused. I told Kate that Andrew might have made all these up and Claire would not have agreed to this. She wasn’t such an easy girl. Kate said that Andrew had been accompanying her for the past few days and gotten a lot closer than they were. And now when the house only left 2 person, Andrew had a lot of opportunity to make this possible. While I was trying to defend against Kate, I couldn’t think of any motive of Andrew conversation with his friend if this was made up. It was really too much for me to absorb that night with all my exam materials and these screenshots coming together.

Kate suggested that we should talk to Claire and Andrew separately and see what we can do. I told her I would go and meet her soon so that we can find out if it is real.

Kate went offline.

I was left in the room, staring at my laptop thinking about what had just happened and what I should do. Tears were circling my eyes and my mind went crazy. I wanted to find out the truth even as it might hurt me at the end. I was thinking about how to get to her house without giving them any chance to clear any evidence and trace that I could pick up. If Claire had done anything like this, I will find it out and have a clean break with her. At the same time, I do not wish such a thing happened as it would means someone just literally gave me a green hat.

With that, I decided to have a rest and get ready for tomorrow. I woke up around 11am and everything still unreal to me. I quickly went through the message that I had with Kate and thought about what I was going to do later with Claire and how to pick up the evidence.

I went online to text Kate about my plan later.

Me: Hey Kate!
Me: I am going to surprise visit Claire at her house today and try to pick up evidence (if any) of them having sex and at the same time talk her.
Kate: Hello.
Kate: Hope you are still feeling alright from last night.
Me: I wasn’t feeling alright. This news was really too much for me and I couldn’t get myself over it. I bet you didn’t rest well too.
Kate: Oh, I was trying to get over him now. I could feel he was no longer interested in keeping our relationship and nothing much that I could do to make things better.
Me: What’s wrong? Did you want to get back to him and get to save the relationship?
Kate: Yes, but I still couldn’t get hold of him even though I keep texting him All he do now is to hang out with Claire and make sure he got his chance to bed her in the night.
Me: Things were still unclear. Whatever Andrew said might not be true.
Kate: Hope so for you, but I feel it is definitely possible for him to get Claire laid. You might not know but Claire said quite a few bad things about you to Andrew. One of which was you could not control yourself and shot inside her. She was so mad about this because you promised her not to release inside. She ended up had to go and ask Andrew for the morning pill.
Me: This kind of thing also tell Andrew. What the fuck. I believe Andrew must have lost control of himself when you two have sex too.
Kate: No, he is really good at it. He always control very well, that’s why we never need to wear condom for the past 2 years.
Me: Ok fine. Just an unintentional mistake made.
Kate: There were some issues that she complaint but Andrew only told me this in particular as he feel you are weak.
Me: Fuck him. He must have bad mouth me on that. But Claire should not be tempted by such a thing
Kate: If you go later to their house, you can try to find out.
Kate: Anyway, Claire should be at home now as she is on sick leave today. Andrew just told his friend that he pulled out the condom half way during the sex and found out by Claire after a few pumps. She got flamed up and chased Andrew out of her room. He spent 30 minutes outside the room and pleaded to her. Finally Claire let him in but no more sex for him that night.
Me: Fuck boy, every night also want to fuck my girl. I will see him later and question him if I find anything. But I still hope that Claire has not done anything like that with him.
Kate: Hope so for you.
Me: Ok, I will head over to their house now.

I quickly went to have a quick shower and took a cab down to Claire house.

As I slowly approached their rented unit, I try not to make any noise. I was trying to eavesdrop any conversation but I could only hear the keyboard clicking sound. I know Andrew at home. I saw him sitting right at the living room, typing off his laptop. My blood was boiling but yet I have to remain calm. *In my mind, this guy has fucked my gf. I should punched him like crazy but I couldn’t as we have not gotten evidence”

I called Claire’s mobile and told her that I was at their door step and if we can talked things out a little. She agreed and came out from her room to open up the gate for me. Andrew was giving me a surprised look while I showed my fiercest looks that our army has ever trained.

When I reached Claire room, I could see her face was pale. It looks like she was really sick. While I was taking to her, I was looking around for evidence like the trash bin but it was already cleared. Then I freaking saw.a box of condom on her table, among other books and stationery. I was devastated. I questioned her about the box of condom and she replied that it was one of the roommates passed it over. He was going back to Vietnam and did not want to bring it along. I opened up the condom and counted them. It was not the small pack of condom as Andrew mentioned and one of them was used. I told her that why he did not give Andrew instead when he has a gf but to you? To my surprise, Claire said that Kate never wanted to use a condom. Andrew always only can do half way and she will bj him.

Claire: Anyway Andrew and Kate also have some relationship issue. So not likely to use the condom. So he just put the box here.
Me: What kind of issue are they quarrel?ling
Claire: hmm..
Me: Is there anything we could help them?
Claire: ok, let me be truthful to you.
At this moment, my soul was half gone,
Claire: Andrew has some issue with Kate as he felt that Kate had been taking things for granted and had been asking Andrew to do a lot of stuff for her. He kind of fed up with her. And also, very recently our relationship has issue as well and he came to me and asked me to consider him as my new bf.
Me: So have you already agreed to this and be his gf? What have you two already done?
Claire: No, I told him I am not in a mood to discuss about relationship. Nothing else happened.
Me: Ok, I know you are sick today. Let’s not discuss this further. I need some time for my exams and I will come back and discuss with you. Rest well now and I shall make my move first.
Claire: Ok, all the best to your exams. We will talk after that.

When I left the house, thinking back about the condom. Is it a really a coincidence or something really happened between Claire and Andrew?
Old 10-11-2019, 06:24 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

really like your story ts! hoping for more updates.
Old 10-11-2019, 10:11 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

Very nice sotry and pls share more updates.
Old 10-11-2019, 10:51 PM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

Nice story TS, please share more. Support your thread.
Old 11-11-2019, 06:47 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

love this story! sure hoping there will be much more.
Old 13-11-2019, 01:12 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

Thanks for the support. I will try to do another update soon. As this is an incident from my friend, the conversation is very over all the place. So I need to think how to put the pieces into a fluent flow story to you guys. By the way, his gf is quite nice looking and demure type of girl. More to share later.

What do you guys think so far? Is it a coincidence or real incident?
Old 13-11-2019, 06:23 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

nice story TS, hope for more updates soon.
Old 13-11-2019, 08:12 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

Its real, hoping it to be any pics to share?
welcome to the paradise of sex !!
Pm after up my rep.. you will be in the Q thanks
Old 13-11-2019, 08:25 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

this is a nice story, do keep the updates coming.
Old 13-11-2019, 09:23 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

TS nice story more update pls.
Bros will up me will return :=
Old 14-11-2019, 06:33 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

like your story alot TS! please do continue sharing.
Old 16-11-2019, 08:07 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

great share, waiting here for more of this really nice story.
Old 16-11-2019, 09:51 AM
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Re: Coincidence or real encounter?

holding on a hard rod waiting for the story to continue
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