Hi bro,
There are three parts to your question. I will attempt to answer them...
1. Rub outside only also war argh
Sexual fluids contain infectious HIV. This is why HIV is a sexually transmitted infection. Anytime that infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid and/or breast milk enter another person's body, transmission is possible. HIV can enter the body through natural openings (penis, vagina, anus, eyes etc) or broken skin. It cannot enter through unbroken skin.
Thus, the situation of meimei rubbing on didi raw is possible to transmit HIV, because infected vagina fluid can enter through the dick head.
2. Anyone can confirm if really thorough wash after unprotected sex, will not get HIV even that guy is HIV positive?
When exposed skin come into contact with infected fluids, HIV will enter the blood stream; and thus washing will be useless.
3. If what she say is rubbish then why she got such thinking?
WLs of other countries come from varied background. Some, if not most of them may come from villages or rural areas. People from these areas, their knowledge of sexual health will be very limited. For them, most of their sexual health "knowledge" are past on from word of mouth, and some of them can be truly illogical.
I recalled some hotels i stayed in China, they have sachets of wet-tissue-like packets in the bathroom. When i take a closer look and read the package, it says using it to wipe the private parts of sexual organ before sex will prevent the transmission of HIV!

If some management in some 4 stars hotels have this kind of twisted knowledge of HIV, what do you think of the thousand of rural WLs working in Singapore?