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Old 23-05-2008, 09:27 AM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

No more free supper...kekekeke.. business must be slow to give him alot of time to think WIDE....this remind me of the blue film i watch in my young days...
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Old 23-05-2008, 09:31 AM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Very unethical to do such thing
Old 23-05-2008, 09:40 AM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Doctors are humans after all. Anyway, he ain't screwing his customers, just that he had an affair with the assistant at work.

I guess he was caught by surprise by his partners and was pressure that his wife would find out hence given into those bananas. Think after that he went home and talk to the wife about it hence was in a clearer mind to analyse the situation hence decided to file the report and go even further when he knows his rights.

As highlighted by bro Colins, I won't mind my gf or wife going for a medical check up. I find the scenario similiar if my OC is working in a company where the Boss has an affair with the HR manager, I won't expect my OC to resign right?
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Old 23-05-2008, 10:10 AM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

i would be more concern going to a clinic who installs spy cams instead of the doc who bangs in the room
Old 23-05-2008, 12:23 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

I'm not saying affairs are bad, or that doctors aren't human. Personally, I feel that doctors, like judges and lawyers or politicians, hold certain power over other fellow human's life and death in their normal working environment. He has a power entrusted by the public because of his profession and therefore must also be subjected to a different moral standard than a man on the street.

You may say that Dr.Tam or even his partners are just manning a clinic and nothing could really amount to life and death. But I'm referring to the profession and the trust a normal man would give him because of his profession. Nobody gives a damn if a man on the street confess to his infidelity, but when a doctor says the same thing and do it in his backyard, is he subjecting himself to a higher moral standard or just considering himself to be another man on the street? If he considers himself having to the same duty of care and moral as a normal man, can you still trust him?

Your wife's boss' affair is a totally different situation. Her boss' job does not including examining every employee's body with his hands. One more thing is that affairs by itself dun happen just like that, it also involves acts of seduction and a conscious decision to succumb to pleasures of the flesh.

Think about it, if your doctor friend flirts around after work and got ONS, you will think its ok, he is not at work and nobody knows his a doctor anyway. But if you are a girl, and your doctor boss keeps giving you suggestions to bonk you at work and in the same clinic, what will you think? Is he now a man asking for sex or a doctor whom everyone trusted to let him examine their body? He can't be both at the same time, right?

But pls, if he can't even think of going to a proper hotel to do what he please, dun blame the bloody camera. The purpose of the camera is not to catch him in his romp what, its for security. His partners' issue is not with the affair, its the issue with doing it at the same place where his and other doctors' professional work is taking place! If he can't differentiate what his clinic and a hotel room are for, that sort of suggest that he must be feeding his small bro with too much blood to be considered a proper doctor in professional practise.
Old 23-05-2008, 10:05 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Why don't he just marry his Joanne Chew? Afterall, he's Chinese Muslim and Muslim men can marry up to 4 wives.
That would save him all the embarassement.
Old 24-05-2008, 11:45 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

anyone got the pics of video of this bros ?
Old 25-05-2008, 01:58 AM
hichew hichew is offline
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

i would say.. its not nice to have a spy camera in a clinic... hey come on think about this.. if u are a girl going to this clinic with spycam for body checkup.. that poor girl is being exposed!!

if for security reason, they shld install a visible cctv and stated clearly.. cctv in use for this clinic! and to satisfied the patient piece of mind, they will check behind a drawing curtain and not being spy for full action..

so if the spycam is not installed by DR Tam.. he can sued that indian DR for personal intruding to both patient and his own. If i not wrong installing a pin hole security camera need license for such premises or else will be charge. this is why u go lift or hospital u can see those sign cctv in use! den those big Big camera pointing at u..
Old 25-05-2008, 02:07 PM
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Talking Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
worse than a dog.
a dog nvr eats & shits at the same place
U r correct but......dogs sometimes eat their own shit
Old 25-05-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Originally Posted by hichew View Post
i would say.. its not nice to have a spy camera in a clinic... hey come on think about this.. if u are a girl going to this clinic with spycam for body checkup.. that poor girl is being exposed!!

if for security reason, they shld install a visible cctv and stated clearly.. cctv in use for this clinic! and to satisfied the patient piece of mind, they will check behind a drawing curtain and not being spy for full action..

so if the spycam is not installed by DR Tam.. he can sued that indian DR for personal intruding to both patient and his own. If i not wrong installing a pin hole security camera need license for such premises or else will be charge. this is why u go lift or hospital u can see those sign cctv in use! den those big Big camera pointing at u..
well said bro. im not sure if d clinic had intruded d privacy of patients by installing spycam! had they violated any professional ethics? hw can we be so sure tt lady patients who were filmed in compromising positions will not be used for personal viewing pleasure by d Docs? i wonder had any female patients complained???

mayb sammy bros who r lawyers care to comment???

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Old 25-05-2008, 03:43 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

I know all of them,as i used to visit them whenevr i wana MC ,,t nurse is kinda lian type..n hugh neh neh...
Old 25-05-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Originally Posted by bleutiger View Post
I know all of them,as i used to visit them whenevr i wana MC ,,t nurse is kinda lian type..n hugh neh neh...
hahaha ... so is d ah lian nurse still wkg in d clinic? after all d publicity i thk she shd quit lah. still got face to face all d patients n public meh???

btw, sidetrack a bit ... i thk mayb after all d publicity in d newspapers, d traffic ard d clinic sure increase ... ppl wanna catch a glimpse of d doc n nurse mah ... mayb will oso c increase in patients too.

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Old 09-06-2008, 03:39 AM
enjoyluv enjoyluv is offline
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Originally Posted by owen10 View Post
hahaha ... so is d ah lian nurse still wkg in d clinic? after all d publicity i thk she shd quit lah. still got face to face all d patients n public meh???

btw, sidetrack a bit ... i thk mayb after all d publicity in d newspapers, d traffic ard d clinic sure increase ... ppl wanna catch a glimpse of d doc n nurse mah ... mayb will oso c increase in patients too.
Is there a picture of the JOANNE CHEW that any bros here can share? really wish to have a glimps of her - kpkp abit.
Old 09-06-2008, 09:27 AM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

its such a waste if his licnese get revoked due to this incident. he took so many yrs of hardwork and pain to get that degree in medicine and coz of a moment of folly his future is ruined
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Old 09-06-2008, 10:53 PM
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Re: Doctor's sex romp in clinic

Originally Posted by hichew View Post
i would say.. its not nice to have a spy camera in a clinic... hey come on think about this.. if u are a girl going to this clinic with spycam for body checkup.. that poor girl is being exposed!!
Agree with you, it is not ethical to have a spy camera inside the clinic especially the consultation room, the camera is filming all patients!
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